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29 April 2016



Additional system wide fallout from l'affaire Click.



Simply too good not to move to the fresh catbox......!

After all, I did minor in psychology in undergrad way back when.........


Fabulous! Tell us more Sheldon.

Brad C.

See, Fox News IS fair and balanced...



Posted by: Brad C. | 29 April 2016 at 09:34 AM

I'm enjoying the triple bank shot endorsement from Orange Julius as well Brad. I'm not a Cruz supporter but this makes me think.....maybe he deserves another look.

Todd Juvinall

Was that Croul donation from a relative BradC?

Brad C.

Could be, where did you see "the donation"?

Brad C.

Fish, is this what you are referring to?


Orange Julius (Caesar;)


Posted by: Brad C. | 29 April 2016 at 10:05 AM

Not specifically. I think Cruz is done regardless of the final delegate count. He's been so downright.....odd.... as of late.

Orange Julius (Caesar;)

"Orange Julius Boehner"

Brad C.

haha, oh, that Orange guy!

Brad C.

I think I am beginning to suffer election campaign burnout. Now, we have to look at all the damn campaign signs all over town. Sheesh!


Posted by: Brad C. | 29 April 2016 at 10:14 AM

Buck up cowboy........only 6 months to go!

George Rebane

Ahh the Great Divide becomes ever more real. Looking at this morning’s (29apr16) Union op-ed pages and reading the contributions of such flaming socialists as Jim Firth (NC Dem Party chair) and Jane Calbreath confirms again the unbridgeable gulf between America’s Left and Right. Once more (I’ve lost count) Firth announces the demise of the county’s Tea Party and SoJ movements and duns the aspirations of their members. And Ms Calbreath is again the herald of those legions of the Left who believe that “capitalism has created more poverty in our country over the past 35 years, exactly because it has become run-away hoarding of wealth by the very rich, who seem to have no end to their greed.”

Imagine the dismal ignorance of that woman. She sees mountains of mattresses in musty mansions across the country overstuffed with dollars and gold bars and gems and …; just sitting there in great stashes, none of it invested in any productive venture. And the greedy rich rubbing their hands in glee like Scrooge McDuck sitting on his hoard.

Meanwhile the local looney Left continues their chorus of accusing the Right of dividing the country. It is not hard for those of us so accused, especially in California, to understand how the Sunnis of Iraq feel living under the thumb of the majority Shias.

Brad C.

"mountains of mattresses in musty mansions" - love it!

Brad C.

I think I am going to change my party affiliation to Liber-tarian-al..Libertariabal? oh, what the heck!

Todd Juvinall

BradC, it was in the Union this morning.

Firth's screed was the typical libnut BS. As long as he and his cohorts are allowed to spend gazillion for elections then all is good. Not a word about Firth's own tenure of buying politicians for his union.

Todd Juvinall

2015-16 County Budget. 724 pages. Amazing!



Bill....our gal certainly has the devotion of the staff (from instapundit).

21st CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: “‘She was a very, very religious person—she didn’t smoke, drink or swear, always very polite,’ recalls one Clinton friend, who, like most people who spoke to Newsweek, asked not to be named. ‘A lot of times, Hillary would snap her fingers and go, ‘Gum.’ And Huma would fetch it.’ Abedin took her duties so seriously, the source recalled, that when she learned that Clinton had once carried her own bag up a flight of stairs in her aide’s absence, Abedin nearly burst into tears.”



I don't recall seeing this in the "Portrait of a Successful President" marketing materials.......



To Firth and crew,, as the saying goes,,"Go ahead, and keep believing that".

See n the anti Trump riots? Mexican flags and all? Man O man.. If White people had done that to "O"....

