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03 April 2019



Let me be the first to add aroma to the place...
Well Emery,, you better start making calls to D.C.
Give them your "Emery" plan, and complain they are not keeping you in the loop. Because that's just what your side wants to do.
Not paying attention? That's the whole point behind single payer.
NO insurance companies. It's ALL gov. controlled and "paid" for.

It's not my problem you don't know what you wish for. You better understand what you wish for before wanting to saddle the rest of us with your piss poor desires.

Paul Emery

Good grief George, what is there to be "confused" about. Trumpcare didn't pass because he didn't have the votes. He fell short and couldn't make a deal. I accuse Trump of lying because he is either incredibly naive or just stupid to state the Repubs are going to deal with healthcare after they win back the House which we can both agree is historically difficult. He promised to quickly repeal and replace Obamacare saying it would be "easy" to do. Does he not have any knowledge of history on this matter. So what is it George, Trump is either naive, stupid or is it he's just plain lying?

Don Bessee

Fakenewsmen at their psychotic lows @1129. Talk about a tortured mind spinning off the rails. Still throwing puppies off the overpass?


George Rebane

PaulE 1129am - I'd say he's pretty naive to have not known in the summer of 2016 that McCain would lead a coalition of Repubs against its own healthcare initiative in a Senate with a slim majority. Hell, you and every other genius knew that, didn't you? (Full disclosure, I was equally naive or stupid.)

Paul Emery

Trump could have rolled up his sleeves and come up with a deal but he seems to have neither the smarts or the desire to do what needs to be done to advance his point of view. So instead he has nothing to show and now has to resort to empty promises that make him look like an idiot.


It's "Trumpcare" now? Emery has lost his mind.
HELL! Emery can't remember what McCain really did.


Here is why CA will never solve the housing crisis. The only want to build rack'em and stack'em slum towers at transit stops. The kind of development that most families are trying to escape.

CEQA FIGHT [SAC Bee Capital Alert]

The California Environmental Quality Act requires state and local agencies to identify and then avoid significant environmental issues that development projects could create.

But lawmakers and advocacy groups have long argued that the 50-year-old law unfairly prevents construction of new homes throughout a state in a desperate housing crisis. The legal mandate is at the heart of dozens of pending bills, committee hearings, gubernatorial debates and lawsuits.

CEQA advocates are over it. In a letter sent to legislators and Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday, more than 100 groups signed off on a desperate urging to protect the regulation and build upon its provisions.

The supporters argue that CEQA encourages sustainable development and is helping California reach climate change goals.

“CEQA plays a vital role in both preserving California’s unparalleled natural resources and protecting the rights of residents to weigh in on the land use decisions that most affect them,” the letter read. “Development interests have long complained about California’s flagship environmental law. Now they are trying to blame CEQA for the state’s housing crisis. However, CEQA did not cause the housing crisis, and weakening CEQA will not solve it. Rather, if implemented properly, CEQA can be an effective tool in helping to address California’s housing problems by encouraging sustainable development.”

Read the letter here.

Todd Juvinall

aul Emery | 03 April 2019 at 11:48 AM

You are right Paul Emery. He needs your tutelage. Please apply to his Admin to be an advisor. You are so much smarter sitting there at KVMR with a 200 dollar salary that that stupid man in the White House at 10 billion. Go getum.


Sustainable Development <--> Agenda 21

Paul Emery

At least I have a job Todd. Do you care to share with our readers what happened last time you tried to work for CABPRO? Most everybody knows but you might inform those that don't.

Paul Emery

Oh Walt why don't you refresh us about what McCain did. Go for it.


Paul Emery, political prognosticator sez: "I accuse Trump of lying because he is either incredibly naive or just stupid to state the Repubs are going to deal with healthcare after they win back the House which we can both agree is historically difficult. "

What about all of the Democratic candidates with healthcare 'plans'? Are they LIARS! (MEDICARE FOR ALL!!!!). lol. Please.

I expect he'll float something that won't pass and we'll grind on as usual. It's hard to hand out 18% of GDP for free, which is what everyone wants after all. How much did you spend on health insurance over almost 50 years?

