[Well, that was quite an episode in the last sandbox that I hope has run its course, or at least not let that thread of ad hominem exchanges leak out. I see that Sen Ted Cruz will throw his hat in the ring tomorrow, NATO's chief sees continued expansion from Putin that may get out of hand, and Bibi is keeping his powder dry re the farcical negotiations going on with Iran. And our own Bob Crabb is celebrating that Spring has sprung with a change in the business climate hereabouts. gjr]
Soon we will be getting a tax on our wells. Oh goodie!
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 22 March 2015 at 08:42 AM
We already have a tax on our wells. You can't live on property without water, so, in effect, the property tax is already a tax on the well in rural areas.
Over on some other blog, Steven Frisch did own up that he thought all wells should be metered and fees paid per gallon, even the small ones that serve single family homes... in short, a tax on the water we drink even though no state infrastructure is used in the pumping, the use, or the return to the ground in an appropriate fashion. Perhaps the next piece he writes on water for the local newspapers will speak to that. In order to read the meter, someone will either have to walk onto the property to read the meter or one of those nasty wireless networked meters will have to be used, to the consternation of the types of folks who imagine they're allergic to electromagnetic fields at radio frequencies.
Posted by: Gregory | 22 March 2015 at 10:35 AM
A use tax Greg, not a property tax.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 22 March 2015 at 11:55 AM
I think we should get rid of the property tax and replace it with a sales tax anyway. We never own our land if they can come and take it for non payment of taxes.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 22 March 2015 at 11:58 AM
The drought just created an excuse to take our wells we paid plenty to create. An old friend, now retired from the Modesto water district told us they'd been hoping to do it when he was there. Not many years ago the NID wanted to put a meter on our well to see if any of their irrigation ditch water was leaking into our 200 ft deep well. We hoped not, since we saw what happened to A family member and another neighbor from the weed killer they used along the irrigation ditch that provided them with water.
Posted by: Bonnie McGuire | 22 March 2015 at 12:07 PM
Well lady and gents,, Just wait for the next excuse "shoe" to drop to justify putting meters on private wells. That would be the "fairness" tagline. " It's not FAIR that private property water go untaxed !! WE city folk can't drill our own wells and WE have to pay the government for water." I say,,, you choose to live in the city. Don't like paying "the man" to take a shower? Move.
Posted by: Walt | 22 March 2015 at 12:50 PM
WOW!! Seems any washed up LIB will run for President.
Even the Gov. who taxed rain.(Martin O'Malley) Now why hasn't Jerry Brown thought of that?
Posted by: Walt | 22 March 2015 at 03:28 PM
Todd, When you were a supervisor you willingly squandered our property tax revenue to further your agenda, How short do you think our memories are?
Posted by: joe smith | 22 March 2015 at 09:09 PM
Seems I recall that when Todd on the board, things wen't too bad.
Things whet to shit when Izzy and the gang got their slimy lunch hooks into the Co.
Speaking of pissed away money, the board went against public opinion and lost big in a lawsuit. The board had nothing to lose,, the litigation and loss didn't come out of their pockets.
Were you of even voting age Joe?
Posted by: Walt | 22 March 2015 at 09:39 PM
Golly Joe Smith, tell me more. I can't seem to recollect what you are talking about. Seems we had a balanced budget with good reserves when I was there. Thanks Walt, I have had to deal with liars like ol' Joe Smith for many years. They just throw it against the wall to see what will stick. Usually nothing. But it cracks me up that a fellow I don't know apparently knows me. What a hoot! Also, he did not answer my questions about his allegations on CABPRO and me. He is just a yapper.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 22 March 2015 at 10:26 PM
Todd, it's actually Don Bessee writing you.....
Posted by: MA Abrams | 23 March 2015 at 12:40 AM
Russ Steele posts on a very informative and stimulating conversation our party at the Mercatus Conference had with Gov Ricketts of Nebraska. The 30+ min conversation was especially rewarding because it was not hurried and included only us and the governor - time to talk of many things in detail. The governor was very open and clear in his responses, he did not go into the usual long-winded and safe talking points that many politicians do during such encounters.
Our main takeaway was how well Nebraska is being fiscally managed and its aggressive plan to grow its agricultural sector at California's expense. Nebraska and other states are busy harvesting the dissatisfaction of our agri-businesses with the idiotic regulations and taxes that Sacramento imposes on us all. And this is made even more appealing since our progressive voters are blind to all of it and continue electing politicians who just want to pile on more of the same.
Russ has more details on this fortunate meeting with Gov Ricketts on his blog here -
Posted by: George Rebane | 23 March 2015 at 09:14 AM
You have a poor memory Todd (or a selective one). I have talked with you face to face on several occasions. Remember when the gym of Truckee elementary was packed with locals and local businesses and even the chamber rep. Except for your buddy (I think it was Nick Fuller or Bob Bell) who was trying to force a rafting ordinance down the throat of the town, every single person in the room opposed the change. You voted against the will of the people and slipped out the back without saying a single word. 30 minutes later I came across you and your buddy breaking bread at Pizza Junction. Yeah, that was me.I'm sure you don't forget my loss of civility. I was the guy with a bit of an Irish accent (it comes out when I get angry).
