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25 October 2017


Todd Juvinall

Funny how a loony lib anonymous poster using FISH's real name calls me a liar. You cannot make this stuff up.


Posted by: Ghost of David Larsen, Carmichael | 25 October 2017 at 07:57 AM

Ooooh.....edgy......I like it.

Todd Juvinall

Now that we see the liars and scumbags of Hillary and Obama regarding the Comey Dossier is it OK to say those people need mental health assistance? Trump's tweets are nothing compared to the scumbags of the left.

Oh and now the California SCOTUS leader, some babe, says "bail" should be nothing for those poor thieves and killers in the state.


Trumpski sues anybody for any reason and now '''Trumpski and the Swamp Creatures with special guest appearance by Mike Pence''' vote to make sure the little guy cannot sue and remains poor and powerless,,,that includes you too!!! Trumpski wants to stick it to Wall Street and the BIG BANKS,,,whatever you say Trumpski!!!



Bundung Is back to his same old tricks. So sad. But that is what buttsore TROLLS do.

Paul Emery

More from Republican Jeff Flake

"The reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have been elected to serve. None of these appalling features of our current politics should ever be regarded as normal. We must never allow ourselves to lapse into thinking that that is just the way things are now.

If we simply become inured to this condition, thinking that it is just politics as usual, then heaven help us. Without fear of the consequences and without consideration of the rules of what is politically safe or palatable, we must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal. Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified.

And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy. Such behavior does not project strength because our strength comes from our values. It instead projects a corruption of the spirit and weakness. It is often said that children are watching. Well, they are. And what are we going to do about that? When the next generation asks us, ‘Why didn’t you do something? Why didn’t you speak up?’ What are we going to say?"


Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 October 2017 at 09:53 AM

You guys picked the only candidate (well not the only candidate…..Johnson was equally helpless) who could lose to Trump Paul.

Blame yourselves!

Paul Emery

I am not one of the "your guys" you referred to. Haven't been a democrat for years and yes, I agree with you. Biden would have easily one and probably Bernie. Johnson was pathetic I agree.


Sure you were one of the "you guys", Paul. Your excitement over the impending Clinton election and the death of the GOP was palpable.

Remember your glee when you told me face to face that the only hope republicans had was to revoke Trump's nomination and put someone else on the ticket?

"OOOOOOooh, that's a Bingo!"- heard in "Inglorious Basterds", a Weinstein Company film


Posted by: Gregory | 25 October 2017 at 10:45 AM

Yeah….that was my recollection as well.

I just never saw Paul trotting out an endless series of polls if Hillary wins….some chin tugging ("I just thought she would be more progressive"!?).

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery can deny all he wants but his actions were always "I hope Hillary wins". Even with his rops-dope on Johnson. Now we see what he likes in the "dossier" paid for by his party and the Clinton campaign. I don't recall Trump doing that at all. But hey when one is under the influence of a Trump Derangement Syndrome one can expect unexpected outcomes.


Place your bet. Who is the repub who is still unknown? Jeb? Or McCain?


Posted by: Walt | 25 October 2017 at 12:49 PM

My money is on Mr. Low Energy!


From Drudge…..

FLASHBACK: Media Hysterical Over Don Jr Russia Dirt Meeting...

'Treason,' 'Collusion,' 'Jail'...

Now…..? Near complete silence.



Job done. Paul stayed safe pretty well on his own today. My turn to watch him is over.
Ok Paul,, now that the nation knows who the real traitors are,, how can LIBs win in the midterm? Let's hear it.

Bill Tozer

Trump the Emperor God.


Trump’is the first President since JFK who has the brazen brass balls to take on the CIA,, the Deep State, and the Establishment....from both sides of the aisle. A huge task, but Trump is relentless and will keep coming at you. If one way don’t work, then he will try another way. The Energizer Bunny pales in comparison.. Of course, JFK did not last long after taking on the Shadow Government, our CIA in particular.
Draining the Swamp requires a Herculean effort, but I do indeed like his first step. It was a big one. Miles to go before he sleeps, miles to go.