That last question is not so much to accuse you of getting a free ride in terms of healthcare or unpaid taxes, but to show why the Obamacare forced insurance wasn't such a bad idea. People who use the ER as their primary physician need to put some money in the pot.

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery 159, for me to know and you to find out. Please tell us all about your stint in the hoosegow. What was that all about?


Here's a fine takedown of John McCain made before he qualified as a Saint to the left (by giving Trump the thumb) and the right (by dying):


Todd 12:52
Boinking a buddy's wife can result in getting tangled in the law of unintended consequences. Is that true, or not true?

Paul Emery

hoosegow ? Never happened Todd. You mads that up because you're desperate and a liar. Everybody knows, about your short lived CABPRO stint so there is no need to talk about it.

that's about all I have to say about this topic. If you are saying I spent time in prison then be prepared for the repercussions.

defination hoosegow hoose·gow
noun informal

a prison.

Todd Juvinall

Paul Emery | 03 April 2019 at 01:14 PM You missed the point you created. You have no way to know why I am not with CABPRO so you just nade it up to try and impugn me with your lies. So I tossed it back at you the same way. Eat feces and die punk.


Trump on another dementia-fueled roll. Invoke the 25th.

First he claims, once again, that his New York born father was somehow born in a little town in Germany.

Then, he claims windmills cause cancer:
'And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me,' Trump said, gyrating his arm in the air and imitating a winding noise.

And seemingly intelligent people not only eat it up, they defend him. Do you understand how ridiculous you look??


re: Hoosegow, the clink, la pinta.

Not so hard to check for localish things.


Todd appears to have had some trouble paying bills, and there's a Paul R. Emery with the same problems, although it probably isn't our Rockem Sockem Robot. C'est la vie.

...and, of course:


Todd Juvinall

Ozz | 03 April 2019 at 12:59 PM
So you have first-hand experience in that? You really are a slimey troll.


Here's a view of John McCain the womanizer who abandoned his wife for a new, uninjured model with a very wealthy Dad befitting his status as a returned War Hero:

‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25. You know that happens...it just does.’



Todd 1:39-
I thought you guys were talking about CAPBRO and it's regrettable, sudden loss of a "trusted" member. No first hand experience. I wasn't there. Just small town gossip at the Happy Apple.

Must have touched a memory stick with Gregory as he brought up "womanizer" in the very next entry.


"Ozz" is touching his own "memory stick" again... at least it was once a memory stick. Not so much anymore.

Paul Emery

This is going to be fun!!! Here it comes:

"On Wednesday, the tax firm Mazars USA said they are ready to turn over 10 years of President Donald Trump’s tax returns, according to Politico.

Mazars USA said they wanted the House Oversight and Reform Committee to issue a subpoena in order to make the process formal.

“Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) told reporters that Mazars USA, a tax and accounting firm, has asked the committee for a so-called ‘friendly’ subpoena so that it can formalize the process of complying with the panel’s request,” the report said.

“They have told us that they will provide the information pretty much when they have a subpoena. And we’ll get them a subpoena,” Cummings told reporters."


Todd Juvinall

If they try that they will be felons. My guess is they are a dumb as those thinking it is true.

George Rebane

re PaulE 314pm - Isn't it the law that you can only subpoena such personal data in the course of a criminal investigation, and not the witch hunt that Cummings is conducting? Given Mueller's report, there should be no such basis. So what is the basis for issuing the subpoena? Congress cannot just go sorting through people's private data on a lark. What am I missing?

Bill Tozer

If this was not unearthed by John Solomon of the Hill, I would not post it. But since John, as with Sarah A. Carter and Levin, has not been wrong yet (unlike our TDS always wrong and discredited popinjays) I will post this.

Creepy Joe has more than Roy Moore affectionate behavior to straighten out.

“Biden was ostensibly working to get Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed because he wasn’t tough enough on corruption within the country, but the Ukrainian prosecutor was also, at the time, investigating a company on whose board Biden’s son Hunter sat. Last year, Biden bragged at a foreign policy event about his threats to the Ukrainian president but left out the part about his son’s company being investigated.

