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27 September 2010


D. King


Great read.

I wonder how Julian Jaynes would explain these?


Is this the I or me of the time?


…and what about this George, what about this? :)


George Rebane

Dave - I think the first two pose no problem to being generated and appreciated by bicameral minds. Not sure where the third one comes from. But recall that the bicamerals had no problem drawing pictures of their gods mixing with humans at various ceremonies of celebration, marriage, worship, ... . Ancient pottery, friezes, and mosaic renderings are full of such scenes, as are the poetry and literature from the pre-Dorian age.

D. King

"Ancient pottery, friezes, and mosaic renderings are full of such scenes, as are the poetry and literature from the pre-Dorian age."

Yes, but here is the difference.

"The evidence suggests that they were not merely decorations of living areas, since the caves in which they have been found do not have signs of ongoing habitation."


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