George Rebane
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
This is statement is attributed to a Czech source. I can’t vouch for that, but I do subscribe to most of it as these pages reflect. But, let's examine an alternative to the "fool" part.
The news and commentaries these days are full of serious people on both sides of the aisle wondering what in hell is going on with the Obama administration. The man is revealing himself to be an American disaster from all angles – experience, constitutionality, domestic policy, foreign policy, his halo of advisers, character, ideology, … . People are trying to put together all kinds of coherent models that explain what motivates and propels the man.
My own attempts in this arena are guided by tools that have served me for decades. Occam’s Razor (modern spelling) advises us to accept the simplest hypothesis that correctly explains all observables – past and predicted. In science such explanations almost always yield elegant theories that serve us for generations if not centuries. Within that aura I have to again conclude that Obama’s actions (pre- and post-presidency) are most easily explained by acknowledging him to be the nation’s first post-American president. In the global scheme of things he sees his current job as a stepping stone to higher office. To his progressive constituents worldwide he wants to be remembered as the President who was able to cut the United States down to size, to fashion it into an undistinguished peer with an apologetic past and compliant future in the new global order.
When his administration, confidants, mentors, and allies are viewed in this light, it all falls into place. We need not scratch our heads about the stimulus packages, bailouts, nationalized healthcare, cap and trade, new controls on entire industries, hobbled energy industry, and a daily blizzard of stultifying regulations requiring an unbounded government to enforce them. The stated hypothesis anticipates and explains them every one.
America’s current escapade in Libya has all the appearance of being managed absent adult supervision. But that may be an explanation that is too gratuitous and self-serving of the conservative commentators. If rank incompetence were the case, then it would appear more likely that, while thrashing around in a random fashion, Obama would get something right. Since this is not the case – he has a perfect ‘cutting us down to size’ record – it allows Father William of Okham to advise us to seek enlightenment elsewhere. I again offered my simpler hypothesis of an assiduously purposive presidency that does explain all that we have seen this man do.
Unfortunately, to the extent that the opening quote is true, we as a nation are defenseless against such internal shortcomings. Do we need another world war to focus our intellect and energies so as to demonstrate to one and all our country’s unique and exceptional qualities?
Let's not give the scrawny narcissist all the credit. His socialist comrades of the Clinton era along with Bush 43 helped set the stage for the Anointed One to occupy The WH. It'll be interesting to see if little Barry's latest disregard for the Constitution might be enough to start articles of impeachment. The lawlessness of this regime will either be remembered by historians for what it was OR become the norm for future regimes. We'll see.
Posted by: Martin | 25 March 2011 at 05:45 PM
I'm listening to the "True the Vote" summit online. They just presented a detailed report of how Acorn illegally solicited funds for the Obama camapaign and. The report was given by a former Obama campaign worker who identifies herself as an Ex-Liberal. Her account helps explain how young skulls full of mush were persuaded by the rhetoric of Obama, Acorn, SEIU, and the far left.
As John Locke wrote in his 1690 essay Concerning Human Understanding: "[Rhetoric,] that powerful instrument of error and deceit."
And as Lenin wrote: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
Combine lies, with rhetoric, with major media, with Commicrats and you've got a very powerful vehicle for electing a neophyte to the most important office in the World.
Fortunately, we're seeing that Democrats (even the likes of Dennis Kucinich) are realizing what a fiasco Obama is. The rhetoric of Commicrats isn't going to work for Obama in we can expect an increase voter fraud. IMHO
Posted by: John Galt | 25 March 2011 at 06:00 PM