“John Solomon, an opinion contributor to The Hill, reported the story after speaking with Shokin, the new prosecutor, and a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials. Solomon explained that Biden made his boast during a filmed speech, leaving no questions as to what the context was around his words. As Solomon wrote of Biden’s speech:

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.

“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.”


More in depth



GeorgeR: "Congress cannot just go sorting through people's private data on a lark. What am I missing?"

That there might be something, somewhere, somehow that will allow them to overturn the election.

It's not politics, it's not law, it's not the national interest. It's war.

Bill Tozer

Creepy Dirty Uncle Joe and his Greaser son.




More on the Greaser

2014: Being “groomed”


" Trumpcare didn't pass because he didn't have the votes."

If the "Russia" fraud had not been made, would Trump have had the political capital to get it done despite McCain's thumb?

That is a fascinating question.

Bill Tozer


Since you were the first to mention stocking up on tequila, this is for you. BTW, aniece and her friends would be lost without her avocado toast and fufu sauce in the morning.



Perhaps said tax preparer's have made a deal with Congress to not be prosecuted for aiding and abetting a tax cheat if they hand over the goods. Just a thought.

Bill Tozer

“If the "Russia" fraud had not been made, would Trump have had the political capital to get it done despite McCain's thumb?”

Fascinating question indeed. McCain campaigned hard on Repeal and Replaced Obummer Care. It was his issue, his thing. He owned it, he led the cause. Trump later said if he knew McCain would ‘flake’ out on Repeal and Replace, he would have gone to different Senators to get the votes.

Lest we forget, the Dem legislative agenda was and still is Resistance. Resist! Resist everything! Resist free toilet paper. McCain joined the resistance. And, lest we forget, the Popinjays promised us all that the Republicans would see that Trump would be unable to govern and no legislation would get passed and the R’s would force Trump to resign.....within the first 90 days of office. Trump will resign in three months! Mark theTape (episode 37, 1/17/2016).


Laws? Since when do LIBS give a shit about laws? They just ignore the ones they don't like, or just "reinterpret" ones they really can't push aside.
"O" taught them well.

Paul Emery

Who knows Gregory. Three Repubs bailed on him and it's doubtful if he could have swung any Dems. Seems like if he had any political skill he could have sprung a deal with the Repubs who bailed but he doesn't seem to have that interest of ability. It's called politics you know.


Here you go Emery.
"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told President Donald Trump that the Affordable Care Act will not be repealed or replaced until after the 2020 election."

Somehow you still think Trump is a dictator and color it gone with a phone and a pen... You know,, like the somebitch you voted for.


"Perhaps said tax preparer's have made a deal with Congress to not be prosecuted for aiding and abetting a tax cheat if they hand over the goods. Just a thought."

So should all Presidents (heck, ex-Presidents too) have their taxes made public back to the beginning of time? All personal records that they may have? Perhaps everything in their family? Any wiretaps against them? Any personal letters, recordings, photos? You just never know, huh?

I respect it as a tactic, any wealthy person will skirt the edge on taxes, but there's no point in pretending that it's justice. The gloves might as well come completely off for everybody, it's a simplifier for one's philosophy.


,,,Local Roundtablers must be scared,,,they are quickly trying to slime any potential candidate that might end up on the Democratic ticket,,,

Only 579 days of hysteria to go...



"they are quickly trying to slime any potential candidate that might end up on the Democratic ticket"

You have to admit that there's plenty of opportunity for mockery here. Anything goes.

Probably the most important thing is to get a truly crazy Blue Mobster on the ticket. It's a bummer that my gal AOC is too young. Perhaps we could change the Constitution after we get that 15th Supreme Court justice installed.

Don Bessee

Its one thing after another -



Don Bessee

Even NC is getting in on the flood to wash grampa joe away before he announces -



Bill Tozer

“You have to admit that there's plenty of opportunity for mockery here. Anything goes.”

