George Rebane
SB27 just signed by Sleazebag Newsom. Just when you think it can’t get worse, something occurs that shows there is still a long way for us to go down from the dire straits in which we already find ourselves. Newsom and his single party super socialists just made a law in CA, specifically targeting President Trump to keep him from appearing in our state’s primary next spring. From now on you can’t appear in a CA primary, specifically for POTUS and governor, unless you have filed your recent years tax returns with the CA SecState. This is so blatantly unconstitutional as to invite an immediate suit against such obvious mischief, a most fiendish form of federalism practiced by America’s leading klatch of collectivists who want nothing to do with federalism. And the CA GOP is filing exactly such a suit, but the real legal counter should come from the DoJ. Candidates for federal office appearing on state ballots should have uniform requirements under the Constitution, and it’s the AG who should bring and argue the case in the SCOTUS.
Split Pill Problem. Here’s a change of pace for some of you puzzlers and critical thinkers out there. Suppose a patient is given a pill bottle with N pills in it. He’s told to take ½ pill per day until the bottle is empty. When he dispenses a whole pill into his palm, he is to split it, take a half, and put the other half back in the bottle. When he shakes out a half pill, he takes it and recaps the pill bottle. He knows that every whole and half pill in the bottle has an equal chance of being dispensed. He continues in this manner until the bottle is empty after 2N days. Then he wonders, what is the average (or expected) number of days that must pass before the bottle only contains split pills, and he doesn’t have to do any more pill splitting. Can you help him figure it out?
[31jul19 update] Last night’s Democrat debate left me with the feeling that half the gaggle of assembled candidates was going through a kabuki performance, while the other half tried to bring the dialogue back to something that more closely matched things possible on this Earth and this universe. They didn’t have a chance as the CNN lamestreamers kept tossing puffballs at the progressives. Seeing people like Reps Delaney and Ryan gave me momentary hope which quickly faded as we saw the kabuki performances overwhelm their voices. And the last vestige of hope was dashed later when, in a more sober moment, Jo Ann and I considered their chances of making it to the convention. From reading first person histories of 1932 Germany – e.g. Der Führer (1944) by Konrad Heiden (more here) - there sure are a lot of comparisons that can be made with our electorate today, the overwhelming numbers of whom don’t know history, current events, geography, economic basics, and to boot are totally innumerate. And then there are the Silicon Valley vote vultures well-practiced in turning out the correct constituent cohorts on election day (more here).
[1aug19 update] The second half Democrat debate was populated by solid progressives, not many leavening opinions were heard. But we did learn that progressives are strong believers in race-based criminality, and race-based punishments – colorblind application of ‘you do the crime, you do the time’ is racist and must no longer be applied. And it also became clear that when our Left calls for ‘unity’ and ‘let us come together’, that means what the Left has always defined it to mean – party line opinions only, dissent not allowed. Examples of that in practice are emerging from leftwing corporatist entities like Google which has been shunning then quietly firing conservative employees when they make their views known to fellow employees. Cory Booker came out as the fastest and smoothest talking mouth on the stage; DeBlasio showed his true colors as radical wingnut; Biden and Harris faded; and all of them called each other liars.
Russ Steele has assembled some revealing temperature data for all you climate crusaders. (here and here) As usual, the government’s (NOAA) hanky-panky on reporting global warming goes on unabated. The full court press on the looming climate catastrophe – they can’t agree whether it’s in 10, 12, or 30 years, but it’s a’comin’ – has been heightened recently as the Dems are using it to rally their true believers. The rest of us would still like to see a public debate on the matter that features their vaunted climate mavens defending their narrative viz data measurements, data manipulation, data availability, atmospheric physics (e.g. earth’s carbon cycle), the estimation problem, climate model designs, climate model programs, replicable computer runs, … . So far, none of them want to show up to defend the Gospel according to Gore.
[2aug19 update] Wow, ‘lamestream media’ is now a national meme that President Trump broke out in a tweet (here) about the withdrawal of Rep John Ratcliffe as nominee for DNI, and then FN reported on his use of it this afternoon Not sure if it’s true, but IMHO I came up with that pejorative for journalism on RR years ago. My earliest use that I could find was in a 21jan11 post (here). It didn’t take off too quickly, even with RR readers. But then readers started using it (ToddJ introduced it on his blog in Nov 2011), and now and then I started seeing it used on other blogs – things can go viral at various speeds, it doesn’t have be overnight. And lately it has cropped up pretty regularly in unexpected places on the web. So out of curiosity I’m asking readers to see if they can find, either on RR or elsewhere, a confirmed use of ‘lamestream media’ that pre-dates 21 January 2011.
Sandbox - 28jul19
[Was going to intro this sandbox with a comment on the current Trump/Cummings imbroglio, but reader Todd Juvinall's comment in the last Scattershots covers it pretty well. "Elijah Cummings district is truly a shithole district. Most of the urban blight is contained in the areas represented by the Con Black Caucus. With over 40 members I have watched them most of my political years and they are as impotent (as) Steve Frisch. Their districts are shitholes. We see the same thing now in LA with the Hispanic Caucus. If they would cast off their leftist robes of failure and embrace Republican values and ideas they could revitalize their shitholes. But they won't. The press is siding with these failed politicians against Trump. He sure says what is true." gjr]
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