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06 July 2017



A test for Paul.
"CNN’s Jim Acosta accused President Donald Trump of “fake news” on Thursday for claiming that “three of four” intelligence agencies had identified Russia as the culprit in hacking during the 2016 presidential election — but the president was right, and Acosta was wrong."

Was the Breitbart reporting Legit and credible? How bout the CNN take on things?
Who was more factual?
Lets have it.

Bill Tozer

Example from the race to the White House, 2016.

Hillary's surrogates appeared nightly on MSM. Trump operatives also appeared on MSM.

Newsworthy? Many conservatives find their books pigeon holed by the NYT and other publications in the fiction category or reviewed by the entertainment section editors. Fair? No. Can the free press publish anything they feel free do? Yes. Can they not publish anything they wish? Yes. Biased? Yes. We all have our biases.


Bill Tozer

I read an article yesterday with the headline shouting 'Trump's ISIS Policy Same as Obama's' and it went on about the Orange Bragger boasting about the exact plan Obama put in place. Hmmm.

Today I read another article on Trump's ISIS policy.



Paul!!,, OH Paul!!! Remember? Legalize weed, and what will be next?
Hell... Ca. has nothing on our Northern neighbor.
Well,, on the bright side, half of Nevada City will pack up and move on the news.

Don Bessee

The apparently AWOL po' ol' fakenewsman says to me that Poland and the G20 are not following the party parrot line. LNG FOR EVERYBODY, Discounts for former Russian customers! ;-)

Account Deleted

Not sure if this topic of LNG is on topic here. Other than the fact that the MSN media probably won't touch it.
I called this days ago. The US selling LNG to Europe is not just a shot across the bow to Russia - it's a single digit salute right in Putin's face. Right in front of his nose in public. So much for the fake news from Paul and his merry gang of deniers. America can export real energy (green to boot!) now to Europe and break the Russian strangle hold.

Don Bessee

While we have delivered LNG to other countries before, timing the first delivery to Poland days before the G20 is the biggest middle finger and that is a power play. Well played Trump admin, well played. ;-)

Account Deleted

DB at 6:30 - agreed. But the timing as you point out is perfect. It remains to be seen how much we can provide to Europe, but it has to be substantial. And Europe needs to be assured we can continue the supply in the face of Russian aggression. Let's recall the Berlin airlift. This is far more important than any fire fight in Syria. It threatens the purse strings of Putin.
Paul Emery has no clue how much of a major smack down to Putin this could be. And if he manages to figure it out, he'll never admit it. How does the crow taste, Paul?

Bill Tozer

“If President Trump cured cancer tomorrow, the American press corps would assail him for putting a bunch of scientists on the unemployment line. He cannot win when a press corps has decided it would rather lie to smear him than tell a truth that might make him look good. The whole of it undermines American democracy and the very freedoms the press depends on to push their lies.” —Erick Erickson

Don Bessee

Scott, the tap is opened and those pesky frackers are gearing up. The move by interior today opens more lands all over the country to leasing. The fact that CA is going to have to watch leases being awarded on federal land in CA is the headline in the SF paper. Fraking great for the economy! It could save us eco victims in CA a few bucks on energy in the future, maybe even offset the new taxes. ;-)

Account Deleted

So I checked out how the MSN media views the news about money flowing into the US and Russia's strangle hold on Europe's LNG use being challenged.
Money quote - "The term "energy dominance" falls flat in two regards, said Jonathan Elkind, former assistant secretary for international affairs at the Department of Energy under Obama.
First, for the U.S. energy sector to thrive, the government needs to invest in new technologies, and Trump's proposed budget slashes the Department of Energy's budget for research and development, he said.
"Second, the very people around the globe whom we want to have as our customers — the would-be purchasers of U.S. energy goods and services — do not seek to be 'dominated.' Instead, they are looking for our partnership," said Elkind, now a senior research scholar at Columbia's Center on Global Energy Policy.

