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09 August 2018


Don Bessee

Remember these are the implementers of team lefty dreams based on such 'thought processes' -



Bonnie McGuire

What's going with mentality on is sad and bad, but ya have to consider all the drug use that makes it easier to control mentality.
Here's the latest by the anti-racist fascists in California...just like D'Souza describes in his latest documentary. Read the comments for a broader education.
An Antifa protest in Berkeley became violent on Sunday when members of the group smashed the windows of a Marine Corps recruiting office. A series of photos posted on Twitter show Antifa members, self-styled anti-facists who use violence to oppose those they identify as fascists, racists or right wing extremists, destroying the windows of the Shattuck Avenue office.
Twenty people were arrested during competing demonstrations by Antifa and individuals connected to the alt-right. Three people were hurt after authorities say "extremists" threw explosives at police officers, Fox News reports. The explosives are believed to have consisted of fireworks and flares....
Ford Fischer, who recorded video of the incident, tweeted that several Antifa members told him to leave, telling him, "Get the f— back. Cops aren't here. They won't help you."


Lincoln united his party and saved America from the supremacist Democrats mentality the first time by standing up for our Constitution of, by and for people. Hope President Trump can do the same.

rl crabb

Since Trump was elected, neo-nazi groups have come out of the woodwork. When watching the recent Frontline documentary, I couldn't help but notice how his image keeps showing up in their propaganda. Yes, Bonnie, there is such a thing as antifa, but why do you and yours continue to ignore or poo-poo the resurgence of the fascist right wing? One eye blind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2Pe962Lgs


I'm still deciding whether this More is insulated or just a silly old coot.

It's fairly obvious where the violence comes from. On one side you have GEOTUS poking these folks with a stick in a Twitter entry or a speech now and again, on the other you have window breakin', riotin', car burnin', restaurant invadin', sign wavin', and the occasional shootin'.

No doubt part of this is based on the fury you feel when the other half of the country wants to enforce immigration law and the President privately claims he was allowed to grab nether regions due to his alphaness, so who can blame them? I mean, look how much worse their lives have gotten in the last couple of years.

I would think that a lot of the current crazy behavior is simple demographics. After all, who typically gets worked up in this world? Young or the old? Urban or rural? Single or married? In the aggregate, poorly behaved people will tend to rhyme with each other just like a civilized population will.

Todd Juvinall

There is no resurgence of a radical right wing. Crabb fell for that just like he does anything conservative/bad. For goodness sake I am a news junkie and cannot find articles on those things. Frontline has always been a liberal propaganda tool used by those that don't think.

I went to two Berkeley free speech rallies that the left and their media tried to call a Hate Gathering of radical rightwing extremists. My goodness, there were people of all colors there and they were just regular Americans. But we were attacked by ANTIFA in their black masks and costumes. And they were pretty bad. They started all the violence. So Crabb, as usual, doesn't know Sh** about this.


Sorry Todd,,,no resurgence of a radical right wing - - - it has always been there

Sorry Bonnie,,, no resurgence of a radical left wing - - - it has always been there

George Rebane

RLC 730am - The Frontline piece makes the flat statement that the 'neo-nazis' (do they call themselves that?) fomented violence at the cited demonstrations. Did not these groups get permits to hold their demonstrations, and then counter-demonstrators showed up which because of the proximity of the two groups then resulted in the violence shown?

This weekend there will be another 'white supremacist' (not their claim) group demonstrating in DC with a permit from the Parks Dept. And sure enough, this morning NPR reported that a Black Lives Matter group has vowed to be there to protest their demonstration. The BLM leader has refused an invitation to speak at the permitted rally. Let's again see what happens.

The question that these pro-white groups continue to ask is 'can Caucasians not have equivalent groups like Black Lives Matter, NAACP, La Raza, MALDEF, ... without being vilified and attacked in the media and on the street?' The answer seems to be NO, and that does cause a problem. Thoughts?


Posted by: ’’’M’’’ | 10 August 2018 at 08:07 AM

Sorry dugski,,, no resurgence of a radical diaper wearing fringe nincompoops - - they have always been there!


no resurgence of non terminated html tags.....they have always been there


"The question that these pro-white groups continue to ask is 'can Caucasians not have equivalent groups like Black Lives Matter, NAACP, La Raza, MALDEF, ... without being vilified and attacked in the media and on the street?' The answer seems to be NO, and that does cause a problem. Thoughts?"

Well, is isn't like you can't form a Caucasian equivalent group (CEG?), let's call it Western Civilization for short.

The street is nothing shocking, there has always been a kind of marketplace of violence between groups, usually about scarce resources. I think these things wax and wane as expected with the occasional alliance of convenience, it isn't like BLM and La Raza share interests and goals. Prison is probably the best petri dish for all of this.

The anti-Western Civ Caucasians are the real mystery to me, and of course that population is drawn from for media jobs. There's probably a lot to be learned from the evolution of the Bolsheviks. Not so much their belief system but in the way that something that silly spread so strongly, it's a kind of epidemiology.


re: Me@7:39AM

I was referring to More as a silly old coot, not Berkheimer. Too many last names, not enough time.

Of course to be fair, if you examine any politicians life closely enough, everybody goes to jail.

These show trials have performed one great service I think. The politicization of the internal security forces in the US have been made pretty obvious to everyone, and given the possibilities for total surveillance, this is probably our one chance to avoid a kind of soft take-over of government.


To GeorgeR: Now that I think of it, I'd appreciate it if you could change my post at 7:39AM from 'Berkheimer' to 'More'.

Since people will just skip through any of these posts, I'd hate to insult someone without need. Do too much of that, and no one will stick a coin in your mouth when you're dead.

