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03 April 2014



Nice list Doc. I was just reading about other investments. Brass and lead are up 400%
since the Left went after the 2ND with a vengeance.
Bullet makers that are publicly traded ( just a handful are) are doing well.
Ruger has paid good dividends too.

Expendable items will always be in demand, and the makers stocks should fair well over the long haul.
Gold? That's as volatile as gasoline these days, and it's price isn't following any "norm". It's the roulette table of the market these days.

Michael Anderson

Thanks George. Called my broker tonight and he got me set up in a mutual fund drilled into trebuchet futures.


Posted by: Michael Anderson | 04 April 2014 at 02:04 AM

Michael, you might also want to invest in those companies that do a years worth of food in two 5 galling buckets, plans to make scoping devices from used PVC, home insulin manufacture, and tools to pull the steel sheeting off the surface of Trantor and bend it into simple farm implements.

Barry Pruett

Steve: As our American economy is teetering on imminent collapse due to gross mismanagement of our deficits and debt, you mock. At the same time, you advocating planning ahead and averting our potential extinction in thousands of years based upon inconsistent scientific studies about soemthin we may have no power over (climate). Can you please rectify the inconsistency?


Gosh Barry, you must have forgotten that I do not mock our economic and financial condition, I work every single day to try to improve the condition. In many cases adopting ideas that even you would approve. For example, I support raising the retirement age for SS to 70, raising the caps on taxable SS income, and reforming SSDI. I support a gradual adoption of chained CPI. I support a cap indexed to inflation on discretionary federal spending. Of course, I also support a restructuring of the US military to reflect new world conditions, meaning an emphasis on rapid deployment forces and reinvestment in traditional human intelligence assets, so we can cut defense spending by at least 25%. I would like to simplify the tax code to eliminate most deductions and lower taxes (although I am still undecided on whether a flat tax or VAT is the best way to do this). I would means test Medicare. If we did most of these things we could be almost debt free in about 25 years, instead of hovering at about 80% of GDP in debt, which is roughly how long it took us to retire most of our 120% of GDP debt after WWII. I know it is fun to paint everyone who does not agree with the 'conservatorial credo' 100% as some sort of collectivist radical. but the reality is I, like the majority of Americans, am much more moderate than you radical deconstructionists are. Hey, that was fun!


.... but the reality is I, like the majority of Americans, am much more moderate than you radical deconstructionists are. Hey, that was fun!

If it's any consolation Steve I've always thought of you as mediocre...err...I mean moderate. Yes.....moderate..... that's the word I'm looking for.


Yeah, well your mother wears combat boots Fish.

I think Michael has exactly the correct mocking tone for the caliber of mind populating this space.


Except for George of course, he is just a fu*king evil genius!

Here, let me re-post this!

Michael, you might also want to invest in those companies that do a years worth of food in two 5 galling buckets, plans to make scoping devices from used PVC, home insulin manufacture, and tools to pull the steel sheeting off the surface of Trantor and bend it into simple farm implements.

Barry Pruett

I was not looking for an argument...just an answer. Thanks...and as you know already I agree with some of those positions. Have a nice weekend and don't miss the Cubs home opener today against the Phillies!


Go Cubs! No 'argument' intended.

I am not sure though how accusing me of mocking and inconsistency is not looking for an argument while me identifying the 'conservatorial credo' as radical deconstructionism is?

They are roughly equally analogous slights in my mind and simple fairness would dictate that if one is an argument the other is. To not recognize that is the ultimate inconsistency.

Alas, the Giants are hitting like a contender again and the Cubs are looking like a slightly newer doormat. But hope springs eternal with every green shoot, and I will root for the north siders, until the Giants, my other team, eclipse them mid-season!

George Rebane

stevenfrisch 638am et al - If we may take a short break from mocking and continue in the spirit of "fun", could you please identify for our readers which tenets of the Conservetarian Credo you consider radical. I also invite other anti-conservetarian readers to offer similar illuminations. Perhaps that would let the conservation take a productive step forward.

Todd Juvinall

I would like to read that too.


