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05 October 2018


Paul Emery

So George do you consider it hate speech when Walt suggests that, because of my religion, after I die my body should be condemned to a ditch or "some lone ignored field where your body can be dumped for the buzzards to find? Or just a brush pile come burning season?"


It's the "Earthy way" you signed up for when you declared your new religion. Not MY fault you didn't read the fine print.
Remember? Mamma Earth is your mentor. Mamma Earth wants you back. Organically.( no preservatives)

 Bill Tozer

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

Ecclesiastes 3:8 (KJV) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Hebrew version: A time to love, And a time to hate; A time for war, And a time for shalom.

Back to hate:
First her shoes, now her hat. What planet do they live on?


Paul Emery


To quote the Blues Great Memphis Slim

"When it all ends up you've got to go back to Mother Earth."

Do you deny that?


The Judge K protesters have really twisted off! Do they more Soros money for photo bombs?
Plenty of photos and vids to pick from. WAY too many to try and post.
Now who produced all the SWAG bags? From posters, to bandannas
Someone paid big for all that crap.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 05 October 2018 at 05:11 PM

You’re welcome Punch.....


Well Paul,, apparently you do.

Don Bessee

WTF is the pony tail of ignorance babbling about @ 651?

Making America Great Again in a real world sense, well done Mr. President, well done!



Account Deleted

Paul - you were asked to define your terms.
Can you actually read and comprehend English or what?

 Bill Tozer

New Jersey in play? I find that unlikely, but what do I know?


Paul Emery

Just a quote from the great blues singer Memphis Slim. Here's more of the lyric for the song. Pretty simple stuff Walt

you may own a half a city
even diamonds and pearls
you may buy that plane baby
and fly all over this world

don't care how rich you are
don't care what you worth
when it all ends up you got to
go back to mother earth

you may play race horses
you may own that race track
you may have enough money baby
to buy anything you like

don't care how great you are
don't care what you worth
when it all ends up you got to
go back to mother earth


That's right Paul, SING the blues. Ya' still ain't got no soul.


You guys forgot the Fargo chipper method of body disposal.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Paul, if you need a discreet place to have your body munched into fine bits, without the carbon footprint of cremation, do write me into your will.


DAMN Gregory!!!,, Mamma Earth's food processor. A Paul smoothy.
I still bet the Coyotes turn their nose up.

Account Deleted

Actually - that song may have been true when written, but...
Still waiting for Paul to define his terms.
As if he even has a clue.
He gets his education and buzz words from the bumper stickers on Spring Street.


Is this a contest to see who can produce the most boring sandbox, with maximum number of dumb personal comments in the shortest time?

 Bill Tozer


Paul Emery

Wow Scott. That is deep stuff.

"The Shooting Star Memorial delivers a symbolic portion of your loved one's remains to Earth's orbit, only to end this celestial journey as a shooting star."

Symbolic portion!!! this has to be a joke or a scam for the really stupid.


I can give you the "Redneck" special on that Paul. I know a guy who knows a guy that can get some beer keg size bottle rockets.
You get the same effect and no waiting.

Don Bessee

Perfectly suited for a po' ol' fakenewsman, druid, dia whatever it is this week @ 822.



Come on Russ, WE TRIED to get ol' buzzard bait to for days on anything current. Blame it on Paul. The other two found Mom and Dad's old LSD stash. Not a lick of sense out of either.

HELL! An innocent bystander even had to come in and slap Paul upside the head.... Priceless.

Even my evidence of the lack of evidence of AGW didn't even a bite.
( ya, hard to fight simple thermodynamics)

If you can get some action here going, more power to ya'.

Account Deleted

"Symbolic portion!!! this has to be a joke or a scam for the really stupid."
I never endorsed it, Paul.
Kinda like having a star named after you.
You're still stalling on defining your terms, Paul.
But you seem to have time to investigate baloney on the internet.
What about your baloney?
Possibly "a joke or a scam for the really stupid."
Right, Paul?

Account Deleted

"Is this a contest to see who can produce the most boring sandbox, with maximum number of dumb personal comments in the shortest time?"
Is that your contribution Russ?
It's the Sandbox!
What did you expect - the Roman Forum?
You usually get Paul's latest breathless update on a poll or Paul's latest breathless update on some sort of moral outrage that caused him to clutch at his pearls or swoon on his fainting couch.
Paul continues to demand that everyone must answer his questions while he answers to no one.
Hell - there's all manner of stuff flying around out there.
The head of Interpol is missing in China, our nation continues to go broke, the left is flippin' nuts, California declares that there is no binary sexual orientation at the same time it declares that certain public corporations shall have binary sexual orientation on their board of directors - hey! - have at it!
Be my guest.