Todd Juvinall

The left's attack on "white people" continue and are encouraged by them and the media. I saw it up close. But my "white" skin is maybe going to be a bit "more brown as I tan this summer so maybe it is not an immutable trait? Anyway, the "identity" politics of the left is what is wrecking American discourse. The facts are that the "white" people still have the majority (except in California) and will be a target of the whiners afraid to work and become part of this great experiment. I have been amazed at the people of "color" moving here and then complaining about the "white" people who pay the bills. Ingrates all. That is why we need to boot them out unless they pledge allegiance to the Constitution and stop their attacks.


,,,po’ ol’ Todd,,,The Paranoid White Mind Revealed @ 923AM


Posted by: ’’’M’’’ | 10 August 2018 at 12:02 PM

,,,po’ ol’ Todd,,,The Paranoid White Mind Revealed @ 923AM

Pity you have no clue what's going on duhski. This was essentially the electoral strategy that Team Clinton thought would be successful during the last presidential cycle. Abandon and scorn the "white working class" the deplorable if you will, and attempt to unite the "coalition of the fringes" around Madame Cankles!

Oopsy.....more SADZ for Hill!

Maybe you should go pirate a movie.....clear your head!

rl crabb

Yes, yes...It's simply criminal how these poor misunderstood patriots are being persecuted by those dirty brown people... https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2018/08/10/ulysses-pennsylvania-sidner-erin-pkg-vpx.cnn

Todd Juvinall

You liberals are too funny. Most of the planet's population is not white and by a long shot. Yet even self-hating liberals like Crabb can't help blaming those "white" folks for all the evil. Hey Crabb, why don't you head over to South Africa and help those poor "white" farmers keep their land from being confiscated? Oh, doesn't fit your mental plan for blame eh?

George Rebane

rlc 151pm - was that your well thought out response to my 809am, or am I still waiting?

Bonnie McGuire

Rl Crabb 7:30
Those of us who pay attention know that the far left and right are the same mentality. They're all for big gov that controls everything it's slaves produce. Most people are moderate leaning a little left or right, and prefer smaller government that doesn't control and cost so much. There are tests that indicate what mentality you are. Interesting if you're interested.
It's pretty obvious that those who ignore history are bound to repeat it. The faces and costumes change with the passage of time...but human nature doesn't. The test, or choice is always personal...but if it has bad consequences it's natural for humans to blame someone else.

Bonnie McGuire

You might like to read these experiences told to us by a relative why they left Russia and good friends who left Germany. Our musician friend from Germany commented that anyone dumb enough to say anything bad about a communist disappeared. As D'Souza mentioned in his documentary Socialists Germany and Russia were competing for power. When Charles Lindbergh attended the Pacific Conference he was disgusted that Europe was only concerned about Europe at our expense. America sacrificed millions of our young men's lives and spent $Billions helping other nations. Has it enabled them to change their ways for better by following our example?



Jaye Smith

What is the intent of this blog post? Is it to generalize one person’s opinion and writing style and assume that author More (sic) is representative of all who may agree with the intent of the author however clumsily presented?

The title of Paul Moore’s piece, “Investigation is not done until you have all the evidence”, is just that: the title of the piece. He goes on to compare the House Intelligence Committee idea that the investigation should end because they are tired of how long it is taking and because it is getting closer the upcoming election. However, the investigation might not end until next year. Who knows when Mueller might decide he has chased down all the leads he can find?

Should we also take the opinions presented here in the Comments section as indicative of the intelligence and mental state of both liberals and conservatives as a whole across America? Some posts I have read are quite bizarre.

The Whitewater investigation began after Vince Foster’s death in 1993 and continued until 1998. What is the rush on the part of Republicans to end the Mueller investigation?

Account Deleted

"The Whitewater investigation began after Vince Foster’s death in 1993 and continued until 1998."
Yeah - and it's odd we never got to hear Ms Clinton's testimony before the grand jury. We do know that Hillary lied through her teeth about her role in the whole thing. Her billing records conveniently disappeared and then some turned up in Foster's attic and some turned up in a car in the junk yard and some just magically turned up sitting on a table in the White House library. Most refused to testify and one that was willing got a visit from the Clintons' thugs in jail and then suddenly claimed he couldn't remember anything.
People turned up sorta dead. Whitewater involved an actual crime that no one disputed. People were cheated out of their money. This whole deal about Trump winning the election due to Trump collusion with Russia is a fabricated bunch of BS by the Dems because they can't stomach the fact that Trump won. There is still no evidence that Trump won because of anything the Russians did.

George Rebane

JayeS 501pm - Mr More is just the local voice of the national leftwing sentiment to have Mueller's investigation continue until something culpable is turned up about Donald Trump. And as ScottO (601pm) points out, the Whitewater investigation involved an existential crime; no crime has even been identified with Trump's alleged Russian collusion. Surely you are a consumer of more than local media.

Don Bessee

The liberal minds groupthink in action -

The Media Research Center reported that ABC, CBS and NBC combined to cover Collins’ arrest on evening and morning newscasts for a combined 18 minutes and 24 seconds during the first 24 hours of coverage. The MRC study also noted that similar ordeals involving a Democrat received little to no attention from the same networks.
Former Democrat Rep. Chaka Fattah resigned in 2016 after being convicted of federal corruption charges including bribery, racketeering, money laundering and bank fraud. The networks spent more time on Collins in one day than they did on Fattah in over a year, according to the MRC.

