George Rebane
Russ Steele’s article in today’s Union (here) on the slow/no growth measures for Grass Valley is a must read. From the comments it is drawing, he may have hit a nerve or two for advising GV folks to hang on to their wallets. Tip of the hat to the Union for publishing this piece. More on the cost of regulation induced delays from Russ (NC Media Watch) and a related piece on the North Star property in the Union (here).
And speaking of elections, check out Charles Krauthammer's piece ("I'd rather lose an election than lose my bearings.") in today's Washington Post.
Krauthammer? Hard to take seriously someone who doesn't know who started the Georgia / Russia conflict, who believes that McCain has made "executive decisions" affecting cities or greater, who thinks that that Obama referencing McCain's own statement in support of maintaining the occupation of Iraq for a century is the moral equivalent of McCain calling Obama a "socialist, terrorist," and who believes the surge was so awesomely successful that we have stay in Iraq for, well, a hundred more years. One wonders what the outcome of an unsuccessful surge would have been. Oh? Same thing? Peculiar things these "surges."
Posted by: Wade | 25 October 2008 at 08:35 PM