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20 January 2017


Todd Juvinall

Hey Walt, what was Trump signing a little while ago?

Paul Emery

An observation about the inauguration that is quite profound. Another Trump lie or pufffery to build his very insecure ego. He will probably call it fake news. It was the whitest inauguration in modern history. Also not the record turnout by far that Trump predicted his inauguration will draw “unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout,” The fact is:

Latest crowd count in is:
Trump 2017: 250,000
Obama 2013: 1,000,000
Obama 2009: 1,800,000

Paul Emery

Here are some photo's verifying the weak turnout



I'm not sure what those were. President Trump even went conservative on the amount of pens
he used.


Poor Paul.. There are 250.000 bikers there alone.

Don Bessee

Poor PE. The parade has not even started yet, the mall was full in the secure zones. It seems to me that the district voted for madam liar liar pantsuits on fire, so why would they come? I did enjoy her getting greeted with chants of lock her up! ;-)


DC cops are not taking any crap. Even the FOX reporters are getting rousted.

Miss those days Paul? The whiffs of CS gas in the air, Ears ringing from the flash bangs,
lumps on the body from night sticks.

Bill Tozer

Those New Yorkers do have an in your face style. No nonsense. It was about "we", not "I". The change of rhetoric from Nobama's I" to Trump's "we" says it all. The decline of America ends now. Time to get down to business. Trump's speech laid out the first four years' agenda. All in 20 minutes. Much work to do.

Todd Juvinall

A million attend peacefully and the press wants to get close to the three protesers. Paid of course. Right at the moment the press is surrounding one nutball with a sign. Americans are fed up. Paul emery is losing his mind.

Todd Juvinall

Looks like he signed the document to allow Mattis to serve.


So that's what the cops are doing.. They charge the heard, bag their limit, and eep the rest corralled while they process and cage. Then go after more.

Paul Emery

250 000 bikers??? Talking about the Inauguration Walt not the parade. What is your estimation of the turnout and what is your documentation ?

Paul Emery

More documentation to the skimpy turnout to what Trump said would be a record turnout.


Paul Emery

Trump spouts

"We will be protected by God"

Good Lord! Do any of you believe God has Nationalistic preferences? Important question.


Nice try Paul. I guess you forget the NPS no longer puts out those numbers.
The number of bikers come from the bikers. "The National Bikers for Trump".
You should track down THOSE videos Paul. Freeways full of bikes as far as the lens can see.
VS the few hundred of butthurt protesters.(at the moment)

Todd Juvinall

Looks like a million or more to me.


OH my EARS!! The wicked witch of the West speaks. Going back to the burning garbage can.

Todd Juvinall

And for those that believe, yes Paul Emery, GOD is important and flavors the righteous. You atheists are sad sacks.

Paul Emery


Are you claiming Trump had the "record turnout" at the inauguration that he predicted? Yes of no.

Bill Tozer

Todd @ 11:29 am. Losing? I think you meant lost.

The Wall of Meat is there simply to back up LE in case they need a hand. The main purpose was to make sure Trump got sworn it. That has been accomplished. Otherwise, they are just hanging around making sure the elderly and women with children are not roughed up or harmed by the crazied hooligan haters foaming at the mouth like the rabid skunks they are.

I don't mind the anarchistic brethren the Left embraces. They have found a home on the Alt-left ...and a job. Just as long as they shout and scream but do not become violent and destroy other people's property, I am fine with it. Asking them to pick up and carry out their trash is an unrealistic request, so why bother.

I thought I heard a few women call out from the crowd, "Bill Clinton is a Rapist", but I could be wrong. :). Nah, just kidding.

Todd Juvinall

Millions there.

Paul Emery


Do you believe that God favors the Christians in America over the Christians in other countries? Is God a Trump supporter over Hillary in your view.

Todd Juvinall

GOD favors all his people Paul Emery. But not those who reject him like you. Good luck in the hot place.


I don't get all hot and bothered with "record numbers!!!" BFD. There are numbers of things that can influence crowds. From the asswipes in the streets, the cost of just getting there, weather.
Hell! I missed President Reagan's Inauguration, and we had an official invite from Reagan himself. Still have it safe and sound.


I'm sure we can add our own media(guy) to this list.

Paul Emery

So Walt you agree this was not a record crowd.

God doesn't like me Todd and in your view I'm going to burn in hell?

Paul Emery

At least somebody likes Trump

David Duke Tweet

We did it! Congratulation Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America!

9:02 AM - 20 Jan 2017


There is probably a record to be had,, lumps and bruises on Proggy snowflakes.
Friends of your Paul?

Must make you proud Paul. Hippies in action.