“During the year-and-a-half period in between his indictment and conviction for bribery and fraud, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening programs managed a scant 68 seconds,” MRC associate editor Scott Whitlock wrote.



rl crabb

Having spent a good deal of my life around proponents of white nationalist types, I don't feel like I'm mischaracterising the majority of them as racist. And I've been called a racist more than a few times for questioning the motives of certain groups. In fact, I just got quite a bit of blowback on my Facebook page for suggesting that blowhard Alex Jones should not be banned unless he actually incites harassment or violence. I like to know who the crazies are and what they're saying.
If you spend much time on Facebook you can see it from all sides. Now that everyone (expect me, apparently) has access to a hand held camera, the ugly faces of America are on full display 24/7. It's only dimbulbs like Todd who believe it's just on one side.

Todd Juvinall

Dimbulbs? Sorry you are the dimbulb Crabb. I am very enlightened and know what I am talking about. I see you have not booked a trip to South Africa to see what they are up too. How about El Salvador or Venezuela. Brown supremacists and they hate you not just because you are stupid but for your white skin. Why you self-haters think the rest of us are as dumb as you escapes me. I don't have a racist bone in my body but you do as you are hung up on skin color.


"JayeS 501pm - Mr More (sic) is just the local voice of the national leftwing sentiment to have Mueller's investigation continue until something culpable is turned up about Donald Trump. And as ScottO (601pm) points out, the Whitewater investigation involved an existential crime; no crime has even been identified with Trump's alleged Russian collusion. Surely you are a consumer of more than local media."

Yes, except the hard Left is convinced the headache they woke up with on the second Wednesday of November 2016 was the result of a crime, and they're fully expecting Mueller has a slam-dunk case against Trump ready to go in much the same way they expect the Sun to rise in the East in the morning.

George Rebane

Gregory 844am - Thanks for the 'sic' on 'More'; have no idea why I didn't put that second 'o' in there since the spelling seemed odd to me. Oh well.

Bill Tozer

On the surface, Mr. Moore’s agrument that the Special Prosecutor...er...Special Counsel should leave no rock unturned and follow al leads in his investgation Of President Donald J. Trump sounds reasonable. However, as pointed out, Mr. Moore is blind to his own cognitive dissonance...one of but millions on the Lft who suffer from the mental disorder.

The Left doesn’t care about anything but getting rid of Trump by any and all means necessary, the sooner the better. Using the ballot box in 2020 is not an option that is on their front burner.
Throw the rules out the window and convict him of spitting on the sidewalk, call it a misadaemor, and impeach him. Unfortunately, impeachment is both a political process and a Constitutional process. You can’t toss out a President simply because you don’t like him. So far, no evidence has emerged from Team Clinton/Obama that Trump hatched a plan with the Russians to steal an election that was rightfully Hillary’s to win.

The evidence is there only because the Mr. Moore’s of the world wish it was there, hope it was there, and because they want it to be there, it has to be there! There is no other explanation.

In the meantime, Trump took office with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran on the move. Huge problems and all this Russia Collusion hooey is distracting Trump from taking care of immense problems facing our nation, both foreign and domestic. The TADers don’t care. They love Stormy because it will hinder and damage Trump. They adore and promote Michael Avenatti as their new rising star solely because the shyster hates Trump. Same reason they protect Comey, and a host of others like Brennan whom they once derided and labeled threats to our civil liberties and democracy because those shady liars hate Trump as much as the Mr. Moore’s of the world do. They even cheer for the embezzler Gates hoping he will deliver the goods (any evidence no matter our flimsy or tainted) to destroy Trump. The Liberals would praise Manafort tomorrow if he could take down Trump. Until he “flips”, Manafort is public enemy #2, behind Trump, of course.

We all are open to any new verifiable evidence that emerges that could change our minds. The Manafort soap opera reality TV ain’t cutting it. Nor the laughable (statistically insignificant) influence of Facebook posts on our voting populace ain’t cutting it either. The evidence is there somewhere and Mr. Moore just knows it’s there because it has to be there, right? It just has to be there, reason be damned. And yes, let the charade play out and if there is no there there, then hire another Special Procecutor.

A bit off topic, but new evidence emerges everyday. None of it points to Trump. All of it points to corruption and throwing the rules out the window at the highest levels of the previous Administration. I wish this was in a text format.



,,,The Conservative Mind Revealed!!!

Whitewater was a land deal made in 1978 way before Clinton became president,,,mysteriously it became a big deal after Clinton was elected president.

as Robert Fiske said,,,

'''He describes how he had quickly uncovered "serious crimes" in the Whitewater investigation but that his probe was cut short after conservatives falsely accused him of a "cover up."

"There were indictments, there were convictions," said Fiske when asked about claims that there was "nothing" to the investigation. "People went to jail. There was never any evidence that was sufficient to link the Clintons to any of it, but there were certainly serious crimes."

,,,after about 4 years of digging they got Clinton lying about a blow job!!!

Well done boys!!!


,,,as fishbreathe would say,,,still investigating,,,

,,,2 more years,,,

George Rebane

Everyone notice how it's out of bounds to refer to the Clintons' direct involvement in shady stuff before Bill became president. But it's OK to make a federal case out of the pre-election activities of people who were for a short time related to the Trump campaign. Hmmm ...


Posted by: "M" | 11 August 2018 at 02:21 PM

“I am beset with a brain that comes up with outside-the-box observations, and ideas about improving things, and, if I have a "mission" in life, it is to share these, which typically show up after a good nights sleep”

Thanks Hedley.....!



,,,what's out of bounds??? Just pointing out that Clinton was investigated for one thing,,,alleged shady business dealings,,,before his term in office and convicted of perjury for something completely unrelated to the initial reason for investigating him in the first place,,, that's how it works folks

,,,y'alls had your fun with both Clintons,,,now lay back and take it like men while Dear Leader gets the same treatment!!!


Posted by: "M" | 11 August 2018 at 03:54 PM

It’s pretty funny watching you defend a republican president and his failed corporate shill of a “wife”.