Posted by: joe smith | 23 March 2015 at 09:29 AM
Bitching about an ordnance? LIBS Love those things. Was it the "no dope and booze while rafting" one? Or needing a business licence (and safety certifications) to rent rafts?
Hummm.... The same crap LIBS push on everyone else. How humiliating. Ordinances for LIBS to follow.. It just ain't right.
Posted by: Walt | 23 March 2015 at 10:29 AM
WOW. Spend some time planning a convention and come back to find he whos name we will not utter has overflowed the last sand box. I like DR R's idea to ignore, so we could say to ignore is bliss. -- So Ma Abrams 1240- what's up with that?
Posted by: Don Bessee | 23 March 2015 at 01:05 PM
Don, "he whose name shall not be repeated" arrived and began punching. Not for a discussion, just to slap people around, probably because he's chased everyone away from his own blog who the would actually argue with him and he's just left with his friends and lickspittle sockpuppet Greek Chorus. On the boring side.
Sometimes when someone gets in your face looking for a fight you need to give them a fight.
Posted by: Gregory | 23 March 2015 at 02:03 PM
Joe Smith, sorry but I don't remember you. You did not apparently make any impression on me. I truly have a great memory but you and your face escape me. You must be talking about some other person.
Regarding the rafting ordinance. As I recall all you no grow jerks turned out and made all kinds of allegations. Of course you libs always go personal and attack people but I was fairly immune from that as time passed. I stood for fairness and the town could have had a great attraction but you people who want nothing to change got your way. I am happy to have voted against you and your pals. If you were angry at my vote, then I am a very happy guy.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 23 March 2015 at 04:49 PM
I hear ya Gregory.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 23 March 2015 at 06:54 PM
Yeah Cruz, if he got the nomination would be a dream come true for the Dems who would lap up all the bucks from big business. Cruz is as popular with big business as a fart in a hot tub.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 23 March 2015 at 11:29 PM
I mentally correct your grammar.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 24 March 2015 at 06:16 AM
The more the merrier. There will be many jumping into the race. I just love the enthusiasm. Hillary will hopefully get some competition but who knows. Cruz will keep it stirred up and I like that.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 24 March 2015 at 07:45 AM
If you don't like Common Core, then blame British global publishing giant Pearson, who designs and supplies many of the world's standardized tests. They are behind much of the push for "quantitative assessment" for student achievement world wide. In New York, Pearson has the contract for teacher certification testing which, of course, includes common core principles at it's base, as well as a $32m contract to supply the state with year end testing materials. Expansion of common core and/or any kind of standardized testing means megabucks profit for Pearson. Anyone smell a rat?
Posted by: Joe Koyote | 24 March 2015 at 10:18 AM
Expansion of common core and/or any kind of standardized testing means megabucks profit for Pearson. Anyone smell a rat?
I absolutely small a rat......in D.C.!
The centralization of education and your fellatial devotion to big government makes this kind of crony capitalism possible!
Huzzah JoKe!
Posted by: fish | 24 March 2015 at 10:42 AM
Carp-- "fellatial (sp?) devotion to big government" -- your "one size fits all" assessment of non-tea partiers (where ever they may fall on the political spectrum scale) fails to hit the mark. And once again, attacking the messenger doesn't change the message, but tells me that you are suffering from yet another bout of cognitive dissonance. You have no real response but since the information didn't come from a member of the COS you attack without thinking. Yes, crony capitalism is at the heart of many things government, but you put the cart before the horse. Government is the caboose, the servants of the people including the corporations who are people according to the supreme court. The corporations (acting as shells for the stockholders) are the locomotive. The whole "blame government" ideology is a sleight of hand deflection of blame away from where it belongs, with the corporations. Government doesn't dream this crap up, the corporations do, and then lobby government to institute favorable policies. If you want to sincerely bitch about something that is actually relevant, bitch about the corporations who run/own government. Government is the symptom not the disease.
Posted by: Joe Koyote | 24 March 2015 at 11:09 AM
Government is the caboose, the servants of the people including the corporations who are people according to the supreme court.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.......deep cleansing breath.......HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Servants of the people? Cause and effect.....oh how do it work?!?
Oh Koyote you've done it again!
Posted by: fish | 24 March 2015 at 11:21 AM
"fellatial (sp?) devotion to big government"
To joyously and symbolically perform the following...
noun: fellatio
oral stimulation of a man's penis.
late 19th century: modern Latin, from Latin fellare ‘to suck.’
Go to it boy!
Posted by: fish | 24 March 2015 at 11:26 AM
The United States Department of Education (ED or DoED), also referred to as the ED for (the) Education Department, is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government. Recreated by the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88) and signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979, it began operating on May 4, 1980.[2]
Yep centralize, centralize, centralize........that's what you nitwits do........create a big fat juicy target for corporate malfeasance and whine like teenaged girls when they take advantage of your stupidity!
Posted by: fish | 24 March 2015 at 11:34 AM
Pearson is a very big rat indeed, but it was $200+ million dollars spent by Gates that drove the development of the Common Core, JoKe.
Not that Pearson didn't have their fingers in the pot... here's one Phil Daro, Pearson employee, being trumpeted by Pearson for his chairmanship of the Common Core math standards...
