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19 October 2018


 Bill Tozer

Re; immigration and the demagoguery of President Trump.




,,,Trumpski loves and admires and defends all the worst people in the world



,,,Fox News joins new whisper campaign to discredit Khashoggi as being "tied to the Muslim Brotherhood",,,

A new low and proof Fox News is FauxFake News.

Yeah, Trumpers, he deserved to be cut into pieces while he was alive because he had an opinion.



It's a funny thing. Yesterday I heard on liberal news site that it was Trump's fault that gas prices had gone up because he was vaguely 'threatening' the Saudis somehow.

So what's the right answer "M"? Invade Saudi Arabia? Bomb Mecca? Naval blockade? Stern talking to at the UN? Pay off the survivors? Anti-Saudi tweet? Impeach Trump for cutting up people?

Impress us with your political acumen here.


re: Honduras.

Hey, there's only roughly 10M people there, so just invite them all in. What could be the harm?

After all, the poor and downtrodden worldwide have a God-given right to entry into the US. It sez so right on the poem that got stuck on the Statue of Liberty and has nothing to do with the statue.

Just wait until we can get the immigration airlift going from Lagos.


Ugh......Mika and Joe.......talk about the “C” team!



That of which Punchinello cannot speak.....

”Texas Democrats Caught Mailing Pre-Filled Voter Registrations To Non-Citizens”


Account Deleted

It doesn't take M long to make a jackass out of himself - All the one guy on Fox said is that "Khashoggi was tied to the Muslim Brotherhood."
No one on Fox said anything about that excusing what happened to him.
But of course M would have to read the whole article to see that.
So - one person on Fox news saying something that is true is proof of fake news?


aha, the Red Mob, at least the Cuban version, is cranking up.

2020 should be interesting.




It isn't just "M". The Blue Mob has basically weaponized a foreign national getting tortured to death in order to help a little bit in the midterms.

It's just politics as usual, you can't blame them for doing something that might help a little bit.


oh jeez, more narrative fail.



one last thing.

A good explanation for the NPC theme for the older readers (talking head alert).


Of course, it explains "M" to a "T".


lol. 'Meme', not 'theme'.

Don Bessee

Oh Goodie!



Paul Emery

Finally a clear understand as to why Trump was elected President. Decling intelligence due to air pollution.

'Oct. 16, 2018 – Air pollution can have a “huge” negative effect on cognitive intelligence – especially amongst older men – according to a study released this past August.

The research is one of the first of its kind to focus on the links between air pollution and cognition in older people. It was undertaken by scientists at Peking University in Beijing, China and Yale University in the U.S. and was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal. In particular, it found that long-term exposure to air pollution may impede overall cognitive performance. "


Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 11:10 AM

A cautionary tale Punch......why you should probably refrain from blog commenting lest you continue to embarrass yourself!

(Go ahead.....let the inane questioning begin!)

George Boardman

Well, Bessee's done his part:


Be still my heart........Hillary is thinking about running again! Hope she rocks the blue Moo Moo again.

.....maybe she can borrow one of jeffys?!


The only thing missing is the 8:30 am Gin and Tonic!

Paul Emery

RE 11:13

Well there has to be some explanation as to why we elected a total idiot to the Presidency Fish. What's your best idea on the matter?

Account Deleted

So, M and Boardman - next time we see a negative comment from you about someone that will be proof positive you want them cut up alive.
Got it.
Funny how your hating minds have this little diode of logic that only operates in one direction.
That WaPo article was so full of innuendo and nonsense. The folks mentioned in the article pass stuff around all the time about all sorts of political topics. No one even tried to say any of it was untrue. I notice they did not mention all of what was said - only a few selected parts. I'm sure a lot of folks in DC want to know who this dead fellow is and what his background is. WaPo certainly won't tell the whole story. If Trump immediately went off on the Saudis, the Trump haters would say it confirms he has no tact or diplomacy. The Saudi govt is not like ours. It just might be that Trump is trying to figure out exactly what power factor in the royal family were responsible for this murder.
Reporters - not to mention millions of others in this world are disappeared and killed every year. In China, Mexico and many other countries. It's pretty obvious this one guy is getting all the attention right now simply as a way of drumming up more hate before the mid terms.

