George Rebane
Today the Supreme Court is considering a Second Amendment case that will have a sweeping impact on our ability to keep and use guns. The California legislature has before it AB2062 that seeks to proscribe the effective ownership of guns through a back door ruse of greatly limiting the purchase and distribution of ammunition. Almost half of Americans have come to believe that in a civilized world the state should be the only agency to possess and wield deadly force.
A few of us knuckle-draggers see this as part and parcel of the march to a monolithic global state, perhaps stopping along the way for an oligopoly of super-states as described by Orwell. The rapid recognition of splinter states such as Kosovo is right on the path to such a future. To see how one of these super-states will operate, we need look no further than the United Nations of today while keeping in mind what passes for prudent government in our own District of Columbia.
In today’s WSJ we read – “More than one American has tried to make the United Nations live up to its original ideals -- Pat Moynihan, Jeane Kirkpatrick, John Bolton. We'd add to that distinguished list the name of Mark Wallace, an ambassador to the U.S. mission at Turtle Bay who resigned yesterday having tried for two years to make the U.N. a more transparent place.”
Our Founders understood that governments operate on the edge of evil. Therefore they wrote into our Constitution the provisions by which our new government would always remain responsive to its citizens, not by the goodwill of honorable and incorruptible politicians, but by the direct means of armed revolt when our leaders finally step over that edge. The existence of this desperate but necessary redress has not escaped the elites who are forever dedicated to constraining our behavior to fit into their template of a politically correct Homo Perfectus.
That past attempts to shepherd humanity along this road have created hells on earth is the motivation for an introduction to the role of par force in a liberal democracy which I argue in 'Par Force in the Maintenance of a Liberal Democracy'. This piece can be downloaded here Download ParForce160627.