 Bill Tozer

Somebody drop the N word so he can run back to his Grinch Abode and oil himself up real good in those morally superior grease dripping he been begging for someone to drop. If not, talk of offing him and tossing his entails to the fowl of the air. Or toss him in the brush pile, cover, and wait for a burn day. :). Toss him a bone! Say you are going to put him out of his misery.

Hey, it’s ok to hate organized religion. And especially phony baloney hypocritical Christians. Don’t practice what they preach. And don’t forget the Crusades. Shaming time!
Look how Jesus reacted to the religious order of his day. Talk about moral outrage. Took something good, alive, in touch with the Spirit, walking humbly with God.....and turned it into rules, traditions, harsh regulations....the letter of the law. Religion. Jesus called them white washed tombs, unmarked graves that people walk over, and told them they put burdens on his people but do not lift a finger to help. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life. We get it. Punchy don’t like organized religion. No prob, Bob. Some do, some don’t.

Looks like the crack news director don’t feel like talking about The Rapist or touch Dr. Ford. Can’t blame ya. Story got old......just like that tax story, but not as fast.

 Bill Tozer

Opps. Almost forgot. One sign jumped right out at DC demonstrations with the screaming banshees. The sign said something about deporting “stink asses”. Yep, stink asses was written across the bottom of the sign in stencil. Told ya it was a woman. Hell hate no fury as a woman scorned. Don’t know what that Berekely mime did to her or when, but she is not taking it lying down. Didn’t get a good look at her face with all the other signs and howling going on.

The guerilla sign artist of Nevada County gets around. She showed the skills she learned at OWS and took to the Senate. You go girl.


,,,Good opinion piece on local jerk Todd this morning in The Union


re: M@7:38AM

I wish that the newspaper would avoid becoming just another cagematch arguefest, but it probably sells the things in an era when the industry is dying.

You do have to wonder how Ms. Merriam feels about Emmett Till.

 Bill Tozer

@ 8:56 am I am blocked from the Union again. Keeps telling me to sign in and I am signed in. Happened before. Just as well. I was going to tell that departing reporter good luck, good riddance, and SF State is definitely a better fit for him. Yep, just as well.

Emmitt Till? No worries. Trump has been on it.


 Bill Tozer

Jeff Pon resigned from his position at the Office of Personnel Management, but did not give any reason for his departure, according to a White House official Friday.


Don Bessee

Uh Oh, socialist faucauxcahantas has an irs problem -



Don Bessee

Now that's creative! Must have programed it way in advance, may have increased the value if you can believe it.



Don Bessee

Can you imagine if it was Newsome with these bills on his desk?



Account Deleted

OK now - back to the Mueller investigations...
Remember? Russia? Putin cuddlers?

Don Bessee

Team 0 were the actual putin cuddlers, just ask Georgia and Ukraine. The Trump admin is finally giving them modern defensive weapons that give the Soviets pause. Yes I said soviets, putin has wet dreams of a rebuilt USSR, he has said it was the most tragic thing that ever happened to mother Russia.


Don Bessee

Its finally time to get real with the Chinese communists -

'Stay away from China,' White House top economist tells U.S. businesses
Krystal Hu 10 hours ago

As trade tensions escalate between the U.S. and China, Washington is sending a warning to U.S. companies: Think twice about doing business with China.
“If I were a business, I would basically just stay away from China right now. Their misbehavior is so terrible.” Kevin Hassett, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers said on Yahoo Finance’s Market Mover Friday. “That’s why President Trump is taking a hard line with them. They’ve got to change the way they behave if they want to be part of this modern world global economy.”
Hassett also cited the bombshell story from Bloomberg Businessweek, which claims China’s military deployed a microchip to attack hardware in the supply chain and had infiltrated U.S. tech giants like Amazon and Apple. Both companies have denied the report. But it still raised many concerns about Chinese electronic manufacturers. Hong Kong-listed Lenovo and ZTE saw share prices drop by 15% and 10%, respectively, on Friday.