Account Deleted

"a total idiot"
Really Paul?
He's way ahead of that last fellow.
And he's certainly way ahead of you.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 11:48 AM

Is it your contention that the president is less intelligent than his opponent? Expand!

Paul Emery

Am I hearing you correctly fish, are you attempting to champion Trumps intelligence? My goodness. I didn't vote for either. Did you?

Don Bessee

Results speak for themselves @ 1218.




Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 12:18 PM

Are you trying to say that if Trump had been smarter you would have voted for him! Dearie me!


,,,the Rebane Patrol Brain Trust is hilarious today!!! The reporter was killed by Saudis, end of story. But the orange a-hole doing his patented used car salesman shtick and his echo chamber Bot patrol want to '''just throw out there''' that he had conversed with Muslim Brotherhood types. Sorry Patrol you are wearing no clothes again.

Don Bessee

You have to ask why the turks did not let Pompeo hear the tape, if there is one?

Ahmet Hakan, a Turkish journalist with a history of criticizing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, published a column Friday claiming that one of his reputable sources called reports that missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was dead “garbage” and that he is still alive.




Paul Emery

Did you vote for Trump Fish? Is that why you're defending his intelligence-and evaluations include emotional intelligence. Here's a definition.

"Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others."



Dear Patrol,,, the leader of the free world praises assaults on reporters!!! Sick old man!!!



Dear Patrol,,,




Now Trumpski is weaponizing a march by Central Americans as a threat to national security. What a jOke!!

George Rebane

re M 0118pm - The WaPo article does a great job 'tarnishing Trump' while claiming not to do so. But the real question is, what is the import of K belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood or not. Why is that factor getting the lamestream all hot and bothered, alleging quotes to unnamed Repub legislators, and dunning such reports by conservative outlets?


George 129pm,,,got to ask Faux Fox Harris Faulkner and the pro-trump rooski bots who are perpetrating this sort of smear in order to provide some sort of cover to our dear leader who never met a despot he would not defend...or fall in love with

,,, and you think leftys need help???

,,,you only have to look to the daily news to see the right wing stupidity that passes for national leadership in action

Don Bessee

Dr. R, Its no secret that the winds of change that swept the Egyptian muslum brotherhood from power to jail left this guy on the wrong side of the new order in the middle east. The GCC, Egypt, Jordan and Israel v Iran, Syria and now apparently Turkey are locked in a titanic struggle for the future of the region. Its a hot war on many fronts. Political murders in the region are so frequent that they hardly register in western media.

This is the real world context where something may have happened to the columnist. Right now the media is running with Turkish rumors. No one has said they have heard the 'recording' other than the turks who are a dictatorship that wants a return to the caliphate who are not trustworthy.



Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 01:11 PM

Are you trying to say that if Trump was more emotionally intelligent you would vote for him!


Posted by: ***M*** | 19 October 2018 at 01:18 PM


Adult diapers on sale in bulk at Costco!

Live large this weekend dugsKKKi!

Paul Emery

What you are asking is that Trump was an entirely different person would I consider voting for him. Nah I voted Libertarian. who did you vote for?


Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 02:27 PM

Is it your opinion that I voted for one of the two major parties?

Barry Pruett

Paul at 11:10 AM: Maybe air pollution is what causes folks in the cities vote for liberals. Lol.


,,,fishbreathe,,,been there, got those!!!

Paul Emery

That's a good one Barry.

Paul Emery

You sure are a Trump supporter Fish. Not consistent with a Libertarian.

George Rebane

DonB 153pm - That's all well and good, and well known. But I still don't hear an answer to my 129pm.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 02:53 PM

Is it you contention that I’m not what I describe myself as politically?

Paul Emery

You are consistently a Trump supporter on these pages. Show me one time you wern't. I assume then you are a Republican. You know "if it walks like a duck...."


Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 October 2018 at 03:13 PM

So in your estimation I’m a duck?

Paul Emery

Don't be a dork Fish. You know what I'm talking about.

Don Bessee

Whats a dork fish? Is that like an eel?