LOL Paul. The Muslim Brotherhood loved "O", The Black Panthers as well, BLM,, etc. etc.
All hate and terrorists.

Forget Sen. Bird? "your side" never complained about that klan member. I know your memory fades. The Klan is a Democrat org. Always has been, always will.


If you ever fell for the myth of an independent press......

Scarborough: Big Newspaper Boss to Staff After Hillary Lost: ‘We Did Our Best—Tried and Failed’



See the pictures of Hillary? You almost feel sorry for her. Almost. " This was supposed to be MY day. I,,I was supposed to be standing there! It's just not fair! It was MY turn!

It sure didn't help when the crowd started shouting "lock her up! lock her up!"
She should be at the bottom of her fist bottle of gin by now.

Bill Tozer

This ain't Baltimore or Ferguso where things go on and on. This is our Nation's capital and there is a new sheriff in town. Their day of rage days will slowly die out over time and be a memory to be replaced by America's Day of Rage at our enemies and criminals, both foreign and domestic.

Tonight and tomorrow is when the real fireworks will happen. Darkness is when those who live in their mommies basement come out. They believe in nothing, add nothing to society, and are the lowest form of human debris. One when asked what he believes in, replied "we don't believe in anything, we are here to fight." He wish will come true. Beating against the wind.

Interesting that Hitler's first dead camp guards were the exact same kind of wasted lives. The German military went out and found those who believed in nothing, contributed nothing, did nothing, and whose hearts raged against everything. They were the first to guard the Dead Camps. The meanest, the cruelest, the ones mentally ill and emotionally unbalanced. The Alt-Left if you will

This should be fun, but short lived. Their days are numbered. Mommie is stuck with them.

Paul Emery

Burn in hell Todd? Kinda harsh for an old fashioned Deist like me Todd. Oh well, I'll join Benjamin Franklin there among other American hero's. Here's a quote from good ole Ben

“You desire to know something of my Religion. It is the first time I have been questioned upon it: But I do not take your Curiosity amiss, and shall endeavour in a few Words to gratify it... I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some Doubts as to his [Jesus'] divinity; tho' it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and I think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.


Now this didn't take long,, Climate change? Paul isn't going to be happy...Ops,,, too late.

Paul Emery

Sure Climate change doesn't effect us right Walt. Amerika First excludes us from the condition of the planet.

Paul Emery

Well it certainly doesn't worry me because I'm going to a very warm climate according to Todd who in his Christian compassion has condemned me to an eternal pit of fire and snakes. Wonder why I dislike religions? The Toddster is a prime example. Saint Todd ugh


Nice attempt Paul. Somehow you think man can control the climate. It's been ever changing since before time. So blame the first controlling of fire by man as the start of AGW.
The volcano that's been popping of for weeks in Alaska has set back all the work the ECO buggies have done over the years. You might want to look into that. Here is a little insite.
" were tracked in satellite images as they were transported with the prevailing winds. Sulfur dioxide gas clouds from many of these events have been detected in satellite data, and the event on December 21 was tracked in satellite data for five days to a location over the central United States (Nebraska)"
Let us now when we have figured out how to cork volcanos.


Thanks to Paul 1237 for illustrating how the David Dukes of the country would have no audience at all without the left paying attention to him.

Power went down with a tree on Empress Wed 9PM, power came back on yesterday noonish and phone/adsl came back an hour ago. I'm baaaack.

Internet is nice but that warm shower yesterday felt even better.

Paul Emery

Walt and Climate change

To quote George R. Stewart

"Men come and go but earth abides"


Everyone out there feeling like a saaaad panda, do the hampster dance!

A few days ago, Gavin Schmidt of the NASA-GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) was back on the "Hottest Year in History" bandwagon, justifying their existence trumpeting the heat they're doing their best to find. They couldn't find it using the satellite data NASA helped bring the world (and the hundredth of a degree they found you wouldn't be able to feel) so they do it with their own heavily adjusted terrestrial data.

Schmidt months ago warned Trump not to cut his budget. If anyone knows of a pool betting on when his department is cut completely, please let me know.

In the meantime, world temps are falling fast from the peak last year of the El Nino *weather* event and, as of December, was a mere 0.24C above the average since 1979 when satellite data first became available.



That's all ya' got Paul? Things must be getting tough. Fake data running out? From rigged polls to rigged AGW data.. Yup, times will be a lot tougher for that AGW religion.

Paul Emery

Gregory ,George

What do you think David Duke meant when he tweeted "We did it" who is "we" ??

Also there is dancing on the streets in Russia.