What? Not a Proggy all day! What's the body count under the Forest Hill Bridge?
I bet the Judge getting sworn in made Paul start smoking dope.

Don Bessee

@ 712 - Walt the pony tail of ignorance sure looked lost and confused wandering around the Fowler Center and B & C's anniversary event.



Was he looking at wood chippers? Or suicide by log spliter?

 Bill Tozer




An interesting experiment.

Compare 1994 to 2017


George Rebane

Scenes 819am - Sure would like to see the questionnaire on which they based their overlapping graphs.


There's a downloadable PDF here (on the upper right).


I'd prefer seeing something besides polls, perhaps some kind of language analysis built from writings from different eras (including personal letters).

God knows what the average person from 1950 would make of modern universities, LGBTLMNOP marches, and arguments over immigration.

Todd Juvinall
Don Bessee

The Chicago socialist/dem way -


The Fauxcahantas way -

Legislation would expedite Native American casino project backed by Malaysian conglomerate with deep pockets




OK,, one for our NASA guys. WTF can this be?

Rocket engine insulation?

Deep sea drill rig collar?


“She’s getting under (Trump’s) skin,” he said. “She’s standing up to him, and more women are willing to stand up too and not be shoved around anymore. If it takes a porn star to stand up to Trump, I’ll take it.”

Yeah.....Trump looks all broken up about the way past her "sell by date".....err....um....dancer/rental orifice provider!


,,,when trumpski gets outed,,,trumpski tosses more Trump steaks to his meathead base!!!

Honorable Presidents would call for a time for healing as GHW Bush did after the Clarence Thomas hearings,,,but the dishonorable, unfaithful, tax cheats trumpski,,, the true Divider-in-Chief,,, fans the flames of discontent!!!


Right Doughy,, and you and your Proggy side pals got more asshurt than ever. Remember? they stole all the "W"s off all the keyboards in D.C.(real adult)
None of you have walked right since.


Posted by: ***M*** | 07 October 2018 at 11:45 AM

Wow! With all that baggage it's a wonder that she couldn't beat him!

What's up with that Diaper Man?

Don Bessee

What the troll missed is that the insane mobs did actually do something, its just not what they wanted!



 Bill Tozer

Walt, check this out. Cool.


But this is even cooler. Wonder if they make a solar model.


Don Bessee

China's foreign exchange reserves fell more than expected in September as the yuan currency weakened further against the dollar amid mounting trade tension with the United States.
Reserves fell $22.69 billion in September to $3.087 trillion, compared with a decline of $8.23 billion in August, central bank data showed on Sunday.
Economists polled by Reuters had expected reserves to drop by $5 billion to $3.105 trillion.
The yuan fell for the sixth straight month in September as the dollar remained buoyant, suggesting Beijing may be in no rush to intervene as a weaker currency would support its exporters amid the escalating Sino-U.S. trade war.
The value of China's gold reserves fell to $70.327 billion at the end of September, from $71.228 billion at the end of August.




Local technocrat weighs in with personal observation....

Steven Frisch says:

October 7, 2018 at 8:38 am

I bet the Beaver never said anything like this at the dinner table…

“Does anyone get what that idiot depelton means by child labor? F&$(# those bitches when we give the wetbacks everything!” –an anonymous Juvenalian poster.


jeffy neither.....what with the relentless jamming of food into his big ol pumpkin head!


Thanks Bill! Boy did that photo bring back memorys.
Dad told me of his witnessing that when he was a boy.
Sometimes I hate you. DAMN.. Now I need to go through all of Dad's old slide photos. He may have took one.


This is what comes out when you pull the string on JoKes neck.....

"What about legislating conservative views from the bench like Citizens United that has enabled the wealth to purchase our government? I don’t know about the America you grew up in, but the one I grew up in was one of cooperation and compromise doing what was best for all Americans, not just the wealthy ones. It was Richard Nixon who brought us the EPA, The Consumer Protection Agency, Title IX, the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and the Mammal Marine Protection Act, the National Cancer Center, lowering the voting age, eliminating the draft, and other policies that benefitted all Americans. He was considered very conservative at the time. Many of these accomplishments have either been neutered, eliminated, or are on the chopping block by the current administration. This is how far our country has been pushed to the far right. The minority party in Washington used to be the ‘loyal opposition’ not the enemy. The good ole rich boys have succeeded in dividing the country and instituting minority rule and now thanks to those judicial appointment you praise, progress will be stifled for at least the next two generations as the spoiled entitled trust fund children use their money/power to destroy the America I grew up in and replace democracy with plutocracy. God bless a greedy philandering liar? This is not God’s blessing but a pact with the devil.