Uncle Joe is too creepy, too old, too white, too male, not woke enough and too dull. Not shiny enough. But, they need hiim. And we need the gaff machine.
The toughest one of the bunch is Bernie. He is quicker on his feet that all of them combined. And those Bernie Bros will not disappoint. They get down on the vile and sleaze. But, the most important thing that we must not ever forget is that MY Gal has David Brock eating out of her hand and clearing the field for Her.

It’s going to get bloody. Media Matters going after Bernie, the Bernie Bros going after Biden, the Black Caucus going after Beto, Beto’s folks going after Mayor Pete, and on and on it goes.

Don’t matter who they pick. Probably some cheesy romantic novelist loser like Stacy Abrams. I did feel sorry for Kamala when she went to kiss the ring of the Black Power Brokers . She wasn’t African enough for them and had to explain why she married a white man. And they grilled her on why she put black men convicted of heinous crimes in jail. Those racists are a tough crowd. Whoever is the last He-She standing, they better campaign with Jusse Smollett. Feeding your wife green turds is not a deal breaker for the Blue Mob.


Speaking of RED Cortez,, more FEC violations.

The complaint, which was obtained by Fox News on Tuesday, alleges that Ocasio-Cortez and her campaign manager, Saikat Chakrabarti, ran a dark web of political action committees (PACs) that enabled them to raise money beyond the legal limits set in place by federal campaign finance laws.

The FEC complaint also alleged that Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti created a limited liability company (LLC) to go around federal expenditure requirements, offering political consulting services to Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic candidates at extremely low prices.

Go ahead missy,, laugh it off.


Scenes 5:13-
"I respect it as a tactic, any wealthy person will skirt the edge on taxes, but there's no point in pretending that it's justice. "

The Reds are rapidly softening the beachheads before the probable Trump's indictment on tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, and all that good stuff.

But light your flamethrowers at any wealthy lefty who games college admissions.
Heck it's just a tactic. They all do it so don't pretend it's justice when they get burned.

Don Bessee

Boeing is off the hook -

Sensor damaged by a foreign object on Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX triggered fatal crash: Sources



Don Bessee

Lets get ready to rumblllllllle!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization warned the U.S. Congress on Wednesday of the threat posed by "a more assertive Russia," including a massive military buildup, threats to sovereign states, the use of nerve agents and cyberattacks.
"We must overcome our differences now because we will need our alliance even more in the future. We face unprecedented challenges - challenges no one nation can face alone," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.


Washington (AFP) - US Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday strongly criticized Germany at NATO's 70th anniversary gathering, saying the ally's level of defense spending and work with Russia on a gas pipeline were "simply unacceptable."

"Germany must do more. And we cannot ensure the defense of the West if our allies grow dependent on Russia," Pence told a forum as part of two days of alliance events in Washington.

"It is simply unacceptable for Europe's largest economy to continue to ignore the threat of Russian aggression and neglect its own self-defense and our common defense," Pence said.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly voiced annoyance that Germany is not on track to meet a goal set by NATO in 2014 of each member spending two percent of GDP on defense.
Pence highlighted a report to parliament on Germany's armed forces, saying it showed "glaring deficiencies" in military readiness.

Germany, despite political concerns about Russia, has forged ahead with the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that would double the capacity of the existing link with Russia.
"If Germany persists in building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, as President Trump said, it could turn Germany's economy into literally a captive of Russia," Pence said.




"But light your flamethrowers at any wealthy lefty who games college admissions.
Heck it's just a tactic."

Exactly. With the birth of Trumphate, it's obvious that no one cares about what's just (and certainly what's practical), it's all about their tribe. The American Right was slow to learn the lesson but is wising up I think.

I'm no fool, I'll dance with the one that brought me. What's your excuse?


"Who knows Gregory. Three Repubs bailed on him and it's doubtful if he could have swung any Dems. Seems like if he had any political skill he could have sprung a deal with the Repubs who bailed but he doesn't seem to have that interest of ability. It's called politics you know."

Golly, Punch, I am not gobsmacked to know you just can't imagine Trump's difficulty might be related to the nonstop bad press and a democratic party sure he only won because of his treasonous actions with the Russians ”hacking the election".