Paul Emery

Yes, slimy and greasy like an eel. Good observation Don


Go right ahead Proggys, Bitch all you like. You can't stand the FACT that Trump has done a better job that just about any other President. The economy has never looked better. More jobs than there are workers. "American made" is a fact again.
And the wicked witch of the West gets a dose of her own medicine.
In the video, Pelosi can be seen entering the restaurant and getting rushed by a mob of protesters. The protesters held anti-communist signs and yelled, “Look at Nancy Pelosi right here – f***ing communist. Get the f**k out of here. F**k you and your f**king Democrats.”

The bewildered Pelosi looked at the protesters before ducking into a doorway with security. The protesters chanted, “Communism sucks” at the closed door.
Yup, payback to the bitch!


And Sabo strikes again!

It should have been a pike!

Don Bessee

About time -

An administration official confirmed on Friday that during his meetings next week with Russian officials, National Security Adviser John Bolton will inform Russia that the U.S. intends to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Treaty, also known as the INF.

“Across two administrations, the United States and our allies have attempted to bring Russia back into full and verifiable compliance with INF," said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "Despite our objections, Russia continues to produce and field prohibited cruise missiles and has ignored calls for transparency.”

Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Russia's deployment of nuclear-capable missiles in violation of an arms treaty was "untenable," and that without changes by Moscow, the U.S. would have to match that military capability.




So they admit it.

Now how come you Proggys have yet to say one word about journalists killed in Mexico by the cartels? It happens all the time.

OK,, so the Saudis snuffed the guy. It wasn't here. He was one of their own. He was on the wrong side of politics when the Saudi crown changed heads. Welcome to Muslim rule.
Even Crabb man fears the Muslims.(remember why?)

Don Bessee

I don't know why the po' ol' fakenewsman cares about another murder by an autocratic regime. They killed a columnist not a po' ol' fakenewsman, now Boardman on the other hand may have to watch his back for Saudi hit teams.



And our Proggys want this here.

"It remains unclear how many migrants were able to successfully enter Mexico by force."
Yes Lefties,, read those last four words real carefully.


Remember yesterday the ANTIFA slimball that gave the 911 widow some grief?
Well,, her Son just happened to find that ANTIFA LIB puke.
Not so brave all of a sudden. Humm Imagine that.

Account Deleted

George at 1:29 - The importance of whether or not K had anything to do with the MB is that K must now be seen as a boy scout cub reporter who was slaughtered by Trump-obeying arabs as part of Trumps war on reporters. And since Trump hasn't started nuking Saudi Arabia, it proves he is jiggy with what happened in Turkey.
There is no proof any conservative has said or implied that it was acceptable for K to be killed.
But if you bring up one single fact about his life or beliefs that could somehow be seen as negative, the lefty-wackos go right into a swoon that it proves you wanted him cut up alive.
There's a whisper campaign alright. It's a smear against Trump and conservatives by the left.
The fact is that the MB has repeatedly called for the overthrow of the Saudi govt. If K had been seen by the Saudis as an enemy to be feared, then it would make sense that they might want him dead.
For the left wing yahoos that just woke up today, there are govts all over the world that do this on a routine basis. None of us like this fact, but to try to pin this suddenly on Trump and conservatives is just ignorant and vile.
K worked for WaPo and WaPo hates Trump. I have long ago given up on expecting anything but partisan bile from Trump haters.

Robert Cross

IN the Russians like trump category--The Russians are meddling in our elections again spreading disinformation with the primary goal of "Fully support Donald Trump and express the hope that this time around Congress will be forced to act as the president says it should" and "Emphasize that if Congress continues to act like the Colonial British government did before the War of Independence, this will call for another revolution"


Don Bessee





Posted by: Robert Cross | 19 October 2018 at 05:29 PM

Hey....enjoy a nice heapin helping of spotted dick on your trip “bobby”.


Sure Bobby.. When is Putin going to use his blackmail dirt?
Trump has been using him like a cheap motel hand towel.
Now I thought it was China doing the new dirty work?

And Muller has two reports on hand.. Right? It all depends on who gains control... Right? If the LIBs win the one saying Trump is dirty gets published. If the Repubs keep control, he free and clear.
Right Bob?

