George Rebane
Candidate Obama promised us a new Civilian National Security Force (CNSF) that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the military.” (here) It sounded Hitleresque then, and was promptly pooh-poohed by progressives and quietly forgotten. Now it looks like we could be one executive order away from having the CNSF become an overnight reality.
More reports (here, here, and here) are coming in about local police and sheriff’s departments arming themselves to the teeth with military weaponry to counter an enemy that no one can quite define for us. Today we can’t highlight the obvious war between civilizations that is going on between Islam and the West. We can’t point to the increasing crime wave perpetrated by mostly illegal aliens who are impacted by Depression2 but don’t want to go home (Russ Steele on NC2012 highlighted Victor Davis Hanson’s recent piece describing what’s going on in California’s central valley.) Maybe we’re really preparing to repel the drug cartels from Mexico. It just isn’t clear what enemy within our borders the nation’s constabulary is girding its loins against.
Homeland Security has identified only one internal enemy about which they are worried, and about whom they have informed all America’s police forces. And that is the danger from “rightwing terrorists”. The existential record of what alien and American Muslims have perpetrated within our borders must remain un-recounted, or at least respun as some aberrant series of otherwise vanilla crime incidents.
The only plausible ‘enemy’ which the state then fears in America are its people. In spite of the enormous, ongoing, and often insidious state-sponsored efforts to disarm us, we are still a well armed nation that is ready to repel tyranny, from whatever quarter, if ever it presents its unambiguous face. But I don’t recall any of history’s successful tyrants coming on the scene wearing a big sign that says, ‘Good morning, I will be your new tyrant in this land, stand by to be enslaved.’ In the past such tragedies befell nations in more subtle ways that required the bit by piece relinquishing of one’s liberties, property, and personal security. Has anybody experienced that going on around here recently?
So now we have police forces transforming themselves across the land into militarized versions that will soon be coming to a neighborhood near you. These newly re-armed units today join the myriads of mostly unknown armed assault teams that other government agencies have already quietly put in place (here). What adds to the mystery of these armed elites is that they want to keep their weaponry into retirement (here) - why?. And it is these hundreds of formerly independent agencies that can be integrated overnight into the CNSF that we all managed to forget. Make no mistake about it, to the new CNSF we will all become highly suspect, potential enemies of the state.
[28dec2011 update] A reader notes that the TSA has already expanded its non-transportation armed response activities. Over 9,500 "checkpoints" were set up and operated by TSA's VIPR teams this year, and the agency is planning on a "massive expansion" of this capability for 2012 wherein it sets up unannounced checkpoints manned by machinegun toting personnel wearing special TSA uniforms. More here.
Gotta keep the 99% in line for the benefit of the one percent.
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 22 December 2011 at 06:58 PM
"Candidate Obama promised us a new Civilian National Security Force (CNSF) that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the military.”
With our socialist President calling for the CNSF, it would appear that this force is envision to protect the lefty elites from the conservative militia that are hiding out in the hills all across America. These elites are the anti-gun nuts and they are fearful of all those conservative gun lovers, all those "bitter clingers" with guns. They feel a need for a CNSF to protect their butts when they grab control of the government can declare the Constitution null and void in our New World Socialistic Nation.
Elections have consequences! The revolution is near, and I fear we are outgunned. You will know when to rally, then President takes control of the Internet and shuts down this blog and all conservative blogs. Turn on your ham radio and stand by for your collection point orders.
Posted by: Russ Steele | 22 December 2011 at 10:10 PM
How come the information you both quoted is only available on Google here at this site, and at some bilingual site called interceptor, twice at both sites? What is the real source for this?
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 23 December 2011 at 09:12 AM
Russ wrote: "They feel a need for a CNSF to protect their butts when they grab control of the government can declare the Constitution null and void in our New World Socialistic Nation."
Is InfoWars taking over this blog? I sure hope not...
Merry Christmas everyone!
(grassyknoll911protocolselderszionbilderbergroup trilateralcommissionmoonlandinghoaxroswellbigpharma)
Posted by: We Can Work Together | 23 December 2011 at 03:52 PM
Senator Obama was nearly 17 minutes into his July 2 speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado when he deviated from his pre-released script and performed without the teleprompter net saying,
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Posted by: Russ Steele | 23 December 2011 at 03:56 PM
DougK 912am - Am not sure what your complaint is. The link to the YouTube video of Obama's CNSF speech works.
Posted by: George Rebane | 23 December 2011 at 07:39 PM
Didn't read , just skimmed your essay, so missed link to video, which is sound-bitism at its finest. How anyone can take that one sentence and come up with him pressing for a local police force budgets the same as all of the combined forces of our military is beyond me. I suspect that what was intended was a call for local LE to take over the jobs at the border currently being handled by our military. Since there is no elaboration on either side of the bite, I doubt it could mean anything more than I've just suggested.
If nothing else, Obabama has enough sense to know that even the rabid TPP would not fund such a program, at the level suggested in your piece and Steele's responses to it.