Account Deleted

"There was never any evidence that was sufficient to link the Clintons to any of it..."
Damn right - the Clintons made sure of that. Folks went to jail because they knew they had better not testify. And the clown that said he would got a little 'visit' and he suddenly remembered he couldn't remember anything. Ms Clinton claimed she didn't know anything even though she was officially listed as the lawyer to contact regarding the land deal. Her billing records? They just vanished in a mysterious puff of smoke and some were later found here and there, including the Clinton White House Library - just lying on a table and the Clintons just didn't have a single clue how any of that could have happened.
The basic defense the Clintons used was - 'we's just as dumb as a bag of rocks, yer honor and we's don't knows nuttin'."
And by the way - Bill's little 'affair' with Monica was illegal. Besides getting his cigars cleaned on the tax payers' dime, she was a subordinate civil service employee. He was convicted of perjury and had his law licence lifted. He remained in office and neither of them did one day in jail for lying.
There was no 'fun' in any of it. The Clintons are the epitome of wealthy powerful people getting away with crimes that I would be in prison for.
When were the Clintons ever 'investigated' in the manner of Trump and his associates? Did they roust Ms Clinton out of bed with drawn guns and seize her email server setup? Right. "Oh please, Ms Clinton - maybe if you would, could you just pretty please tidy up your server and then maybe pretty please could we have a peek?" Did they ransack her house for evidence? If there are crimes and folks are found guilty, then fine - but it's clear that Trump is subject to a whole different set of rules than the Clintons. That's the beef.
There is not one shred of evidence of the 'crime' that the special counsel has been set up to investigate. At this point, it's just flailing around to get anyone on anything.

Bill Toze

3:54 pm

Agreed, but our Dear Leader don’t go home each night to Hillary. Always had a soft soft for Po Willy due to that fate. Opps. Strike that. Ole Willy ain’t no dummie. He rarely came home at night. I hereby forgive the man. He, like all of us are but mere flesh and bones.

Whitewater, eh? Didn’t that banker guy Webster Hubble go off to the big house for that one? Come to think of it, Chelsea looks more and more like ole Webster with each passing day. Can’t blame the man for opting for prison instead of servicing Hillary again. Freedom does have its price. Must be lonely at the top.

Whitewater? Isn’t that the one where an about average but not brilliant lawyer was on Bubba and Hillary’s defense team. Her name was Loretta Lynch or something like that.

I get Whitewater and the Rosie Law Firm and Travelgate confused and all bundled up with the bouncer in the White House basement pouring over FBI files on everybody, (especially the ones who are one he enemies list) and the Rose law firm missing files sfound in Hillary’s secretaries WH office. I get White House furniture going a missing mixed up with Cattle Futures Gate and Troopergate and running under sniper fire in the Baltic’s and...oh yeah, the Big One; Paula Jones and lying under oath gate. Perjury or something. Got disbarred. I’m sure I missed a few, like Benghazi and something about 30,000 e-mails,disappearing shorty after receiving a Congressional subpoena for those babies.

Oh my, I digressed. The point was Ken Star. What started that? Whatever it was, Judge Star had written up an indictedment on Hillary when the Monica thang revealed prior testimony by Bubba was not exactly truthful. Perjury. That’s bad juju. Think he was on Whitewater when he did a pivot. Or was some other scandal? I best write it all down.


George Rebane

M 354pm - Well, for one thing the Clintons' culpabilities were not at all like those that the Left is attempting to pin on Trump. The Clintons' investigations involved what actually was done by the Clintons, and Trump's involve nothing that he has actually done.

As a side note, a lot of today's 'culture-free' IQ testing includes problems where the test taker is asked to to identify which graphic patterns, verbal arguments, numerical sequences, ... are in some sense similar. From the years of observing RR's comment streams, it has become clear why the Left opposes IQ test results as an important dimension of merit in academe, scholarship, job qualifications, elite memberships, ... .

And this defensive attitude most certainly explains away why they continue to propose (and pass) such ludicrous public policies that cite tendentious or non-relevant similarities to the performance of past policies. I have yet to meet a liberal who has demonstrated success in using 'this is like that' arguments in a debate. Possessing that deficit is almost like a litmus test for identifying a progressive.

Bill Toze

Gotta love how Trump stood behind Hillary and watched her skin crawl. Guys like that always made Hillary’s skin crawl, especially in college. Kinda of a irony to it all.

Gotta love the way Trump makes Paul Moore’s skin crawl, just like it makes M turn into a certified Marilyn M. Manson when Trump makes his skin crawl, which is a lot. Almost as much as Trump makes our sweet Popinjay’s skin crawl and turns him into....something kinda weird. And Fauxahonas and Morning Joe and all of CNN. Trump making your skin crawl is a job requirement to work at those media outlets I would be amiss to forget the cast of thousands upon thousands. I love those movies about a love story with an uge epic massive event going on in the background like Doctor Zhivago or Gone with the Wind. Oh, the drama, the upheaval.

These are good times. They wake up and first thing you know, Trump is making their skins crawl. Makes them domwhat the y always do.....every single time. Makes them underestimate the ignorant baboon Trump. Gotta get up pretty early to pull one over on our Prez and his legion of Merry men.

Don Bessee

Team 0 has not changed its colors -



Don Bessee

Tactics by Stalin -

Houston restaurant owner apologizes for controversial photo with attorney general Jeff Sessions



Bill Toze

We have moved from Hilter to Stalin as off a week ago. :)

Don Bessee

Front runner for 2020? Don't the lefties know we have seen and remember this play by 0?



rl crabb

Kamala Harris' qualification is that she is a woman of color. I keep waiting for her to do something, anything, of significance. Hillary is a two-time loser. Everyone else has one foot in the grave. It's going to be another interesting election, for sure.