Bill Tozer

Is Hillary politically tone deaf or just plain out of touch? Her die hard supporters are 69 year old and older women who just want to see a woman president before they die. They don't like her, but she is part of their sixties world view.
The modern women would be embarrassed to carry a woman card. They are of a new mindset that does not glorify Virginia Slims commercials, Gloria Steinman, or NOW. Nope, they have evolved well beyond those radical ideas and actually don't hate men. Most actually like men. Well, most men.
Hillary can verbally abuse Secret Security personnel, threaten to have them fired for not carrying her bags or do crowd control for her, treat workers like crap, but the new breed does not call that being liberated. They call that being a bitch. A lying bitch that is in it for personal enrichment, fame, prestige, legacy, and power. Hillary's dream is to have large swaths of people love her. Like Sally Fields receiving the Oscar.
Perhaps Hillary should have passed out DVDs of The Vigina Monologues instead of being a monologue with a vigina.
Ever notice how Hillary always says "I did this, I believe that, I did, I did I, I, I, I,"? Bernie and Trump always say "we" because we means their candiancy, their movements, others involved and sharing in their beliefs. It's not I, it's always we.
Name name one person under 42 that would want a Hillary Woman Card. Ok, besides Chelsea, name another one.


The Woman Card deserves a place in the Stupid Museum next to the Reset Button Hillary gave to Putin.

Gerald Ford's Whip Inflation Now buttons also get a dishonorable mention.


Tozer, you are too funny. So you suppose young women voters are going for Drumpf? LOL. Better make them stay home from the polls en masse.

Oh, how'd you like the Pew Research study of the 2016 electorate demographic? :)
A lefty funded study I presume?

Bill Tozer

Oh Jon, only you would make the leap of Hillary being an attention whore to supporting modern women Trump. But, you are not known for reading comprehension, so I take that under consideration.
Hillary's numbers among women of child bearing age and who were not born during the "I need a man like a bicycle needs a fish" days are pathetic. She is out of touch with her "core constituency".
The Donald was right. Giving Hillary's dismal record, if she were a male her numbers would be at 5%. Ok, maybe 7.5%.
Who the women not living in Wrinkle Village will end up voting for remains to be seen. Gone are the days were women were a monolithic voting block.

Bill Tozer

Hillary speaks! More "I,I, I, I, eye."
Yep, she has a lot of experience with men who leave the reservation. After all, she has been married to one man for all of her adult life. Yep, she knows much about being bullied.....er...think she meant bullying men.

Funny, the headline says "like Trump", but the transcripts do not mention Trump. Yep, she has experience with men, particularly the only man who ever asked her out. In fact, that is the entire body of Hillary's experience. Women tremble at her name.


Yes... DEPORT them..

Let me know how you like the headline picture.

George Boardman

I have a daughter and four nieces who range in age from 35 to 46. All are college graduates and include a full-time homemaker, two teachers, a lawyer and a property manager.

None of them will give Trump the time of day, let alone their votes.


You can fantasize and create all sorts of wild theories, but I'll go with 4/16 Pew Research, and the aggregate results from various statistically solid electoral polls. Scoreboard!


GB, it is very possible the women in your family are warming to the idea of Trump, and whatever happens when they go into the voting booth in November, you will never know.

Chances are California will go Dem as usual, and with the winner take all system here, GOP and 3rd party candidates are all cut out. In fact, it's likely that both our Senate candidates will be Dems... no choosing R, Lib, PF or Green. Just Tweedledum and Tweetledumber.

Perhaps someday we'll go to an electoral vote per Congressional district, with the overall winner getting the two votes that are due to California's seats in the Senate, but that would take an embrace of democracy by the Democratic Party. Don't hold your breath.


So what Boardman? Funny you give no reason. LIB households? (well no sh**)
They going for Cruz? I can live with that.
Or are they in line with the protesters today live on TV waiving MEX flags?
These protesters are just giving the undecideds here in Ca. a damned good reason to vote for Trump.

George Boardman

Walt, I think Trump's people hired those protesters to egg on people like you.

