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04 May 2009


Duckie Narveson

Well, the decor of Vintage may have stimulated memories of the 'blue velvet seats' of old. I never imagined these images were bursting for expression and only hope the dinner WAS as good as a sip of pop and a candy bar. I can't wait for the next installment or can I buy the book somewhere?

Teine Rebane Kenney

As I read your history I was taken by feelings of how great this country was. I agree with Dick's comment: please write more.


Great story George! I too am looking for the second installment.

Glad you left out the sea sickness, if there was any. Being sea sick is my greatest recollection of a 3 1/2 week troup ship "cruise" west bound out of Oakland in 1968. I am sure you know where we were headed.

George Rebane

You're right Dave, the ten-day trip is a story all in itself that includes our first introduction to sea sickness. Jo Ann, our 9-month-old daughter, and I reprised this voyage from Bremerhaven to the Brooklyn Navy Yard in January 1965 when returning from active duty in Germany. But now as an 'officer and gentleman' we had better quarters but a lot more sea sickness which apparently doesn't give a hoot for rank.

Jeff Pelline

Dave, I agree. These nonpartisan posts sure resonate more than the predictable, partisan ones. Nobody even got their "undies in a bunch."

Mikey McD

Thanks for sharing George.


Congratulations George on your celebration of 60 years in America ! Your story of the boat, disembarking, the sorting, the city, the train, and your arrival in Connecticut are wonderfully descriptive. I particularly like the " Maximum Gawk". America, as seen through the eyes of a 9 year old boy. Your memory serves you well. Thank you for sharing your experiences. They are golden.


Russ Steele


Congratulations on your sixty years in America. Yes, more please! From time to time you have shared parts of your story over a glass of wine, but it was far more powerful in writing. I am fascinated by your observations of America as seen by someone not born here, especially through the eyes and mind of an inquisitive nine year old. We sometimes forget how fortunate we were after the war, with our homes, villages and cities untouched by the carnage of war, and our economy growing rapidly. Your observations of America in 1949 are greatly appreciated , and I look forward to more stories of your assimilation into our post war American culture in the 1950s.

Zenon Sokolowski

Georgr Thank you for the Photo in September 1951 My parents and two sister. I was 1 1/2 yrs old so do not rember,but this ship broughts us to America and landed in New Orleans. I can now added to our family history .

randy kaldro

my father was aboard this ship at the same time.taavi kaldro along with his mother ,sister and brother.they were from estonia..

Lisa Baumerts

I am trying to find the manifest from this day...my father, grandparents and uncle were on this ship....any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for writing such a wonder story on this.

George Rebane

I too would like to see the manifest that would include the displaced persons' passenger list. But alas, all that survived is the name of the ship and the memory of that crossing.

Margaret Kahla

I arrived on the same ship Nov 7 1949 as a 20 year old. Thanks for the memories, yours was remarkable for a 9 year old boy. Do we have more on your life?

George Rebane

MargaretK - thank you for the visit. Yes, there is more on my life in the 'My Story' section (see right column), and more yet to come. Your last name sounds Estonian, are you?

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