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16 March 2017


Bill Tozer


Well, not much else to add except.....


George Rebane

BillT 743am - Mr Tozer, an example of what continues to really separate us from the 'progressive mind' is illustrated in your first link. They literally cannot accept that the global Muslim onslaught is colonization and not assimilating immigration.

Todd Juvinall

Looks like a lot of Oxes are being gored by the proposed Trump budget. He is cutting the "climate change" money from the grant whores.

Bonnie McGuire

Todd...It's nice to be one of the deplorable rural hillbillies who grew up knowing where everything we need to survive comes from. And what the really important things in life are. The realization brings joy to my heart.

Paul Emery


At the heart of "the global Muslim onslaught" are desperate human beings trying to find a home and a decent life for their children and families.

George Rebane

PaulE 1012pm - At the heart of your comment what is your point?

Todd Juvinall

Bonnie 903. Yes I know what you mean. Especially family and kids. You sure have a bunch and they all love you. I am blessed as well. I regret that Paul Emery never got to know that. Sorry Paul.

Don Bessee

I would love to have our po' ol' pollhead have an in-depth discussion with some poor moms in the hood. It would be fun to watch him justify (@1012) that their already disadvantaged kids have to pay for his feel good give away with their futures. Shame on you PE. ;-)


The meme wars continue.


Bill Tozer

Dr. Rebane @ 17 March, 8:27 am.

I could write a book on what separates us from the liberal mindset, but I won't. Pinky promise :).
The picture below illustrates the progressive mindset more than 20,000 words. My reply to the site was basically, "The first thing that came to my mind when viewing the picture is 'Build the Wall quick, like today already.' Is this what you want our language, our culture, our nation to look like if there was no border? Is this what you want us to become?"

Now, image the picture where the immigrants refused to assimilate into our language, our culture, our freedoms, our liberties, our laws.

We all know that both Emerys would see the same picture and be overcome by the frowny faces and demand we take them in, all of them....under the guise of compassion. They continue to want us to kill the goose that lays the golden egg and make the US as impoverished and unexceptional and as undistinguishable as the rest. Islamofacists promise only Tryanny.


Paul Emery


The point is you describe the Muslim immigrants as part of the "the global Muslim onslaught" I perceive them as "desperate human beings trying to find a home and a decent life for their children and families." (My quote)

Todd, you're a creep. No wonder you like Trump.

Bill Tozer

Paul, the vast vast majority of the Islamic onslaught had been "single" men of fighting age who have left their wives and children behind to fend for themselves. The picture below is by no means one of the best pictures in scope, but is typical of hundreds of pictures coming out of Europe. Strike that. The picture below does not even do the topic true justice as hundreds of thousands of men leaving their families behind to seek the pleasures of the social service state, welfare, free housing, and loose Western women. Islam by its dictates uses rape as a means of conquest. I see only one child pictured

There are economic "refugees" and there are political refugees. Political refugees are by historic definition those who would be killed in the next 24-72 hours by political opponents. But since Islam does not recognize any distinction nor separation of church and state, then assimilation would be impossible, unless we assimilate into their "my way or the highway" demands. On top of that, as your personal believe system of relativity reveals, you should be repulsived by any religion and way of life that considers itself superior to all others and holds steadfastly to the concrete conviction of superiority over ALL other cultures. Do you feel they would lower themselves to our way of tolerance and thus reject every core belief they have? I don't think so.



Posted by: Paul Emery | 18 March 2017 at 09:53 AM

I'll ask again the question that you couldn't be bothered to answer earlier......how many, for how long, at what level of social services, refugees or immigrants, level of vetting required and how will it be accomplished, etc?

It's not like adopting a stray cat Paul. It seems that that's the level of thought that you have devoted to the issue.


re: Fish@10:36AM

Too complicated a question.

Just ask 'how many?'.

a picture:


The funny thing is that no matter how many "desperate human beings trying to find a home" you take in, there's always more. Just to take a trivial example like Yemen, here's their population over time:


with an estimated population of 60 million by 2050.

You end up with a wall, civil war, or population replacement. There really aren't any alternatives.


You gotta hand it to him.