Yeah, well your mother wears combat boots Fish.

I think Michael has exactly the correct mocking tone for the caliber of mind populating this space.

Yeah, well your mother wears combat boots Fish.

While I find you rather ridiculous from a political and societal standpoint I freely acknowledge that you are not a stupid man. Given this I'm sure you can understand how deeply disappointed I am to see you recycling Jeffys lame assed lines. I'll expect more from you in the future Steve.

I think Michael has exactly the correct mocking tone for the caliber of mind populating this space.

Then you'll want to delete this sentiment quickly and add it to your "Art" project.


Posted by: fish | 04 April 2014 at 08:05 AM

I don't think Mr. Pelline was the originator of that line. I opted for it rather than posting the following clip from Pee Wee's Big Adventure:



I don't think Mr. Pelline was the originator of that line.

You should have gone with the clip.....

I'm aware that Jeffy didn't "invent" it....he did however nearly beat it to death on a thread a few weeks back. I'm going to give him primary custody of that particular bon mot...... it is so played out that I feel it suits him.

Todd Juvinall

Fish, I find it interesting that a self proclaimed "smarter than the average bear" fellow like theFrisch would even comment here. After all, most here are successful people with decent education.(except me of course) He of course is slumming. LOL!


Go ahead and make fun of "preppers" Steve. BTW.. Have you purchased any of those emergency supplies? Heck... Who any I kidding? It will be easer to have the government
seize emergency stores from the "hoarders",( at gun point if necessary) when the "stuff" hits the fan. ( planning ahead is for the other guy, to save MY bacon)
Take from the "haves" to give to "have nots".. Right Steve? It's the LIB way. Why stop at just the working stiff's bank account?


Take from the "haves" to give to "have nots".

Hellz yeah Walt......it's a lection season.......


Well, of course now I am at work trying to save the world, and I don't have time today to do a line by line comment on the 'conservatorial credo'. However I do have to say that I totally applaud George for doing a thorough description of his political philosophy. I think all too few of us actually think clearly about what our holistic political philosophy is rather than responding to 'issues' on a case by case basis.


Shoot Walt I wil just come over to your place with my hoard of collectivist takers.


" Shoot" ?? Great choice of words. Have your will made out before making that "attempt".
Same goes for the "collectivist takers" that may foolishly follow. Ya' see, people like me plan for that "event" as well. Think I'm the only one on this dirt road "with a plan"?
Your not the first to pipe up with " I'll just come and take what YOU have".?
First,, cowardly LIBS would find someone else to do the dirty work. ( maybe a brain fried tweeker) If not a low life, then a government storm trooper or two is the next tool of choice.

" Working to save the world" you say? More like fleece... Time to say it like it is.
All those grant applications may give you carpal tunnel syndrome. Your "O" caretax cover that?
I'm pretty sure your not doing taxes this fine April morning.


Well, of course now I am at work trying to save the world.....

From your glorified Chamber of Commerce enterprise........? Let me know how that works out Stevie.

George Rebane

stevenfrisch 1012am - I don't know what pleasure you take in mixing 'conservetarian' (see RR glossary) with 'conservatorial' (which has an established and distinct definition). Nevertheless, I look forward to your remarks when your schedule allows.

For the record, no self-proclaimed anti-conservetarian has ever stepped up in these pages to respond to repeated queries about what specifically makes my beliefs "radical", "extreme", or "evil". Hopefully, you may be the first.

Todd Juvinall

Usually the takers of society like theFrisch dodge our questions George. Ben Emery and his ilk do the same thing all over the blogs as well. In some perverted way it must make them feel empowered. That is why they all go to Burning Man and practice idolatry. LOL!


Don't hold your breath there George,, the Midwest will thaw out first. ( just in time for Winter this year.)
But then again there is responding to your question,, with a question. ( on an entirely diff. subject, like the unsustainability of the new overpass.)