Don Bessee

Scaredy cat socialist/dem



Account Deleted

"Kamala Harris' qualification is that she is a woman of color."
Bob - in the lefty world, that's more than enough.
As long as she can 'excite' the base and not make any mistakes, she'll do well. She's already Sen from CA - based on what?
What did Obama ever do besides give a speech at a convention?


,,,George,,,what brand of kool aid are you drinking??? '''The Clintons' investigations involved what actually was done by the Clintons, and Trump's involve nothing that he has actually done.'''

Did you fail to read the Fiske quote??? I even bolded it for you,,,

Since when has trumpksi done nothing worthy of investigation???

He lies all the time and America's now senile former Mayor is afraid to let him testify

,,,sounds like Rudy is running it by the Clinton playbook play by play,,,

George Rebane

M 950am - Better to read the entire Fiske interview piece -

As Fiske states, "there were certainly serious crimes" which he was investigating and was prepared to bring indictments against the Clintons had he been allowed to continue. But in the case of Trump and Russia, no one has even identified a crime of any sort, let alone evidence that one occurred, that involved Donald Trump.

For a refresher course on Clintons' crimes, there are numerous citations. Here are a couple -

Account Deleted

",,,George,,,what brand of kool aid are you drinking???"
George, George - the narrative - it's the narrative.
Trump is a racist, Trump colluded with the Russians...
It's been talked about and analysed so much, it MUST be true!
All we have to do is click our ruby shoes together 3 times and keep repeating the narrative.
Over and over and over...
Proof is for old white right-wing nuts.

Bill Tozer

Ok, let’s cut the dancing around. Time to stop denying collusion with the Russians. There was Collusion with the Russians. It is a fact, not conjecture. It is not somebody’s opinion based of flimsy evidence or stretching (straining) to connect the dots or support a weak narrative. Collusion with the Russians happened in 2016. Period.

The facts are clear and unassailable. The Clinton Campaign funneled money to an outfit which had direct ties to the Russian government and used Russian intelligence to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton and discredit her political opponent, Donald J. Trump. These are the irrefutable facts. Russian Collusion with a US political campaign happened. Just wasn’t the Trump Campaign.


George,,,that’s the ol’ horseshoes and hand grenades argument. Why did pubbers Fire Fisk’s if he was so close? I guess they were fools!!!

Clintons were never charged,,,why,,,why,,,why???

Vince Foster nada
Whitewater nada
Blowjob yes
Benghazi nada
Birther nada
Server had some info on it yes
What else,,,I lost count of the paranoid pubber conspiracies drummed up to hijack the news cycle

,,,I thought Mueller was investigating rooskie influence in the election and the possible links between trumpski, his team members and the rookies

Ken Starr ostensibly was investigating a real estate deal,,,that one ended up with lying about a blow job

Mueller began investigation rooskie hacks and connections,,,so far he has snagged many trumpski swamp creatures,,,maybe we will see the pee tape!!!

Account Deleted

"I lost count of the paranoid pubber conspiracies drummed up to hijack the news cycle."
Except that nothing I mentioned was 'drummed up' nor were they 'pubber conspiracies'.
"...hijack the news cycle"? If it weren't for Limbaugh and Drudge, the MSN media wouldn't have even mentioned most of it.
"Server had some info on it yes"
Uh huh - like Al Capone maybe made a little cash on the side.
Guess we'll never know how much since the FBI let Hillary clean it up to her taste.
Did Manafort get to tell the investigators to go away for a while so he could 'straighten things up a bit'?
A whole different set of investigative standards.

Robert Cross

"exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups."

What if people from other cultures/nations feel the same way and don't want Americans promoting our hollow consumer/christian culture on them? Not all cultures have the luxury of gross consumerism. Studies have shown that American TV shows broadcast into 3rd world nations can cause political unrest because such a standard of living is impossible within their country and it pisses people off. Humans currently consume 1.7 times the resources the planet can produce and America is by far the leading consumer of global resources. Obviously, not a practice that has long term sustainability.
Nationalism, in terms of the future of humanity, is probably analogous to feudalism. It, perhaps, once served a useful purpose in the advancement of human kind as a whole (depending on who's version of history you subscribe to), but as the human intellect evolves, with the problems of humanity being intertwined as they are, some form of global consciousness will become necessary making the notions of 'nationalism' obsolete.

Todd Juvinall

BoobieC, I don't think true Americans give a rat's ass to your thoughts on culture. We have the best, the greatest and the richest on earth. They don't like it? Stay in your shithole country.


,,,todd,,,you are one ugly-American

Todd Juvinall

Actually I am quite handsome and a patriot. You self-haters crack me up. Is there anything on the earth you don't hate? I think not. And I'll take you more seriously if you stop being a chicken shit and use your real name. But you won't as you PC tripe are all cowards.

I see Crabb agrees the Sargents statue is a no-no. The PC crowd really is mindless honeyfish as Bill Dana used to say. What a load these fools spread. And where they spread it, nothing grows.

Account Deleted

"What if people from other cultures/nations feel the same way and don't want Americans promoting our hollow consumer/christian culture on them?"
Bobby - how do you manage to not understand so much of the time?
George isn't saying anything about trying to convince other countries anything. The 'promotion' is simply declaring our values and that we like them and will defend and yes, promote them. Promote meaning to argue for or advertise. No one else in the world has to do anything.
You further confuse your self by reducing our 'culture and interests' to simply crass consumerism and whatever phoney Christians you might find. If that's all you truly believe American culture is, what the hell are you doing here?
Other countries, by the way, have the right to, and in fact, do the same.
But billions of people from other countries have (or would like to have) voted with their feet and they say you are wrong.