Don Bessee

So Fish, you are saying the Dark Lord of the Lonely Liberal Lament Land is the cross one? ;-)

Account Deleted

Bobby at 5:29 - I can see why you're upset. That's your job they're muscling in on, right?
Dang Rooskie interlopers.
This is just hilarious.
"The Russians are seeking to divide Americans"!!!!!
Like most everything else I can think of, we 'Murcans can do a better job of that than any dang commie pinko.
Meanwhile the Dems work to get illegals voting in our elections and Mueller can't be bothered.


But what about THIS journalist? He was killed,, yet no one made a big deal about it.

Oh.. He was white. Yet still no hate crime.

George Rebane

Gentlemen - I know you're really not expecting any of our liberal commenters to respond to your anti-narrative postings. The asymmetry of the Right/Left debate here and elsewhere is that when they bring up their charges, then we indeed do respond. It was and ever will be thus - it's a one-sided conversation, and it useful for illustrative purposes for those readers still trying to decide.

BTW, Scattershots has been updated.

Tricky McClean

I just want you guys to know that this is my most favorite Nazi blog of all the disparate Nazi blogs that are out there. When it comes to Nazi blogs, Rebane’s ruminators are the most Nazi-like Nazis of all the online Nazis available. Thank you.


I know Dr.R. They seem to get real quiet when a simple ditch digger shows up and lays reality at their smelly feet. Yet somehow they think people vote their way. The LIBs here are as cowardly as the one in Portland. Run when confronted.
Their silence is golden.

Not a damned one has answered. my question yet. Why in hell vote LIB? What has Trump done to harm the nation? Nope,, not a peep.


See? That's all a Proggy has. Prove it McSewer.

Account Deleted

Why Tricky - how surprised we are to see you trying to put us in a bad light.
Of course since you provide no evidence or reason or facts or proof of any kind, forgive us for just laughing at your pathetic attempt to throw rocks at us.
You throw like a girl.
And - THANK YOU, Tricky!


That sounds a lot like ol' "jon".
Bitchy, and nasty.

Account Deleted

You know - when you read posts like Tricky's 6:44, you might ask yourself:
Why would Tricky be an authority as he claims he is on NAZI web sites?
Why would he be rating those sites?
Is Tricky a closet NAZI visiting every single NAZI web site to find the very best one?
And what are Tricky's metrics for measuring what is the best NAZI web site?
I don't think these questions will keep me up at night, but it would really be nice if Tricky would answer them.
See - what lefty web site would invite me, in polite terms, to explain myself?

Don Bessee

Another one bites the dust -




Tricky McClean

Scott, tell us about your buddies in Hayden Lake. Don’t hold back.

Don Bessee

Now that sounds like the Dark Lord of the Lonely Liberal Lament Land @ 719 !



Posted by: Tricky McClean | 19 October 2018 at 06:44 PM

How many Nazi sites do you frequent that you have favorites Michael?

Weird.....but I guess youre entitled to a hobby like any normal person! Not the one I would have picked though!


Posted by: Don Bessee | 19 October 2018 at 07:22 PM

Nahh.....didn’t have anything to do with food!

Account Deleted

Tricky at 7:19 - Hilarious.
Never been there - don't know a soul that lives there.
Now - why don't you explain just why you seem to know what goes on there?


Hey where’d Michael.....errr.....um.....Tricky go?

Maybe catching up on his Nazi fetish?

Todd Juvinall

I had a cousin in Hayden and she showed me around three years ago. She said they threw out the Nazi skinheads. But she saw Michael there with an armband. LOL!

Tricky McClean

Hey, we’re all good. I still love 💕 you guys.

Account Deleted

"Hey, we’re all good. I still love 💕 you guys."
So - we're all NAZIs but Tricky loves us and it's all good.
Uh - I'm gettin' a Homo NAZI vibe from this Tricky guy.
Just sayin'.


Oh noes...Crabbe has a sad Orwell style!


We're pigs it seems!


WOW!! According to Crabs,, all of you guys have put on some pounds.

