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20 July 2018


Todd Juvinall

It looks to me like there are some traitors to the American system that need to be removed and tried. Strozk and Paige, their bosses and Brennan and Clapper to name some. These people are the traitors. All Trump did was run for office. These people went against the country and tried to undermine the election much like they claim outsiders did. Perhaps this will take place but who knows. Lastly, Hillary Clinton paying foreign agents to compose a "dossier" against Trump seems to me to be an act of treason as well.

rl crabb

Trump's fingers are his worst enemy, with his mouth close behind. It's difficult to deny the bizarre utterances and tweets that crowd out any positive press.
Yes, the economy is chugging along at a record pace, at least until the tariffs kick in. His complaints about China's theft of intellectual properties are right on. His strong arm tactics may backfire though.

Todd Juvinall

Why are you not asking for Hillary Clinton to be arrested for treason? She paid a foreign agent millions to gather lies about the Trump campaign and Trump. That is treason!

Trump has long-range plans and these threats of tariffs to even the "fair" in fair and free trade are one of them. I love his tweets. Seems the press was always screaming at Obama to release info and he was called the most non-transparent admin ever. Now you have a man that tweets his BM's and the critics don't tlike that either.

Don Bessee

" His strong arm tactics may backfire though." @1218

So you think the long history of weak arm 0 like tactics will suddenly start to work after decades of failure? The serendipitous trimming of china being very vulnerable and us on the up bounce as well as the biggest energy producer is a moment in time that must be exploited to our best benefit.


rl crabb

Why is it that any discussion of Trump immediately reverts to Clinton and Obama? I thought they were "yesterday's lettuce" as one former editor might say. The Donald will have to live or die by his own actions.
If the Trumpians (formerly known as the GOP) are fortunate enough to remain in power after Obama and the Clintons pass from this physical plane, they'll probably follow the English solution to cleanse themselves of past Democrats... https://mysendoff.com/2011/11/oliver-cromwells-posthumous-execution/
And no doubt the Dems will do the same with Trump should the tables turn.


"Why is it that any discussion of Trump immediately reverts to Clinton and Obama?"

That strike me as a good question.

My take is that he hasn't done anything particularly unreasonable or crazy (or illegal) compared to them, and there is wonderment what all the fuss is about.

A good example is the 'children in cages' story.


Posted by: rl crabb | 20 July 2018 at 01:01 PM

"Why is it that any discussion of Trump immediately reverts to Clinton and Obama?"

Probably because the other side had complaints about their policies and behavior and were excoriated because we had the temerity to criticize them! But you’re right and I get it...politically when the left stumbles back into power theyll just return serve!

It’s going to be fun to watch how the left behaves against a right wing that employs Antifa tactics against a Bernie Bro or Elizabeth Warren administration!

Paul Emery


Would you charge them with Treason Todd?

"Strozk and Paige, their bosses and Brennan and Clapper to name some."


Really RL? "Why is it that any discussion of Trump immediately reverts to Clinton and Obama?" You can't piss and moan about what Trump may or may not have done, when one didn't, when "Clinton and "O" " may or may have not done the same.
In other words, " It was JUST FINE when my guy/gal did it... But YOURS??? Get a rope!!
Where was your bitch when "O" stated his "future flexibility" with Putin? But come unhinged when Trump just talks with Putin.
Trump has put the screws to Putin. Your boy "O", greased up his backside, and bent over for the guy.
When Putin invaded, "O" said "don't you dare".. Putin's reply was, "Really? Well watch this! (Invaded even more). Putin: " How do you like me now?" "O": slinks off and goes golfing.


Yes Paul,, TREASON!! A short trial and execute at Sunrise.
That's what traitors have earned.

Todd Juvinall

Yes they colluded and gave comfort to the enemy Paul Emery. So did Hillary. Actually, she hired a foreign operative to create a dossier to defeat an American candidate. I would expect that you, a patriotic American, would join in the outrage against her treason. So are you on board?
Yes or No!

Regarding RL Crabb's whine about pointing to Clinton and Obama. Yep that is just human nature. Sort of like you cartoonists. Don't you go after things that piss you off or you find hypocritical and all from the past? Of course, that is all we are doing. Pointing to the leftwing hypocrites and what they did that they are now condemning. And Obam,a was blaming Bush up until the Trump inauguration for things. Remember that?

rl crabb

You keep calling him "my boy." I've posted my Obama-and-Kerry-clean-up-Putin's-droppings more than a few times, and I voted for that New Mexican governor. You fellows are just stuck on that cyclopian view of the world where anyone who doesn't see the world through your rose-colored monocle is a communist.

Paul Emery

So you classify the Russians as an enemy Todd? That would apply to Trumps dealings with Russians as well.

The details and veracity of the dossier are yet to be revealed Todd. That's why we have Mueller as a Special Council.. My judgement concerning Hillary and Trump being indicted for Treason will wait till his investigation is over.

Paul Emery

Surely Walt you must believe there should be an indictment, arrest and a trial. That is the role of the FBI and DOJ. Do you have confidence in those institutions to fulfill the legal process before they are executed at sunrise?

Todd Juvinall

Still trying to put words in other people's mouths Paul Emery. Never said they were "the enemy". They are a foreign government and Hillary paid them 11 million to get info on her opponent and interfere in our election. There is no proof Trump did and you will not see any. Strozk etal colluded to interfere with our free election and therefore committed treason against America.

R Crabb. Seems you are a bit confused. You think by your vote for Gary Johnson that makes you someone on the "outside" and non-aligned. Really? You are as much a partisan as we dems or Reps. Just your guy never had a chance at victory. I personally only call those that espouse communism as commies. Just like you call people names too I guess. I say clean up yourself before tossing anything at others.