Bill Tozer

Robert Cross:

First, I am not convinced that human intelligent has advanced. No doubt we have made great advancements across all fields of science and inquiry, but I remain a skeptic that collectively human intelligent has advanced. Knowledge has increased, but intellect? Compared to 400-500 years ago, I could argue intellect has decreased. And one could also argue that a few individuals (leaders in their field) have demonstrated remarkable advancements in intelligent, but one could also argue those shining examples are but a few handfuls of trailblazing individuals throughout history and not truly representative of the collective intellect increasing.

Second, I agree with your “What if people from other cultures/nations feel the same way and don't want Americans promoting our hollow consumer/christian culture on them? Not all cultures have the luxury of gross consumerism.”. Yes, that has been a no brainer discussion for longer than we have been alive. The point of advertising is to create a want and if done properly, that want becomes a need. I don’t want that new fresh breath toothpaste, I need it!

Third, while you look at nationalism through the lens of a global scale and the future of humanity in total, your example of fuedalism has merit taken only from that prism. The Shining City on the Hill, the ones inside the walled fortress with the resentful peasants on on the outside looking at the castle with envy. However, human beings do not stay put in neatly arranged boxes they are placed in. Tribalism is on the move. Bombay, India, has never had conflict between the Hindus and the Muslims such as they do today. Why? Because as as migrations from the impoverished rural areas to the cities (and surrounding regions and countries) has increased due to seeking a better quality of life, the two distinct groups of the Hindus and the Muslims desire to not be a melting pot in Bombay for the common good living together in harmony, but rather are fighting to retain their unique culture and cultural identity and be dominate over the other. This is being replayed across the globe. Like it or not, it’s today’s reality.
Feudalism today is the nothing more than an oligarchy. And socialism leads to oligarchy as people immediately jockey for position and power in the “party” to have control over their “comrads” and self interest, no matter how good the idea looked on the drawing board.

Socialism (or globalism ) means taking over the means of production in a society. That means private property is no longer private. The enlightened betters can take my farm or factory or house for the common good. It means shredding up the Constitution. It means replacing enumerated individual rights with the rights of the collective. It means the collective supecedes the individual. In short, it means that the US Constitution cannot coexist with Liberalism. It means majority rules, which means mob rule or authoritarian rule. It means loosening the restrictions on government, not restraining a limited government. No guaranteed protections for minority rights (individual rights).

Folks toss out labels like “Trump was a populist candidate”, or “I am a populist.” I don’t even know what that means. I reckon that they are saying I support ideas that are currently popular, or I have ideas that are popular. I call it mob rule. A true democracy is a fearful thing since it is a beeline to tyranny. The nail that stands up gets pounded down, as the Japanese say.
Folks think healthcare should be free, but do the doctors work for free? Free education, but are the professors willing to work for free? Nah, human nature is always seeking money, power, prestige, and stuff.

RC, your ideas appear to make sense in concept, but unravel when the rubber meets the road. Human nature is working against you. Go ahead and swear off all materialist possessions and decry crass commercialism and wallow in self pity about the ills of our society or in 3rd World Countries. Eventually, you will be what the Beatles labeled, “The Fool on the Hill”.
Nothing has lifted more people out of poverty than capitalism. Yes, we don’t have pure capitalism and I suspect that most local Dems kick around the idea of socialism, they envision unicorns and rainbows and a socialism that has never existed.

Don Bessee

So the socialist/dem/communists are shucking all disguise and are telling you what they REALLY mean. Have Khrushchev's hopes come true by rot within, a lot of which is imported by team lefty? -

In a video by Breitbart News’ Ian Mason, Antifa members and open borders activists can be heard and seen marching down streets throughout Washington, DC, demanding an end to the United States.

“No border, no wall, no USA at all!” Antifa and open borders activists chanted.



Don Bessee

It will be fun to watch the laureates of the left try and explain this historical socialist pattern -

Like the Soviet Union in the 1970s, China is coming to the end of a long labor-force boom, and hoping that an orgy of investment will keep the old magic going while stabilizing its fraying frontiers. The success or failure of its Belt and Road projects – and the still greater sums it’s spending domestically – will determine whether the nation achieves its dream of prosperity or succumbs to the same forces that doomed the U.S.S.R.

The conventional worry about the Belt and Road initiative – an open-ended framework for an estimated $1.5 trillion of infrastructure projects over the next decade across Southeast Asia, South Asia and Central Asia – is that it will doom the recipients of its largess to a future as indebted clients of Beijing.

Failed projects like Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port may indeed be a way for China to quietly extend its strategic power around the world.

But defaults on investments cause problems for creditors as well as debtors. The risk for President Xi Jinping is that the toll of all that misdirected spending gradually undermines the productivity growth on which China’s current might was built.



Robert Cross

Bill 5:53 - thanks for your intelligent and thoughtful comments. And I agree that capitalism has somewhat raised the global standard of living for many, while at he same time greatly rewarding a few. It has also doomed others to poverty as capitalistic colonialism robs underdeveloped nations of their resources and future wealth. Add to that the environmental problems created by industrialization and the issue of population and the future looks somewhat problematic. I, personally, just think the individualism that capitalism/nationalism champions will have to give way to a more globally oriented outlook to mitigate the potential chaos that looms on the horizon. Instead of competing with other nations/individuals the new model will have to be one of cooperation. People of the first world will have to accept less so that others can have more in a world of increasing population and decreasing resources. This seems to be a bitter pill for the 'haves,' especially those who have a lot, to swallow. And perhaps the reason that is such a bitter pill is (you may be right) that humanity hasn't really evolved very far. After all, humans still slaughter each other with impunity over trivial issues such as differing political and/or religious beliefs and, of, course, wealth like the heathens of the past. One person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist. It is all about one's own point of view. So who is right and who is wrong?