Todd Juvinall

I met the two women running the Trump campaign for this Congressional District. They love the guy. Both are business women and smart. Also moms. So I would assume GeorgeB's daughters were raised in a non Republican household? The two gals I met were never involved in politics before. Inspiring!

The polls are not that bad for Trump and women. Or even Latinos. Today a Latino gal was carrying a "build the wall" sign in Burlingame and the "protestors" ran her off with threats. Those peace loving libs are quite the thugs.

Jon Dozer

"The polls are not that bad for Trump and women. Or even Latinos." So say TJ

..oh yeah, if 75% and 85% disapproval is considered "not bad".. Pretty embarrassing statement to make there Todd. But I do wish you guys well in capturing those demographics! Drumpf will need to get 75%+ of ALL of the white vote of both sexes to even have a chance. Not a chance.


Jon Dozer

"Chances are California will go Dem as usual," Gregory

Wow there Greg, what a bold thought. Chances are? LOL.

Jon Dozer

Trump and Cruz chasing most people away from the GOP. Pew Research. As I said.



Still not fess'n up Boardman? You should know better(of all people) that hiring out just isn't "our style". Or Trump's for that matter. These are Hillary and Sanders minions. Again, you should know that. LIBS are grate at busing in paid protesters, just like they do when votes are needed, "voters*" are bused in across state lines.(facts of that can be found on line) But you just have to adore a small child being used as a pawn by a Lib.
Holding a sign saying "Make the USA Mexico again". So Boardman,, you all for that? That's "your side",,, own it.

Bill Tozer

oh Jon, I will try this again. Never said that Hillary's disappointing numbers with women under 69 would be flocking to Trump. Never said it. But, you love distorting and putting words in people's mouths and running with it. My point is simple. Hillary is a weak candidate, even among women.
I have said in the past that Trumps numbers among black women were surprising.
You are stuck with Hillary. But, then again, you like being corned holed. I ain't into sodomy, but that is just me. Either am I into grossly obese slobs. I suppose there is a wrench for every nut, so I am grateful that your life had never been better.

Patricia Smith

Let me preface this by saying that I am not a Reagan fan (cue the booing), but I was beyond appalled when I heard about the Wil Ferrell movie that mocks President Reagan for having Alzheimer's. Beyond bad taste. I am at a lose for words (which doesn't happen often!).


What is with LIBS? Now they bitch about Trump "picking" on Hillary. Well tough titty.
She has been screaming about "equal treatment" for women,,, right? Equal, this equal that,
so she's getting an equal pounding politics style. So now she plays the "woman card".
So LIB women want it both ways? Nope,, not happening.


Good post Patricia. Yes, that idea was not a good one. It has since been round filed.
Maybe a comedy movie about Ted Kennedy and the Chappaquiddick bridge incident?
Who can they find to play Marry Joe? (Naaaaa, Hollywood LIBS would NEVER dream of that.)

Jon Dozer

Walt, I encourage Drumpf to keep up the woman bashing and maniacal ranting about Hillary. Its good for progressive candidates at all levels.


He's not woman bashing. He hasn't even started on the hag yet. "All levels"? LOL!!
Progs can hardly win a race for dog catcher.(other than Ca and Washington)

Bill Tozer

Don't forget Portland, Ore.

Jon Dozer

Hay "Walt", you don't really like successful and powerful women, do ya now? A bit threatened, to say the least. LOL.

Jon Dozer

Tozer, good night kisses for you, with this parting article. Read and Learn. Goldwater Redux.


Bill Tozer

Yo Walt. Some of us know how it is done.

Bill Tozer

Mr. Dozer. Oh course I am not going to read anything you post. Link says it all. History will repeat itself in the fall. Hmmmm. I guess that Goldwater's opponent at the time did not have 150 FBI agents doing a two pronged criminal investigation into LBJ, now did he?
Sure, you and Bernie are sick and tired of hearing about those damn e-mails. But even Bernie followed up by saying there is a process and it is proceeding.


