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12 March 2008


Scott Obermuller

Gee - Thanks for reminding me of the Perseverence Mine Project. I remember clearly at the time it was being planned, that I didn't make enough money to qualify to apply. I did, of course, make enough to pay federal, state, and local property taxes. As the houses were finished, it was a wondrous sight to see the happy families move in with all their vehicles, ski boats and toys that I could only dream of owning. And yes, I also remember the residents of said development later crying about the fact that they were being shut out of the booming rise in home values. Their claims that they were not properly informed about the restrictions on their ability to sell for full market value was pure hog wash. I had only a passing interest in the details and yet from one newspaper article I fully understood the trade-off the owners had made when they entered into the Faustian bargain of "affordable housing". Local and state governments have no desire whatever for "low cost" housing. It is clearly in their financial interest to make sure the housing stock is as high a value as possible and then create tax payer funded programs to pay for the structures that house those who can't or won't pay the full amount. Any individual who tries to construct a "low cost" home for themselves will find the government standing firmly in the way.

Jeff Pelline

Here's a review of hulu, which isn't too impressive when it comes to depth:


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