Don Bessee

I guess this would be filed if you can not beat them join them -





We demand!

The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We demand the nationalization of all enterprises converted into corporations.

We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises.

We demand better old-age pension schemes.

We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community authorities.

We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.

We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their activities. Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard to religion or race.

We demand the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system. The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life. Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped. We demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latters’ position or occupation.

We demand freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State...

The Party leadership promises to take an uncompromising stand, at the cost of their own lives if need be, on the enforcement of the above points.

Guess who? The above lightly modified to conceal the source.


re: Gregory@8:11AM

You got me there. My guess was Mussolini.

re: RobertC
" It has also doomed others to poverty as capitalistic colonialism robs underdeveloped nations of their resources and future wealth. "

Yeah yeah, sure. As a thought problem, consider what sub-Saharan Africa would look like if they had never been approached by the British or French. Hint: not Wakanda.

My own guess is that generally the peoples there have never developed trust groups above the level of the extended family, and the introduction of wealth simply causes a series of mafias to develop. It's odd to consider that bringing in the wheel, agriculture, load-bearing animals, mining, and buildings made from stone would cause such a permanent uproar. I've never seen convincing sociology arguments made why that is. A generality to be sure, but no more so than your old canard.


Here's a hint, scenes... Munich, 1920. Good beer.


No hint needed, google was enough.

I didn't see a section on vegetarianism or being kind to dogs, though.


,,,the Conservative Echo Chamber Revealed,,,

an interesting quote by Jason Kessler the Unite the Right national organizer. Hat tip to Scenes!!!

KESSLER: There is enormous variation between individuals, but the IQ testing is pretty clear that it seems like Ashkenazi Jews rate the highest in intelligence, then Asians, then white people, then Hispanic people and black people. And that's - there's enormous variance. But just as a matter of science, that IQ testing is pretty clear.

,,,where have I heard that one before??? Those Ashkenazi IQ results are making the rounds these days


Posted by: "M" | 13 August 2018 at 09:47 AM

Wasamatter Hedley.....feeling a little slow these days.....interesting coming from a "mind beset"?


,,,for fishbreathe,,,how to cleanse your chakras,,,



,,,don't like how the mueller investigation is going,,,shut it down

,,,don't like how the earth is not cooling,,,shut down the NASA investigation


Todd Juvinall

Nothing sticks to Mr. Teflon. The left and their media mouthpieces are beside themselves as all they toss is rejected. I think other than idiots like that Cheryl Cook today and "M", the people of the country are supporting the man.


Posted by: "M" | 13 August 2018 at 12:04 PM

,,,for fishbreathe,,,how to cleanse your chakras,,,

Fat old white dude playing at being Asian.......sad!


re: "M"@9:47AM

",,,where have I heard that one before??? Those Ashkenazi IQ results are making the rounds these days"

Exactly, although it has floated around for a long time before you happened to notice it.

The thing is that it's true so far as I can tell. Usually the sketchy part is explaining just why it's true. The rule of thumb is that something like 1/2 of IQ variance is genetic.

I have a feeling that between modern large-scale CPU action and gene sequencing, they'll learn a lot about predicting which people have certain abilities and behaviors. If they all tend to look alike, then you get a collision between science and a religious belief system.

Honestly, it's the kind of fuss that I love the most. A person can get mighty amused watching this kind of thing. It similar to the question about whether the very smartest (and dumbest) humans are male or if both genders are 100%, absolutely, all-the-time, the same.

Here's a quick question for you, assuming that you folks ever answer much of anything, is the average IQ of a large population of Koreans the same as a large population of Bantus given a similar diet and education?

George Rebane

Administrivia - for those not paying attention, the IQ discussion should be continued under -

Account Deleted

Crossed Up Bobby at 10:25 - Well, the title of the post was "The Liberal Mind Revealed..."
I would have said 'left-wing-nut mind'. The classic 'liberal' is nothing like the left these days.
I do applaud Bobby revealing just how ignorant and/or dishonest as well as fascistic the American left has become. I'm not name calling, just pointing out the obvious.
"And I agree that capitalism has somewhat raised the global standard of living for many, while at he same time greatly rewarding a few."
Somewhat? Somewhat? You either have absolutely no idea how the vast majority of people lived just 150, or even 100 years ago or you wouldn't say that with a straight face.
As far as "...greatly rewarding a few."
Not nearly as much as despots, dictators, kings, and other rulers enriched themselves with at the expense of the masses in older times.
The rich these days either get their money with the total approval of the folks handing them the money (Ford, Gates, etal) or with the helpful assistance of the govt gun. Don't blame free market capitalism for that.
" I, personally, just think the individualism that capitalism/nationalism champions will have to give way to a more globally oriented outlook to mitigate the potential chaos that looms on the horizon. Instead of competing with other nations/individuals the new model will have to be one of cooperation."
Yeah - China is way ahead of you on that one. They take care of that 'chaos' PDQ. Their new 'dear-leader-for-life' has embarked on a new program of destruction and repression for those pesky Christians. And anyone who would cause any 'potential chaos'. The Chinese govt, is of course, 'globally oriented'. They are taking over vast areas of raw material and resources in Africa, Asia and South America.
As far as 'co-operation' - well, I'm sure as long as you co-operate with them, they might let you live.
I'm wondering why Bobby doesn't just go to China and start peddling his views to them instead of suffering here in the US with all of us free-market capitalist individualists?
Bobby really get's it going with this line:
"People of the first world will have to accept less so that others can have more in a world of increasing population and decreasing resources."
Oh, really? How much less - and who will decide the amounts?
Followed by:
"After all, humans still slaughter each other with impunity over trivial issues such as differing political and/or religious beliefs and, of, course, wealth like the heathens of the past."
You got that part right Skippy.
As soon as some one comes around here and starts trying to enforce some kind of 'you'll need to accept less' kind of bull crap, I guarantee they'll be slaughtered with impunity.
Because - it's trivial.


me- 811am yesterday

Where o where are the modern Left to point out the folly of claiming Nazis were Socialist and Left? Anti-corporation, calling for nationalizing of corporations, forced profit sharing, death for those making profits deemed excessive, a restructuring of education from top to bottom...