George Rebane

PaulE 953am - What you see as an either/or is actually one and the same thing described in two separate ways. The 'global Muslim onslaught' today consists mostly of "desperate human beings trying to find a home and a decent life for their children and families." Some Muslim theocrats and intellectuals also see the desperate conditions in Muslim lands as a purposive instigation of Islam's diaspora that urges certain segments of their populations to seek succor in the west, arriving there as surreptitious colonists and not as immigrants seeking to assimilate. Islam has a dismal record in spreading without the aid of the sword since it is fundamentally a religion of violence and hate for the infidels. Therefore conversions accrue overwhelmingly by 'Accept Allah or die!'

None of this is visible to the progressive mind of people who can stand waist deep in decapitated heads and still proclaim that Islam is the religion of peace.


A decent interview of a Danish columnist.


Bill Tozer

Funny, nobody is talking about no Arabic or Islamic immigration. Just a 3-4 month pause from hotbeds of Jihadist training until we can get our vetting system down and the kinks worked out. Everybody knows it is impossible to vet someone from an area where there is no functioning civil service, not to mention an existing or intact civil service. Who are you going to call for birth records, employment history, criminal history, radicalization history, primary education level records, parents, and accurate documents? Who are you going to send an e-mail request to? A: Nobody.

I do like Trump's message that we welcome only those who have a love for America in their hearts. That is a different kind of interview. The Obama Admission rule for barring vetters from even looking at the applicant's social media pages is no good. In fact, if by chance the vetter found something on the "immigrant's" social media pages or even on their phone that would automatically disqualify them, the vetter cannot use that information nor even take that stuff into consideration when approving the request. Obama loves the Islamics to the max. No so very much Arab Christians.

Many "immigrants" flooding Europe applying for refugee status simply throw their phones in the water or mud before reaching the shores of Europe. They have European vetters that speak Arabic who can tell by the accents that the refugee is not from the part of a country or region they say they are. The "refugee" simply reapplies as being from a different country or area, hoping to find another less knowlegable screener. Give me a break.

Assimilation? Like the wolves and sheep?


Todd Juvinall

Big liberal turnout today. Doug handled it good. The liberals were screaming and nasty, just like we knew they would be. But Sheriff kept the peace.

Robert Cross

"The liberals were screaming and nasty" Bullshit Todd… I was there. Yes, people (at least 75% of the crowd from as far as Chico and Redding) expressed their disapproval at La Malfas's positions, as could be expected since he represents only 25% of Americans. No one screamed, no one was nasty, they were just vocalizing their frustrations. Never was LaMalfa shouted down or disrespected, never did it become personal attacks of which you are so fond of, and never did the affair get nasty nor did the sheriff have to do anything beyond keeping the isles clear for the fire marshals. What was obvious was that the Congressman's views were often the direct opposite of the vast majority of those in attendance. Yes, when he evaded questions and /or tried to change the subject the crowd reacted accordingly, most often by holding up red signs that read "disagree." The disagree signs were as prevalent as the
green "agree" signs depending on the speaker. Personally, I haven't seen anything like this since the anti-war demonstrations against the VietNam war. This is democracy in action, Todd. The fact that you are on the wrong side of most issues that effect the American public is another matter.

Don Bessee

No one screamed, no one was nasty.... Where in the venue were you Cross? Todd's representation is arcuate. What was odd is that your team drowned out your own speakers. ;-)

Robert Cross

Bullshit Don. I really don't know what "arcuate" means, but this is democracy in action Don. The fact that you personally picked and chose who got to set up chairs and thus got front row seats, is not democracy in action, Don. There are numerous accounts of people trying to volunteer to help but were turned down by YOU, because they weren't on the republican email list. You personally tried to tilt the table in your favor and lost anyway. What does that tell you? The fact that the positions you have chosen to defend are NOT either in the best interests of most Americans, nor were in the best interests of those who were at this event are beside the point, Don. You can paint it in whatever color you choose, but those who where there know different. You were vastly outnumbered because your viewpoints are in the minority not the majority and people who made the effort to voice their opinions/oppositions to the extreme right wing positions of LaMalfa were doing nothing more than what we should expect/demand from the electorate in a democratic society.

Robert Cross

FYI-- your voice on the Union newspaper, Norm Sauer, left early with his red and white cooler (who knows what was in it, tuna sandwiches I suppose). Apparently the direct and vocal opposition to his world views left him in a state of cognitive dissonance so critical that he had to leave in order to preserve his state of mind and alternative universe.