Russians danced in the street when Donald Trump was sworn in as 45th President of America as revelers claimed: “It’s a holiday”.

Odd that our enemies are dancing in the streets and our allies are very worried.

"Most newspapers across Europe predict that Donald Trump will be a reckless world leader, viewing him as a buffoon and fearing that he will undermine transatlantic relations and weaken the European Union.

They are also worried that he might make deals with Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, at the expense of smaller countries in central and eastern Europe."



Paul Emery

Yeah Walt

Every thing you disagree with is rigged information. You stole that line from your Hero The Donald. Hopeless to talk with you but I will continue to try.

Bonnie McGuire

Paul...would you please stop being so prejudice and pretending to be a libertarian. When you bring up God think about the golden rule that all lives matter...Our Constitution and Bill of (humane) rights is what that's all about to protect us from one another. Why? Because human nature can be good or evil. The scary part about evil is the double standard. You know...the slick politician who says one thing, but does something else. I've been watching it for many years. I'm sick and tired of Democrats always poking fun at those defending the Constitution and calling them extremists. Of them saying it's not worth the paper it's written on, except when they need it to help themselves. The same hypocrites talk about their freedom of speech, but want to deny it to those who disagree with them....to the point of anarchy destroying people, their property and eventually our home America. Those disrespectful protestors carrying "not my president" signs don't give a damn about those who voted for the new president they don't know anything about except what the forked tongue media tells them. I didnt vote for the former street demonstrator Obama because he didn't say what "change" for America he planned. If you listened he never said much, and often contradicted himself, but I didn't try to destroy what others voted for...respecting that he was in charge of our home America.


Paul Emory and the MSNBC are Gloating That Trump Had Fewer Attendees Than Obama, They Overlooked The Fact That Their Leftist Brethren Were Blocking Checkpoints and Shutting the City Down.


Hey Paul, how many people could not make the show due to the lefty/ progressive anarchist in street?


Donald Trump’s inaugural address: Full text as prepared for delivery


Trump was still Trump, getting right in the face of the elites that were on the same stage he was. That takes some intestinal fortitude! The look on Obama's face was not approval, nor was Hillary enjoying Trump's speech. The best part of the speech was it was short and direct. Little room for interpolation by the lefty talking heads on MSNBC and CNN.


I think that Typepad ate one of my posts on why the attendance was down as the anarchist were shutting down the city, blocking intersections. Something that did not happen at Obama's in inaugural. Another thing that did not happen, no one booed Obama like Obama supporters did at the Bush inaugural.


False data is just that Paul,,"rigged",deal with it. YOU choose to use it.
Those polls you love to push said Trump would never even get the nomination. Those sure were accurate,, right? Keep up the great work.
The same goes for AGW. fabricated "The data doesn't show what we are claiming. Time to "adjust" that... There. Warming is back on.."

Russell Steele

Here is a link to photos of the riots in Washington DC today, blocking streets and intersections:


There rioters could have scared a lot of supporter into staying home.

George Rebane

Administrivia - two comments have been rescued from TypePad's spam folder.


Paul, is this what you were hearing coming from the Inaugural Parade?

I heard Stars & Stripes Forever:

Relax, take it easy. I suspect even progressive dems think the country will be feeling good about today in a scant four years, and that's what's worrying them the most. In any case, the country survived Andrew Jackson and will survive DJT.


Russ 308

Think Kristalltag and Greenshirts.


Sorry I just can't help myself... Too good to pass up. Some AGW for Paul..

Bonnie McGuire

Here is President Trumps entire speech and pictures of the huge crowd. He spoke about restoring America (with Gods help) to its former greatness of, by and for the people. That we've spent $ trillions helping other nations, and now they can do the same to help themselves. But now we have to put America first. Reminds me of what Charles Lindbergh said many years ago....

Paul Emery


Just you remind you tyesterday you touted polls from Gallup and they were the same polls I cited showing Trumps historic lack of support. Can't have it both ways.

Actually the polls called it right in the election since they sere polls of the popular vote. The consensus had it Hillary by 3$ She won the popular vote by 2.5% Pretty much right on the number.

Paul Emery


what is your insight as to why Trump is more popular in Russia than he is with our partners in NATO?


Speaking of Trump's Address, Progressive news has this to say.

"Apparently, the America first aspect of the address didn’t sit well with Chris Matthews, who felt it was “Hitlerian.”

How do these guys keep their jobs?

Don Bessee

Why does paul keep beating his dog?

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery has lost his noggin. Anyone that finds it please don't tell where it is.


Golly Paul, I thought 538 did it by Electoral vote. Not true?