Todd Juvinall

Oh and Paul Emery, we have Meuller because Comey was fired and he leaked info through a pal to the NYT. The dossier has been totally discredited and I am surprised you think not.


oh jeez, now what?


Paul Emery

Todd, here is the definition of Treason. Thought you knew this.

Definition of treason according to the Constitution.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

Here is a list and dates of Treason convictions. Glad to help educate you and Walt on this matter. It's what journalists do.

"San Francisco Gate noted in a report that throughout United States history “treason charges have been brought fewer than 30 times,” and treason charges haven’t been formally brought against any American since the end of World War II."



Paul Emery

Dossier discredited by who Todd? Has there been an indictment?

Paul Emery


We have Mueller because he was appointed by Rod Rosenstein because AG Sessions recussed himself.

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery you are unhinged

Todd Juvinall

Looks like Trump is teflon. Cohen's recordings show Trump and this Playboy babe were never discussed as to any money or collusion. More wet dreams gone awry for Paul Emery.


I see Paul has NOT kept up with the facts.
Not even that steaming pile of Schiff, has kept up the rant of "I have seen the overwhelming evidence of collusion" BS.

Even Clap trap Clapper has had to back peddle from using the line "solid evidence" ,, to "just my theory".

Even Paul's bitch about Trump turning over "O"'s guy to Putin for "questioning" turns out to be pure organic horse shit.
But don't let that stop Paul from digging in with a knife and fork.
Enjoy that free lunch Paul.. It's all you can eat.

Don Bessee

Mad Dog is not having the po' ol' putin party parrot line -

I think the very fact that people stopped going just through a set timeline, and stopped to actually talk about fundamental issues, levels of commitment of national treasury, of commitments of forces. What happened — it has — it’s almost like it washes away all the veneer and people really talked about where they stand.
“So I’d say the summit was purposeful in what it gave NATO. It gave a sense of shared purpose that needed to be — it needs to be refreshed in any organization,” he said.
The next day in Oslo, Mattis said, “NATO is stronger today than it was yesterday, stronger than it was a month ago, stronger today than it was a year ago.”




Paul. You REALLY need to get with the program.
"We have Mueller because he was appointed by Rod Rosenstein because AG Sessions recussed himself."

That was BY DESIGN by Comey! Comey even spelled it out, that that was his PLAN.
Comey, Rosentsein, and Muller are all close friends. It wasn't by coincidence.
Feel like an idiot yet? (you should)

Don Bessee

Putin cuddling?



Don Bessee

Hey crabman, no one needs rose colored anything to see the communists, they self identify.



Account Deleted

Crabb at 1:01 - The main reason for that is because the O admin was spying (illegally) on Trump and associates to dig up dirt to help get Clinton elected. Meanwhile Clinton had taken over the DNC even while the primaries were going on to shank Bernie. So much for !DEMOCRACY!. The fix was in and it all looked good for the Dems as long as Hillary got elected. The Clinton Fund scandal would be ignored and the spying (Samantha Powers and Susan Rice) would be buried. The big whoop-T-doo about Russian 'Meddling' was all smoothed over by Obama saying he knew all about it and had told Putin to "cut it out". I'm sure Putin was soooo askeered he hid under his bed for weeks.
Problem was - Clinton didn't get elected. She was so egotistical and full of herself she wouldn't take any advice from her own pros. She ignored entire states and blew her mouth off about how much she didn't like half of the population.
AFTER the election, things suddenly changed. Samantha Powers decided folks were illegally using her passwords and clearances. Although she never asked for any kind of investigation nor has there ever been one. The Dems suddenly decided that the Russians hadn't 'cut it out'. The records for Susan Rice's activities re spying on Americans was made part of the Obama Pres Library and is now off limits for 5 years. How convenient. This is only a small part of what we know as fact. So any time there is talk about any 'colusion' on the part of Trump with Russia to alter the outcome of the election, we have to talk about Obama and Hillary. Remember - the best defense is a good offense. That's all the Dems have. The Russians are going to do what they do and there's nothing we can do to stop it, save nuclear war. We can do something about criminal activity in the Obama admin spying on Americans. That is - if you give a damn about our Republic.

rl crabb

That's right, Donnie. That's why I quit voting for Democrats. Now if there was just a party that could piss off both sides, I'd probably sign up. (And no, not the Greens or the Libs.)

rl crabb

Oh, and also (Don 4:05pm) checking my blog for intruders I found the Ukrainians tried to get into my site over 200 times. Weird!

Paul Emery

All Republicans too Walt (3:58}

Have you actually heard Cohens recordings Todd? You're buying into burned out Rudy's spiel without any evidence.

Cohen's recordings show Trump ...... what do they show Todd???

Paul Emery

Tell us more about Treason charges Walt and Todd. Who is going to bring them to trial?


Well RL,, at least they didn't upload a "draw Mohamed" toon to your "secret" personal file. Or Did they?

Don Bessee

They must have confused you for putin cuddeler @ 541! LOL ;-)


Now that's funny " spiel without any evidence. " considering that's from the po ' ol' faknewsman!



Paul. The same ones that you demand drag the Russians to trial.
Maybe a good, organized lynch mob like the free range, feral Proggys do. I have no problem stooping to the Proggy level these days.
Giving one a taste of their own crap works wonders. Portland and Seattle LIBshits are finding that out. ( I did post evidence of that.)

Don Bessee

So when do we see the report on the DNC and the 0 spooks?