I wonder what else he's done to math education in the US, or California... And I wonder what sort of a degree in mathematics he needed to get those jobs...
Posted by: Gregory | 24 March 2015 at 12:07 PM
"Cruz is as popular with big business as a fart in a hot tub." Cruz's wife is a bigwig at Goldman Sachs and both have stellar big business credentials, so I think Cruz isn't scaring the bluebloods.
Personally, he strikes me as a phony SOB and the one thing the current President should have taught the GOP is that first term senators without a track record of actually doing anything of substance don't make for good presidents.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 March 2015 at 01:32 PM
Todd, I find it rather silly that you're being bothered by Don Bessee / Joe Smith who wasn't even here when you were supervisor.
This guy never attended any meetings with you as he was not even living in this county.
As to that Irish accent, it's much more of a accent that has the smell of BS, like much of what he says here.....
See Don this blog program places a "signature box" which is generated from the IP Address that you're using, and if you and Joe seem to have the same IP design in your signature box, so we know who's really fully of crapola here.....
See Don, credibility is key here, and just because you shuffle around using several different names, it doesn't make you any less credible that we already know you are, especially when you're not smart enuf....
Posted by: FUE | 24 March 2015 at 01:59 PM
I have never met Don but he has been kind to me as Joe has been nasty. So I don't thin you are correct that they are the same person.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 24 March 2015 at 02:33 PM
Dear FUE.... I hadn't been paying attention to the "signature box" design, and if that is true, that they're created by the IP address, that means that Pelline needs to change the password on his home WiFi, because by the Jeff Pelline signature blocks generated on the out of control thread, Joe Koyote is using Jeff's network.
Imagine that.
FUE, thanks for that and the Bessee sock outings.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 March 2015 at 06:36 PM
"FUE", I don't think that holds up all that well. On the out of control thread, Steven Frisch's sig boxes come up the same as mine and I think George might be happy to confirm I am not Steven Frisch either by words or IP addresses.
At best, IP addresses are used to select images that are not fully unique.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 March 2015 at 06:45 PM
If Cruz is serious about running for Pres he's going to have to tell his papa Rafael to stay home and shut up.
This is typical of his "preaching"
"Priests were anointed primarily to minister the glory of God. They were anointed to pray for the people, to offer sacrifices, to care for the temple, to be God's representatives before the people... Kings were anointed to take dominion. Kings were anointed to go to war, win the war, and bring the spoils of war to priests so the work of the kingdom of God could be accomplished. The king needed the blessing of the priest in order to be successful in battle... The priest also needed for the king to be successful in battle because the priest needed the spoils of war in order to repair the temple, in order to carry out the ministry that God had entrusted him."
From a a sermon he preached on August 26, 2012 at the New Beginnings megachurch in Irving, Texas, led by Christian Zionist charismatic pastor Larry Huch.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 08:52 AM
If Cruz is serious about running for Pres he's going to have to tell his papa Rafael to stay home and shut up.
Oh I don't know Paul....recent history has shown that Presidents and presidential candidates can have wacky relatives and not seem completely off putting to the hoi polloi.
Carter had brother billy.....Reagan had Nancy.....Clinton had Roger....Obama has Michelle....!
Don't why Cruz handlers can't manage this as well!
Posted by: fish | 25 March 2015 at 09:08 AM
PaulE 852am - Pray tell how the senator's father's religious teachings will be used by the Left to harm the senator's campaign? The Repubs have yet to attack Obama for his considerable exposure to Islam during his formative years. Will this be another example of the Right/Left asymmetry?
Posted by: George Rebane | 25 March 2015 at 09:11 AM
I am in the Walker camp right now but Ted Cruz has some great points and he has some I have a problem with. But even this Harvard educated man who doesn't need a teleprompter, this man who is a US Senator first termer, is much better for America than Obama and his cohorts. I would suggest that America voted Obama into the Presidency even though his Papa was a communist-Islamic man who hated Great Britain and most western nations. So, take your shots there Paul Emery, you have no leg to stand on regarding the "sins" of a father or a relative. Jeeze, I thought you were a supposedly "open minded" man.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 25 March 2015 at 09:14 AM
Michelle a wacky relative? I always considered her to be a major attribute. Where did you get that from.
In this case Cruz is relying on the Fundamentalist Christian community to be his base support. How you separate his dad from that is a serious problem. Christian Dominionism is pretty strong medicine and Papa Cruz is right in the middle of the movement.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 09:15 AM
Oh and Alan Dershowitz, the famed Professor, called Cruz the smartest man he ever met. Top that. What a hoot!
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 25 March 2015 at 09:16 AM
Gregory 6:36-- Joe Koyote is using Jeff's network." I think not. I live 7 miles from Nevada City.
Carp -- keep trying pal.. one of these days you may make some sense.. but not yet. perhaps anger management would help.
Posted by: Joe Koyote | 25 March 2015 at 09:19 AM
Posted by: Joe Koyote | 25 March 2015 at 09:19 AM
Posted by: fish | 25 March 2015 at 09:20 AM
Posted by: George Rebane | 25 March 2015 at 09:11 AM
Paul is referring I believe to the MSM predilection for impugning the ardently christian. This would likely fall into that category.
