George Rebane
James Hansen, the NASA scientist responsible for most of the so-called computer modeling behind the global warming scare, has been publicly rebuked by his former boss Dr. John Theon, now retired. I would be remiss if I didn’t pick up this important development for RR readers since the MSM may never make much of it.
Dr. Theon is among the growing throng of scientists who reject the half-baked theories of manmade global warming. This global hysteria has been exposed now for several years by many investigators who examined all aspects of the UN IPCC report that is the main basis for continuing to cause all the excitement.
Locally bloggers Anthony Watts and Russ Steele have been the stalwarts in keeping their readers up to date on the latest science that debunks the IPCC conclusions. (see their blogs for more details)
Now the question is when will the politicians in Washington and Sacramento, who never did and still don’t understand climate change, come to their senses and start rolling back travesties like the Lieberman-Warner legislation of the feds and California’s AB32, both of which promise to devastate our economy – as if that can stand more devastation. There is a lot of damage to undo if we are to dodge this bullet.
You can help, let your voice be heard.
Just a reminder that I have e-mail links to California's political class on NC Media Watch, where it is easy to send a message and let reader voices be heard.
Posted by: Russ | 28 January 2009 at 12:24 PM
Good point Russ, thanks. Someday RR will put up such links, but for now readers are on their own or they can always use the permanent link to NC Media Watch on the 'Our Links' list in the right column.
Posted by: George Rebane | 28 January 2009 at 12:50 PM