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25 June 2009


Russ Steele

Dear Ruminations reader, here is an opportunity to make your voice count! Anthony Watts at Watts Up With That has the vote count and a list of those leaning toward voting yes on this economic suicide pill. Anthony, has a link here to contact your representative and senators regarding the Waxman-Markey bill. This link makes it very easy to send an email or make a phone call. Act NOW!

Russ Steele

Watching the making of political sausage can be a painful experience, but some times it is necessary, especially when they are about to put in place legislation to tax you and family to solve the non-existing problem of human caused global warming. Here is a link to CSPN with wall to wall coverage of of our economic suicide. Link: http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN_wm.aspx

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