“Fascism: an authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government and social organization.”

Umberto Eco called it “ur-fascism: in which violent fear of intruders, performative machismo, suspicion, and racism” are rampant. This is the America of today."

If only we can get him to stop pulling it himself!

Todd Juvinall

FISH the rumor is Frisch has hired some illegals from Guatemala as landscapers and maintenance types.


Give him a break Todd. The economy is SO good, every legal worker is already employed.


You can find this bus on Searls Ave in Nevada City
I think Paul already has.

 Bill Tozer

@ 1:19 pm

Sounds like Joe K is on autopilot. He could recite that in his sleep. Some folks aren’t taking losing graciously. The agony of da feet.



Huba hubba


Todd Juvinall

Walt is there a goat too?

Todd Juvinall

BillT 204

Maybe those losers will do the Jim Jones waltz?

 Bill Tozer

Todd @ 1:24 pm

Well, count your blessings. He could have hired El Salvadorans. Sad sign of our times.


Who grieves for her? Not Steve, not Cortez



Fish.. Do you happen to know a Samantha? (same last name as yours)


So the SOB pulled it off.. Never heard the news of the win.
Hof, who appeared in the HBO reality TV show "Cathouse" about prostitutes at one of his brothels, won the Republican state primary in June for a seat in the Nevada assembly and is considered the favorite in the November general election. "(and I hope he does)

But look at what his first win got him.

The inspectors say this.
"A four-month-long internal investigation found prostitute registration procedures to be rife with violations over several decades, the sheriff's office statement said.

"Those practices include US immigration law violations, foreign country human trafficking indicators, fraudulent statements, issuance of work cards prior to completing criminal history background checks, and inability to validate out-of-state and US and other foreign national documents to determine identity," the statement said."

But the government is supposed to issue those.

And Hoff states,"Hof denied any immigration violations or trafficking at the brothel and said the sheriff's department was responsible for screening prospective employees."

Gotta give credit to the guy. He didn't put up any public fuss when his "contractors" supported "Boobs for Hillary".


Just one of those things.


Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), a component of the Department of Justice, for 1,900 pages of records about a proposed reclassification that would effectively ban certain types of AR-15 ammunition as armor-piercing (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-02218)).


Posted by: Walt | 07 October 2018 at 02:37 PM

Not one of mine Walt.


Thanks Fish. Some 2ND cousin I have never met.

Paul Emery

Todd the rumor is you've been throwing puppies off the broad Street overpass.

 Bill Tozer


 Bill Tozer

Sandbox - 5oct18
[Is anyone still interested in the Mueller investigation now that the Judge Kavanaugh conflagration is passing from the ridiculous to the sublime? gjr].

“There is now a concrete storyline backed by irrefutable evidence: The FBI allowed itself to take political opposition research created by one party to defeat another in an election, treated it like actionable intelligence, presented it to the court as substantiated, and then used it to justify spying on an adviser for the campaign of that party's duly chosen nominee for president in the final days of a presidential election.

And when, nine months later, the FBI could not prove the allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia, unverified evidence was leaked to the media to try to sustain public support for a continued investigation.

That means the redaction of Footnote 43 had more to do with political embarrassment than with national security. And that should concern us all.


Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery | 07 October 2018 at 05:45 PM

There is a rumor you use a outhouse and no permit.


Come now Paul. You can do better than that. No dead puppies have been reported. It would be all over Nevada City. Or did the homeless scarf them down? Did they eat the evidence?
Gotta find something a tad more believable, where no evidence can possibly be found. Didn't you learn anything watching the show?


Suicide by cop.


Dammit, Todd, you were going to tell me when you were going to be throwing puppies from the overpass. Someone has to be at the bottom to make sure they do not suffer and the meat doesn't get spoiled by oncoming traffic or Greeks with unnatural urges.

It's a meme, people.

Todd Juvinall

I know Gregory, I am sorry I forgot. Paul Emery uses the meat in gyros I heard.

 Bill Tozer

There are things worse than throwing puppies off the overpass...like throwing Daisy off the overpass.