Todd Juvinall

Cross is your typical liberal potty mouth. And when they are exposed they use that language. My observation was spot on and Cross must not have been there. So stop your fake news Cross. We were there. And we worked hard to get the place ready and yes I sat in the front on the aisle. Cross is just whining.

Don Bessee

Blah, blah, blah Cross. Anyone who listened live knows what happened. Ya right tilting, a couple of dozen people in a room configured for over a thousand, that's sure stacking the deck. There were over 500 chairs and the standing room was not even fully utilized. So democracy in action now = rude and insulting mixed with group think on the left. ;-)

Todd Juvinall

When the left booed the military that really opened my eyes to their UnAmericanism. Hell they just yapped about their free stuff being possibly taken away. Not one thought for the hard working people supplying the money for their free stuff. Chumps all.

Bill Tozer

Scenes @ 2:04 pm.

Another fine mind stimulating link. Good job.
I have wrestled to come up with a term to articulate this unholy alliance between the Marxists and Islamofacists. I have tried combinations of Islam and Maoism, Islam and Stalinists, but never could convey the essence. Unholy Alliance is good enough for now.

Too many money quotes to list. The history of Amnesty International and its refusal to put numerous persecutions and attempted genocides of Christians around the globe on its watch/urgent lists had been well documented for decades. I even once believed the Great Lie everyone takes for granted, i. e., the Lebanese Civil War. It was not a civil war. It was the attempted genocide of Arab Christians by the Arab Muslims, pure and simple. But, I have digressed again.

Dr. Rebane started this post with a quote from Wikipedia. "Nationalism is a complex, multidimensional concept involving a shared communal identification with one's nation. It is a political ideology oriented towards gaining and maintaining self-governance......"

I thought of the Alt Left's Sacred Cow when I read this from Scenes' link:

"Much of the developing world faces a difficult situation and undoubtedly the countries that can help should. Let’s face it, faulty Western foreign policies have made bad situations even worse across much of the Middle East, although other very important sectarian and ethnic conflicts play a large role as well.

There are those who suggest that instead of opening the borders this help should be provided at the origin, which would be cheaper and thus could help many more people, would place refugees closer to their homes and avoid many of the social problems we are unfortunately seeing across Europe – caused by a minority to be sure, but still very problematic. What do Danish politicians think about this?

IT: That would be logical in many ways, but again the debate is not economical. People want to be perceived as doing good, meaning opening their communities, welcoming and caring for others.

I would be in favor of that if we were talking about women and their children, even families. But the reality is different. The majority of people we have welcomed in recent years, especially following the migrant crisis, are fit young men. They bring their conflicts and their frustrations with them, creating a difficult environment for everyone.

So yes, arguably it would be more efficient to provide care at the source but this is not how the debate is framed."

Paul Emery

Todd, Don. There was probably at least 1200 people there today I'm guessing 90% were from the more liberal spectrum of opinion to put it politely.

What are your speculations as to why there weren't what are your speculations as to why there weren't more love more for supporters La Malfa supporters there ?

Don Bessee

RC @ 513- I think Norm had massive carbon footprint beef that had been slow smoked over rare woods on high gluten bread with real mayo, but I may be wrong. ;-)

Don Bessee

PE @ 551- The fire permit for that configuration is 1000 and the back of the standing was sparse. Can you translate that second part? ;-)

Todd Juvinall

Republicans are happy with the Trumpster and LaMalfa. The liberals are not. So the libs/dems show up to cry a river while the R's are enjoying their big screen and March Madness.

Paul Emery

It was packed in the back at the beginning I thinned out because nobody could see the stage. Either way why was there such a small turnout from the Republican side? Either way why was there such a small turnout from the Republican side Must have been pretty intimidating for LaMalfa Who handled it really well. Who handled it really well

Paul Emery

Sorry for the confusing message My voice recognition is not working very well and I don't have my glasses Anyway you get the idea of my question as to why there weren't more republicans there

Todd Juvinall

I told you. Read my last post.

Paul Emery

You'd think they (Repubs) would turnout to support their guy Todd. Poor La Malfa. Left to fend with that unruly crowd all by himself. You'd better believe he's pissed at NC Republicans for the weak support. Actually supports my contention that Nevada County is going Blue in a big way,

Don Bessee

Turret's syndrome @ 630 poor ol' PE?

