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03 November 2011


bill to0zer

Finally a hockey stick based on cold, very cold facts. Thank you Dr. Rebane.

Bob W

Thank you George. This is interesting. Since the graph tops out at 1 then am I to surmise that 1 represents 100 percent probability?

George Rebane

Yes BobW, as 0.93 is 93%, so 1.0 is 100% or certainty. The markets are saying that it is almost certain that Greece will default on its sovereign debt some time during the next two years. Today the latest news from the G-20 meeting in Cannes confirms this through the managed 'leaks' from that conference.

Douglas Keachie

Will Disney or Sony buy the Parthenon?

George Rebane

That is an excellent question DougK, and not so far from a possible future.

Greg Goodknight

"have all kinds of fun figuring out how solid a certain corporation is, given the interest they have to pay on their bonds"

Wouldn't it be more accurate to state "have all kinds of fun figuring out how solid a certain corporation is thought to be by their investment bankers, given the interest they have to pay on their bonds"?

You're not deriving any particular actual knowledge of the company, you're just applying a model to make a guess as to what their lender was thinking.

George Rebane

GregG - good point to bring up. Actually, to the extent that a corporation's bonds are liquid and trade on the market, it is the market's assessment that sets the current interest rate or yield on the bond. Therefore, the interest rate is more broad than a single lender's opinion.

Bob W

As for who will own the Parthenon, it is an interesting fact that the British have owned every complete piece of the Parthenon that remains intact for over a century now. In fact, if it weren't for the British, the Parthenon would be almost complete and original.

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