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01 April 2008



Now let me see If I have this right. Western Nevada County has not grown for two years, 2007 growth for the whole County was 0.2% and 2006 0.6% and most of the growth was in Truckee at 1.1% Final figures for the cities are not in yet for 2007, but Grass Valley did not grow in 2006 it declined by 0.4%, and with such limited County growth, Grass Valley could not have grown more than the County. And, we have a group of folks trying to stop growth in Grass Valley, wanting to limit it to the General Plan. How can Grass Valley ever live up to their vision of being the Economic Hub of Western Nevada County, with such a miserable two year growth rate. The Grass Valley General Plan calls for 2% growth rate. The City Council had better get their act together. If they are not careful, Truckee who seems to have their act together with a vision and a plan will someday become the economic center for the whole County.

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