Justice Department Will Tell Public About ‘Persistent,’ ‘Pervasive’ Attacks On Democracy



Todd Juvinall

Funny how the left gets all nervous when they get blowback on their lies. Treason? They toss it around without a tad of knowledge about what it is. Professor Alan Dershowitz spoke about it tonight. Also, Rudy Guiliani, the famous Mayor and the prosecutor of Gotti and the mob is now made fun of by a worthless burned out old hippie from Nevada Coty. You cannot make this stuff up.

Todd Juvinall

Here is the actual words copied from the Constitution on Treason. Alan Dershowitz discussed it tonight. And if the pencil necks of the democrats can prove anything from the one on one Trump had with Putin was treason, then have at it.

"Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

rl crabb

Scott 5:37pm - I won't be surprised if Mueller doesn't come up with any collusion, but I'll wait to see before I pass judgement. On the bizarre Helsinki press conference I'll have to go with my own lying ears and eyes. It was a lame performance, no matter how they try to spin it.
With the Clintons and Obama, no doubt they tried to skew the election in their favor. But like you said, it didn't work. It was their own message that lost the folks in those midwest states. Clinton will have to bear the loser image for the rest of her life.
And it brings to mind the 1960 election when it was pretty clear that Daley stole Illinois for Kennedy. Nixon believed it would tear the country apart if he contested the outcome.
And when his own malfeasance cost him the presidency, I was glad that Ford pardoned him for the same reason. Sometimes ya just gotta take one for the Republic.
That will never happen with the hyper-partisan poison flowing through both parties in this day and age.
A pox on both your houses.

Todd Juvinall

No pox on the Republicans. They are trying to do the right things. Hell I expect your next cartoon will be the SF City Council letting illegals vote in local elections. Camel's nose you know. Anyway, no one and no party is perfect but the R's reflect more that is common sense and capitalism than the left and if you have any sense at all you should rerester as a Republican.

Account Deleted

"no doubt they tried to skew the election in their favor." !!!!??
Yeah and Stalin and Mao did their best to help their citizens lose weight.
Hells Bells, dude - The Obama admin used the power of the fed govt to illegally spy on Americans for the express purpose of winning the election. That hurts a fair and democratic election far, far more than anything the Russians could even dream of. We know they did these things. There is zero evidence of Trump colluding with Russia to do anything.
But you bobble-heads on the left just go along with the narrative put out by the DNC.
Please tell me again why Hillary woke up one morning to find the email server from the State Dept in her home? For anyone with any brains, there's only one reason she did that. Now tell me again what was the reason she gave for that? Do you even know or care?

rl crabb

Thanks, Scott, for proving my point.

Account Deleted

Well Bob, if you're too ignorant to answer my questions or too frightened to admit you really don't know anything, then I guess that some where, in the back of your skull, all you can do is claim victory while lying on the floor.
My house is the house of our Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.
You can try to curse it all you want, Bob. It will stand long after the losers like you are long gone.


,,,poor scotto,,,Clintons and Obama live rent free in his head. Without them he would have no place to hide!!! He spouts off all kinds of dastardly deeds he imagines they perpetrated,,,but if that were the case why haven't the pubber controlled gubermint put them all in jail??? #boxofchocolates

Todd Juvinall

ScottO has a brain and writes like a human. M is a idiot and writes like a three year old. The readers will pick ScottO

Todd Juvinall

And ScottO knows that as soon as the going gets tough the wimps get going. Ask a indepth question and they flee like cocaroaches when the lights come on.

Bill Tozer

“By the left’s definition, we could impeach and try for treason any president that even dared to talk to someone who was unfriendly with us. But, really, the left knows this. They choose to ignore it, because by screaming ‘traitor, traitor, traitor’ now, they’ve ratcheted up the hate quotient of their base for Trump. That’s what they want. Imagine if someone had called President Trump a ‘traitor’ for talking to the Castro regime. The squealing by the left would be loud and long.” —Investor’s Business Daily

Cue media outrage: “The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media.” —Donald Trump



Here's an interesting take on Monday's presser in the Jerusalem Post:

AP reporter John Lemire placed Trump in an impossible position. Noting that Putin denied meddling in the 2016 elections and the intelligence community insists that Russia meddled, he asked Trump, “Who do you believe?”

If Trump had said that he believed his intelligence community and gave no credence to Putin’s denial, he would have humiliated Putin and destroyed any prospect of cooperative relations.

Trump tried to strike a balance. He spoke respectfully of both Putin’s denials and the US intelligence community’s accusation. It wasn’t a particularly coherent position. It was a clumsy attempt to preserve the agreements he and Putin reached during their meeting.

And it was blindingly obviously not treason.

In fact, Trump’s response to Lemire, and his overall conduct at the press conference, did not convey weakness at all. Certainly he was far more assertive of US interests than Obama was in his dealings with Russia.

In Obama’s first summit with Putin in July 2009, Obama sat meekly as Putin delivered an hour-long lecture about how US-Russian relations had gone down the drain.

As Daniel Greenfield noted at Frontpage magazine Tuesday, in succeeding years, Obama capitulated to Putin on anti-missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, on Ukraine, Georgia and Crimea. Obama gave Putin free rein in Syria and supported Russia’s alliance with Iran on its nuclear program and its efforts to save the Assad regime. He permitted Russian entities linked to the Kremlin to purchase a quarter of American uranium. And of course, Obama made no effort to end Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.

TRUMP IN contrast has stiffened US sanctions against Russian entities. He has withdrawn from Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. He has agreed to sell Patriot missiles to Poland. And he has placed tariffs on Russian exports to the US.