I thought sure there'd be a visit from a six figure CEO of a wretchedly misnamed rent-seeking non-prophet (sic) corporation to point out the folly.

George Rebane

re Gregory 734am - I believe the leftwing mantra continues that the Nazis were not socialists. If ever that fact got traction in the media, then a major part of Left's classical narrative would collapse. The narrative is classical because it has endured since the communists were battling the Nazis and fascists for dominance in western Europe between the wars. According to Hitler's own writings, he and his braintrust were having problems communicating the exact differences between national socialism and international socialism. Outside Germany (including the US) the news media were all promoting Moscow's version as the vision for tomorrow.

Robert Cross

"Outside Germany (including the US) the news media were all promoting Moscow's version as the vision for tomorrow."

If the US media was promoting Moscow as you say, then why was Wall St. backing Hitler as a suitable buffer between Western Europe and the Soviets? The strategy backfired.

Todd Juvinall

Wall Street? Sorry you just make things up.

George Rebane

RobertC 931am - Pray, how are you connecting US media promoting Moscow and "Wall St. backing Hitler"??? BTW, a preponderance of anti-communist western leaders saw Hitler's competition with Stalin as not only a "suitable buffer" but the only buffer, especially given the western media's love affair with the full employment Potemkin village visits Uncle Joe was sponsoring.

Robert Cross

Todd 9:47 -- you don't know your ass from whole in the ground.

My point, George, is that it seems odd that, on one hand, the media was apparently promoting stalinists while monied interests were promoting Hitler.

George Rebane

RobertC 1042am - I'm not sure what was "odd" about the dichotomy - the media was promoting socialism cum communism, and the "monied interests" (among many other less pecuniary interests) were using Hitler's Germany as the existential and prominent barrier to the spread of communism. None of those monied interests promoted Hitler's approach to governance and/or organizing American society.

Don Bessee

So what's a whole in the ground?

Todd 9:47 -- you don't know your ass from whole in the ground.


Don Bessee



Todd Juvinall

Oh BoobieC, a "whole in the ground"? Jeeze you are a dumbass. And please supply your links on your Wall Street claim or STFU!


rcross: "My point, George, is that it seems odd that, on one hand, the media was apparently promoting stalinists while monied interests were promoting Hitler."

You'd have to look back through 1930's newspapers to see how true a media bias was. Generally, I'd say that the Marxists were much more successful on college campuses than Nazis in that era, plus reporters tended to be Roosevelt backers.

The Nazi + Wall Street tie in, to the extent it existed, is obviously due to money. It isn't just that the Nazis were far more successful at fostering a business community (or at least not hurting it so much), but that the Soviets were so poor at it. The history of communism in Russia is well worth studying. It isn't just that they were trying to modernize a 17th C. country, but that they were winging it the whole time. There were numerous huge changes in state policy, none of which seemed to work very well.

Account Deleted

Wall Street didn't like Stalin? Well - some of them did.


There are crooked people in all forms of govt. In all countries and there always will be.
Best to limit their access to public money by reducung the size and scope of govt.
Get it, Bobby?

Bill Tozer

Bolshevik, (Russian: “One of the Majority”), plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. The group originated at the party’s second congress (1903) when Lenin’s followers, insisting that party membership be restricted to professional revolutionaries, won a temporary majority on the party’s central committee and on the editorial board of its newspaper Iskra. They assumed the name Bolsheviks and dubbed their opponents the Mensheviks (“Those of the Minority”).

Immediately after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks refused to share power with other revolutionary groups, with the exception of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries; eventually they suppressed all rival political organizations. They changed their name to Russian Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in March 1918.

After the Russian Civil War, France got a big time fear of a future threat from Germany, due largely to the elimination of Russia from the European balance. Indeed, the Russian question became as large as the German question and absorbed equality amount of time and.....
The Nazi Party emerged from the German nationalist, racist and populist Freikorps paramilitary culture, which fought against the communist uprisings in post-World War I Germany. The party was created as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism. Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities and in the 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes.

National Socialist German Workers’ Party, German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), political party of the mass movement known as National Socialism.

Well, either national socialism or international communism seem to work.


George Rebane

re BillT 1131am - And to put a bow on it, Nazi Germany became the quintessence of a socialist corporatist state wherein corporations were tightly controlled by the government which specified what, when, and how much to produce, and the rest of German commerce came under 'Gleichschaltung' or monitored coordination/synchronization with Nazi objectives and operating policies.

Gleichschaltung is what Fauxcahontas is aiming for with her new bill. More here - http://rebaneruminations.typepad.com/rebanes_ruminations/2018/08/scattershots-14aug18.html

Don Bessee

Talk about ripping off the mask and showing the true self -

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have just handed Republicans a ready-made campaign ad for his rumored 2020 presidential bid – by declaring Wednesday that America “was never that great.”

“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great,” Cuomo said, to an awkward blend of gasps and chuckles.



George Rebane

re DonB 108pm - Day by day, the essence of the Democrat emerges. And these are the men who gave their all so that mobs can chant '..., no USA at all!' on our streets.


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