Bill Tozer

First, last day to burn without a permit. They are suspending open burning tomorrow (Sunday) according to The Union.. Darn. I was going to go down the hill today and spend all my money out of county at the Smartsville Pioneer Days.

Second, they said the same thing about Bubba. How could such a brilliant person pull such bonehead antics? How could he be so wreckless? At least she has an excuse. Favorite quote thus far:
"Suad Joseph, a professor of anthropology and gender, sexuality and gender studies, said she continued to back Katehi. She called on an external task force to review the treatment of all top UC administrators to address concerns of a systemwide bias against women."
But, the facts speak for themselves despite the War on Women. Wonder if she has a Hillary For President Woman Card......it can't hurt and it can't help.

Jon Dozer

Tozer, here's one to follow, if not today, perhaps tomorrow, next month, July, October... You keep watching and tell me when Donald Drumpf gets anywhere near that number called 50. K? LOL. Lots of undecided will pull level for Drumpf?
Don't thiiiink so. LOL.


Bill Tozer

Now, to drop politics for a moment. Time to take a deep breath and smell the roses.
Indulge me. The last 3 days included:

1). My niece's young smart techie love of her life husband has been diagnosed with cancer (lympth) and it has mushroomed in the last 5 days. Young, brilliant, with a second child due soon. His dad once was given a new position created for him at Intel or Cisco or one of those Beaverton outfits, CTO. Both have since left to form new companies. He will have the best of medical care, but prognosis is always uncertain.

2) a relative tried to commit suicide.

3). Back in the day I was hitchhiking around the Northwest and Plains when a trucker picked me up and took me home. He has 7 boys and I was the familiy's adopted 8th brother. Stayed off and on for a few years. Anyway, the youngest son (now all grown mid age adult) just got shot twice in a bank robbery. He will live and is in good spirits despite the pain. He lost 3 inches of bone in his arm and will never be the same despite what the media says. Media is calling from all over the country for an interview and he answered his cell phone in the hospital all drugged up and doesn't remember what he said, lol.
I have exchanged messages with him and his family as we have remained friends since the 70's. He said he was standing in the bank because the ATM had too many people waiting in line. The robber told everybody to knell down. He saw a young mother with an infant and became enraged for her as she knelt become the suspect. He reacted. The arm saved his life as it was across his chest.
I told him that I would not have kneeled before the punk either. I will run from a hog, not a punk.
Wait til I tell him even Fox News is trying to get a hold of him, but we all think it is best not to do any interviews until he gets the drip morphine out of his system and remain anonymous until the FBI naps the guy. No use publishing names when is wife and kids are alone.

All this to say is government or politicians ain't with ya in the waiting room. Enjoy your day. Stop and admire the wild flowers and birdies.

Bill Tozer

Mr. Dozer @ 8:09 am.
I will read your link soon, pinky promise. One of us will be dancing on Nov. 9th, the other eating crow and grunt sandwiches. Until then, I enjoy the sparring. It's part of my anger management resolution therapy.. I have big bad anger issues this past few days, triggered by illegal aliens waving the Mexican flag, yet refusing to go to Mexico. One even said "they are no going to build a wall in OUR country. Whose country??? Go figure. Maybe you can figure it out.

Oh no. Micro-managing control freaks will not find this amusing:

Jon Dozer

Agree on your anger management issues. Man do you get worked into a lather when thinking of that racist with the stupid orange hair.

Brad C.

BillT - I never thought holding the chain saw bar between the legs while trying to start the saw was a good idea. Darwin Award contestant?


Posted by: Jon Dozer | 30 April 2016 at 09:28 AM


At just what time did the psychological break occur last night? I go away for a couple hours after the Giants get thrashed against the Mets and come back to multiple versions of you.

Is there someone I should call?



