• Sue Horne for State Assembly
• Al Gore challenged by Vaclav Klaus
• Will we Napa Grass Valley?
• Sad exit for longtime Nevada City merchant
• I soloed yesterday
Sue Horne for State Assembly – Jo Ann and I are financial supporters of Sue’s campaign and have already cast our absentee ballots for her. We did so because we have found her to have the right stuff for representing and promoting our mores, values, and a future beneficial to all citizens of California. She is honest, smart, experienced, energetic, and has the courage to pursue her ideals. Sue promises to be resilient to the predations of character that sooner or later taint most people who choose the political profession – the professors of which must always remind us that they are “The Honorable …” when we all know that in the large they are not. Over the years Sue Horne has shown us that she is made of sterner stuff, and we expect nothing more from her than that she remain true to herself.
Vaclav Klaus, a trained economist who also happens to be president of Czechoslovakia, has challenged Al Gore to a public debate on the current Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) hysteria sweeping the world. During his Washington DC visit this week he was quoted (30may08 WSJ) to have said the following –
The basic questions of the current climate change debate are sufficiently known and well structured:
1) Do we live in an era of a statistically significant, nonaccidental and noncyclical climate change?
2) If so, is it dominantly man-made?
3) If so, should such a moderate temperature increase bother us more than many other pressing problems we face and should it receive our extraordinary attention?
4) If we want to change the climate, can it be done? Are current attempts to do so the best allocation of our scarce resources?My answer to all these questions is NO, but with a difference in emphasis. I don't aspire to measure the global temperature, nor to estimate the importance of factors which make it. This is not the area of my comparative advantages. But to argue, as it's done by many contemporary environmentalists, that these questions have already been answered with a consensual "yes" and that there is an unchallenged scientific consensus about this is unjustified. It is also morally and intellectually deceptive.
This makes Dr. Klaus the first world leader to understand the complex and structured nature of the AGW issue who has begun asking the ‘nested’ questions all of which must be answered in the affirmative if we are to respond reasonably to climate change. I have written a more complete piece on the entire sequence of these questions which can be downloaded from here. Needless to say, Al Gore has ignored in silence this challenge to publicly examine the basis for the hysteria of which he is the international bandleader.
Voter Managed Growth in San Francisco
George Rebane
Grass Valley and Nevada County in the small may look to San Francisco in the large when it comes to managed growth mediated by the voter vicissitudes. The 27may08 WSJ report on Lennar’s Hunters Point project outlines the travails of both the developer and a supportive city government to build a milestone addition to house the burgeoning population. Michael Corkery’s ‘Lennar Plans Are Tough Sell in San Francisco’ details what happens when a project must also pass through a voting booth before breaking ground.
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