So if Trump is Putin’s agent, what was Obama?

The author of the piece is no slouch

Bill Tozer

From Dr. Rebane’s link in his post to open this dialogue

President Trump is, as ever, fortunate in his enemies. Whatever one thinks of what he said in Helsinki, the overreaction is helping him plow through yet another media meltdown. Cries of “treason,” charges that the president is a Russian “asset,” and insistence that remarks at a press conference constitute impeachable offenses fire up the Democratic base. To everyone else, they seem unhinged.

What’s the fuss about, anyway? Before Helsinki, Mr. Trump had said three times—on camera—that he believed Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Yet a reporter asked him again. Why?

Mr. Trump intuits, correctly, that the media push the issue in order to undermine his legitimacy. He obviously has no interest in helping them do that, hence he challenges the question’s premise. His opponents won’t take yes for an answer because asking him over and over fuels the falsehood that he “sides with Russia over his own intelligence agencies.”

He doesn’t.ve good reason to be cautious about the intelligence community? There’s plenty of evidence of illicit American interference in the 2016 election, all of it to defeat him and to..".............


John Brennan is lawyering up for the Grand Jury. If not or if he hasn’t, which I doubt, he best get on the stick. Same dude who illegally tapped Senate staffers’s files and not only that, he threatened them! Then he lied about it to the Committee (Senate Intelligence I believe), and Di-Wi was none to happy that he was listening in on her cell phone calls.

Oh, that ain’t nothing. Brennan is the same man who was charged with protecting us and who was at the helm all during this Russian stuff as it was going down and he did nothing, absolutely nothing, to defend us! Didn’t lift a finger. Same with Comey, Clapper, Obama, Lynch, Susan Rice, Sally Yates. Nothing to stop it or warn us while watching it all going on. They did zero to protect or warn us. That be anti-American. That be anit-America. Then they dropped everything and framed Trump. Traitor.

And Susan “ Benghazi was sparked by a homemade video” Rice ordered our counteligence cypher experts not to retaliate on the Kremlin and to stand down. Stand down, boys. Let the next Administration deal with it. She did everything Obama asked of her. But, lest we forget, Brennan had his hand on levers the whole time. The whole friggin time. All of them did. There is your treason: To usurp and nullify the results of a free and fair US national election where the people came together and cast their votes to elect their new President.

Why else would he write those memos and leak them?

Bill Tozer

Treason. Traitor. Who is this assassin? Brexit happened before Trump’s election victory, both were some real humdingers. Shockers. Upset of the Century. Or maybe ever. Anyway, when pondering treason and traitors, you think of Benedict Arnold or something or some group like Guy Fawkes was part of.
But today, who are they? Who are these yellow bellies treasonous SOBs? Who are they? Who elected them? We don’t even know who they are. And to think some say we can’t disrespect them, scandeloeous to even suggest, now go watch out your dirty mouth.

Well, whoever “They” are, they sure are sounding off on this side of the pond. they are still being smoked out and creating quite a ruckus. They are out in the open now, those treasonous bastards.


rl crabb

Since we're stuck in an endless cycle of whataboutisms, there are plenty of cases of high crimes that have gone unpunished just in recent memory. Hank Kissinger is regarded with the same esteem as Mao or Stalin in parts of the world where his policies led to the death of thousands. Halliburton profited nicely from the phony war instigated by faulty U.S. intelligence and Dick Cheney, and today both walk free as birds unless they happen to land in the wrong country.
The Clintons have managed to avoid jail, but not for lack of effort by countless scribes and prosecutors. They will probably remain that way, even if Scott O. would prefer the Cromwell treatment. Would you rather have their heads on pikes in front of the capitol, or on the ground where you could kick them around when the mood strikes you?
The lost emails will no doubt remain in that nether region they share with Trump's tax returns and Obama's "real" birth certificate.
Hey, you won the election, get over it.


rlcrabb: "Halliburton profited nicely"

It's funny what a meme that became through the years. Hey, HAL is a *big* company and if anyone ever bothered to look at their annual reports, they would have seen that contracting for the military was not such a big deal for them. I'm afraid it's like the 'Reagan put all the crazy people on the street' theory. It has a small bit of reality, a whole bunch of hyperbole, but if you say it often enough it becomes an explanatory truth.

The Clintons struck me as a pretty pure play in greedy ambition, but compared to an LBJ all of these modern politicians are pikers. The active participation in .gov law enforcement and intelligence against a sitting President strikes me as new (with the possible tragic exception of JFK), but it's hard to tell what it is based on.

It's probably better to ask if the US is better off dealing with the Russians or going to war with them (proxy or otherwise), wars in which we have no national interest. Is the US better off with open borders or enforcement of same. Are we better off running huge trade deficits or not. Are we better off as a country with transsexuals in the military. Are we better off by dropping the forced medical insurance, etc.

Basing a political party on disliking somebody and hounding his fans seems like a pretty limiting move although I can see the joy in it.


quoted by Gregory:

"As Daniel Greenfield noted at Frontpage magazine Tuesday, in succeeding years, Obama capitulated to Putin on anti-missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, on Ukraine, Georgia and Crimea. Obama gave Putin free rein in Syria and supported Russia’s alliance with Iran on its nuclear program and its efforts to save the Assad regime."

From where I sit, the Russians had every right to object to forward basing of air systems on their border, especially given the history of the area and the deal struck with German reunification. Is Syria better off without an Assad? Probably not. In any case, once again the Russians have skin in the game due to history (their navy basing if nothing else) and proximity to the country.