Got that? American oil companies have the money and the know-how to extract petro products just fine with out any help from the govt.
And I notice that when Russia 'dominated' the Euros there was no talk from the left about how the Euros wanted 'partnership'.
Biased news morphs into fake news. There is no historic background build up and no info on how the situation was before Trump.
The US has been developing oil extraction and techniques long before the govt ever became involved. The idea that Chevron and others need Uncle Sam to hold their hand to get oil out of the ground is laughable.
I could have sworn we were told that we were going to run out of oil decades ago.
Nah - must have been a silly dream.

Bill Tozer

Ok, Punchy the Broken Clock was right. Mark your calendars. New evidence has emerged. Golden Shower was not fakenews. From PMSNBC:


Don Bessee

Now Scott you know Al Gore said so in his prescient movie, didn't he get some hunk of metal award behind those projections? Al the vampire Gore is still jetting around in his G5 but he buys carbon credits from himself so its ok right? ;-)


It's tough to be LIB news these days.

The usual lies keep getting busted.

Bill Tozer

Dog whistles! David Duke speaks from Europe! Resist!


Funny, our Fakesnews man said EXACTLY the same thing: It was a dark speech. Don't think, just read the Democrat Party talking points.


Account Deleted

Ha! BT at 9:39 - Loved this part:
“In his speech in Poland on Thursday, Donald Trump referred 10 times to ‘the West’ and five times to ‘our civilization,’” Peter Beinart wrote. “His white nationalist supporters will understand exactly what he means. It’s important that other Americans do, too…The West is a racial and religious term.
Not sure what Cracker Jack box Peter got his secret 'White Nationalist' decoder ring from - he might want to go back to a few references from history and brush up on those terms.
The MSN media's take on Trump will always spin it off into the weeds of something sinister.


Another day in the life of US news.



But hey, anything for the narrative.

George Rebane

Methinks PaulE will return only on the wings of yet another poll showing President Trump descending into the next lowest level in the Inferno. The above topics du jour are too hot to handle for any prudent progressive - why needlessly expose the bases of your beliefs when you don't have to?


Posted by: George Rebane | 08 July 2017 at 10:09 AM

Dante only had nine levels.......Paul Emery.....many, many more!

Bill Tozer

Aha! It's all a plot to make the Leftist Lamestream look mad as a box of frogs and four quarters short of a dollar.

"All of the facts, however, seem to discount the idea that a Russian agent or another insider forged this document as part of a sophisticated operation."


Bill Tozer

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Bill Tozer


Bill Tozer

Dovetails with the July 7 Update:

A “half dozen officials across the national security community” told Politico they are concerned.........". Stop right there!

Wow, a whole 6 unnamed sources out of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands across the whole Intel community. Shocking. Let's continue, shall we.

"The report noted several times the White House’s “obsession” with leaks. However, a new study by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released Thursday showed that Trump has faced seven times as many leaks as his two predecessors.."



re: BT@10:22PM

Too funny. I'd sure hate for .gov intelligence agency leakers to turn down their activities a notch.

I wonder if you could interest Politico in an article starting: "half dozen curmudgeons and one pearl clutching poll personality across Nevada County trash talked today...."

I do see that the Democrats are up to their hijinks again. A rather underreported story but really, what could have gone wrong?


Bill Tozer




Bill Tozer

Oh my. I almost was surprised by the Lamestream Media with this gem from The Washington Compost. Almost surprised for a millisecond, but not surprised in the least after concerning the source.

“Revision of the year: WP suggests, without evidence, Alexandria shooter was inspired by right-wing bigoted radio talker.”



Posted by: Bill Tozer | 09 July 2017 at 11:40 AM

Yes William......"Doublethink" is a thing!

George Rebane

BillT 1140am - Now there's a question - how does a heralded lamestream outlet like the WP allow a piece like that to appear in its pages? Do they actually believe that crap or was it another incidence of lame editing? In any event, another contribution to Fake News Exhibit A.

Bill Tozer

Why, why, why?


Why, why, why?


Bill Tozer

Trigger warning for fakesnews readers and fakenews TelePrompter readers:


Bill Tozer


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