Bill Tozer

La Malta can handle any lib crowd all by his lonesome, thank you very much. That is his job. He ain't going to act like those wackjob local pussies like HHodge and the councilwoman from Nevada City that have to go crying on FB for some help. "Help!, they are attacking me. Help me!"
Nope, Doug can handle the nuthouse escapees residing up here without support. I started watching it on YouTube, but after the call to join in the opening of a Christian prayer (if you chose) to the cries of protest, I knew what to expect. Turned it off after 5 minutes as we already had seen the made for this made for TV script in advance. Those of us sitting in the winners chair didn't feel like watching all those losers banging their heads on the chairs. Besides, last time I watched a bunch of angry liberals, the exorcist came straight over and started yelling, "Oh Demon of Hillary, I command you to come out of him.". After that experience, I was cleansed and cured from the sorry sight of angry Leftanistas for good.

Speaking of the nuthouse escapees from Nevada City....

Bill Tozer

In news related to today's outpouring of Socialists' discontent, the language "Insert Fart Smell Here" will remain on the ballot. Insert fart smell here is an apt phrase when dealing with the lefties.


"The Russians did it!" Well, insert fart smell here. "It's a Muslim ban!!" Well, insert fart smell here. "But I just want to feel good about having someone else pay to help unskilled, uneducated, illiterate, third world rapists provide for their families!" Well, insert fart smell here. "90% of those who showed up today to jeer La Malfa were Leftists!" Yes, insert fart smell here.

Todd Juvinall

The FUE is on some mind altering substance in my opinion. He says this on his blog about the meeting.

"What’s ironic is that their grassroots efforts are redolent of the Tea Party Patriots — but without anywhere near the hatred and rancor. The progressives’ protests are more civilized than anything that the Tea Party ever dished up."

The Tea Party people were the exact opposite but when you are a purveyor of "fake news" like the FUE, your reality is quite different from real people's.


Reason Magazine on where communities spend there Block Grant money, not on Meals on Wheels

Tad DeHaven has a list of some of the projects that have snagged CDBG funds instead of things that actually help the poor:

$588,000 for a marina in Alexandria, Lousiana
$245,000 for the expansion of an art museum in Allentown, Pennsylvania
$147,000 for a canopy walk at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in Georgia
$196,000 for expanding the Calvin Coolidge State historic site in Vermont
$294,000 for a community recreational facility in New Haven, Connecticut
$196,000 for the construction of an auditorium in Casper, Wyoming
$441,000 to replace a county exposition center in Umatilla, Oregon
$98,000 for the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts in Spring, Texas
$245,000 for renovations to awnings at a historical market in Roanoke, Virginia
$294,000 for the development of an educational program at the Houston Zoo in Texas

DeHaven also noted how a good chunk of the funds of the program get siphoned out due to administrative costs. A good quarter of the funding goes to the various multi-level government bureaucracies to actually operate the grant process. One of the biggest beneficiaries of the CDBG program are the people who operate the program.

As a small-town newspaper editor I witnessed this reality play out in the real world years ago in the California desert. In the rural community of Barstow, due to the administrative challenges of landing the grants, in the end, the local homeless shelter received somewhere around $2,000 from this program, a pittance that accomplished little. The rest ended up going to the city itself, who used the funds to repave the parking lots for local parks.

Check out this audit from Riverside County, California, for their CDBG expenditures for 2016, and there's neither a meal nor a wheel to be found. Of the $761,744 the county received, nearly all of it went to improve a playground and the sidewalks of a single local elementary school. And note that the reason they were audited by Housing and Urban Development was because they hadn't provided proper documentation of their expenses.

It's truly a shame that Trump's suggestion to cut the program entirely isn't tied to a commitment to push that revenue back to the states to handle. The budget proposal says that these community activities should be handled by states and local governments, which is true, but given that Trump isn't actually cutting the budget at all and merely shifting spending around, they're not getting the funds to do so. That means even the parts of the program that aren't corrupt get hosed because the states won't be getting to keep that revenue to deploy to help the poor.



Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 19 March 2017 at 07:15 AM

Really Todd....you expected a different version from the FUE?


Well. I'm glad that this was cleared up.


Plus, some fun science facts.


Todd Juvinall

In the SacBee today were two articles on Townhalls and as we suspected the Alt-left is not a "organic" movement. They have a playbook and are attacking R's all across the country. But our people are doing just fine and my guess is these snowflakes of the left will melt by the next election.

FISH, no I expected it but still hoped the FUE would tell the truth. Not possible from him or his Alt-left commenters.