It would be interesting to hear what these writers think is the US strategic interest in Syria or Poland. World hegemony? Do they have relatives there? Where's the beef?

Account Deleted

"They will probably remain that way, even if Scott O. would prefer the Cromwell treatment. Would you rather have their heads on pikes in front of the capitol, or on the ground where you could kick them around when the mood strikes you?
The lost emails will no doubt remain in that nether region they share with Trump's tax returns and Obama's "real" birth certificate."
Ah - there's goes the Crabby - right to the extreme. Did I say or indicate anything of the kind? No - you're fabricating things out of thin air.
I would prefer an honest investigation. The emails were not 'lost'. The hard drives were deliberately wiped clean or destroyed. The server was cleaned out before the govt could get it's hands on it. Trump's tax returns are not lost either. They were submitted to the IRS and you know they got run over with the finest comb the IRS has. Trump has extensive business holdings and opening them up to the public would allow his competitors to see a lot of his business strategy. They are confidential and there is no law or rule for him to release them. There is zero indication from the IRS that any law was broken. To equate criminal activity by the Obama admin and the IRS and Hillary with Trump keeping his return confidential shows how desperate the Trump haters are.
They hardly 'live in my head'. Bob asked why these charges are brought up whenever the Trump investigation is raised and I was pointing out why. The Trump investigation is a witch hunt based on absolutely nothing but an attempt by the Dems to deflect from their own obvious criminal activity. Bob loves to claim he is middle of the road, but spends most of his time repeating Dem talking points.

Bill Tozer

Oh Crabbman

Kissinger? The guy who won the The Nobel Peach Prize along with Yassar Arafat, Al Gore, and Obama? Kissenger? Come on, what difference, at this point, does it matter?

Obama’s real birth certificate? Surely you jest. Obama never had a birth certificate. Very common in those shithole countries where Barrack Hussein is from. They all have AIDS and sit around in their huts.
And Trump’s tax returns are missing? What In the Sam Hill are you talking about?? They never went missing. They are exactly right where they should be, and always have been, duh. Boy, you need to get up with the times.

Well, Mr. Crabb, at least you done got the faulty US intelligence part right. Always a silver lining. Faulty on purpose, that is, to commit treason against the President and Government Of the People of these here United States of America. There ain’t no red States, ain’t no blue States, just the Deep State.

I call on you, my brother from another mother, to join with me and rid our land of this bushwaching low life scourge that has tried to overthrow the results of the election. I call on you, my sista from another mista, to stand with me to take back our country, the greatest country on Earth, from the treasonous bastards and sumbitches and let’s make America Great Again!! Together we can. Yes we can.


Oh, those lost e-mails are lost no more. Cross that one off the list. Comey’s clown boner Peter Strzok had them, but he did not read them. He smoked, but never inhaled. Hang ‘em high. String them up! Let them swing from the highest tree and let freedom ring!

Unfortunately for us, the Supreme Court ruled that castration even for those total low life types types is the cruelest cut of all and prohibited the practice because of some misguided erroneous interpretation of “cruel and unusual punishment.” That sucks. At least SCOTUS did say letting them hang from the highest tree or facing the firing squad is Constitutional.

No worries about the cruelest cut of all, though. First, Hillary don’t got no nut sack to slice off....or so they say. Neither does Obama. Can’t lose what you never had, I reckon. As Obama and Bubba consoled Hillary, “Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison before he became President.” That’s hope and change for sure.


Todd Juvinall

BillT you crack me up. What is amazing to me about these MOTR types like Crabb is they always persist in attacking the Right. They may have a passing comment on the left but they do the barnyard dog routine on the right. Never let up. And trying to tell us they are MOTR is laughable.


‘’’Trump has extensive business holdings and opening them up to the public would allow his competitors to see a lot of his business strategy’’’ Says you Scotto
I realize you think trumpski is a very stable genius,,,but to me it sounds like a pretty lame excuse for not releasing them
,,,here are the high points of his strategy,,,

Borrow or launder money from rooskies even if they pee on you,,,
Stiff contractors and employees and use bankruptcy as a business model,,,
Pay off people to keep them quiet,,,
Sue anybody and everybody who gets too close to the truth or makes fun of you..
And lie through your teeth!!!


Posted by: ’’’M’’’ | 21 July 2018 at 08:37 AM

.....and just like that the Scotsman reaches down into his bag and flings his 💩!

Way to go dugski!

(Gregory appears to have been spot on in his description!)

Bill Tozer

“Borrow or launder money from rooskies even if they pee on you,,,”

Oh M, why are you still stuck on Hillary? Yep, that ole Putin pissed on her and boy was it worth it. She got 400 million from them and probably stole all the hotel towels Hey, I will let you piss on me for a whole day for half that much. For sure.


"the Scotsman reaches down into his bag and flings his 💩!"

Oh well, that's politics in the US, even when you fancy yourself the descendant of cattle thieves.

Ford was a klutz, Carter was attacked by a rabbit, Reagan was a doddering old fool, Clinton was a rapist, Bush I was the son of a Nazi, Bush II was a drunk frat boy, Obama was a closeted homosexual from Kenya, Trump screwed a stripper. It's all just primate group behavior, including the 💩.

Given the posts from "M", you do have to wonder about the wisdom of universal suffrage.

Paul Emery

Trump tweets today:

"Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) – almost unheard of. Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client – totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2018

Interesting that Trump is speaking out about so called "illegal" recordings of phone conversations that are being used by his opponents lawlers while at the same time taking advantage of Russia's stolen emails of the DNC making them a big part of his campaign against Clinton. what a hypocrite.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 21 July 2018 at 09:34 AM

Sorry Punch .....no matter how hard you stamp your size nines she’s not going to be president!