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 23 December 2011 at 11:47 PM
"Didn't read". Also didn't think.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 December 2011 at 12:04 AM
DougK 1147pm - That's a remarkable apology for such an important idea and area of governance. To my knowledge neither the President nor his acolytes have ever retracted of 'clarified' that proposal - in short, the CNSF stands. Furthermore, over his tenure in office a series of laws/regulations have issued that continue to criminalize more and more of what were normal and accepted behaviors. And activities of multiple agencies and law enforcement individuals, reported here and elsewhere, corroborate the presumption of preparations for a CNSF. As Occam demands for the most plausible theory, these dots connect most easily under the banner of a CNSF (not that other more tortured explanations cannot also be fashioned).
It appears to me that your denial of such a possibility by the ruse of selectively believing and/or discounting Obama's explicit pronouncements is just another form of generally supporting his ideology of governance, and specifically adding another 'pooh-pooh' to the CNSF stack without giving a shred of evidence in their support.
Posted by: George Rebane | 24 December 2011 at 08:05 AM
Until Congress approves a budget for this, I'd say you each have an angry monkey in your closets.
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 24 December 2011 at 03:02 PM
Keachie you really can't be this stupid - your just playing dumb - your Democrats haven't passed a budget since numbnuts has been in office and you want them to openly fund a domestic army - pulleese
You openly insult our intelligence - honest
ie: see Fast and Furious, make sure the domestics are banned from having potenially equal weapons - the Mexicans didn't even want BAR 50's, too heavy, but they don't want Ole RL Crabby up on the hill with one either LOL
Posted by: Dixon Cruickshank | 27 December 2011 at 10:47 PM
Speaking of monkeys Mr Keachie, George or Russ this seems a perfect spot for that pic I sent of the monkeys flying out of the ones butt
Posted by: Dixon Cruickshank | 27 December 2011 at 10:50 PM
How many monkeys flew out of the Two's butts in Virginia?
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 08:49 AM
Dixon, it isn't an issue of intelligence, although Keach isn't particularly ravaged by the curse of awareness. Keachie's words are weapons in exactly the same sense as feces are within the Monkey house at the Zoo. He'll fling them in whatever direction he thinks will create the biggest stink.
Posted by: Gregory | 28 December 2011 at 09:08 AM
And how many more monkeys are flying out of the ultra-rich's' butts at every high end country club in the nation? OWS will be voting in 2012, and those numbers will sock-it-to any candidate who doesn't have concrete plans, no platitudes need apply, to re-balance our nation's economy. Why is it, BTW, that the response is always, "get a job" when in fact that response is coming from the mouths of those who didn't get jobs, they made their own jobs, by starting businesses? Could it just be that a campaign to have as many Americans as possible starting their own businesses, in cut throat competition, is the LAST thing the right wants to have happen?
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 09:17 AM
Dixon, see what I mean?
Posted by: Gregory | 28 December 2011 at 09:31 AM
"Seven Days in May" has become "Seven Days of Food."
See what I mean here:
It's silly season in DC, and it has been stretched to 364 days......wonder how many days of propane you are allowed, and is Gregory over the limit?
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 09:36 AM
Interesting to see that those who start their own businesses might be monkey dung in Gregory's apparent view. If Greg can't win on logic, he plays the poop card, much like Dixon, who started that line of wayward stinking, far from the topic at hand. Good luck in Nov 2012!
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 09:42 AM
George, from what I am reading the intent is not to set up a complete expensive parallel military, but rather to declare the entire USA aa a free fire, combat zone, in which there is no habeas corpus.
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 10:23 AM
I wonder how soon it will be that cameras, and especially aerial photography, is outlawed, unless done by LE or the military?
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 10:26 AM
Wow, that monkey is really going to town. Someone should put him on a liquid diet to reduce the volume and make it harder to fling.
Posted by: Gregory | 28 December 2011 at 10:51 AM
It would be much easier to aim where it is most needed, Greg.
Posted by: Douglas Keachie | 28 December 2011 at 11:04 AM
Hey George,
Wonder if you have any comment on the recent Stratfor compromise:
I'd be interested to hear your views.
Michael A.
Posted by: We Can Work Together | 28 December 2011 at 11:21 AM
MichaelA 1121am - As a paid-up Stratfor subscriber I'm embarrassed for them. For such a reputed international intelligence outfit to be taken off line and have its subscriber data compromised is not forgivable, and I suspect that rightfully they will be hit in the wallet as the dust clears. I'm particularly intrigued that their system was so messed up that it has taken more than a couple days for them to recover.
My credit card number has probably been compromised, although the issuer tells me that I'm insulated from any loss. We'll see.
Posted by: George Rebane | 28 December 2011 at 02:03 PM
I think this story deserves a close watch. I am frankly flabbergasted that an organization with Stratfor's cred did not adequately encrypt the database which contained their customer credit cards. I almost begin to wonder if this is a setup to catch some of the Anonymous denizens. A Stratfor honeypot, as it were. But that's equally stupid, and doesn't pass Occam's Razor.
As you said, we shall see. In the meantime, the Internet continues to circle the rabbit hole of a dark future. I won't go into the various corporate and criminal assaults here, but let's just say that the Internet of today will not be anything like the Internet our great-great grandchildren will experience.
If I was H.G. Wells perhaps I could tell you how this cyber battle between the Haves and the Have-nots will work itself out. Maybe the proliferation of global Dear Leaders in 2012 will give us a clue (I view the news footage of today's funeral march in North Korea as a disturbing harbinger).
Over and out...
Michael A.
Posted by: We Can Work Together | 28 December 2011 at 08:04 PM