George Rebane
The good looking kid in the picture with the ball? Well, that’s my 15-year-old freshman grandson playing on his high school’s varsity basketball team. They just clinched their division championship and are now looking forward to the league playoffs. Jo Ann and I were up in the Seattle area over the weekend catching up on the Northern Tribe grandkids’ sporting events. The young stud is about my height (6’4”) with feet to match (size 15), and eats cool pills for breakfast. He’s got a few more years of growing left. Thought I’d exercise a bit of grandpa’s privilege and brag a mite.
[8feb09 update] Well, I have to add this link to a short youtube video of grandson Lucas (33) putting up the rebound to score the winning basket of a subsequent big game. (If you have the bandwidth, click the HD option for replay) They were a point behind and played a nerve-wracking delay game to eat up the clock for a last second attempt at the winning basket. The planned shot missed, but leaping Lucas was there to snag the ball and put it in before touching the ground with 0.1 second left on the clock (marvels of modern slo-mo technology to adjudicate these things. Back in my day, there'd been three opinions of what actually happened, and we'd be arguing about it to this day).