Posted by: scenes | 21 July 2018 at 09:26 AM

Given the posts from "M", you do have to wonder about the wisdom of universal suffrage.

Or not.....

Bill Tozer

Traitors one and all. Treason!


Todd Juvinall

So Paul Emery would endorse illegally taping a lawyer clients calls without permission and then tell us all how he is all about he law. You cannot make this stuff up.

Bill Tozer

Trump treason? Good job Mr. President in nabbing that Russian young thang spy. Got a bargaining chip. Tighten those screws slowlly. They ain’t cheering in the arussian Embassy now, are they? Hmmm. Unless, of course, that place is still shut down.


Paul Emery

Not what I said Todd. What I said was Trump was complaining about what may possibly illegal phone recording but freely used Russia's illegaly stolen Hillary emails in his campaign. Can't have it both ways Todd.

George Rebane

I invite the diligent reader to note which actions, policies, and incidents of the Left and Right reside in progressives' heads as symmetrical equivalents - I'm specifically referring to the 628am and 934am contributions of Messrs Crabb and Emery. As maintained here for years, with such wildly disparate perceptions of history, current events, and social mores, there is little hope that any meaningful communication, let alone rapprochement, can occur between the two sides today haranguing each other from Washington to the Sierra foothills.

But I suppose the continuing conversation, no matter how contemporaneously futile, may ultimately give rise to a peaceful epiphany of the Great Divide. And that indeed would be a profitable outcome for future generations, since it would permit at least one divorcee to continue the Great Experiment bequeathed by our Founders.

Todd Juvinall

Sorry Paul Emery you are just making it up again. But that is what we expect from you fake news people. Hillary and the DNC emails were in the public domain. Trump simply pointed them out to the idiots that write the "news". He did not hack them. And Wiki says he did not get them from the Russians or any other "State" entity. So you can't have it both waus. Either you condemn the illegal recording of a lawyer clients conversations or you support the lawlessness. Seems that is your gig.


,,,sorry toes,,,that wan’t sheriff trumpski that nabbed the rooskie NRA fan gurl,,,

,,,the people that nabbed her were our patriot employees of the DEEP STATE y’all think are conspiring against your ilk!!!


Bill Tozer

@ 11:08 am
Oh Todd, you are wasting your time. Punchy just resorts to the ole standby, i. e., his moral equivalency stance. Like, Trump’s presser last Monday is the equilivent to the attack on Pearl Harbor, where a total, 2,403 Americans died and 1,178 were wounded. Eighteen ships were sunk or run aground, including five battleships. All of the Americans killed or wounded during the attack were non-combatants, given the fact there was no state of war when the attack occurred. Yep, sounds morally equivelant to me. What a offensive degradation of the memory of those who perished to that of a presser for shameless soulless political gain.
Lest I be amiss, let’s not forget the 6 million Jews and the nine million other underreported ethnic souls who were ruthlessly slaughtered by the Nazis to what Trump said in Helsinki. Go ahead,continue to decrescrate the graves of all those women and children and step on their bodies you can feel taller as you spout your moral equivalency. Sing it to the high heavens, you shameless harlots of history and news at the expense of the ultimate sacrifice paid by others, including the innocents and surviving loved ones.
I spit on you and promise to pause to take the time to piss on your grave....but I digress. Best to get back on topic.

Holy Smokes, Trump is in Putin’s pocket! Impeach him. How dare he! It’s like a Kristallnacht deja vu. It’s equivelant to 9/11 where 2,977 innocents were viciously incinerated or ground into fine dust. Another deja vu. Somebody stop him. High crimes and treason!

More proof Putin has the goods on Trump. Stop him. Arrest him. People will die by the gazillions.

Yep, they are all laughing in the Russian Embassy. They are rolling on the ground laughing at the Unhinged Zoombies Leftists, all suffering from TDS. The Rooskies ain’t so much into cheering for Trump anymore, though. Odd.

TDS is real and is a fact of life.


,,,from trumpski’s prepared remarks,,,

‘’’On the top of Page Two, these words appeared:

“In saying — as I have said before — that I ACCEPT our intelligence community’s conclusions about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 elections.”

The president read those words verbatim. Then he added what he’d written in his own hand:

“There was no collusion.”

He then continued to follow the script.

“I thought I made that clear yesterday, but having just reviewed the transcript of yesterday’s press conference, I realized that there is the need for further clarification. In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word “WOULD” instead of “WOULDN’T.” The sentence should have been: “I don’t see any reason why it WOULDN’T be Russia”– a double negative.

I have on numerous occasions noted our intelligence findings that Russians attempted to interfere in our elections.

So far, so good. But then came this deletion:

Anyone involved in that meddling to justice.

Clearly, he was supposed to say, “Anyone involved in that meddling” either “will be” or “should be” brought to justice.”

But he just couldn’t do it. Probably because he doesn’t believe it. His deviation from the script is an admission that he has no desire to see anyone involved in the meddling brought to justice. It’s that simple.’’’


Bill Tozer

Sorry M. That Russian Gal was nabbed by the Trump Administration after he fired the top corrupt lying crooked (besides Hillary) top officials and executives in our Excutive Branch, particularly Comey and not hiring Lynch, Comey, Clapper, ad infinitum. Get out of here, knuckleheads. Go pound sand.

Kudos President Trump.and the hard working dilgengent agents who are not the senior officials. Immediate results of draining the Swamp. Trying to infiltrate and smear the good name of the NRA is something that Russia cannot be allowed to do to defeat Trump and hamstrung him. Godspeed, Mr. Trump. Go get ‘em.