1). My niece's young smart techie love of her life husband has been diagnosed with cancer (lympth) and it has mushroomed in the last 5 days. Young, brilliant, with a second child due soon. His dad once was given a new position created for him at Intel or Cisco or one of those Beaverton outfits, CTO. Both have since left to form new companies. He will have the best of medical care, but prognosis is always uncertain.

Not the best christian.....not by a longshot but I will keep the lad in my prayers.

Posted by: Brad C. | 30 April 2016 at 09:40 AM

I tink incidents like this is why the Husqvarna manual is 27 pages long in Sweden and 177 pages long in the US.


Posted by: fish | 30 April 2016 at 09:48 AM

No....I really "think" that.

(needed to get ahead of The Nations Editor)

Brad C.

Tink works...

Brad C.

I tot I taw a puddykat...A dialect I learned at an early age

Russ Steele

This is how the left plays the intellectual game of data hide and seek.

Research university hides results of fracking study which fails to prove it’s dangerous

What happens when a university research department is tasked with conducting a study of the harmful effects of fracking on ground water and other environmental concerns? Well, that depends on who provides their research money and what the results turn out to be. In the case of the University of Cincinnati, a lot of their funding comes from groups which have a vested interest in proving how harmful fracking is so it’s hardly a surprise that they lost interest in the study when it failed to produce any evidence of ground water contamination near commercial fracking sites.

Jeff Stier, senior fellow and head of the Risk Analysis Division at the National Center for Public Policy Research in Washington provides a detailed report at Newsweek.

Geologists at the University of Cincinnati just wrapped up a three-year investigation of hydraulic fracturing and its impact on local water supplies.

The result? There’s no evidence - zero, zilch, nada - that fracking contaminates drinking water. Researchers hoped to keep these findings secret.

Why would a public research university boasting a top-100 geology program deliberately hide its work? Because, as lead researcher Amy Townsend-Small explained, “our funders, the groups that had given us funding in the past, were a little disappointed in our results. They feel that fracking is scary and so they were hoping our data could point to a reason to ban it.”

So, if the results do not support the left hypothesis, it is OK to hide the results. Especially if the researchers want some funding in the future. One has to ask, how many AGW studies showing it is null and void have been hidden, to keep the research money flowing?

George Rebane

RussS 157pm - Good catch Russ. This comment may have a better home under 'They sure ain't like us'.


Seems standards are dropping precipitously at some of the other blogs in your area.....

jeffpelline says:

April 30, 2016 at 1:39 pm

George “Raghead” Rebane is crying in his beard over this! ROFLOL.


This in response to: greendogdemo

Yes I remember a time when blog posts were throughly vetted and the bloggers themselves rigorously checked and their full and complete names verified before being allowed to post.

Good times.......good times indeed

George Rebane

fish 559pm - Over what does the overheated brain of the FUE claim that I'm crying in my beard??

Don Bessee

I found the Reuters poll that had madam liar liar pants on fire and Trump tied. Still not sure what the Bernie bros were saying as to Trump beating pantsuits on fire but it may be about the lack of Bernie bro turnout and Trumps nibbling a percentage here and there on black on other surprising minorities. Whatever happens we all have to work to prevent madam liar liar pantsuits on fire from a third 0 term.


Posted by: George Rebane | 30 April 2016 at 07:14 PM

That's the beauty of it.....I haven't any idea.

My comment was in response to yet another of the jeffies cherished and inviolate principles (must post with full name) being shown to little more than dust and falling by the wayside when ignoring them helps him reinforce ones of his political "points". Last week it was his using his own kid as a prop when he was trying to make the utterly ludicrous argument that you had no business ("not qualified" I believe was the term used) officiating your Tech Test. This while continuously whining about "boundaries" when he makes a habit of rooting through public tax and criminal databases looking for dirt on your neighbors.

Bill Tozer

Not really new news, but found this quote amusing. The Leftist government leaders are exempt. Got to feed the beast.

"While blackouts have not been enforced in the capital Caracas, poor families in cities like Maracaibo are suffering the consequence."