A LIB business ( uh,,, nonprofit?) Modzilla ( a "demand tolerance*" crew) is finding out how their own intolerance has consequences. ( and justice in the court of pubic opinion has been swift.)
Their CEO was forced to resign because he dared to make monetary contributions to the "defense of traditional marriage". ( with his own money)

Now Modzilla is begging for forgiveness for their intolerance.


Posted by: George Rebane | 04 April 2014 at 10:59 AM

Just a typo George...just a typo.


Posted by: Walt | 04 April 2014 at 10:36 AM

Pretty easy to 'tweek' you Walt.


With the Social Security retirement age promoted by Frisch, the average black male in Washington DC will have been dead for four years before becoming eligible, keeping the not so subtle racist SS effects intact. Black families also lose in the percentage of college education subsidies that come their way, among other sacred cows of the left.

George, while I'm Austrian School of Economics at heart, I prefer Austrian School economists who are real economists who aren't proven best at losing their client's money. Schiff is a caricature who found a choir to preach to. A BS in Accounting and Finance from Cal isn't chopped liver but it isn't economics, and then there's the possibility of him being an apple that didn't fall far from a thoroughly rotten tree as dear old Dad is still in prison.

He falls far short of a von Mises, Hayek or a related Chicago boy like Friedman, and libertarians (not to mention Libertarians) would do well to keep looking for a real economist or two to heed at this time.


Posted by: Gregory | 04 April 2014 at 12:56 PM

Good thing all those back men in Washington D.C. have Obamacare now, they will be living long enough to enjoy their Social Security.

If we supported affirmative action we would not have a deficit of educational subsidies for African Americans either.

Makes me proud to support both!


Posted by: Walt | 04 April 2014 at 11:52 AM

Mozilla Corporation is a private business chartered under the public benefit corporation charter, which means they pay taxes. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation which is a non profit corporation.

George Rebane

Gregory 1256pm - No intent here to equate Schiff with the Austrian greats. Wasn't aware that Schiff is known for losing clients' money, but did want to summarize his advice since I mentioned him in previous posts. Are there any issues you have with what I've presented in the above summary of his book?


Good thing all those back men in Washington D.C. have Obamacare now, they will be living long enough to enjoy their Social Security.

Yeah, those "back" men have got it great in D.C......they would have been screwed if they had lived in Maryland.



Posted by: fish | 04 April 2014 at 03:41 PM

No need for quotation marks Fish, I was using Greg's term :)

Todd Juvinall

I have always been fascinated by libs who support abortion at any time. The founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenics woman if I recall. What was her purpose? Remove all other races from the planet except us white folks. Seems like she was victorious since a bulk of abortions are on black women and when born the rest are incarcerated way above their percentages. Frisch and his liberal pals made it happen. I think they are proud.

Now, back to the topic. What was it? Yikes!


Re; Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 04 April 2014 at 04:19 PM

"Frisch and his liberal pals made it happen. I think they are proud."

Margaret Sanger b. 1879 d. 1966
Roe v. Wade 1973
Steve Frisch b. 1959

I was 6 years old when Margaret Sanger died. I was 14 years old when Roe v. Wade was decided. I didn't really have any opportunity to help Ms. Sanger 'make it happen'.

But Todd you were serendipitously alive when the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred. I can only surmise that you and your friends made the Gulf of Tonkin incident happen.

This makes "lacking intelligence and common sense" have new meaning.....


No need for quotation marks Fish, I was using Greg's term :)

Ah...didn't see it! Did you catch (as in saw...I didn't think you were down in the squat) the first inning today....love spoiling Dodger opening day!

I can only surmise that you and your friends made the Gulf of Tonkin incident happen.

Todd that was you.....?


Fish, I did not, but man those Giants are hitting. I followed it on my computer play by play but alas no video. I followed the Cubs too...lost to the Phillies 7-2.


Worried about Vogelsong and Lincecum....not sure either should be in the rotation!

Todd Juvinall

Yes, I admit it fish, I started the Vietnam War escalation by urging Johnson to make his famous speech. Damn! I was 15! Too smart for my own britches.


