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08 August 2010


Todd Juvinall

The Tea Party is soaking the cannons, allegorically speaking. Even though I am not a TPP member, I totally relate to their issues and causes since I have also been fighting them since at least 1978. Woe to the liberals and their "comrades", the democrats in November.

Barry Pruett

I love how other languages and other cultures have great historical remnants to their vernacular.

Thanks George...I will now take this little Estonian saying as my own...

Dixon Cruickshank

that is a cool story

Bob Hobert

Great story. Commence soaking!

Michael Anderson


Why are you not a TPP member?

Michael A.


Tere Georg!

Üks paremaid bloge, mida eestlased laias maailmas peavad!

Eero Viljandist

Google translate:

Hello, George!

One of the best blogs by the Estonians in the world wide need!

Eero Viljandi

George Rebane

Tervist Eero – Suur tänu nende soojade sõnadest. Mu eesti nimi on Jüri Rebane, ja olen ka mulgimaalane Vilandist.

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