Gotta smoke ‘em out. Now, did you hear what our First Lady wore today? You haven’t? No worries. Stay tuned, our cute as a button fakenews psychopaths will be back with all the salacious details. And yes, it’s true. It’s true, it’s true. The Warrior Monk (Maddog) is definitely the one who called Obama “an unwiped ass.” And he doesn’t deny it. Worse, he affirms he said it! He said, “Yes, I am the one who called Obama an unwiped ass.” No wonder Trump hired him. Another great accomplishment. Great minds think alike.


Chauchat,,,do tell us who those traitors are!!! No one will know what is going on inside that beard of yours unless you share!!!

Paul Emery

Didn't support or vote for Hillary. I'm not even a Democrat. Next question?

Todd Juvinall

Sure you are. All your kudos go for them. All your derision for the R's. Very logical.

Paul Emery

Didn't support or vote for Hillary. I'm not even a Democrat. Next question?

Todd Juvinall

Walks like a duc, talks like a duck, OMG! It is a duck!

Paul Emery

For your reading pleasure

Trump an astounding 39% behind Obama at the same stages of their first term.
Obama + 22---Trump -17


Todd Juvinall

Who cares? Obama was slobbered over by the press on a daily basis and Trump crapped on. Same as they did Bush. But Bush won again even though he got zero good press. Trump will do the same. Obama had 11% on the unemployment rolls, Trump at 4.3. That is the number of success.



Independent study: Premiums for most popular plans under Affordable Care Act rising in 2018 by an average of 34 percent.

You poor gullible bastards!


Paul Emery

Obamacare is a pathetic form of healthcare. I'm all for single payer. Medicare for all.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 October 2017 at 03:47 PM

Obamacare is a pathetic form of healthcare. I'm all for single payer. Medicare for all.

Sorry Punch it's going belly up too! If you're lucky you'll miss it!


Wow.. Paul wants everyone on the "take a pill" plan.
I bet Paul would be the first to bitch when it's his turn to get uthinized under that socilzed managed care plan.


No gripes Paul, I t will be under that"local control" you love so much.

Bill Tozer

Well, I would be all for Single Payer too if I wasn’t going to be paying for it. How generous some are with other people’s money. I have listened to the Extreme Left Wingnuts and their nutless Wingnuts ilk cry out, “Share the wealth” all my life. Yet to hear them say, “Share the work.”

While the media reluctantly covers the latest chapter in the long big book of Clinton Corruption Scandals, Senator Rand from the Great State of Kentucky has been looking at the dirty rotten treasonous Russian hack during the last election cycle. Rand has something to say. Take it away, Senator Paul, you rascal you.

PAUL: “Yes. Good morning.”

EARHARDT: “OK, wonderful. We want to get your reaction about the Russian reversal. So it turns out sources say that Hillary Clinton’s campaign teamed up with the DNC, they help pay for the dossier on President Trump. What’s your reaction?”

PAUL: “You know, it amazes me for a year the Democrats have been whining and whining and whining and saying they lost because of the Russians. Now, looks like it’s really their subterfuge, their ideas, their buying this dossier. But also you know, there are rumors that the leaks that went to WikiLeaks on all the Clinton e-mails came from the Democrats as well. So it’s kind of funny, everything they blamed on Republican it looks like maybe they were the ones responsible for.”


Oh Rand has a way with words, does he not? Loved that line, worth repeating.

“.....Clinton e-mails came from the Democrats as well. So it’s kind of funny, everything they blamed on Republican it looks like maybe they were the ones responsible for.”

Drafts! Foiled again . OMG, the boomerang is coming back! Incoming!


The Ghost of David Larson, Carmichael

Has everyone noticed that Todd Juvinall only allows comments on his screed that support his point of view? Everyone else is a liar.

