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28 March 2011


Dixon Cruickshank

Is this your first George?

Aaron Klein

Congratulations, George and Jo Ann! :)

Russ Steele

Congratulations to all!

Michael R. kesti

All my best to you and yours!

Mikey McD


Todd Juvinall

Congrat George and JoAnne!!!!

Monica Narveson

Congratulations George and Jo Ann! GrGr-ness is awesome. Hugs to Teine, Claire, David and Lucy in the sky with Diamonds... Love, Dick and Monica

John Galt

Congratulations. There's nothing like grandchildren to give one hope (and keep one physically fit.)

Barry Pruett

Congratulations Jo Ann and George!

George Rebane

Yes, Lucy is our first great-grandchild. We have six grandchildren, so there is a promise that this event will be repeated.

Dixon Cruickshank


D. King

Congrats GGP!

Dan Getz


Dave C

Uh-oh. Time for the new GG daughter to make a trip to Nevada City for some spoiling. Congrats.


Thanks for that Daddy! All is well but we miss you & Mama. T

RL Crabb

Congrats to you and your family. Great Grandfather? You are now officially older than dirt.

Igor Birman


Account Deleted

My wife and I are proud grand parents of a 21 month old buster. I know that watching videos of him or listening to his chatter on the phone does a lot to make the world a much better place. Some may fret about the "kind of world" he is born into, but my attitude is the world is a better place for what he will be. Congratulations to you and the whole family! That little one will make a difference.

Kim Pruett

Congrats George and JoAnne, she is so adorable!

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