Michelle a wacky relative? I always considered her to be a major attribute. Where did you get that from.
I don't know....the fake hospital job.....secret service convoys in downtown DC so she could show the rabble how to buy organic arugula lettuce.....her non stop travel of the taxpayers dime....having the White House Florist escorted out of the White House (Man that must have been quite the cat fight) .etc.
But hey ....if you like her.
Posted by: fish | 25 March 2015 at 09:26 AM
Care to compare vacation time used by the Bush's and Obama's? Oh I'll do it for you
From Fact Check
Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?
A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 09:35 AM
Now that didn't take long,, LIBS slamming Ted,, from family to time in office.
Short term memory loss guys? We know more about Ted today that we do about "O". ( remember ALL his records have been sealed? Even to this day.)
BTW, I don't think Ted has voted "present",, unlike "O" did.
And what REALLY bites for the Left, is that Cruz is Tea Party backed.
The LIBS are a crafty bunch. Give them time. Just wait for them to start calling the Tea Party "ISIS of America".
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 09:42 AM
I thought the less Bush governed was pure happiness to you Paul Emery. What a hoot!
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 25 March 2015 at 09:42 AM
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 09:35 AM
Oops sorry Paul.....I pushed your BUSHHATE button.
We were talking about relatives....I used what this non democrat sees as an abuse of the system by Michelle Obama. If you want to discuss the straight up overuse of vacation privileges by presidents and their families in general we'll probably be in fairly close agreement.
Since I didn't vote for Bush I feel no need to defend him like you do with Obama.
Posted by: fish | 25 March 2015 at 09:43 AM
Fish, there is a difference between the "ardently Christian" (grammar note to capitalize Christian) and Christian Dominionism which his dad is a champion of and who are major Ted Cruz supporters.
Froma sermon preached on August 26, 2012 at the New Beginnings megachurch in Irving, Texas, led by Christian Zionist charismatic pastor Larry Huch.
"It's not a coincidence that in a few weeks, we go into what's called in the Bible Rosh Hashanad [sic]... It will be the beginning of the spiritual year 2012. The number 12 means divine government. That God will begin to rule and reign. Not Wall Street, not Washington, God's people and His kingdom will begin to rule and reign. I know that's why God got Rafael's son elected, Ted Cruz the next senator.
But here's the exciting thing... The rabbinical teaching is... that in a few weeks begins that year 2012 and that this will begin what we call the end-time transfer of wealth. And that when these Gentiles begin to receive this blessing, they will never go back financially through the valley again. They will grow and grow and grow. It's said this way: that God is looking at the church and everyone in it and deciding in the next three and a half years who will be his bankers. And the ones that say here I am Lord, you can trust me, we will become so blessed that we will usher in the coming of the messiah."
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 09:48 AM
Fish, there is a difference between the "ardently Christian" (grammar note to capitalize Christian) and Christian Dominionism which his dad is a champion of and who are major Ted Cruz supporters.
I doubt most in the MSM would be able to differentiate. If you were paying attention the statement I made ("Paul is referring I believe to the MSM predilection for impugning the ardently christian. This would likely fall into that category.) actually bolsters your argument. You think that Cruz father needs to "shut up" if Ted has any hope of winning the election. It's not necessary for the MSM to get "into the weeds" regarding the differences in Christian teachings in this instance...they can and will paint with a broad brush to tar Cruz through his father.
Point Emery.
Posted by: fish | 25 March 2015 at 09:56 AM
That's really good Todd (9:42).
Fish, I voted for Obama first time around but voted to fire him in 2012. I went with Gary Johnson that time around.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 09:56 AM
You are a fan of Rafael Cruz.
What do you make of Christian Dominionism which he champions?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 10:20 AM
Darn that pesky global warming, no tornados so far this March. I probably just jinxed a trailer park to oblivion somewhere! ;-)
Posted by: Don Bessee | 25 March 2015 at 10:56 AM
Give it a rest Paul, Seems there was a bee hive in that knot hole the last time you went "tree hugging". Was Johnson a practitioner of Druidism like you? ( as you have claimed in the past)
As for "O", he acts more Muslim day by day. He has even turned on Israel.
It time you revisit that knot hole. You can end the Christian bashing. We get enough of it from ISIS.
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 11:08 AM
So it looks like the Army is charging bo bergdahl (sp?) with desertion in spite of the 0 hero treatment. So its official, 5 Taliban generals for one deserter.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 25 March 2015 at 11:17 AM
Let me ask you then. What is your view of Christian Dominionism.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 12:33 PM
Has Ted Cruz espoused that Paul Emery? If he has he would not be my guy.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 25 March 2015 at 12:48 PM
It beats the hell out of Muslim "Dominionism", Paul. So tell me.. When the Muslim head takers show up on your doorstep,, just what will your answer be to "convert or die!"?
Will you swear to believe in Ala? Or will you stand firm, just to have your head role down Pine St.?
Don... We should give him back, and save us the trouble.
That was the LIBS idea of a "fair trade". And don't forget that "O" demanded the army
"go easy" on the traitor.