"The progressives’ protests are more civilized than anything that the Tea Party ever dished up."

How would JP know, to my knowledge he never attended a Tea Party Rally.

The Tea Party made venues cleaner than when they arrived, the left leaves a mess for someone else to clean up. I wonder how may red and green signs were left scattered around Bld-1 at the Fair Grounds? Photos, please.

Todd Juvinall

The leftwingnut Joe Coyote is trying to convince people the turnout yesterday was "spontaneous" and "organic". I guess he does not read the SacBee or other lefty publications praising the Alt-Left and their following the "playbook" to disrupt Republican Townhalls. But you can't fix stupid and ol' Joe is truly that.

George Rebane

This morning NPR news played some audio from other Republicans' town halls across the country and reported that they were all swamped by Leftists who replicated the disruptive yelling and chanting while waving their red/green little placards. At one town hall the Republican MoC countered, "I understand why you are all so frustrated; it's because you don't know how to listen."

re ToddJ's 1015am - Are the country's Joe Coyotes cynically lying about the 'spontaneity' of the leftwing's attendance, or are they just plain stupid?

Paul Emery


The blue movement in Nevada County is totally legitimate. I know the people and organizations involved and I've got to say this is the most activated group of citizens I've ever seen in Nevada County with the possible exception of the early Tea Party Patriots. By the way I recognized a few or my Tea Party Friends but attendance seemed very thin from that camp . Can you speculate as to why La Malfa has what seems to be weak support?

Todd Juvinall

GeirgeR 1031. They are liars.

PaulEmery 1138 You just hang with the libs. If you only knew there are two sides. What a hoot!


Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 March 2017 at 11:38 AM

So Paul any timeline for you to outline your plan for the number, composition, and duration of stay for all those refugee/immigrants over which you were lamenting the other day?

George Rebane

PaulE 1138am - Paul, nowhere do I claim the "blue movement" in NC or elsewhere to be illegitimate - it is indeed real, and that is scary to those of us who consider ourselves to be 'classical Americans' (textualists, strict constructionists, ...). Engaging any of them in a reasonable conversation is impossible because their knowledge is only slogan-deep, and their ability to reason almost totally absent. The overwhelming response from any of them is that 30 seconds into the conversation will see them quickly scuttle back into their slogan rabbit hole. Don't know what to do, save distance myself from such insanity.

Paul Emery


It's not all Blue and Red. There are some things that Trump says that I strongly support. Here's an example.

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in January. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

Well spoken Donald.

Paul Emery

oh yeah the link to Fox News


Bill Tozer

Well, Paul, Obamacare is in the hands of Congress now. Let's see what comes out of the body. Some R's agree with Cruz and Sen. Paul (and moi) that tax credits for getting insurance is bad juju. That's giving people CASH to buy insurance. Deductions are ok, HSA are great, giving people cash is horrible. It's welfare plain and simple. But then again, I oppose the Earned Income Credit that is another cash giveaway. Fortunately for Socialists like you, my opinion is in the minority. Remember, the Republican Party is not the Conservative Party nor the true Libertarian Party...not the bastardization of the Libertarian Party you subscribe to.
Dr.Rebane @ 11:57 am. I concur.
If I said I watched 5 minutes of the Town Hall, I lied. It was probably 2.389 minutes. Heard 2 questions slash statements from the gathering of concerned citizens:

1) lady gets up and says she is a Patriot and is concerned about civil rights being taken away by Trump. Her proof was that Trump has chosen which press outlets he will talk to, thus violating (I reckon) her civil rights to hear Trump talk to all the MSM outlets. Hmmm.
I screamed back at the video, "Well, if you work for the NYT and run a piece by a NYT writer that calls the First Lady a slut, you bet you sweet petunias that at the next press gathering, Trump ain't going to reserve a spot for your organization. Slut?. Heck, he talked to the NYT reporters latter than same day.
What a friggin piece of human debris. Her civil rights are being rolled back because Trump picks and chooses which outlets he answers questions from?

I also asked the wackjob lady piece of Alt-Left grunt to name all the civil rights that gays, homos, lesbos, blacks, yellow people, or the Flying Burrito Brothers have had taken by Trump??? Name one. But, I did not expect the lady Patriot to answer be via the YouTube feed. What a sick stupid waste of my air.