But Crabby.. "our" side isn't known for voting early and often.
Yet "your" side wants to blame the gov. for sending them two ballots. " Why are you throwing ME in jail and ruining my reputation?" ( you DO read the local bird cage liner,, don't you?)
Maybe we should just give them a pass, since everyone they voted for LOST.. So no harm was done... Right?


The Left has had their way with Calif.,, ran it into the ground, passed a mountain range of laws and regs., and has made the cost of living, unlivable. So what do those who can't afford to live with what they did do? MOVE!! And start doing it to the next state they move to.

George Rebane

Dear Readers - you might find the 20oct18 update to Scattershots amusing.


,,,Gov. Bill Walker takes one for the team!!!



Anyone reading the news on the web will see LIBS are getting a dose of their own actions. The Queen of the DEMned had to run for cover
in Florida from those opposed to communism. (Now where did those nice people learn that from?) And some butthead tries to give McConnell grief while he and the Mrs. were at dinner. The diners bit back at tossed the LIB from the place.
The people are fed up with the LIB attacks and ain't taking it anymore.
The guy who tracked down the ANTIFA twerp that gave his Mamma grief is still the best so far.

Don Bessee


Central American migrants pushed through Guatemalan border posts and streamed onto a bridge connecting the two countries, only to be halted by dozens of Mexican police dressed in riot gear on the other side, Mexican television footage showed.




re: The Porcine Crabb cartoon.

I liked it a lot, well done. Much better caricature than usual, no need for labelling the people.

The idea of Messrs. Frisch and Pelline laughing at Todd and George being represented as pigs is more than a little ironic, but if I were George I'd buy the original and have it framed.


re: DonB@12:59PM Camp of the Saints Part Dos.

Aside from the fact that Latin countries seem to be perpetually doomed in terms of economic, political, and business development, I can't help but wonder if the root cause isn't simply carrying capacity.



 Bill Tozer

“The negative trend in math readiness is a red flag for our country, given the growing importance of math and science skills in the increasingly tech-driven US and global job market,” said ACT CEO Marten Roorda. “It is vital that we turn this trend around for the next generation and make sure students are learning the math skills they need for success in college and career.”



toes 953

The whole country has been going down the wrong path in math education for at least the last 35 years. Increasingly bad pedagogies taught to increasingly weak students for them to use with increasingly bad instructional materials/textbooks when they take their places in K-12 classrooms to further weaken the next generation.

One of the problems is that many of the people we've hired to teach math don't know their arse from a hole in the ground. For example, talking to a fellow who is very full of himself who owns a couple of ramp rats (planes that have not been airworthy for a number of years, yet is deluded that he'll figure out a way to get them fixed with the money he has to blow) told me proudly his job down the hill (Marysville/Yuba City) is to teach a prealgebra class to the kiddies... but he didn't have a clue how to convert a repeating decimal to a ratio of integers.

This I learned in an East of LA (SoCal, not Louisiana) public school in the 5th grade, maybe the 6th. Not the eighth grade he was teaching, or the 17 years of education on the public dime that this "teacher" warmed a seat for to get his $80k job.

I'm sure the folks who hired him checked that he had the credential suitable for his tasks. But they don't have a clue, either.

Paul Emery


For your reading pleasure:

Democrats up by seven in the fox poll. Looking grim for the Repubs




Dems up by seven nationally means the GOP is within 2% of remaining in control of the House.


Paul has yet to state why people would vote LIB.
They have Jack Squat to offer except misery.


Well now... Look what news we wake up to today!

People are seeing business people can run states better than politicians. Trump has chiseled that in titanium.


Posted by: Walt | 21 October 2018 at 08:42 AM

But Walt......Gavin is so pretty! That poll just can’t be right!



,,,po ol Walt,,,you relish in the fact that you have MOBS!!!

,,,and that is on the heels of pissy pubbers like trumpski telling all his meatheads how BAD it is that the Leftys have MOBS!!!


I'm not sure if Paul will accept an op-ed from right wing outlets like the 'frisco Chronicle or the WaPo, but there's this:

The RCP House poll average puts the Dems up by 7 seats, with 31 toss-ups... in other words, the GOP keeps the House if they can win 19 of the 31 tossups... the Dems win if they can take 13 of the 31 seats.

Exciting, eh Punchy?

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