McCain would not have given him the thumb had it not been the one to screw over Trump... There is no big reason the count would have been different than the recent GND vote, with crossover Dems.

Don Bessee

Hey, there may yet be help for the po' ol' fakenewsman, fits like a glove -

The University of Kansas is offering a course on angry white men this upcoming fall semester.
The course will examine “manifestations of male anger” and the role of “dominant and subordinate masculinities.”



Bill Tozer

It’s is fun to watch the unhinged dumb ass delusional media getting shellacked and it’s even more fun watching them with hair on fire pivot to Obamacare. If they n’t stand the Heat, get out of the kitchen. No Obamacare, it’s Medicaid for All. All or nothing.

Trump’s tax returns are siting over at Treasury. Why don’t they just go over and get them?? Why, why, why? :)

I am beginning to worry about Nadler. He looks like he is really to be taken to the morgue.. Gross. Look at those rolls of ugly fat. It’s sickening. Makes me want to vomit. Freak show stuff. Trigger warning: Fat Alert. FUE Alert.


Don Bessee

The silence is deafening -



Scott O

Ooooze at 6:15 - "...before the probable Trump's indictment on tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, and all that good stuff."
Is this another admonition to get our popcorn roasting?
Trying to remember where I've heard this sort of talk before.
The IRS has his returns, idiots.
The IRS has proven itself to be a willing left wing tool.
Would the IRS be mum about Trump's returns because they are soooo askeered?
They already have the power to haul his ass (or his tax attorneys) into an office any time they like.
And they haven't.

Don Bessee

The socialist blue mob is working overtime on grampa joe -



Don Bessee

OH YA, I forgot @837 - then there is that video of him strong arming Ukraine to fire his sons business prosecutor or they wouldn't she the check from DC. You can tell who ever took that video was either well trusted member of team 0 or one of his own staffers. Et tu?



OAC response to Trump re: his tax returns: "We didn't ask you!" She is awesome :-)

Scott O. The IRS having Trump's returns and Congress having his returns are something a wee bit different. The IRS didn't leak. You can bet Congress will. And more. Ordered a new popcorn machine today.

Don Bessee

Did they rewrite the laws overnight to suit the pony tail of ignorance et al? I don't think so.


Don Bessee

The real truth, oops he is going to be out of a job, but he will still get paid by the narcostrafacantes who run it anyway.

“Why not let them stay forever? Vote in your elections? But remain Guatemalan and Hondurans ... Why don’t you let them do that?" Carlson said to Juan Hernandez, secretary of migrant and foreign affairs for the Mexican state of Guanajuato.

"And they can account for a third of your population? Why would that be bad? Why are you kicking them out after a year?” Carlson continued on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Hernandez paused before adding, “Mexico today has now deported more people to Central America than the U.S. has.”

The immigration crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border continues to be a top political topic as President Trump threatens to shut down “large sections” of the border and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen compares the crisis to a "Cat 5" hurricane.

Carlson earlier told Hernandez the Mexican government was “clearly hostile to American interests,” and asked the Mexican official about comments he made in the past, including saying that the “Mexican population is 100 million in Mexico and 23 million who live in the United States ... We are a united nation."



Don Bessee

A bedtime snack for the pony tail of ignorance et al, another reason the historic hold of the Senate matters in a strategic sense! -

By a hater judge out of the southern district of NY appointed by slick willy

To date, Trump has appointed nearly 22% of the appellate judges with more surely to come. Only six of the 13 circuits have a majority of Democratic appointees and that number will decrease in the remaining months of his presidency.

These appointments are well on their way to reshaping the federal judiciary. Because so few cases are heard by the supreme court – between 80 and 90 per year – the circuit courts are often the final word on issues raised in federal court. A number of the circuit courts of appeals now have a majority of judges appointed by Republican presidents. For example, Trump has appointed 37.5% of judges in the sixth circuit (six of 16); 35% of judges in the seventh circuit (four of 11) and the same in the eighth circuit (four of 11); nearly 30% of the judges in the fifth circuit (five of 17) and 27% of judges on the eleventh circuit (three of 11). The addition of three Trump judges to the third circuit, has added that circuit to the list of circuits dominated by Republican appointees.