So what would you do Paul? Throw the bastard a parade? issue him a "peace medal"? ( You know,, the footprint of the all American chicken? The one all hippies had tattooed on their ass?)
He's a Progressive LIB's hero.
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 12:52 PM
So you would have no problem with our country becoming a Christian theocracy?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 01:02 PM
Damn Paul,, You REALLY like to go "way" out there.
There is a little thing called the Constitution that safeguards against that.
Ever hear of "separation of church and state"? Freedom OF religion? ( no,, not like what
some from Nevada City say,, "freedom FROM...")
When was the last time a Christian held a gun or knife to your head and dragged you into a Church? Sat in the pew behind ya' and forced you to say the Lord's prayer?
Now when I was back East serving my country, the bars were closed till church was out ( What the hell gives!!?? That's just unAmerican!(in the book of Paul) )
The same went on election day!! No bars or alcohol sales till the polls closed. That just ain't right!! Those poor illegals and felons who couldn't vote.. Their rights were infringed! ( second bitch in the book of Paul)
So lets hear it Paul,, how bad have you been SO wronged by Christians? Your still here,, you haven't been tied to a pine tree and set a'fire.
But nice dodge of my above questions...(as usual)
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 01:49 PM
You know Walt I could take you're mindless rambling if you put some kind of effort to educate yourself on what you are talking about. You are like an organism in a test tube that responds in predictable patterns to any stimulation. You know, life is hard but it's harder when you're dumb.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 01:57 PM
See...this is how you counter stupid initiatives....with ridicule! His lardship wants to "manage" the first amendment and is horrified that anyone would question his judgement. Society seems to sort itself out without his "ham fisted" (I swear the jokes write themselves) assistance!
Who'da thunk?
Posted by: fish | 25 March 2015 at 02:03 PM
That's the best you can come up with? And in true Lefty fashion, when you can't deal with facts, let alone reality,, start insulting one's intelligence.
I asked you simple questions, that even a stoned Nevada City street rat could answer, you chose to ignore, and/or change the subject. Again in good ol' Paul ways. You have a LONG history of just that.
Once again you have stooped to TROLL status. ( and a subsidized one at that)
Come back when you can answer some of the above questions. ( and not with insults)
Until then ,, stay under your condemned bridge.
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 02:17 PM
Your question had NOTHING to do with the discussion Walt. I don't have to insult your intelligence Walt, you make that pretty clear on your own.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 02:37 PM
Really, Troll? When has Christianity forced you to do anything religion wise?
Your the one who started Christian bashing. Have they stopped you from prancing in the woods butt naked? DO tell! If it's on your own property,, have at it. ( The Forest service might take issue on state or FED land)
On another note, the pilot comedy "Grass Valley" is being reviewed by Netflix as we speak.
( lets just say I know the guy that dreamed it up)
I may have to put a word in for a crazed, loony, subsidized part time radio guy from Nevada City, still with a ponytail who thinks everyone is dumber than he is. ( HELL!! You can't make this crap up!) Like that old dude in the latest Doritos commercial.
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 02:58 PM
"O" and Co. sure love sticking it to Israel. Right down to forking over top secret nuke capabilities.
"The Pentagon declassified the document after Grant Smith, an activist who heads a radical anti-Israel group, filed a Freedom of Information Act request, according to reports."
For the longest time Israel has neither confirmed nor denied what they had to"the public".
And for good reason.
So "O" sells them out. The proof that "O" is sympathetic to the radical Muslims (our enemies) keeps stacking up.
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 03:43 PM
If you want more details about what a Christian Theocracy under Ted Cruz would be like we go again to Pastor Larry Hutch who included this in his introduction of Rafael Cruz.
"But here's the exciting thing... The rabbinical teaching is... that in a few weeks begins that year 2012 and that this will begin what we call the end-time transfer of wealth. And that when these Gentiles begin to receive this blessing, they will never go back financially through the valley again. They will grow and grow and grow. It's said this way: that God is looking at the church and everyone in it and deciding in the next three and a half years who will be his bankers. And the ones that say here I am Lord, you can trust me, we will become so blessed that we will usher in the coming of the messiah."
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 05:26 PM
Paul.. Do not cut and paste things you don't comprehend. Let alone not siting the source.
Yup,He has Christian beliefs. So what? It's a lot better than Muslim beliefs in this day and age. ( Figured out an answer to that convert or die question yet?)
Since you JUST HAD to go there,, what did Jesus say about paying taxes? ( No cut and paste bub,, lets have it from memory ) ( yes, they bitched about taxes even in that time)
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 05:42 PM
What is there to comprehend Walt? This is what Pastor Larry Hutch said pure and simple. The fact is that Ted Cruz will have to repudiate these views if he is to have a chance to win the nomination. This is from his dad Rafael.