2) next statement I tuned into was another wackjob piece of brain dead 57 year old woman who was butt ass ugly as she was friggin stupid. She said she was 57 years old and will have to sell her house to pay for her health insurance.Hmmm.
I thought "Well ugly lady with bad hair do, take that to Obama and Nancy. They are the reasons Obamacare is so friggin expensive and going under too boot. Sell your home and go rent an apartment so you can be with all the other whinny apartment complex dwellers and walk around with your palms up all day and only have to pay what you feel is the proper amount."

The silver lining is if the ugly 57 year old lady sells her home, she won't get stuck with property taxes. Talk about a bucket of maggots.

2 questions was more than enough. I wish all the Alt-Left mentally ill would take the cotton out of their ears and put it in their mouths for once. Never happen.

Yo, ugly 57 year old lady that has to sell her home because of Obama, not Doug La M.:



Paul Emery


They should be assured that our President believes in health insurance for all.

Bill Tozer

Of course Paul. From Day One, I said that with Trump you get The Wall and single-payer. But, Trump is not in the legislature writing the law. That is up to Congress. If it is cheaper, then that would be an improvement. Looks like they are throwing the real costs back on the states....and man o man, the states that expanded Medicaid (like CA) are screaming bloody murder, lol. Time will tell. It is a work in progress. Looks like the elderly might get screwed, so that has to be addressed. Build the Wall!

Paul, on another topic and in case you are unaware, any illegal alien is by definition unvetted. Unvetted is no good.

Paul Emery

Yeah Bill it would have been pretty ugly for you. Very few LaMalfa-Trump supporters showed up and spoke. 90% uglies, as you describe them.


When a Lib representative is voted in for our district- the Cons can bitch at that rep. No worries...

Terri Hicklin

George, I'm sorry I missed seeing you there. I wish you would have looked into MY eyes, and I into your's. Let's think about doing another "Breaking Bread." 🙂

Bill Tozer

Yep, I could not stand to be around a room full of uglies, especially since you said the room was 90% brain dead idiot ugly liberals. That alone is a major cause of Nevada County air pollution. I don't know how you get through a day at the grind where you work without a case of airline barf bags nearby. I could never do what you do, for sure. You must have a cast iron stomach.

Now Paul, here is a newsman who has totally broke down. Lost it. Too late for this buttercup. Around Alt-Left fake news all day and it's more than any mere mortal can handle Let this be an omen to you Paul. Stay away from those fake news feeds. They have a way of catching up to ya, whether you believe in dogma or not.


Easy Paul, you don't want to pull a Rachel Maddog do you? Warning bells are going off. :)

George Rebane

TerriH 239pm - Good to hear from you Terri. We should chew some food and talk about 'Breaking Bread' redux.

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery can you produce a post from you supporting the overwhelming turnouts of the Tea Party in 2010? You know they happened but not a peep from you or your ilk. Why is that? Oh, because you are a democrat. Got it.

Todd Juvinall

Looks like a bill requiring welfare recipients to have mandatory drug tests is headed to Trump for a signature.


Mother Jones, Kevin Drum: The Great Meals on Wheels Debacle, Explained

I'm no expert on community block grants. I don't know if they're a good idea or not. And God knows the Trump "skinny budget" is a disgraceful piece of work for the richest country on the planet. But spinning this as "Mulvaney guts Meals on Wheels" is pretty ridiculous. The vast majority of federal funding for Meals on Wheels—which comes via HHS's Administration on Aging, not HUD's CDBGs—remains intact. Someone managed to plant this idea with reporters, and more power to them. Good job! But reporters ought to be smart enough not to fall for it.


Even left leaning Mother Jones caught on to the fake new.

Paul Emery


I was a moderator at the Tea Party election debate in 2010 I believe. We broadcast it live on KVMR. Nice event. I have many friends in the tea party that I keep in touch with.


More on Meals on Wheels.



oh hell, I didn't see Russ' 3:15PM.

In honor of the egg on my face, I'll post a picture of a Trump voter who got to deal with some of that Blue Movement.


Don Bessee

Am I the only one who noticed that good ol' PE has abandoned the Russia-mania symptom of his TURDS? I see Morel totally walked back any expectations that there is going to be any smoke or fire on that issue. Fakenews. ;-)

Paul Emery

No will be lots of big news on the Russians Nightmare is just beginning It's when the Republicans decide to dump him in favor of pants that he's in real trouble Got to realize Trump really has no friends I mean his support for health insurance for everyone it's going to go order real well in the Republican Party right

Paul Emery

Pants is Pense though that name actually works

Don Bessee

Are you ok ya po' ol' pollhead PE @528? ;-)

George Rebane

Well, I guess no one here picked up on the 3% fed contribution of Meals on Wheels in my post. Makes one wonder.


re: DB@4:27PM

Well, there is this kind of thing.