What the leftinistas really need to worry about is that the WI Supreme Court and the other things tell us the people who care about our actual rights are really engaged.



Don Bessee

OH wait, I forgot the sauce on the desert, how boorish of me -

By Amanda Becker and Richard Cowan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. Senate on Wednesday changed its procedures to speed up the confirmation of President Donald Trump's nominees for some lower court judgeships and sub-Cabinet level positions.

The move to shorten debate on such nominees from 30 hours to two hours was resisted by Democrats but they could not block it because Republicans hold 53 seats in the 100-seat chamber.
Senator Mitch McConnell used his powers as majority leader to make the change, which will set a precedent that will apply to district court judges, the lowest rung of the judiciary, but not vacancies in the Supreme Court and federal appeals courts.




New political ad for Roy Moore.


Don Bessee

Winning -



Scott O

Ooooze at 9:00 - "The IRS having Trump's returns and Congress having his returns are something a wee bit different."
Yeah - the IRS actually has to find something wrong. The Dems in the House have shown they can fabricate 'crimes' out of thin air. Until the House can show they have evidence of a crime, they have no business rummaging through anyone's tax records.
We're still waiting for the supposed evidence of collusion. They say they have it - where is it?

George Rebane

ScottO 825am - Scott, in my long years observing our political theater, the Democrats have never had to offer evidence to support any of their social policies, assertions, or even allegations. Being a Democrat has been justification enough for all that they have managed to inflict on the nation.

Todd Juvinall

TheUnion ios back on line with a new look. And comments are now allowed. The left has some unanswered screeds that we all need to straighten out. LOL!


Todd Juvinall-
"Comments are not allowed". This, coming from one of their most abusive serial commenters is amusing at best. Are you tone deaf to just how much of a hated man you have become? I don't think anyone who routinely posts on the Union gets as much push back as you. The Union is tired of being your babysitter and tending to your diapers. Get it? Unlikely.

Don Bessee

Drip, drip, drip.....



Don Bessee


US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level since 1969



Todd Juvinall

Ozz | 04 April 2019 at 09:28 AM Corna Diddily eh? No I am well liked and have many followers on the Union sitess. Only you trolls and extremist libs can't hack me. But that is why I comment. To expose you shysters and liars and keep you from hogging the narrative. Thanks for acknowledging I am very effective in doing so.

Bill Tozer

Top quotes of the last seven days:

“The question is, if we make the global commitment to reduce … greenhouse gases, can we reverse the climate change we’re seeing now? Right now, nobody knows.” —Al Roker
“Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts.” Even in California. U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez.

Benitez said, the California law “turn[ed] the Constitution upside down.”

Paul Emery


Can you review for RR readers why you got booted from the Union Web site for a period of time?

Bill Tozer

More quotes:

“Biden is not a predator, he is a punchline.” — Michael Knowles

President Donald Trump on Joe



Todd 9:28
"No I am well liked"

Boinking a best friend's wife and then wondering why one would get the boot from his "club" tells me you don't quite understand what "well liked" means.

You yourself are a morally corrupt individual, but is even more sociopathic, when you cheat on your wives you brag about it and claim that the women pay you for your "services".

Todd Juvinall

Ozz | 04 April 2019 at 11:41 AM You are boinking your friend's wife? Is that what you trolls do? As far as morally corrupt goes, I am an angel of nice and respected by all except a few of you lib-trolls. And that is because everyone hates you and you can't hack it. You need to fess up to all your sins before you get a shot at redemption.

Paul Emery never was booted. I had a troll say they would kill me at mu house and so I went off the air for a while on my own. Anything else I can help you with?


"I had a troll say they would kill me at mu house and so I went off the air for a while on my own."

Todd, that's worth making a police report, and police powers can burrow in and identify trolls making death threats, even if it's just a harmless loon sitting in his attic.