 Bill Tozer

This has to be a joke. Too funny.



,,,rejoice!!! lamestream reporter resigns over Kavanaugh

some people do have some shame!!!



Morn'n. Don't forget to watch today. On at 10:00

The question has been asked here, over and over with not one Proggy giving an answer.
" Why in HELL vote for a LIB???" Just whet the "F" do you have to offer? Going to fight to lower taxes?(LOL... Sure thing)
Help create more jobs? (Trump beat you with a bat on that.)
Reduce laws and regs to bring the cost of life down? (Not in this shithole of a state.)
So what are you guys pushing now? "free health care for all, including illegals."

So do tell us what Proggys have to offer the legal voter.

Time to get my ear plugs. the crickets will be deafening.


Posted by: ***M*** | 08 October 2018 at 08:03 AM

Oh dugsKKKi.......!


News from Team Blue's capital city.


"The city has replaced more than 300 lampposts corroded by dog and human urine over the past three years, according to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Replacing the poles became more urgent after a lamppost collapsed in 2015, crushing a car."

 Bill Tozer

@ 8:03 am

Life is short. Call your Mom.




Well so much for that. NO televised "debate". It will ONLY be on radio.
Nope , the Proggys REALLY don't want the debate to be seen or heard.

So.. Will Paul "allow it" on KVMR?

 Bill Tozer

I feel your pain and I heard ya

JOE SCARBOROUGH: They spent all weekend gloating as if they had just won a high- school football game on Friday night. It was shabby, and it was sad.

. . . MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Activists tweeted photos of their alcohol, with the hashtag, #Beers4Brett. Senate Majority Leader John Cornyn posted a photo of sparking wine, writing: "not quite #Beers4Brett but #Bubbly4Brett", instead. I just don't know why this is funny.

JOE: It's actually not funny.

MIKA: It's not.

JOE: It's distressing.

.JOE: So unbecoming, and it proves what day traders they are. I've got to say, classless in this respect.

.JON MEACHAM: You get the dancing around, you get that ahistorical and ill-informed and worst-nightmare reaction from the White House press secretary.

JOE: Lindsey Graham, who's behaving -- he's just the antithesis of what John McCain was through his entire career. He obviously learned absolutely nothing working alongside of him.
MIKE BARNICLE: Just extraordinarily depressing.

JOE: A shabby Senate, with a short-sighted, selfish, cynical, Majority Leader who cared more about his political party and his own political ambitions than the country itself. Yes, I said that.



Where is Bobby? We found the contract with your gal pal.
The rules are:

You are NOT to have a single girls phone number
You are NOT to follow them on any social media (including Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter)
You are NOT to hang out with Keegan (including his house or anywhere public)
You are NOT to go to Honda without me
You are NOT to hang out with your friends more than two times a week
You are NOT to look at a single girl
If girls come up to you at any place or anytime you are to WALK away
Mo is to NOT hang out (with) us every time we hang out
You are NOT to ask for h--d
You are NOT to get mad at me about a single thing ever again
You are NOT to bring up Tyler, Noah, Deven, or Josh ever again
You are NOT allowed to drink unless I am with you
I am allowed to do a phone check when EVER I please
If we move in there are NEVER to be girls at our house
If we move in together your friends will RARELY be allowed over
If I catch you around girls I kill you
You are NOT to ditch me for your friends
We are to go on a legit date once every two weeks at least
If I say jump you say “how high princess”
You are to make sure you tell me you love me once a day at least so I know you’re not messing around
You are to NEVER take longer than 10 mins to text me back.

 Bill Tozer

Cristo Colombo

“Whiteman tastes like ripe banana.”


Don Bessee

OH goodie! Just in time for the midterms -



Don Bessee

Sanctions don't work they say but they never really did it like we are doing it to those mutha mullahs now. They don't go into full effect for a month -

The Islamic Republic exported 1.1 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude in that seven-day period, Refinitiv Eikon data showed. An industry source who also tracks exports said October shipments were so far below 1 million bpd.

That's down from at least 2.5 million bpd in April, before President Donald Trump in May withdrew the United States from a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed sanctions. The figure also marks a further fall from 1.6 million bpd in September.

Tanker schedules are often adjusted and exports can vary week by week. The early October figures add to signs, however, that Iranian exports are falling more steeply than expected, stretching the ability of Saudi Arabia, non-OPEC Russia and other producers to fill the gap.