I don't think any poll got the California turnout right which greatly inflated the Clinton popular vote without doing a damned thing for her Elector count... you can't get more than 100%.

Now, imagine what might have happened had Trump spent twice as much as he did, to match Clinton's spending... what happened to Democratic disgust at someone buying an election... or is that only bad when it isn't a Democrat doing the buying?

Now Paul, now that Trump is your President too, what do you want to happen?

George Rebane

There is only one enemy that may or not be "dancing in the street" tonight, and that is Russia. Why? Because Putin/Russia needs peace to prosper and successfully fight radical Islam with its shrinking slavic population. Trump promises to have a realistic negotiation with Putin that trades off his sabre rattling for investments that will give Russia's economy a much needed boost. Team Hillary would not have known to how to do that and was therefore viewed as a loose cannon in the west. We remember that it is only the weak and ignorant countries that become desperate enough to go to war. None of this has nor will ever be understood by the Left.

No other 'enemy' is dancing in their streets. And our free loading allies have drawn faces because finally there is someone in the WH who understands how to deal with freeloaders. Those in Europe who understand this have already been pushing for the continent to develop a new strategy for self-sufficient defense. Our alliance with such a coalition will be exactly what is needed to seamlessly replace NATO and defend western/liberal civilization. And that new Europe will also close its borders to Islamic colonization.


Kiss the WOTUS rule goodbye.
President Trump got busy. Just wait till MONDAY!


It is going to be so much fun when there are more people on the Mall in DC (and happier people) than there were today for the inauguration. :)


Here, let me try that again....

It is going to be so much fun when there are more people on the Mall in DC tomorrow (and happier people) than there were today for the inauguration. :)

Paul Emery

Sure Gregory

I want the problems of immigration to end
I want to eliminate terrorism from the face of the earth
I want everyone to have a good job
I want everyone to have affordable health care
I want the budget to be balanced and the national debt to be paid off
I want a chicken in every pot
I want gangs off the streets of America
I want the crime rate to decline by 80%
I want peace in the world
I want everyone to join Todd in heaven
I want better schools
I want better highways
I want better infrastructure
I want clean air
I want clean water
I wabt
I want
I want...................

I want


Dr.R.,, There are pictures from the UK and the EU that show banners saying " Build bridges, not walls". I bet they would love that. Bridges make it easier to invade. Paris forgot about that. The Vikings brought their own bridges to sack the place. Now the Muslims on the other hand were invited in to conquer the city. Nice bridge!


OH goody! Paul called in reinforcements.
They WILL be happier Steve, the degenerates will probably be still in jail, or on their way home licking their wounds. D.C. cops don't mess around.

Don Bessee

Frish you are such a crack up, left wing protesters looking happy! That would be a miracle! ;-)


Posted by: Don Bessee | 20 January 2017 at 05:30 PM

The optimism of tomorrows march will make the darkness of todays speech look mighty....small.

Bill Tozer

Well, that nut job MSNBC host Richard Maddow did not look very happy. He looked weird and his unsymmetrical face was more twisted than normal. He looked exactly the same way the night he had to announce Trump's victory on Election night to end the election coverage broadcast. Weird. He needs a some cosmetic surgery or something.

Obama hopped in Marine One and taking one last look down the celebration below, he said "I built that." Mission accomplished. Onward to the golf course and another vacation.


BTW, I love the point that the Executive Order BLOTUS signed today said it would be the policy of the Trump administration to seek the repeal of Obamacare. Seek the repeal? What happened to immediately signing and EO repealing Obamacare? The betrayal begins :)


Happy people Steve OH!! that's a GOOoooood one.... THESE (ha) "happy" folks?
More like bi*ch pissed. That's not,, "happy".
But,, that's their right.(have their permit?) So let'm have their tantrums.


As for your 5:44,, President Trump has already started that ball rolling. Look for it.

Todd Juvinall

Oh my the troll Frisch is here to help Paul Emry. But alas, since Trump destroyed your ilk Frisch the best you can do is some march tomorrow of sourpuss losers. I think Walt said 250,000 Harley riders were coming to support Trump. So get your depends ready bigboy, no accidents in public.

And Already Trump signed a "no new regs" order along with no new fees etal on Ocare. I think he is doing fine.

Trump's speech was not dark but uplifting to the millions of Americans left behind by Frisch's ilk in their quest to corral all the money. What a hoot!


Posted by: Walt | 20 January 2017 at 05:58 PM

Sorry Walt, I don't believe anything from the NYT :)


Steve. NO MORE penalties for not signing up for "O"care. That includes Covered Ca.
That was the FIRST exec. order. So Ca. can no longer fine anyone. President Trump just put a fork in it. It's done.