“The pastor [Huch] referred to Proverbs 13:22, a little while ago, which says that the wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous. And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur. God, even though he’s sovereign, even though he’s omnipotent, he doesn’t let it rain out of the sky – he’s going to use people to do it.” - See more at: http://disinfo.com/2013/10/ted-cruzs-father-preaches-son-anointed-king-will-bring-end-time-transfer-wealth/#sthash.yRZKYsZX.dpuf
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 05:54 PM
So Paul, it would be nice if you presented the recent Jeramiah, 0's Chicago spiritual advisors talks or say the madras that 0 attended as a kid as well, and lets not forget farrakhan. I don't care about the crusaders or saladin or the arab slave traders in Africa who sold the vanquished into salvery. No one here had anything to do with any of that so how is it relevant to a current political conversation? Compare the now like isis, iran, putin. Much more relevant to discuss the way forward.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 25 March 2015 at 06:17 PM
Well now..Your a beneficiary of someone else's wealth. Are you not?
And you little religious witch hunt will go nowhere.
Never mind the fact that "O" grew up Muslim, and so was his Daddy, didn't stop him from getting elected, now did it? ( That sure came back to bite us in the ass,, and we can thank the Left for that.)
I prefer a good God fearing man (that would be Christian for the uninformed Paul) in the W.H. than the current liar ( that would be saying he's Christian when actions say otherwise) that resides there now.
AND again,, dodges the question.
Troll feeding is just about over. No more chow after the Sun goes down. ( ya,, my fun will soon be over for the night)
What really fries Paul is that a Tea Party guy may take the W.H. , and with good odds.
That's what Paul is really buttsore about. This would be the Tea Party's version of "lean forward". ( translation: Grease up,, cus payback's a bitch)
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 06:21 PM
Being a woman I'm glad I live in America that upholds the basic God given human rights taught by Christ. I sure as heck don't need some damn dictator making me wear a tent out in public, stoning, beating up on, or torturing me because of the doctrines of men who think they're god. What kind of god has so little respect for the one who puts her life in danger giving birth to him. The worst kind of human who doesn't value his own life let alone anyone else's. I'm overwhelmed with what Jesus Christ suffered so that his words would live on for those searching for truth (in the dark ignorance) would see the light leading to a better life here and hereafter. He is the great restrainer who teaches self restraint necessary for a decent society. Even Sigmund Freud would agree.
Posted by: Bonnie McGuire | 25 March 2015 at 06:34 PM
Be careful Bonnie.. Paul may catch fire. (but your right)
Paul doesn't understand that the radical ragheads put atheists at the head of the beheading line.( express lane Paul) They have even more disdane for those with no faith at all.
I don't think they would buy AGW as a valid religion either. It's not looking good for Paul when the head hunters come looking to convert him.
Yup,, "talking to our enemies" ("O"'s grand solution) has worked out swell.
Trading a traitor for top terrorists was an even better idea. ( got that medal ready Paul? Did you weave it out of hemp?)
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 07:01 PM
Walt, Bonnie, you don't seem to comprehend what i am saying. This has nothing to do with Obama or Muslim beliefs or practices it has only to with the fact that Cruz does not have a chance for the nomination because of his radical Christian affiliations. Certainly his dad saying that " it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur. God, even though he’s sovereign, even though he’s omnipotent, he doesn’t let it rain out of the sky – he’s going to use people to do it” is going to trigger questions of Ted Cruz about what his beliefs are.
This is actually a stupid conversation anyway since he will never gather the financial support to win the nomination. He is a brilliant and charismatic young man though who will gather substantial enough support to rock the Republican establishment but in the end he'll lose to Bush or Walker, the only real candidates they have. Right now he's the Democrats best hope because he may fatally fracture the Republican party to their benefit. Cruz as the Repub nominee would be a dream come true for Hillary.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 March 2015 at 07:15 PM
So Paul Emery, you have told us you voted for Obama in 2008. You had the full knowledge of his upbringing and religious life as well as his attendance for twenty years in Reverend Wright's church. How is it you voted for him as he was such a religious man? I am really interested in how a mind like yours works. Cruz bad, Obama good. Tell us all please.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 25 March 2015 at 07:37 PM
Christian Dominionism. Didn’t even know what it was until PaulE pointed out that Rev Rafael Cruz was preaching it. In doing a little reading, it seems to me to be a non-starter faction of Christian Protestants. Most certainly it would not promote a government condoned in our Constitution. If the progressives can taint Sen Cruz with his father’s froth, then it will be another factor working against his Republican nomination, let alone being elected President.
I am reminded that the (to me) equivalently disturbing background of Barack Hussein Obama was not picked up by the lamestream when it was discovered that he was raised by radical collectivist ideologues and trained in Islam during his youth. Obama has amply demonstrated the damaging influence of his youth, and the nation is paying for it.
IMHO taking into account a candidate’s background, especially his ‘kinderstube’ (as the twig is bent, …), is a proper task for the both the media and the voters.
Christians do believe in the Great Commission calling upon them to promulgate, each in his own way, the Gospel according to Jesus Christ. If that results in Christian voting pluralities, or even majorities, then they will still be bound by the established constitutions in the lands where they live. There is no guarantee that Christian theocracies will result, because, after all, we were instructed to “render unto Caesar … .”
Posted by: George Rebane | 25 March 2015 at 08:41 PM
LOL Paul,, Karnak the great you are not. Your "predictions" have sucked on a world class level. UUhhhhmmmm What did you say about the Tea Party way back when? (and still do for that matter) It sure wasn't anything positive. Uh,,, how many elections have they won?
How many seats? Don't forget to count every city and county, not to mention state and GOV.