"The U.S. government's tough stance raised the stakes for a more significant Iran export loss than previously foreseen," said Norbert Ruecker, head of macro and commodity research at Swiss bank Julius Baer.




Will that be a Weiner/ Holder ticket?

Paul Emery

Rumors are rumors Walt. Rumor is that Todd Juvinall was throwing puppies off the Broad Street overpass. Todd Writes:

"FISH the rumor is Frisch.........

You have no problem with that.


Gotta have evidence Paul. But I found you a new religion! And a hot babe too!
"NEW YORK, NY—Taylor Swift finally broke her long-standing unspoken rule of theological silence by coming out in support of amillennialism on her Instagram page Sunday.

Fans have long clamored for Swift to take a stand on eschatology, and they finally got their wish as the singer posted a lengthy defense of amillennial beliefs.

"I always have and always will support the eschatological system which best preserves the overarching theme of God's covenants throughout the Bible," she wrote, further decrying the "systemic church bias toward premillennialism" as "terrifying, sickening, and prevalent."

Dispensational scholars quickly condemned Swift for her position, calling her "just another elite, out-of-touch Hollywood liberal who denies the clear meaning of Scripture."

"Once again, we see how far outside the norm these wealthy libs are," said Pastor David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. "They don't understand politics, and they clearly don't understand theology."

Several prophecy experts even came forward to identify Taylor Swift as one of several demonic symbols in the book of Revelation, making new end times charts available on their online stores right away.

After public outcry, Swift clarified that her position also includes some preterist leanings."


There is hope for Paul yet! But you need to walk extra slow crossing the street.
WORLD—A new announcement from God's PR office confirmed last week that anyone you run over with your car while gunning it in order to get to church on time will go straight to heaven.

Bypassing the normal rules of justification, the exception is made so that you can put the pedal to the metal and make it to church before the sermon begins.

"No matter if the person is saved or not, we give them an instant pass to eternal life," said one heavenly representative. "Now, you can barrel through red lights, run over old ladies, and plow through Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses without a guilty conscience."

Christians took full advantage of the rule on Sunday, with authorities estimating that vehicular manslaughter cases increased 4,000% on that morning. "There were thousands of cases of minivans running over pedestrians as they performed a powerslide into a church parking lot. Even a few Civic hatchbacks driven by worship leaders who were running late for practice killed a few people."

Heaven says it's prepared for the influx of people who weren't Christians in this life but now get a free pass into the Majestic Kingdom.

"We're doing a whole orientation thing where they learn essentials of the faith, like the books of the Bible song, the pledge to the Christian flag, and the Second Amendment," said the spokesperson. "They'll fit right in after a few decades of training, so don't worry. Go nuts on your way to church this Sunday."

 Bill Tozer

My, Mr. Walt, you have expanded your horizons.

The right tool for the right job at the right time.

“One reason for Trump’s growing approval may have more to do with his uncanny ability to get his political opponents to reveal their true colors. By refusing to play by Washington’s conventional politically correct “rules,” Trump tweaks the “sensibilities” of the political elites. In so doing he has effectively exposed a growing political cancer of social-Marxism that has almost completely infected today’s Democrat party — a party that now has no room for political centrists but rather has become a bastion of the extreme Left.” Amen.



Thanks Bill.. Too bad you can't see what's on the news at the moment. The Judge is about to be swarn in. But The live shot of Ginsburg,,, well she ain't looking so hot. Even has socks on her hands.


Just took a look at that post of yours. I keep seeing that same he/she/it, attributed to many of "M"'s other sock puppets on the Daily Caller threads.
That no name yeller is famous. I support it's anonymity.
"Portrait of the unknown Progressive"
The only thing that could make it better, was if Trump was handing him a can of his signature butthurt cream.

Don Bessee

Long standing ovation to start the ceremony -



Don Bessee

OUCH, the socialist/dems overplayed that one. THANKS!



Don Bessee

You weren't supposed to tell THAT much truth -



Todd Juvinall

Just watched the ceremonial swearing-in. Trump was great. He apologized to Kavanaugh and told his daughters their dad was a great man. Classy. I did not see Spartacus or DiFi or Kamel there though. No class people. McConnell got a standing O and Grassley and the whole Judiciary Committee R's plus Susan Collins got kudos. Red wave coming to sweep out the dem detritus.

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