Truth is, when you're on a witchhunt, there's always some new outrage to track down. It's always possible that the Green Libertarian Deep State combined with the national press can find something on DT. When you're on 24/7 opposition research with that many people, some skeleton might always pop out of the closet.

This is just one more skirmish in the war over the survival of Western Civilization. Everyone knows what side they're on, and facts be damned.

Some more cage rattling from our friend Alex. What does it all mean? Dunno.



Cartoon o' the day.



re: GR @ 5:58PM

I thought that was just assumed. It's been well covered.

Don Bessee

The fakenewsmen were warned by their own not to not get too invested it that fake news in case they end up where they are now. Completely discredited and devoid of objectivity or trust. Thanks fakenewsmen for stripping off any pretenses! ;-)

George Rebane

Scenes 608pm - "Well covered" is not the point. In a post's comment stream there is a difference between crediting local primacy which makes the subsequent conversation cohesive, vs making entries as if these were the introduction/revelation of the issues into the current conversation (which makes all the ignored previous contributors on the point look and feel like potted plants).

Here the 3% fed's Meals on Wheels contribution is the salient counterpoint that destroys the Dems' assault that Trump's budget will starve people, and that counterpoint makes the lesser arguments moot. Yet the media (including FN) continue to miss it, and apparently so do RR readers since no one here has picked up on it.

Bill Tozer

Dr Rebane

Fish picked up on it more than anyone else with his Reason Mag post. Horrendous details. States took the money and paved parking lots. It might be in the Sandbox, though.

Bill Tozer

Dr. Rebane Part 2.

Shoot Howdy. Checked my mail and there are at least 4 people up in arms about this Rip-off On Wheels abomination. Two of whom I haven't heard from in many months and both non-political and not into following the news. This one cuts deep and has people all pissed off, including one Democrat friend. Even the Dem sent me this from the Daily Wire of all sites.


Rest assured, Good Doc and webmaster, that this abhorrent diabolical scandal is not going unnoticed,

PS: Yo, Public Television lubbers: Big Bird is on HBO, you stupid whinny Leftists. You know, Home Box Office on pay TV. Pay TV. Not free TV. Get it? I wonder sometimes.

Bill Tozer



George@5:58 PM

I went looking for the 3% number and what I found it that that the Government sends the Block Grants to the States who decide if they will use the money to fund Meals on Wheels. I posted the 07:45. Some communities spend zero on meals on wheels, spending most of the grant on crony-economic development projects. Then I followed up with the Mother Jones comment at 03:15 PM, pointing out there was no there-there is the story that Trump was starving seniors. I never did find and reference to the 3% number.

George Rebane

russ 854pm - if I recall correctly, the 3% figure quoted on FN was the average actually making up the MoW budgets when what was left over from the block grants was dribbled down to them.


Mr Tozer, you sir crack me up....57 year ugly lady with a bad do...ha ha


I find it incredible that so many people spontaneous found matching red and green thick stock paper printed with Agree and Disagree all in the same font. How did all these people know which font to use and the correct size to match all their neighbor's signs? Perhaps more incredible was the press did not recognize the size of this miracle, in which a huge number of people are all doing the same thing spontaneously, without any organizational direction. Wow, what a missed story.

Bill Tozer

Russ, remember when the Botox Queen dismissed the Tea Party as Astro-Turf?? Oh yeah, Heidi Hall's greatest claim to fame is her being pictured with her idiot idol and mentor, none other than The Botox Queen herself, ROFLMFUEO!

Let's see. Got one Dem who dropped off the GV city council to fight child porn charges on the taxpayers' dime, a local Dem Party head who cut his teeth working for the imprisioned gun runner Wo Flung Poo in Frisco, and HH showing off proudly her pics with the Botox Queen. Plus they have the other HH 88 who claims Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever to run for President in the entire history of the United States of America. A match made in heaven, for sure.
If that is what the spontaneous angry gathering of election losers and rejects have to offer, I will take Astro-Turf all day long.

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