Bill Tozer

President BHO’s legacy is in the death spiral.. Headline, Wa Compost:; “Federal Judge refuses to order Trump Administration to resume ACA payments.” A California Federal judge no less. My, my, Who would have thunk? Must be a hard road to hoe for all those Alt-Wacked Lefty State AGs to get shut down in Federal Court in Bluest of Blue California. Maybe something to do with uphold and defend the Constitution or some hare brained idea like that. That judge is definitely a hater.


Account Deleted

from Paul - "Medicare for all."
Gee, Paul - weren't you the person claiming you wanted 'local control'?
What happened?
Ah - that's right - the locals can't print money.
What a total phoney.
Please tell us, Paul - what other deeply held beliefs do you have?


Oh... "I voted by accident".
And Calif. has the same registration system. No wonder the state wants every illegal it can get.


Yup!!! It's criminal.. Charge the old battle ax.


Posted by: The Ghost of David Larson, Carmichael | 25 October 2017 at 05:34 PM

Doubly tragic…..not only have I passed but in my passing I have apparently forgotten how to spell my own last name!

Truly an error worthy of a FUE Mothers Day tribute!


If there weren't already enough reasons to hope for a second term……

Rosie O'Donnell Breaks Her Silence on Donald Trump: "I Seriously Worry Whether I Will Be Able to Live Through His Presidency"



Where is Paul?? He owes me an answer. You said LIBS are going to win in the midterms. Tell us how that's supposed to happen. Trump has been cleared, and the real traitor is Hillary and a bunch of Obamabots. You telling me LIBS will still vote Traitor?
DO explain.


Well I don't know what the genitalia preoccupied mental health expert will say about this but I assume that given this the progtard members of the RR audience won't need their Viagra!


Not even Punch!


Don Bessee

The Dark Lord of Liberal Lament Land you say @647. ;-)


Posted by: Don Bessee | 25 October 2017 at 07:12 PM

Yes….if you recall The Nations Editor, intrepid hunter of typos in The Union both electronique and print botched his tribute to his own mother on Moms day!

Called me a scumbag for noticing he did!

Todd Juvinall

Listening to the democrat mouthpieces tonight has made George Orwell blush with envy. They are trying to turn "collusion" into simple "opposition research". You cannot make this stuff up.

Account Deleted

"The hearing comes two weeks after former Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortes abruptly resigned amid disclosures that legal resident noncitizens were able to register to vote while applying for or renewing drivers licenses."
Pedros Cortes - hmmm.. maybe Russian or Swedish?
Wonder why he resigned?
In Kalifornia, it would mean another term or two. At least. And then Governor!
And what are the names of the non-citizens?
Smith? Katzenburg? Wolinsky?
Of course it would be racist of us to want to know.
The truth, apparently - is racist.
Away with the truth!

Don Bessee

Hillary for jail 2018! ;-)

Bill Tozer

Oh, I just love a good cat right. Just can’t resist it.

The Daily Beast shared the scoop that among other things, comedian Kathy Griffin’s feud with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has gotten bizarre. In an interview, Griffin slammed Cooper as “The Spineless Heiress.” Going after his relation to the Vanderbilt family andhis homosexuality in one quip? Meow!

The Claws are out.

Holy Smokes, Kathy has called her attorney Lisa Bloom a “Fame Whore.” Another cat fight breaks out. Now Kathy wants thousands of dollars back from Bloom. Oh, this is getting spellbinding. Wonder what style of shoes Kathy was wearing?

I read this newsbreaking story on Huff-n-Puff Post in their entertainment section. Geeze Louise, I thought the entire Huff-n-Puff Farting Post was the entertainment section.

Hillary later chimed in and said “He broke me, too.” So did Roger Goodell, and Comney, and Rosie, and Barrak Hussein Obama, and Clapper, and Megan, and.......


Paul, Trump's poll numbers started their nosedive when the Dossier crap hit the fan in January/February. And the dossier was the basis for the Russia investigation.//

We now know that was a partisan hit job.

Any questions?