Bill Tozer

I think I am out of the loop, a fish out of water so to speak. I just can't muster the outrage to be offended this lovely morning. It's a beatiful day in the neighborhood when you aren't walking around on guard against being offended. Or maybe it is better to offend than be offended. Or, I just don't get it.




Posted by: Bill Tozer | 01 May 2016 at 06:21 AM

Yes.....one wonders how "our gal" will ever be successful by both uttering and being in close proximity to such racist language!

Really Mayor Cuckold....."Colored People" time?

To borrow from Instapundit....why are progressives and progressive cities such cesspits of naked racism?

George Rebane

fish 409am - since I'm not aware of the FUE's literary and political contributions, where did you get that quote of his re TechTest?


Posted by: George Rebane | 01 May 2016 at 08:25 AM

jeffpelline says:

April 21, 2016 at 8:36 pm

Then the other George (Rebane) weighed in with his snide comment — a “fat joke.” George is unqualified to give a Tech Test to local teens. He is a role model for intolerance and false pride. These two have much more in common than their first names. LOL.

Bill Tozer

Lest you gossipers forget, it's May Day USA style! Too hip, gotta go.

PS: Oh, yeah, Lover Lips did say you have no business giving tech tests and the not so subtly veiled innuendo that your kind should not anywhere near millilials, per my selective reading comprehension, of course.

International United People's Worker Communist Party's day to shine! Parades. Next up, watching the French sound like crickets on Cino de Mayo! May Day is the one day each year that if your nose goes on strike, you can pickette in broad daylight.

Patricia Smith

Fish, April 30 9:48am If your neice's husband would like to supplement his medical care with cannabis oil, please contact me (assuming they still live in CA?). They can call my google voicemail at 530-273-7009 or email at [email protected]. In any case, I wish him well.

George Rebane

re BillT's 558am - Does anyone else wonder why our leftwing cannot connect the dots from the global experience with socialism to what WILL certainly happen here when such policies are finally put in place in America? The harbingers are already visible wherever one looks. All my life I've wondered what special kind of intellectual blindness afflicts these people. From the carefully camouflaged studies that are being done (e.g. the functional MRI imaging of Left v Right brains asked to solve/answer the same problems) the conclusion emerges that the differences in our brains has a clinical basis. That explains why they are immune to remediation through normal educational pathways.


Posted by: Patricia Smith | 01 May 2016 at 10:42 AM

Not my relative Patricia......Tozers! Nevertheless your thoughts are appreciated.


Posted by: George Rebane | 01 May 2016 at 10:44 AM

The results never matter......intentions are all that count.

And hey......the Nomenklatura manages to do well regardless of the political/economic system.

Bill Tozer

No, my kin is taken care of. Dozer's! For Dozer. You know, for the hand that wears his ring. Thanks anyway gang. BTW, when it comes to medicinal marijuana (true medicine for some ailments that work for many, not all), Patricia Smith would be there for you and me and us all 24/7. Name another that would do the same for strangers in time of need that you know of. Patricia has a saintly spirit.
It's too bad that we can't seperate the business of growing marijuana with MMJ patients and their advocates. It all gets jumbled into one big crockpot of stew because darn near every Jack and Jill wants to be in the business of selling marijuana. Work at home and all that stuff. Full time or part time, sole source of livelihood or supplemental income. As the brand new Woman Card proclaims on front, "Deal me in", and that in essence is the monkey wrench jammed in the gears.

Bill Tozer

Warren says no doom here:


Patricia Smith

Sorry Fish and Bill T, glad to hear your family member is taken care of, but do not hesitate to call if things change.

Bill Tozer

Psssst, Jon Dozer.
Made you look. Ok, do not open this link. Danger.


Russ Steele

Oh NO! jon,jon, jon another bad day at black rock.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 41% support to Clinton’s 39%. Fifteen percent (15%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

This is the first time Trump has led the matchup since last October. Clinton held a 41% to 36% advantage in early March.