I agree Fish, they both look pretty weak and neither had a very good spring. At least Lincecum is striking people out and not walking people. I would trade Sandoval for a starting pitcher. If not he is going to cost them $15 million per year for about 4 years. No way he stays good for 4 more years.


Hey George, you should start a baseball thread...you might find something most of us could agree on:)

Barry Pruett

I am in Vegas, and I bet five dollars on the Cubs to win the World Series! A boy can dream. I will share my voluminous proceeds with Frisch!


If the Cubs win the World Series Lisa and I will take you and Kim to dinner at any restaurant of your choice in California or Chicago!

Michael Anderson

Lincecum will be fine. Just listen to Boch, he's got Timmy's back.

George Rebane

stevenfrisch 558pm - Baseball, hmmm. Wish I knew more about the teams. Jo Ann and I are baseball fans only during the league championships and the World Series. Maybe you could contribute a knowledgeable byline that would set the stage for all the follow-on agreement ;-)

But then again, the purpose of these pages is a lively debate, but I suppose baseball's also good for some serious disagreement along perhaps different lines than politics.


Well I think we all agree, Damn Yankees!

Bill Tozer

Well, well, well. Looks like baseball is not Bush's fault after all. Glad to see the group hug going on in the shark tank. Speaking of The Shark Tank, totally off topic of baseball and the impending crash, but I just could not exercise resist:


Carry on.

RL Crabb

Athletics uber alles, you Philistines.


Crap RL after a year (for me anyway) of savage postings, mean spirited character assassination, empty appeals to emotion, various protestestations and impugning of other posters motives and sanity I would have thought that a little baseball chat would be a refreshing palate cleanser.

Michael Anderson

Bob, while the majority of the comments on this thread seem to reflect a hearty bias toward either the Cubs or the Giants, I would like to tip my hat at this time to Coco Crisp with his walk-off home run in the bottom of the 12th against the Mariners recently. Suck it, Seattle (insert gratuitous Seahawks-bashing comment here).

Well done, sir.


"Good thing all those [black] men in Washington D.C. have Obamacare now, they will be living long enough to enjoy their Social Security.

If we supported affirmative action we would not have a deficit of educational subsidies for African Americans either.

Makes me proud to support both!" -Frisch

Add fanatic gun control support and it's hard to see why Frisch isn't a left-liberal, given his support of so many of the left's hot button issues.

It takes a special kind of magical thinking to believe extending Medicaid to poor black men will somehow grant them the longevity of Asian women, and discriminating against men and women of Asian descent in U of Cal admissions in order to ensure seats at the UC wasn't the answer even before race was banned from admissions decisions. In 2012, the average American of Asian descent scored a SAT M+V of 1113 while black American students managed only an 856. Asian kids deserve to dominate admissions into Berkeley because they've earned it.

Racist policies in order to grant special privileges always hurt someone, Steve, whether it's a misguided paternalist attempt to right a past wrong with a fresh wrong or as a racist entitlement by the ruling castes.


Fish, only a year? You need to go back and read the history, it may open your eyes. The savagery, mean spiritedness, and emotional impugning of motives, beliefs, sanity and ethics began long ago. It is what George may call 'spirited debate' but many would consider futile self gratifying blood sport.

Unlike baseball which is a game of honor amongst men that requires just the right blend of skill and strategy :)

I'll take baseball any day.

And for Michael: How many Seahawks fans does it take to change a light bulb? A: None they are happy living in the 49ers shadow!


Posted by: Gregory | 05 April 2014 at 08:04 AM

And then there is Gregory, the biggest a**hole of them all, who just cannot get with the redemptive, playful, joking spirit of the thread and must grind his axe to make his woody real. Get a sense of humor sourpuss!


Frisch, "The Real Crash" isn't funny, and neither is your support for racism in college admissions.


George, regarding the summary of Schiff's hot buttons, the phrase 'even a stopped clock' comes to mind. I suspect he's phenomenally wrong on the last item "China – “capitalism and democracy are not the same thing”, rocky road ahead but potential for tremendous growth, big US companies moving major operations there."