Todd Juvinall

I did make a police report.

Hey Unemployment rate at a fifty year low. Go Trump, keep up the good work.

Paul Emery


Did you file that report with the Sheriffs Dept or with Grass Valley or Nevada PD's

George Rebane

I can see that the conversation has again become elevated.

George Rebane

BuzzFeed on the rocks - well, when you push crap, sooner or later shit happens. But the NYT thinks this is a sign of deeper meaning on the viability of digital news - bull pucky! How could such a once leading newspaper have come to so little understanding of the world today, and regularly posts stories ranging from sophomoric to fake news?

Todd Juvinall

Bezos split with the wife and she gets 35 billion. I wonder if that is enough?


Juvinall 1:30
How much did "the" wives pay to get rid of you? What did they call you? The dick?

You can tell a lot about a man when he speaks of wives as "the".

Bill Tozer

Been waiting for this. A bus of sixty passengers appears and will drop off in front of the HH. The community will scramble to take them in. Then, in a week another bus arrives to drop off the “homeless””, with the news that three more busses will arrive within 20 days. The government will reimburse the county in a couple years for expenses at 20 cents on the dollar. Those opposed will be called all sorts of names and extra teachers will have to be hired who speak and understands a dialect that is not Spanish, lol.


Paul Emery

Oh George don't you know Todd is lying. He's been using that excuse for 35 years-everybody's always out to get him.

Don Bessee

Like Boardman observed, politics is a contact sport in NC @206!


Paul Emery

Lindsey Graham on Biden accusations

Graham said, “I think he’s one of the most decent people I’ve ever met. I think — I don’t believe for a second that he meant to do anything wrong, and I can understand why people took it differently than he meant, and this may be a lesson for all of us. But, from my point of view, Joe has been the same, kind — he’s Joe.”

He added, “Joe Biden is my friend. I know him very well. I think whatever he did, it may have been inappropriate, but it was not driven by malice or misconduct.”



Todd 11:55
"... never was booted."

"“It appears the Union has banned me from commenting online for 30 days,” Todd Juvinall, local right-wing activist, blogger and former county supervisor (yup, he was), writes on his blog “SierraDragonsBreathe.com” (sic) under the headline: “The Grass Valley Union bans free speech”"

Which lie do you want us to believe? Also, filing a false police report is a crime.

Paul Emery

Hmmm Ozz

Todd just wrote "Paul Emery never was booted. I had a troll say they would kill me at mu house and so I went off the air for a while on my own. Anything else I can help you with?"

Before he wrote, as you discovered on his blog:

“It appears the Union has banned me from commenting online for 30 days,”

Todd is a Trump wanna be and thinks he can lie as much as his idol. Locally that won't work because everybody knows. As Utah Phillips used to put it: A bear doesn't shit in his own backyard. what a hoot.

Take a break Todd, you have no credibility on this blog.

Billl Tozer

@ 1:00 pm
Buzzfeed spent 4 million dollars of their own money trying (without success) to verify the Dossier they published. If they had taken a deep breath, stood back, and asked me, I could have told them it was a Clinton Campaign funded Hoax and saved them the time, effort, and money. And to think they started with 200 million in seed money from the usual hate mongers.

Wonder how many fakenews outlets will not fully recover. They may survive, but like watching Dan Rather, Brian Williams, Amy Goodman, or Rachel Madhouse, there will be a nagging question in the back of people’s minds if what the talking heads are saying can be trusted again. Same for the messed up NYT, Wa Compost, Huff-n-Puff Farting Post, and some regular panel commentators. It’s like, “Here we go again.” Yesterday’s NYT anonymously sourced smoking gun article about statements by the Mueller team is a timely example. Here we go again. More akin to Reality TV than to credible news programs. Can’t wait for the season finale.

But enough of the discredited and disqualified Popinjays. They will never change. It’s all about ratings, never about the truth in the Buzzfeeed day and age. Can’t do a thing about them. They can only point back to 45 years or so ago to when a government official spoon fed to two young Wa Po reporters the whole story and the young reporters took all the credit, ROFLMAO. Oh my.