Back to our crack "intelligence" gathering? NOW LIBS sing their praises? The vary same people who trashed the intelligence people about WMDs..... You Proggys are funny.
So now they have names, places, and right down to which computers were used in Russia... Right... Sure thing. There are more than a few hackers that call,, "BULLSHIT!!!"
My son is really good with lines of code. WAY back when,, when he graduated grade school,(that's 8th grade for "M"oron) he hacked to school computer and changed his name on his diploma.(just for fun) That was before hacking was even an issue. Even he,(a collage produced Lefty) says BS to the knowing of who in Russia did the deeds.

Don Bessee

This will end up poking a thousand holes in the talking points for po' ol' putin party parrots. Squawk!



Robert Cross

Todd 10:21 --Only a few states California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington require "two party" consent for recording a phone conversation. If Cohen was anywhere else his recordings are legal and can, therefore, be introduced as evidence in a court of law. So your assertion that the taping was illegal is the actual fake news that you are making up. But here is the rub, Todd, it was Trump's own legal team that decided to release the tape of the two men discussing a possible payment to the Playboy model — which had been deemed "privileged" by a federal court. The only reason the public even knows about the tape is because trump's lawyers, in some as yet to be disclosed legal maneuver, allowed the story to be made public This particular evidence garnered in the raids on Cohen's offices, etc. had been ruled to fall under attorney/client privilege and therefore not accessible to the investigators. Go figure! The wonders of such great legal minds as Rudy G is beyond comprehension.


Att. client privilege SpongeBob. And still no crime.

Trump is right. The media IS the enemy.
"Robinson writes that Congress has remained “supine” but that the unelected “public servants” with the power to secretly surveil are all that “stands between us and the abyss”"

Proggys love subversives.


"the unelected “public servants” with the power to secretly surveil are all that “stands between us and the abyss”:"

Wow. Just wow.

Excuse me for the caps, but THAT IS THE ABYSS.

Anyone who can't see that is a damn fool.

Todd Juvinall

Robert Cross | 21 July 2018 at 03:08 PM

Seems Trump thinks it was illegal. And would you like your private Attorney/client discussions and documents taken by the government? How about your doctor? Your priest? You see you may think it is just fine when it is someone else but it will happen to you if you don't help stop this fascist behavior. And I thought you liberals found the "right to privacy" in the Constitution?

George Rebane

scenes 420pm - Agreed!!!!! And that on the national scale again demonstrates how different THEY are from US. These are the people who will make it possible for the 'Man on a White Horse' to assume control overnight. And then for the rest of us it is 'reeducation camps' or the wall.


Big Brother is listening...

Account Deleted

“stands between us and the abyss”
More hyperventilating nonsense from the left.
Not one of them can actually point to anything concrete that is so bad that Trump has done. It's all about what they fear.
Good grief.
Go to China or Cuba or any number of other countries that really are in bad shape re human rights. The abyss. These idiots don't even know what that is. Keep it up and I can guarantee you'll experience the abyss.

Account Deleted

from George - "And then for the rest of us it is 'reeducation camps' or the wall."
Well - there is another possibility. Let's hope and pray it doesn't come to that.

Don Bessee

Just sayin'



Bill Tozer

Something to ponder from Walt’s 3:19 on and ensuring comments. Not saying I agree with it, but a plausible explanation for such subversive actions by the Deep State, a law unto themselves and the only laws they live by are their own.

Suppose Clapper, Brennan, and the rest of those senior officials were and driven by a sense of duty to the administration....the prior administration. Rather than being full blown anti-democratic and anti-Americanism treasons control freaks on their agenda (or just not being immune from Massive hysteria TDS), suppose they see themselves as fulfilling their duty, honor and oath of loyalty sworn to the prior Administration and are merely fulfilling their sacred vows with every fiber in their being. Not the lying monsters that they are, but zealots and true believers dutifully carrying the tasks they were charged with. To protect and defend.

I tend to side more on the lines of they cannot own Trump like previous Presidents, which has produced terror in their heart of hearts. Sheer unadultered terror. They cannot control him, buy him, nor get him to play ball. It’s all about their power and position riding high above our silly Constitution and rule of law and elected temporary Presidents and law makers. Trump is the biggest threat to them they have ever seen since JFK. They ain’t going to relinquish their power without a fight to the death.. It’s all about who holds the reins of power. With that said, I tend to view Jim Comey and Peter Strzok as those kitypes who are simply looking out for themselves above all else. What’s good for Jm or good for Peter is those two’s Bottomline. Don’t think Comey has a loyalty to anyone but number one. The rest are zealots, creatures of their sect.

Just throwing it out there that the motivation for the top officials and their executives behind the curtain may be a sense of religious fervor (like zealots) ..to staunchly protect and defend an Administration other than the current one because of their sense of duty. They sure act like rabid loyalists to Team Obama/Clinton and themselves.

Just kicking an alternative view around because that’s the 2nd time in a few days I heard that angle thrown out there.
Sounds to me like they are floating trail balloons for their defense strategy. Must feel the heat has been notched up a few degrees and as more layers of the onion are being removed.
I think zealots are more dangerous than mere criminals. They have a higher calling, better motivation, and justification to lie, steal, cheat, stomp on people’s feet, not to mention the license to kill.

Bill Tozer

Trump said:
“The Fake News Media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are pushing so recklessly hard and hate the fact that I’ll probably have a good relationship with Putin.”