The China observers that have my attention are expecting a major crash, not a rocky road, and it won't be pretty as they try to unwind their financial troubles made opaque by systemic accounting gimmicks that would make Enron's CFO blush and old Arthur Anderson hands green with envy.


Ah, I see we are back on track!


I would like to tip my hat at this time to Coco Crisp with his walk-off home run in the bottom of the 12th against the Mariners recently.

Indeed! I feel asleep just before he hit it....meh! I thought Crisp was washed up before he signed with the A's as they seem to be a waypoint into or out of the majors. Shows what I know!

Fish, only a year?

For me yes.


Sorry you missed being kept on track, Stevie, but I'd been out of town for most of the last week visiting Cambridge, Taxachussetts, and didn't have time to keep you focused on what you do best, ad hominem attacks against those that you fantasize have woodies for you.

Joe Koyote

For the record, no self-proclaimed anti-conservetarian has ever stepped up in these pages to respond to repeated queries about what specifically makes my beliefs "radical", "extreme", or "evil". --

Probably because no one wishes to expose themselves to the rash of angst that the peanut gallery would bestow upon them. It just isn't worth the time or effort to compile such a document only to have the discussion focus upon fantasies about woodies rather than issues and answers. Folks were commenting about the climate change crickets.. I am still wondering about alternatives to SSI.


Posted by: Joe Koyote | 05 April 2014 at 09:22 AM

"Probably because no one wishes to expose themselves to the rash of angst that the peanut gallery would bestow upon them."

I just consider the entire site humor Joe. Taking anything said here too seriously would diminish its comic value.


"...trebuchet futures..." I love it!


JK, means testing social security payments would be a good start. Frisch seems to think mediscare should be means tested (and so do I), and there is no good reason besides not pissing off old farts and Democrats to not means test SS. It does require admitting you pay you money in and get someone else's money out in order to make do.

Following the Chilean example (they actually listened to Uncle Milty Friedman) on social security would be an even better solution.

Don't expect any such change until enough Boomers die off to allow the poor Busters paying the bills to rival their voting power.


"I just consider the entire site humor Joe." -Frisch

Like Pelline, Frisch chooses ridicule when reasoned argument fails. Alinsky would be proud.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”-Rules for Radicals #5.

Todd Juvinall

I would suggest that the topics here are actually not understood by theFrisch nor Joe. When ignorance is bliss, they attend. Too funny.

Actually, they supply the humor for all of us. Hats off to the jesters!


LOL!! " Modzilla a private Co." Since when did that mean anything? So is Hobby Lobby. Yet "their beliefs" are on trial, and may be FORCED to give what they don't subscribe to.
But someone gives their own money to a cause THEY believe in, it's just fine to run them out on a rail.
More or that " we demand tolerance" from those that have none. Your batting a thousand there Steve....
Christians put up a "support our troops" sign. ( Someone bitched),and all Hell breaks loose. Yet rainbow flags are fine and dandy sitting on county road "right of way" all over the place. Or in full view "conveying" a message. ( no permits of course) and those get a pass.

Let's hear more from the double standard crew.


I just consider the entire site humor Joe. Taking anything said here too seriously would diminish its comic value.

So says the man whistling past the "government will solve everything" graveyard.


Posted by: Walt | 05 April 2014 at 10:27 AM

"A LIB business ( uh,,, nonprofit?)"

Walt, I was just answering your question....it was you who placed a question mark after the nonprofit status.

George Rebane

JoeK 922am - A sad but no doubt accurate reply Joe. Yes, any posting of one's credo should anticipate pushback from the 'other mindeds'. That is one of the prime reasons to so reveal your beliefs, so you can evaluate the critiques and perhaps even learn something from those who sing in a different chorus. However, I feel that the real reason why you and yours don't want to disclose the tenets of your social and political beliefs is that they would expose what all of you have been denying since the American Socialist Party folded its tent in the late 1940s.

If you feel that posting your credo on RR would be too painful, why don't one or more of you pick a more insulated leftwing blog and make it available there? But my long confirmed feeling is that you folks don't want any accredited (signed with your real name) copies of such a credo posted anywhere. Perhaps I err.