Final thought of Buzzzzfeed and false news. Would it not be something if the Dosssier was full of propaganda fed to Steele from Russian disinformation operatives? An old intel analyst like Putin could have wrote the script for Steele. :)

Don Bessee

Oh ya sure, that's going to help creepy grampa joe with the leftinistas in the socialist- dem primaries. Perhaps its actually a kiss of death, enthusiastic support from a hated R @229?


George Rebane

BillT 312pm - Yes Mr Tozer, you could have set them straight on the provenance of that dossier, and you would have gladly done it for half the amount they spent ;-)


Paul 3:04
"Take a break Todd, you have no credibility on this blog."

He has more credibility here among his small gaggle of enablers than anywhere else in his wretched life. I guess that means, he simply has no credibility. Washed up, washed out, and still unwashed. Couldn't even make it as a pencil pushing bureaucrat politician or a member of his own club Cabpro.

Bill Tozer

Time for scenes of Scene’s Gal. Today’s episode is called Munching Popcorn in the Lavatory.


Bonus: Being Morally Right is more important than being factually accurate.


And today’s Creepy Joe bonus:


Paul Emery

Nor much left to say about the Toddster. I'm ready to give it a break.

Todd Juvinall

Ozz | 04 April 2019 at 03:23 PM
I am not sorry having helped your wife with your problems in the marriage. You cannot beat your wife in America OOZE. And I told her to turn you in so maybe she will. Anyway, I am famous and well liked by many and I can see why a dried up failed troll such as you would be jealous. Even your wife hates you as do the kids. You are really a mess.

Paul Emery

More bad news for Trump from his old pal:

On Thursday, CNN reported that President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen claims to have more unreviewed documents potentially of use to federal investigators, and wants to offer additional cooperation.

“Mr. Cohen was only recently able to access a hard drive with important documents,” wrote Cohen’s attorneys in a letter obtained by CNN. “Said drive contains over 14 million files, which consist of all e-mails, voice recordings, images, and attachments from Mr. Cohen’s computers and phones. To date, Mr. Cohen has located several documents that we believe have significant value to the various congressional oversight and investigation committees.”


Don Bessee

Comrade berine has international cheering section of commies -

Sanders has been criticized, even among the left in this country and abroad, for not being willing to call Nicolas Maduro a dictator or to recognize Juan Guaido as the interim president of Venezuela.
“What’s clear is that Sanders’ fate will be closely watched beyond U.S. borders, where many on the left see his campaign as testing the American appetite for left-wing policies and a global progressive movement in a way that no other Democratic candidate does,” Politico speculated in its report.



Don Bessee

The money machine is on the march -

The $1 billion ask: Trump all-in on fundraising for 2020

As Trump brings in millions, his would-be opponents are scrambling to raise enough money to earn themselves a spot on the primary debate stages. And the Democratic National Committee remains in debt from previous campaigns.

“Whoever the Democratic nominee is, they’ll be depleted, and they’ll have to start from zero — well under zero, the DNC has a debt,” said Michael Glassner, the Trump campaign’s chief operating officer. He called Trump’s decision to keep the campaign in operation during his first two years in office the “new model” for future presidents.

Through the end of 2018, the last date for which figures are publicly available, the Trump campaign had brought in more than $129 million. President Barack Obama, by comparison, didn’t even begin his 2012 re-election campaign until 2011. The Trump camp is scheduled to release its first quarter fundraising results later this month, so far only teasing that the campaign’s cash on hand this period will be “far beyond” the more than $19 million in the bank it reported at the end of 2018. The RNC, for its part, is promising to report a first quarter record for a nonpresidential year.



Todd Juvinall

Trump just keeps on winning. The man is amazing. Just listened to Howard Schultz who may run for Prez as an indie. I sure hope so. He sounds like every run of the mill democrat. So the new dems will reject him out of hand. He did say he opposes giving money to the slaves ancestors.

Don Bessee

Now that's funny!




Todd, care to apologize to your brothers on this blog for lying to them? They believed in you.

I didn't think so.

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