Bill Tozer

Was that our own Steve at the celebration? Darn, i think it is.


Todd Juvinall

Frish is lurking. His ilk's blogs are all crying the blues.

Paul Emery

Yeah Todd

My ilk is destroyed by your guy Trump. Got to believe you Todd since you have a direct connection to the Big Guy in the Sky who, according to you has predestined me to an afterlife of eternal fire and snakes. You gotta his kind of Christians. Kind loving human beings.

Paul Emery

typo "You gotta love his kind of Christians

Bill Tozer



Paul. Spin this on the turntable. "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Yup, Christians.

Don Bessee

Did you know that you can not find anything about global warming on the executive website Frisch? There will be nothing but snarling snowflakes and bad losers huffing and puffing in the cold tomorrow. Perhaps another trash fire. Gotta love the military and first responders ball! ;-)

Bill Tozer

Let's be fair. Anything that goes wrong during Trump's presidency we get blame on Obama, right? Right Paul? We follow your lead.


Trump announced tonight that his next Inaugural Address will be shorter as there wil be less broken things needed to be fixed.


Every time some hick uses the term snowflake I get a special chuckle out of the knowledge that it was coined by liberal hollywood actor, liberal and climate activist, Brad Pitt.


Um, Walt, only 5,000 bikers in D.C. today.


Posted by: Don Bessee | 20 January 2017 at 06:23 PM

I am not surprised, but did you know that you can't find anything about the OMB either, or a dozen other issues or agencies, because the site is in transition rom Obama to BLOTUS.


Here is what President Trump Signed today.
It must be fact.. LIB news said it Steve.

So Mr. Pitts coined it? News flash Stevey, it's not a badge of honor. Call it a scarlet letter of cowardice. " I need a safe space! I can't handle reality!!"

BTW. The free money for ECO stuff just got cut off. The check won't be in the mail.
(I don't care if you believe that or not. Find out for yourself.)


5,000? I don't believe you. LIBS LIE......


Posted by: stevenfrisch | 20 January 2017 at 06:02 PM

Sorry Walt, I don't believe anything from the NYT :)

Ahhh....the first step towards enlightenment!


Posted by: Walt | 20 January 2017 at 06:38 PM

But wait, Walt, he told all you rubes that he would repeal it on day 1. Did he? No. Trump signed a meaningless EO because he CAN'T repeal it by EO. So um...he lied.

And yes, sorry to deflate your gigantism fantasy....but only 5,000 bikers in DC today :)

Bill Tozer

Lol. This is too sweet. The Dem Playbook in the era of out of power is to resist everything, offer no agenda or ideas, and follow the Tea Party successes, without the nastiness, vitriol, threats, violence, and ugliness, of course. Oppose, but do it in a nice way. Ore poetry reading are in order.

I knew they could not follow the Tea Party Playbook. Civility is asking too much from them. You can't transmit what you don't got.





You will know the definition of treason when they indict Paul Manafort for conspiring with Russian security agencies and taking payments from them while serving on the Trump campaign. It is going to happen...or I could just be a conspiracy theorist...in which case I have found a home.

Todd Juvinall

Frisch has also lost his small noggin. What a rube he is. Living in a rural backwater town in the Sierra Nevada. I g=bet he has outdoor plumbing he is so backward.

The fact it is raining in DC might keep the numbers low for all marchers. But hey the "babes" having their feminist march and who invited all women just booted the pro-life babes from their march. We sure thought they were all inclusive.

Todd Juvinall

The new IRS auditors will be knocking on Frisch's door pretty soon. What a hoot!

Bill Tozer

Walt. The Affordable Care Act.

Sobering lessons for us all and must not be repeated. Totally different governing styles of Trump the hard nose businessman and Obama the Harvard Law Review editor. Yes, you need to dig down. It also may explain the backlash against the academia/elitist ruling class.

"What they didn't expect, but got, was a president who governed according to the playbook of campus liberals, imposing — or attempting to impose — policies which he believed would be good for people: government by the faculty lounge.
This was governance that was both inattentive to detail and law and also out of touch with how policies affect people's lives. Which is why so many of these policies seem headed for the ash heap of history."



LOL Stevey.. You sure now how to screw up a wet dream. That "link" of yours is TWO DAYS OLD!! Sucker,, Stomp on that flaming bag of dog sh** barefoot Steve...

Don Bessee

You b so frishy, your spin is soooo ignorant of real world events. President Trump took over POTUS twitter and the WH site at NOON. At 1159 there was your team 0 global warming as the greatest national security threat crap. All gone at NOON, bye, bye propaganda. Bye, bye grants. ;-)

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