"Well, of course now I am at work trying to save the world, and I don't have time today to do a line by line comment on the 'conservatorial credo'. However I do have to say that I totally applaud George for doing a thorough description of his political philosophy. I think all too few of us actually think clearly about what our holistic political philosophy is rather than responding to 'issues' on a case by case basis.

Posted by: stevenfrisch | 04 April 2014 at 10:12 AM

I am reading through it this weekend, checking some of the sources, and, not surprising to me, have found many areas of 'agreement' so far.

I'm pretty busy this weekend and into the week, but will be hotel room bound, so I plan on both commenting on Mr. Rebane's credo, and posting my own. I may do it under the 'Credo' thread though to keep things clean. I would encourage others to do the same. George, just for you I will highlight the American Socialist Party text in yellow :)

I meant what I said above and reposted here; the effort to think through ones political philosophy is both a useful exercise and a good check against adopting ideas based on convenience.


From Associate Bobs site this a.m.....the faint sound of whining!

Hmmm. You could hear a pin drop in the hard-right blogosphere this weekend.

Hey Jeffy...when you finish eating that baby drop by and chat!

.....I want my baby back baby back baby back....


Todd Juvinall

fish where did you hear the bigboy say that? Is he lonely?

TheFrisch must have a multiple personality. A comment above told the world he comes here only for humor and nothing serious yet now he wants us to believe some "hotel room" credo he will honor us with. JoeK, a hony name like Fedor etal, just can't seem t compete in the real world of debate either.

Barry Pruett

Fish: Unlike Pelline...I have a life! In Vegas being bad. See you guys later. One last GO CUBS!


fish where did you hear the bigboy say that? Is he lonely?

At his site! I don't recall the posting but it was no deeper than two or three down.

Fish: Unlike Pelline...I have a life! In Vegas being bad. See you guys later. One last GO CUBS!

Cubs.....you Chicago masochists...don't know if there is any way to help you work through those "issues". On a brighter note, it's only April...the Cubs won't be mathematically eliminated until late May at the earliest.

Enjoy the next couple of months.



Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 05 April 2014 at 12:39 PM

Todd finds his muse....


Barry Pruett

Massive amounts of Old Style...it is cheaper than therapy!

Todd Juvinall

Steve Frisch finds his muse.


Too funny!

Michael Anderson

Barry, what are doing at NAB?

Barry Pruett

John Paul said the same thing to me. What is NAB?


Massive amounts of Old Style...


Michael Anderson

George, check the spam box.

Bill Tozer

5. Global decoupling from US economy is the big fear. Our economic collapse “has barely begun”. Before collapse is complete, “US bonds and the dollar will crash.”

That means I am screwed. Bonds, cash and cash equivalents will crash? I consider cash equivalents stocks cause they are so liquid. Does not help if you make it big in stocks if the real dollar value is pennies on the dollar. What good is collecting rents if cash crashes? And everybody knows gold is for hording and I can't bear to sell the shinny stuff. Alas, woe is me. At least I can use dollar bills to light my cigars. Always a silver lining.

Bill Tozer

Dr. Rebane, I keep reading your Rebnations above and it is quite unsettling. Reminds me of the book I read once called The Crash of 84. 1984 has come and gone, but the book's theme has never left my scrambled brain. Here is a dude talking about it, but from a different angle. The crash caused by cyber financial system terrorism attack. I don't like the term cyber and terrorism combined with financial system in the same sentence. Long clip, may or may not be worth your time:



Back to Frisch's support for racist college admissions policies (04 April 2014 at 01:59 PM)

In the news today, Black and Latino Democrats in Sacramento have torpedoed legislation by Asian Democrats in payback for not accepting a deal that could have resulted in Asian kids getting short sheeted by UC admissions once again.

White, black, latino or asian, if you can't get into Cal on your own merits, you (and Cal) are better off if you find a spot where you are a better academic fit, and the best way to stop racism in college admissions is to not allow race to be used in college admission decisions.

Is that so difficult to understand?

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