To put it into terms you CAN comprehend,, The Tea Party has kicked ass LIB and RINO GOP alike. They were elected by the same people that would vote for Cruz and Walker.
What do you LIBS have to look forward to? Hilary? and her bus load of baggage? Izzy Lie'n Warren? ( She who lies through teeth) The fake Indian?
The Left has dug their own grave politically, and LIB media who helped with all this is in heap deep trouble because they pushed and shielded the LIB liers.
Maybe "batshit" Brown will ride in on his crazy train from nowhere to save the day.
Now take a swig of that distilled, plywood aged, stuff you drink and pick your winner for the Left who will beat Cruz or Walker.
Posted by: Walt | 25 March 2015 at 08:51 PM
"This is actually a stupid conversation anyway since he will never gather the financial support to win the nomination."
And who started it?
Maybe you could formulate an intelligent one and get back to us, then?
We're waiting.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 25 March 2015 at 09:03 PM
Walt, I really have to feel sorry for you, but really more for your allies on this blog who have to sit and cringe when you post your babble. Paul is spot on in his assessment of your intellectual capability. But have to say, you are a fine rep for the mindless hard right. Keep it up Walt, we love it. Hillary can only hope for 20 million+ Walts to speak for the hard right!
Oh and hey ScottO and Co, your desire to ignore the hard questions and prospects of the hard-right superstar Mr. Ted Cruz tells us all we need to know about his chances, as well as those of the other wingnut colleagues! Stuck on the Bush Family record, over and over and over...
Personally would love to see Deval Patrick in 2016, but he is sitting it out until 2020. There's a guy who can bring some fire, passion and substance to the party, but alas we must wait!
Posted by: Jon | 25 March 2015 at 11:28 PM
My. Ted Cruz threw his hat in the ring? I thought he was Satan incarnate according to the media. I am still a Ben Carson guy, but he will be hinded and quartered and then strapped to the Tree of Woe as the last thing he will see is his entails ripped open and thrown to the jackals while he still is breathing. Politics is not for the faint of heart.
It's always been this way. Finally Congress banned dueling in its scared halls early in our history. What surprises me is that people think all this is something new. Kinda like Madonna thinking she was the one who discovered sex 20 years ago. I like what James Carville said. To paraphrase, he thinks this "be nice" and less caustic is full of beans. He said politics is and should be hard hitting bare knuckle brawls, not this mamby pamby play nice tee ball stuff.
Oh yeah, I, as always, still love my country but fear my government.
Go Ben, go.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 26 March 2015 at 01:11 AM
Posted by: Jon | 25 March 2015 at 11:28 PM
Worst sock puppet ever!
Grade: D-
Posted by: fish | 26 March 2015 at 06:17 AM
Jon the lefty troll. Jeeze they always go personal don't they? They can thank trolls like Jon for their record ass kicking in the last two elections. When they speak people flee. As far as answering questions, yes, there had been many attempts to answer Paul but as it turns out he never answers ours and he changes the subject so as to not answer. But regarding Cruz, he is bringing the same credentials to the party as Obama did but he is a conservative. The media will not treat him at all the same as we have seen so far. They will know how many poops a day he has and we still have never seen Obama's or Hillaries transcripts.
Walt is a very intelligent man and he does not just sit on his ass like the left. He gets out and does the hard work. Jon the troll is the dunce here. Deval Patrick? Jeeze, the guy is a flop.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 06:35 AM
People fled when Barack Obama trounced Mitt Romney two elections back I guess..OK then.
You boys ready for Bushie III as your candidate? Scott Walker is a gooberish looking chap without compassion. No chance when the entire electorate votes in America.
Posted by: Jon | 26 March 2015 at 07:49 AM
Jon, your candidates will be roundly rejected by the American people. Get ready for a big disappointment.
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 07:52 AM
Posted by: Jon | 26 March 2015 at 07:49 AM
Still lame "jon".
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 07:52 AM
I wouldn't underestimate the stupidity of your fellow citizens Todd. They sent President Bunny to the White House twice.....that should tell you something.
Posted by: fish | 26 March 2015 at 08:03 AM
Todd, not sure your record on Presidential elections is stellar. What was your prediction for the 2012 election again?
Posted by: Jon | 26 March 2015 at 08:19 AM
Jon- re Todd in 2012:
It was Romney by 7% He was over 10% off the mark. He's not one whose predictions have any respect.
Whom ever the candidates are they WILL be supporters of the TPP so that excludes any Tea Party backed Conservative with any principals. That's why we will have a Bush or a Clinton for our next Pres. They both have no principals to stand by. It's a family tradition.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 26 March 2015 at 09:00 AM
Jon and Paul are the same person. What a hooy!
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 09:20 AM
Rule #1 of damage control is confusion.
Another tragic case of a man suffering from confusion...or is it damage control......don't know....kinda confusing!
Nevertheless........won't you give generously to help his affliction?
Posted by: fish | 26 March 2015 at 09:29 AM
More deep thinking from the Sierra Lizzard, the Romney by 7 guy
Posted by: Paul Emery | 26 March 2015 at 09:37 AM
I must be getting something right when fresh meat shows up to start attacking and throwing rocks. ( and some wonder why I still wear a hard hat)
Poor, sorry LIBS. It's their own damned fault for putting the likes of "O" and Co. in office, that getting power again in D.C. will be generations down the line.
