George Rebane
It took better men than me to digest Obama’s State of the Union. All I can do is sit here and shake my head. While having a filibuster-proof Congress and shoveling payola to his own party’s scumbags, he actually accused Republicans of obstructionism and playing politics with his grand agenda for the ‘American peepuhl’. Readers wanting a more cogent report on what happened in the House chambers last night should visit sites like the Heritage Foundation. Or maybe they should visit some progressive blogs (here) or the NYT. Or better yet, wait until his words are chiseled in stone and erected in some Washington DC grotto as the beginnings of an anticipative memorial to the great man. First Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and then Mmm, Mmm, Mmm Barack Hussein Obama.
Now don’t throw a hissy fit on the anticipative part. The man got the presidency with the anticipation that he could benefit from the first ‘earn while you learn’ program reserved for promising Chief Executives. And that after getting a pass in the two senatorial seats that he held. Across the pond, the Nobel committee threw in the Peace Prize on the same premise. Maybe year two will be better.
Then again, maybe not. We now find out that he’s also a slow learner – to think otherwise would be to accuse him of being evil. I mean, as he stared down the Supreme Court justices, he actually made us all believe that he didn’t know the laws prohibiting foreign institutions and enterprises from contributing directly or indirectly to influence American elections. From a careful perusal of the speech, one can conclude that his advisers told him to bet on the prospect that, in the aggregate, the American voters are dumber than he is. Oi!
[1feb10 update] RR is always grateful for constructive criticisms and suggestions for improved content. H/T to a regular reader who recommends the following more succinct and focused summary of the President's speech.
"We now find out that he’s also a slow learner – to think otherwise would be to accuse him of being evil."- GREAT.
Posted by: M.C.M | 28 January 2010 at 07:44 PM
When Obama delared there is "Overwhelming scientific evidence on Climate Change" it became a laugh line in his State of the Union Speech. Even Biden and Pelosi could not stop smiling. See the video here:
Posted by: Russ | 29 January 2010 at 07:22 AM
The Address that BO should have given:
Posted by: M. C. M. | 29 January 2010 at 09:38 AM
The Republicans voted in lockstep--"leave the fold and you will be shunned." Scary robot-like behavior.
The toothless Democrats allowed almost every vote to be subject to cloture. Embarrassing lack of spine.
Washington D.C. continues to try to win the award for Most Dysfunctional National Capitol in Modern Government on the planet.
A sorry state of affairs indeed.
Posted by: Michael Anderson | 30 January 2010 at 05:01 PM
Obama Parts Company With Reality
Share Post PrintFebruary 1, 2010 Posted by John at 7:47 PM
Today the Obama administration unveiled its budget for FY 2011. The budget ostensibly covers the next ten years, but its projections for future years are meaningless. The only year for which it has any significance is 2011, in which it anticipates $3.8 trillion in spending and an astonishing $1.6 trillion deficit. In 2006, the last year in which the Republicans controlled Congress, the deficit was $248 billion--one-seventh what Obama proposes for next year.
In his budget announcement today, Obama said: "[O]ur government is deeply in debt after what can only be described as a decade of profligacy." So he proposes to put the country far more deeply in debt through profligacy of a sort that was undreamed of just a few years ago.
Obama said: "[W]e can't simply move beyond this crisis; we have to address the irresponsibility that led to it, and that includes the failure to rein in spending...." But his budget doesn't rein in spending, it increases it over last year's precedent-shattering total by around $100 billion.
Obama said: "[I]t would be a terrible mistake to borrow against our children's future to pay our way today...." His budget, in just the next year, will borrow $1.6 trillion against our children's future to pay our way today.
Either Obama has completely lost touch with reality, or he thinks we have.
Just kinda more unbelieveable rhetoric - say one thing while doing the excat opposite - honest am I missing something here????
Posted by: Dixon Cruickshank | 02 February 2010 at 03:50 PM