Doesn't matter that you didn't vote for Hillary. Or so you say. You just *knew* she'd already won before the election, which was a fait accompli (that's French, look it up if needed). The only thing left was how to rehabilitate all those GOP voters who would be shattered by the drubbing Hill would be meting out. It was going to be glorious.

Hee hee!

The Ghost of David Larsen, Carmichael

Attention Todd Juvinall, that 13-year old is defying Doug LaMalfa's cease and desist order,


For a good time, check out Todd Juvinall's comments in the Facebook comment stream in the article below. He repeatedly calls Brown a liar and claims he is not 13-years old. You cannot make this stuff up. Todd is the classic bully type. He will even bully children.


Todd Juvinall

I guess all this "truth" is too much for liberals and democrats. What to say now that they have been exposed for all those lies they have told for the last 14 months. Russian "collusion" is now the sole ownership of the democrats. And the graft! Oh my, 145 millin just from the uranium deal to the CLinton Crime Family. What is a democrat voter to do now?


Posted by: The Ghost of David Larsen, Carmichael | 26 October 2017 at 08:20 AM

For a good time, check out Todd Juvinall's comments in the Facebook comment stream in the article below.

Facebook is for Wankers!

Paul Emery

How are you doing Todd with your plan to intern 1.7 million Americans with HIV/AIDS in this country? Found a place yet?

Todd Juvinall

Your little house Paul Emery, get ready.

Paul Emery

Have you proposed the idea of an HIV/AIDS internment camp to your buddy, Rep Doug Lamalfa


…..you mean "Single Payer" probably won't work?


Oh noes…..

Todd Juvinall

Oh Paul Emery, the only internment in America was done by your ilk, not mine. So You should talk to Jerry Brown and Chucky Schumer.


FBI Used Clinton Campaign's Steele Dossier To Get FISA Warrant on Trump Campaign

The FBI used the DNC/Clinton-funded dossier to obtain surveillance warrants targeting the Trump campaign from the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. At the time, the FBI was led by then-director James Comey.

CNN reported back in April that Steele's dossier was used to secure a FISA warrant against former Trump adviser Carter Page.

DNC purchased fake document used to target Trump by FBI? Who gave the document to the FBI, Sen John McCain. All elite club members.


Paul Emery


What evidence to you have that the Steel Dossier is not true?

Todd Juvinall

How about this Paul Emery. What makes you think the dossier is true? Give us your fake news compilation of the truth.

Paul Emery


When Fox Poll asks "Do you think Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy
or not?" 61% say no. Also fox shows -19% when asked about Trumps job approval.


Paul Emery



Jaye Smith

Another Trump basement dweller goes off the deep end rambling on like Trump about conspiracy theories.


Todd Juvinall

Looks like Mark Halperin, a Paul Emery hero journalist, is now under fire for sexual harassment. Gotta love the chutzpah of these saps.

Todd Juvinall

Oh Jaye 1112. I seem to recall quite a number of Clinton lovers and staff getting to grim reaper.

Paul Emery

Well it shows those inclined towards that kind of behavior are not bound by political affiliations. Look at Trump bragging about pussy grabbing and the long list of Fox execs and contributors.

Don Bessee

Lets see what's for lunch, hmmmmm. Budget passed, extreme vetting starts today, court rules the administration can stop 0 care subsidy payments. Team Clinton exposed expediting the transfer of uranium to vlad for vast sums of cash. That's a nice little snack for a Thursday. ;-)

Todd Juvinall

Oh Paul Emery, you will defend your ilk for murder and every other perversion it appears. Sad that liberals are so warped.

Paul Emery

So you have no problem with Bill O'Reilly right Todd?


Fake newsmen who live by the polls will die by the polls. Despite the ignoring of the turn of events by the usual suspects.

Paul, this is not going well for your side. The Russia thing has turned back on the Dems. The "treason" is on the other foot.

Good news for the GOP may be that the Democratic Party may well go full McGovern in 2018 and 2020 to sweep out the Clintonian corruption.