The nation has had it with LIBS. From the takeover of healthcare, to being the joke of the globe. Yup, "O" really earned that peace prize for his Middle East policies.
Like I said. All that "talk'n" has worked out great!
We will be lucky if a nuke doesn't go off before "O" is out of office. Hell! "O" just might GIVE one or two to Iran. "O" is no friend to Israel, ans despises it as much as the rest of the Muslim world.
Posted by: Walt | 26 March 2015 at 09:54 AM
Paul Emery, you said you voted for Johnson in 2012. He received 1.2 million votes. Romney got 60 million. I would suggest your are 58 times more a loser than me. Here is the summary.
I always know when I best Paul Emery he twists the name of my blog for derision. What a hoot!
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 09:59 AM
Posted by: Walt | 26 March 2015 at 09:54 AM
I must be getting something right when fresh meat shows up to start attacking and throwing rocks.
Rest assured Walt....that "meat" is hardly fresh.......likely been here for a couple of years now, slowly turning in the hot Nevada City sun!
Posted by: fish | 26 March 2015 at 10:07 AM
I see Paul Emery is unable to answer our questions as usual. That is why I don't interact with him anymore. I really think he can't answer the questions. Education?
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 10:28 AM
Todd is yet again on Planet Delusional. Nice pick there in 2012 Todd! I assume the local media won't be beating down your door for comment on election night Nov.2016.
Oh Walt, since you're a primo Chicken-hawk, beating your war drums for several weeks now, I've been meaning to ask you which Middle Eastern areas would you prefer we send troops? Yemen, Syrian, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran? Any or all of them? Where will our volunteer force spend their days under your preferred plan in your ideal NeoCon administration? Hey good news for you though- Paul Wolfowitz and Company are actively working with Bushie III! Next time under Bushie III they will finish the job off, right?
George, kudos for your Mother Jones link and your intellectual honesty on that almond issue in exposing the Big Ag hypocrisy.
Posted by: Jon | 26 March 2015 at 10:30 AM
Interaction requires actually listening to someones viewpoints and then making intelligent responses. You seem unable to do either.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 26 March 2015 at 10:35 AM
Paul, it's a time honored tradition to lie to yourself and everyone who will listen about the chances of your candidate at election time... just look back to November and see the lies Pelosi and Reid were telling about the election outcomes in the House and Senate. If you tell the electorate all hope is lost, we are doomed, their voters will, by and large, not bother to vote.
Libertarians have a sense of humor and don't mind being honest about their chances... Johnson did a good job. I'd like to pull Milton Friedman out of the grave and bitch slap him for his missed chance to change the LIB status on the old McNeil Lehrer News Hour (before it became the McNeil and Lehrerless PBS NewsHour)... asked about the economics of the '92 Presidential hopefuls, he made the correct observation that the only one making any sense was Libertarian Andre Marrou, but when a very surprised McNeil (I suspect he hadn't paid any attention whatsoeverto Marrou) asked if he had any chance of winning, Uncle Milty said no.
An evasive but honest answer along the lines of "Only if PBS takes him seriously" would have gone a long way to actually getting some traction for Libertarians.
Posted by: Gregory | 26 March 2015 at 10:40 AM
The Republican primary will be really interesting in their obvious frenzy to criticize the foreign policy of the Obama Administration. I especially want to hear the comments of Bushie III and, if he runs, Lindsay Graham, and their plan in the Middle East under the Conservative-backed federal sequester, and in our state of a volunteer army. Going to be really fun waiting for the first hawkish Republican to propose a new military draft! Yeah that's a winner for you guys!
Posted by: Jon | 26 March 2015 at 10:42 AM
Gregory, do you really believe that an obscure Milton Friedman comment on PBS in 1992 had a chance to sway the electorate toward libertarianism? Speaking of Planet Delusional. Lets leave old Milty alone in his moldy grave.
Posted by: Jon | 26 March 2015 at 11:03 AM
"Jon", it was a teachable moment, lost forever and the person needing the instruction was Robert MacNeil (finally checked the spelling). No, a different response by Friedman wouldn't have swayed the electorate at all but it might have increased honest coverage from PBS, and that could have increased honest coverage from private media, too.
Sorry "Jon", I remain rational to a fault. Better luck next time.
Posted by: Gregory | 26 March 2015 at 11:38 AM
Paul/Jon, you are too funny. After answering all of Paul's questions up until lately it became clear he is not seriously listening to the answers. Paul changes the subject when confronted with a losing position. But that is just Paul. No credibility in politics. I mean jezze, supporting a candidate that get 1.2 million votes out of 120 million and he claims some sort of expertise? So, when you start picking winners Paul Emery, maybe we will listen.
As for your alter same-ego Jon. My goodness are you that dumb Jon? You are apparently so. When you get educated get back to the thread. I haven't seen that much moronic response since Pelline! Oh and "planet delusional", now that's funny. Seems I supported a whole lot of winners in 2010 and 2012 "jon". Who did you support?
Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 26 March 2015 at 12:11 PM