George Rebane
Paid tax preparers will now have to get certified by the IRS and keep their skills updated with continuing education. This is yet another layer of government ‘protection’ for the consumer that is designed to raise costs, limit competition, and stifle innovation.
This latest encroachment was announced by IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman who justified it with, “In most states you need a license to cut someone’s hair.” Offering this basis for expanding government displays the bureaucrats’ utter contempt for taxpayers in particular and voters in general. Yes, the haircutters and other trades have always sought to limit competition with the aid of the state’s police powers, and over the years most trades have been successful – look at the poster children in the law and medical industries.
But with such reasoning behind adding the next set of regulations, the thinkers among us immediately see that there is no logical end until every facet of our lives is controlled and taxed (which, of course, has always been the goal). The citing of licensed haircutters is intended to mollify, and mollify it will. And a regulatory fait accompli for tax preparers will serve to justify the next incremental step – techies know this process as ‘analytic continuation’ whereby you can stepwise impose the same rule (function) over the whole universe (domain) by taking tiny steps outward.
This kind of metastasis can only be stopped by drawing the proverbial line in the sand as the next regulation is proposed. The left will then raise their obligatory accusations that the opposition is based on ideology and arbitrariness. They would be right. The ideology behind such opposition is the ideology of individual liberty and limited government. And opposing now and not later is required simply to stop or slow today's gallop toward autocracy, not that this particular new regulation is more or less reprehensible than the last. If we could go back, we would have stopped the last one.
But regulatory creep (by analytic continuation) is a powerful cancer that draws its support from both long-sighted socialists and short-sighted capitalists. In this latest case we witness H&R Block’s enthusiastic support so they “won’t be competing against people who aren’t regulated and don’t have the same standards as we do.” And that’s how you pull up the drawbridge of the next Fortress Oligopoly. This is then touted as co-operation between government and business. Now aren’t we all glad.
Why no one invades Switzerland
George Rebane
For generations the Swiss have required that all households with military age males keep a fully automatic assault weapon in their home with a combat load of ammunition. Shooting and staying qualified with such weapons is a family affair and supported by the government. Seeing people going to the local range with a weapon slung over their shoulder is a common sight. The crime rate in the country is miniscule.
Hat tip to an RR reader.
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