Spot on. Trump is saying: I am going to call off this Cold War II before it breaks out into the hot war that nine U.S. presidents avoided, despite Soviet provocations far graver than Putin’s pilfering of DNC emails showing how Debbie Wasserman Schultz stuck it to Bernie Sanders.

This Helsinki hysteria is but a taste.

By cheering Brexit, dissing the EU, suggesting NATO is obsolete, departing Syria, trying to get on with Putin, Trump is threatening the entire U.S. foreign policy establishment with what it fears most — irrelevance.

For if there is no war on, no war imminent, and no war wanted, what does a War Party do?



BillT: "their duty, honor and oath of loyalty sworn to the prior Administration"

From the outside, it's possible to view it not so much the prior administration as it is the BushII/Obama/Clinton administration that rose in the security expansion post-9/11.

It's been 17 years now and most of these fellows' professional careers, and certainly all of their careers as senior staff, was in that environment.

The metastasizing of the infamous 17 intelligence agencies and the increase in their paramilitary abilities, growth of private-contractor armies, the joining at the hip of the NSA with ATT/Google/Verizon/Facebook/etc, encouraged by a couple of malleable Presidents along with their staff, have likely produced a defacto new branch of government.

You can argue that the military + defense contractors already had such a thing, I wonder if they are rivals or associates.

Can Trump be allowed to defy what is basically a force of nature? I don't really know.

Robert Cross

Speaking of collusion, this just released: Former campaign advisor Carter Page was “conspiring and collaborating with the Russian government,” according to information gained from wiretaps by the Justice Department. “there is probable cause that such activities involve or are about to involve violations of the criminal statutes of the United States.” Page “has established relationships with Russian government officials, including Russian intelligence officers,” and that the FBI believed “the Russian government’s efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with” Trump’s campaign. How 'bout them apples.. The noose tightens...Oh, of course, fake news witch hunt Hillary Obama. I get it, the orange goombah is innocent. He didn't know a thing about any Russians. Smoking gun? Where there is smoke is there fire? Stay tuned for more President donnie on the reality TV network.


ANTIFA Is living up to it's domestic terrorist label.
"In his Blaine Avenue home, investigators discovered bomb-making materials along with illegal firearms and accessories. The materials included ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder, a sawed-off shotgun, and a homemade rifle silencer, police said.
Minnehaha County Sheriff Capt. Jason Gearman noted that the chemicals were “identified as ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder mixed together, which that compound, there is no legal purpose for it. It is an explosive.” "

Todd Juvinall

Carter Paige is totally innocent. If there was something it would have been years ago. And I think I just heard that Trump has given his permission on the phone taps. Anyone else hear that?


re: RobertC@8:57

lol. What a nothingburger that is, you made me waste about 20 minutes looking through this


My guess is that you haven't read a shred of it. The Dailykos should be good enough to form an opinion after all.

No doubt the hope is to trip up that Page dude, a temporary adviser in the Trump campaign, and then put the screws on him for goods on Trump.

If anything, the triviality of the whole thing proves my own point, you are seeing a new branch of government in a bit of strong-arm politics. Hopefully you like the result in the long run Gospodin.

Todd Juvinall

Mueller is the American Stasi.

Don Bessee

The Truth will Set You Free!



George Rebane

RobertC 857pm - Is there anything you can cite as to a credible source for the assertion that Carter Page was "conspiring and collaborating with the Russian government”? If it were credible proof of criminal activity, Mueller would already have the grand jury issue an indictment. Can you spell f*a*k*e n*e*w*s?

Robert Cross

How about the FBI, George, as a credible source? Or have you totally bought in to trump's BS fake news witch hunt ploy that the FBI and the intelligence agencies are fabricating the whole thing to bring him down? Did the FBI fabricate the wiretaps that revealed this information? Did Faux News and Breitbart or some of your other "credible" red zone sources not cover this story? If you knew about or participated in these treasonous misdeeds what would you do 1) admit wrong doing and lose everything; 2) Throw the country under the bus and conjure up some BS story that contradicts law enforcement, intelligence, and congress to cover your ass? Considering trump's penchant for outright lying, I think the latter was his choice.


Robert Cross

Todd__"And I think I just heard that Trump has given his permission on the phone taps. Anyone else hear that?" You think you just heard this.. well did you hear it or not or is this just a another piece of Todd-news...No news outlet is reporting this tidbit. I bet you just made it up to cover your ass, just like your hero trump.

George Rebane

RobertC 835am - Had you read your own citations more carefully, you would have discovered that the FBI had no proof of collusion or conspiracy, only that they 'believed' they would obtain such proof were they to continue wiretapping Page. They still have no such proof of any criminal activity on the part of Carter Page. Had they such proof, Page would have been indicted long ago. And all you 'fake news' lefties have is the fervent hope that something culpable will be discovered sooner or later. So in the interval you keep your media mouthpieces lying to the lightly-read of the nation as if that already were a fact.


LIBS are SO funny.
"Rice said, “The sanctions that the president and the administration have imposed on Russia only came as a result of a congressional mandate that required him to do so. The president has cast doubt repeatedly including this week on the legitimacy of the unanimous intelligence community finding that Russia directly interfered in our elections.”

Maybe Bobby can point to just "what" interference. Not one vote was changed. Was he suckered by Putin to vote for Trump via Facebook?

As for what Trump has done, it's all worked out in America's interests.
The ONLY real damage,, has been done to LIBS.(and by them of course.)

Bill Tozer

Russian relations, treason, foreign policy, and vodka. It’s all good, but skip to 9 minutes for Brennan, but it’s all good.


Or, how about Comrade Gus Hall for a weee bit of history and mindset context.


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