Trump now has the support of 73% of Republicans, while 77% of Democrats back Clinton. But Trump picks up 15% of Democrats, while just eight percent (8%) of GOP voters prefer Clinton, given this matchup. Republicans are twice as likely to prefer another candidate.

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads 37% to 31%, but 23% like another candidate. Nine percent (9%) are undecided.


Don Bessee

That must be the poll the bernie bros were crowing about the other day. There has never been a primary candidate who led out of the gate and kept leading all the way to the R convention. What ever happens its going to be interesting. ;-)

Russ Steele

California Drought Report #61: Dry Winter Expected for California

Forecast: La Niña to replace El Niño conditions in the fall of 2016 – dry winter for California expected.

Details HERE.


Does this belong on the "Portrait of a Successful President" chart?

"In 6 Months Since Budget Deal: Debt Up More Than $1 Trillion!"


George Boardman

Sound advice from a Republican candidate:


And I thought Sharron Angle was loony.

Bill Tozer

George Boardman.

Just skimming your link, I must confess I cannot find anything redeeming about Sharrrrron Angle's angle (yet).. If a cop was pointing a gun at me and I thought it was a great idea to then point a gun at the officer in return, that would mean I would be taking a long undisturbed nap. Nobody likes to be awaken from a nappy-pooh anyway. Or, to put it a different way, such a decision is what is now called "suicide by cop".
At first blush, you have indeed busted us right wing extremists' nuts. I am embarrassed for the woman hating wife beating tee shirt wearing Party.
Aha! Found it. Angle may be helping rid our fine country from those dumber than a bucket of rocks. Only mental midgets like libs and other dumbasses would be so brain dead to try it, thus getting the low lives off the streets. Always a silver lining.

Bill Tozer

Well, this is not surprising. They ain't the only ones fleeing our Socialist Paradise of Kalifornia.


In related news, our own Scott O made the headlines! They even quoted him accurately.. Miss ya Mr. O, even if you do lean Cruz.



Get ready for the next wave from Frisco.
We are still dealing with the migration of 1969.


Hillary knows how to step in it. First she says how she plans to put coal miners out of business, then rolls into coal country saying "vote for me!"

"“I don’t know how to explain it other than what I said was totally out of context from what I meant, because I’ve been talking about helping coal country for a very long time,”

How stupid does she think they are? (On the other hand they believed the line of crap that "O" shoveled them to get their votes.)

Bill Tozer

Isn't MyGal something! Liked her style when she said she has been talking about getting money out of politics for a very long time. Sounds kinda familiar. Problem is she has been speaking for too long.

Walt, if you put your ear down to the ground, you can hear the distant charging horses coming our way. Mr. Dozer is whistling in the dark being brave and all because his instinct keeps telling him he hears it too, no matter how mightily he tries to fight it.
Allow me to alleviate Mr. Jon Dozer's fears. He is 100% correct. The Trumpf is coming for him. Opps, us Trumpsters and assorted United Uncordialables, I should say. We are going to put him in stocks in public square. We will be compassionate. We will fed him by stuffing an apple in his pie hole.
The smoke signals on yonder hill says we got them by the short hairs. Figured you already knew that, but it's worth repeating to the faint of heart.

Bill Tozer

When Trump took the last super primary day, he won 5 of of 5 with well over 50%. Gone are the days of winning with 30%. Dilution was not a good solution for the Rhinos. Well, at least they tried.
He looks good even if he has pink hair.


Paul Emery


Trumps new campaign son is We Shall Over Comb

Jon Dozer

Sorry Bill, I'll stick to the demographic/electoral reality :). Here is the worst case scenario for Dems..


Jon Dozer

Paul, that was bad..:) Accurate, but very bad.