Don Bessee

The po' ol' fakenewsman is much happier talking about fox than the meltdown going on in the donkey caucus. That's a lot of winning for one day @1140 and its too much to handle for the party parrots. ;-)


LOL!! Paul still thinks the dossier is credible.Tell us Paul,, just WHAT was found to be credible? What is there that's impeachable?
What is Fish's real name?(test question)


What the hell is with those LIB news outlets?
The Sacbee has diddly on the lost court battle to make the FEDS pay for that "O" care. You would think that would be front page news.. In SAC of all places.


Posted by: Walt | 26 October 2017 at 12:35 PM

What is Fish's real name?(test)

Now that’s just cruel Walt!

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery, I think Bill O'Reilly should be fired and left to his own devices. There now, match my high ethical position with ours. Oh you can't? Thought so. Liberal run the porn industry and most of the media and Hollywood. Perverts on the left and you support them?

Don Bessee

In the name of piling on, as was projected on Tuesday the DOJ lifted the gag order on the uranium undercover whistleblower after hours yesterday. Could he be the glow in the dark deep throat of clintongate? ;-)


Oh Donnie a $4 Trillion budget passed,,, RINOs rule!!,,, if you are a RINO you aren't really a Ryhtie,,,that makes you what??? Welcome to LibLand RINOs!!!

Paul Emery

Walt at 12:35

Your question will be answered when Mueller finishes his investigation.


Donnie those Freedom Baggers are total BSers just like Trumpski,,,Swamp Creatures one and all!!!


Paul Emery

@017 is the worst job creation year so far in the last six years according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report last Friday

2012: 1.56m
2013: 1.73m
2014: 2.14m
2015: 1.89m
2016: 1.79m
2017: 1.33

Paul Emery

2017 is the...

Paul Emery

How do you know so much about the Porn industry Todd? Special interest of yours

Todd Juvinall

I read your posts Paul Emery. You seem absor=rbed with it. Regarding the "wait" for Meuller. You really are a situational man aren't you? Always making wild ass claims before the investigation is done. Now when your ass is up against the wall you are a "wait" guy. What a joke.

As far as the budget passing. Yes it is full of crap. All that grant money going to things like YWI and its make work. Multiply that all across the country. Billions wasted. But politics is about compromise and moving forward. So though not as happy as I could be, I understand this vote.

Bill Tozer

Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Talking about winning. The Justice Department finally said that the IRS did indeed target Conservative groups and, more importantly, the IRS UNFAIRLY targeted Tea Party Groups and others on the Right side of history and the wrong side of Obama’s fundamentally transforming America. Apology issued, cash settlement reached, and a Judge has ordered the IRS to name names of who participated in the scandal.

Who, who, who?? Well, we are going to get their names....the names of our public servants who did the dastardly deed. Then Our DOJ will be on them like stink on Obama.

The cherry on top of this ice cream sundae is whoever is a Dem and a taypayer will watch as their tax dollars will be spent on cutting checks to Tea Party groups. Makes me feel all soft and cuddly inside.
Never get tired of winning. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.


Posted by: BunBun | 26 October 2017 at 01:10 PM,/i>

Oh Kolonel Keachie….when has the left ever cared about deficits and debt except when out of power?

…..finger lickin…..!

Todd Juvinall

Hey BillT got a link? This is great! More winning. And I am not sick of winning at all! LOL!

Todd Juvinall

Got it, And the plaintiff i MARK MECKLER! Local Chicago Parker!


Oh Paul Emery and Pellone will be crapping cows.



Don Bessee


Bill Tozer

Todd, yep and I would pay a quarter to get a mid level seat to watch them crap cows in the middle of the arena, then watch as they look like monkeys trying to hump a football as they scurry about trying to strap those bright colored fart collectors on the backs of the cows they just off loaded.