Bill Tozer

Mr. Paul, Good one, but about 9 months old. My adult child bought a mini-bumper sticker somewhere about "there will be hair to pay". Told her the same thing I just told you. Good one nine months ago.
Darn, she put this bumper sticker on her back window that reads "My other ride is a feminist." So, we switch cars and I am driving around with my head in the clouds....until I looked at the back. There are stickers about Keeping Sqaw True, Support the Ironworkers, Santa Cruz, Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society, and finally, "I'd rather be at Possum Lodge." That's my little girl, except that "My other ride is a feminist" is not something I want to be stopped driving around in. It's a Daddy thing.

Now, my buddy rocks. He's getting calls all over the world....and some group he never heard of is building the pole barn in the back he joked about he won't be able to build this summer in an interview...all expenses paid.


Bill Tozer

Oh Mr. Dozer. Can you come out and play?
Republicans always have a massive electoral map problem. We are programmed to lose, guaranteed to be pushing up daisies out of the starting gate. You guys win again! Just look at that map. Just look at those demographics. Demographics is what you bet the ranch on, is it not? So, why not let us "guaranteed to lose" knuckledraggers have a ray of hope before getting squashed like a bug? Now, is that too much you ask, Masta!

But then again, what scares the living green grunt out of you is that.....drumroll please....we are sending someone that is unpredictable to meet and greet your gal into the Thunderdome. Two enter, one walks out. Demographics and the electroral college map are so predictable. Only thing that could possibly upset the apple cart is......someone unpredictable. "Welcome to my parlor", said the spider to the fly.



I attended a showing of Marc Morano's Climate Hustle tonight and I must say I was disappointed. There were no gross errors of fact but there was far too much filler and not enough fact.

I did learn how to pronounce Nobel Physicist Ivan Giaever's last name.

In short, they updated the classic The Great Global Warming Swindle by dumbing it down, repeating some of the same material and not actually giving enough information to interested viewers who want to double check claims.

Dr. Judith Curry got her points across nicely, including the hit to her career that going off the reservation cost her personally. Other scientists who found themselves on the street (one physicist was summarily fired from a 20+ year position two days after their op ed ran in the WSJ, not because of errors but because it didn't match their official line) made the point of how scientists were kept quiet.

Some footage of Philip Stott in 2007's IntelligenceSquared debate was included and the trouncing of the Warmists in that debate was rightly cited as the reason Warmists shy away from debating skeptical scientists of the likes of Lindzen, Stott, Christie, Spencer, Svensmark, Kirkby etc etc.

A panel discussion including Sarah Palin followed the film (ummm, video, some of which was low rez enough to make it painful to see on a big screen)... and and perhaps a quarter of the audience chose to walk out then; I might have followed but I didn't have a clear path out and I generally don't leave the theater until the credits are finished.

No doubt Climate Hustle will eventually be free to view on the net. If you didn't see it, don't fret. Go watch the original The Great Global Warming Swindle or Klimamysteriet (the Cloud Mystery), the Danish documentary about Henrik Svensmark by Lars Mortensen.


Oh "jon"....I had no idea you were in the German "...and they left as good friends" Ministry?

"Now, according to local press reports, it turns out there was more. Germany's The Local reports that a high-ranking police officer has alleged that his seniors tried to strike the word rape from an internal police report after the mass sexual assaults in Cologne over New Year.

The local media outlet reports that a chief superintendent in the Cologne police told the investigative committee established in the wake of the attacks that the interior ministry in North Rhine-Westphalia had sought to influence the investigations."

Bill Tozer

Grants are just never a reliable source of income,” said Cindy Maple, executive director of Hospitality House.


Bill Tozer

Holy Mackrel. Now they are attacking the Sacred Cow, my gal's boy toy and economic guru of the progressives.


Bill Tozer

Random pics before heading out.




Posted by: Bill Tozer | 03 May 2016 at 07:12 AM

Now William that was just gratuitous. We should offer kudos to Mr. Krugman.....once he was "purchased" by the leftist intelligentsia/finance/political establishment he had the decency to stay bought.

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