There is a ton going down now, stuff I read about months ago but never posted and waited for fruit to bear. Hint of just one....I followed a small donation to the McCain Re-election Campaign coffers months and months ago.. Nothing big, just 5k. Then some $2,500 ones, $ 900 ones, then Flake, one of the Gang of Eight. Why would the DNC....er....strike that, Clinton Campaign.....er....strike that, George Soros, and some lefty Dem PACs give money to McCain. Sounds flakey. Well, the Yellow Shower dossier was initialed by a GOP Republican in 2015, then the ball was handed off. Hand delivered by one AZ Senator to the FBI, if memory serves me right. Anyway, I’m sure Senator Chuck C. from Iowa, the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, will look into that.

Or, wait for a tweet by Trump. He knows the name, and he is dying to tell us. Boy, he looks like the cat who ate the canary and the canary is still in his mouth! That Trump is sure in touch with his inner child. Warms the cockles of me weary heart.

Meanwhile, it must be something they put in the water in Arizona.

“Maybe [Sen. Jeff] Flake is different, but we’ve been conditioned to see Republicans who turn against the rest of the party to media hosannas as being the opposite of principled.” —Jim Geraghty


C'mon…..who's surprised…..anyone……anyone…..Bueller?

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) urges Democrats to hide views on gun control because of 2018 elections

Poor Moobs……never learned to keep his mouth shut!



See Fish? He refused to answer both questions. Miss the news Paul Muller may be needing a lawyer of his own? Now lets see if you still have what it takes to understand why. Lets see what is left of the "newsman".

George Rebane

Dear People - before you wear that path around the barn into a ditch, please consider the following. One of the pillars of science is falsifiability - if someone advances a theory or proposition that does not provide for falsifying itself, then it is not accepted as science. It may instead be relegated to a faith-based system such as embraced by Islam, LDS, or the Presbyterians.

It is beyond obvious today (as witnessed by our own progressive commenters) that every leftwinger holds that all anti-Trump allegations are not falsifiable, nor can there exist evidence to prove them untrue. If some such evidence is presented, it is ignored or simply rejected out of hand. This behavior can even be taken as a litmus test to identify a leftie. It is for this reason Democrats demand that all investigations against Trump will continue until evidence turns up to prove their allegations. But we here on RR don't have to continue banging our heads against brick walls (aka progressives) since it should be clear that such behavior fully conforms to Einstein's definition of insanity.


Holy crap!! Some JFK files are still tooooo hot to let out of the box?? That must be some DAMNING info. Oswald framed? Or did the Dems off their own guy? Collusion with Russia!! That's IT!!! The Democrats wanted nukes to fly. JFK ruined their plans.


Here is a chart for Donnie,,,this the the Dow for the rest of us,,,not that impressive is it!!!



No Walt Trumpski's pops was the umbrella manl!!!


Posted by: BunBun | 26 October 2017 at 03:31 PM

Fabulous sentence structure KeachKeach.


Bundung,, was it Mom or Dad who finally had enough and left you to be raised by dope smoking hippies?

Don Bessee

Podesta and Waserman-Schultz both appear to have lied to congressional investigators regarding knowledge of the file that they paid for.

NYT tells Muller to resign as special counsel. ;-)


"O" and Co.. Using Communist tactics... Anyone surprised?
Victoria Toensing, the lawyer for the informant, told The Daily Caller’s Vince Coglianese that Obama Justice Department lawyers told her client that “his reputation and liberty [was] in jeopardy” if he did not drop a lawsuit against the government.


''',''' here is a missing comma fish,,,don't blow a gasket,,,

I see now that Walther is worried about what happened to me,,,it was the LSD Walther,,,they just took off one day in the microbus,,,

I hope Walther has someone to check his beard for critters once in a while,,,


LOL!!! Look who is already saying " NYET!!,, It vas not US!"

Paul Emery


Looks like Papa Bush is following Trumps "pussy grabbin" advice

"“he reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is?’ As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-Feel!’”

Solhberg confirmed Grolnick’s account, saying that Bush’s behavior didn’t shock her because other theater staffers “always complain that he’s kinda creepy.”

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