George Rebane
While Messrs Smith, Bastiat, Mises, Hayek, and Freedman explained it all, Mr Henry Hazlitt succinctly summarized the whole thing in his classic, Economics in One Lesson (1946). This book has become such a fundamental text, that you don’t even have to buy a copy of it any more. It is now online in its entirety - many of us did buy it, having read it long before the internet, and now displaying it on the bookshelf for dinner guests. The Foundation for Economic Education features it here. For readers wishing to free themselves from the stifling Marxist economics that our progressives use to mismanage both our national and state economies, I strongly recommend checking out FEE’s ample and informative offerings on economics and society. See also the Mercatus Center.
America is such a blessed country that illustrates the economic principles taught by the above giants. An example of this is the graphic from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shown nearby. It shows how Obama’s leftwing economic policies held back the nation’s recovery for eight straight years, and what happened during the first three years of President Trump’s administration when the straps on free markets were loosened a bit (they still need to loosen much more).
This information appeared in the 11jan20 WSJ under a piece titled ‘The Economy’s Inequality Dividend’. When posting such compelling data that exposes and illuminates another Big Lie of the Left, it is always interesting, revealing, and entertaining to read the countering apologetics from the chorus of collectivists who dare to venture into this arena of ideas so foreign to all they have been taught. Albeit, there are not too many of them, for here as elsewhere, discretion is still the better part of valor, especially of the misguided kind.
Coincidentally, today the 11jan20 Union published an excellent supporting column by Mr Jim Driver (here), who offered ‘Twelve Real Economic Facts’ first published by FEE. Here we present them as published.
- In any freely chosen economic exchange, both parties will, at least in their own minds, benefit from the exchange. This is called “Gains from Trade.”
- The value of any good or service can only be determined by the individual human mind. This is called “Subjective Value.”
- Nothing is free. The cost of anything that you want is what you are willing to give up, to get what you want. This is called “Opportunity Cost.”
- Economic wealth, in a free society, does not come from “a top down planned economy created by so called experts” but from individuals’ actions that result in unplanned outcomes for the whole society. This is called “Spontaneous Order.”
- Individuals act to maximize their own reward. This is called “Incentives.”
- Cooperation between individuals creates value when a seller can produce a given item or service at a lower cost than the buyer would spend to produce it himself. This is called “Comparative Advantage.”
- No one person or group knows enough to plan (and force) social outcomes, because information necessary for social order is distributed among its members and revealed only in human action. This is a “Knowledge Problem.”
- In addition to the tangible and quantifiable effects, there are quite often invisible costs and unmet opportunities to any action or policy. These are often called “Unintended Consequences.”
- Institutions influence the decisions that individuals make. For example, property rights by definition can only exist when ownership is vested in the individual and not in the commons. This means that “Rules Matter.”
- Each person makes choices with the intention of improving his or her condition. This means that “As Individuals, the Actions we make are Purposeful.”
- Voluntary association permits people of all backgrounds to interact peaceably, create value, cultivate personal character and build mutual trust. This helps create “A Civil Society.”
- Wealth is generated whenever someone, by acting on an opportunity to gather under-used, or misused, or undiscovered resources or ideas, creates value for others. This is called “Entrepreneurship.”
RR's longtime assiduous readers will recognize that the above flies in tight formation with my credo, and the part of Rebane Doctrine published in these pages over the years. My duty, as I see it ;-)
Looks like the CCC is in full effect on this one!
Posted by: Don Bessee | 11 January 2020 at 11:33 AM
DonB 1133am - The above graphic can easily be used as a litmus test for a lamestream news outlet. The information is germane for voters evaluating Trump's performance. Since it shows that performance in a good light, no lamestream outlet will ever publish it.
Posted by: George Rebane | 11 January 2020 at 11:44 AM
Might be on topic.
The Role of Skills in U.S. Immigration Policy, in One Chart
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 11 January 2020 at 11:49 AM
Might be on topic
“For much of the last seventy years, economic growth has lifted the quality of life in Europe, North America, and East Asia, providing social stability after the violent disruptions of World War II. Today, however, many of the world’s most influential leaders, even in the United States, reject the very notion that societies should improve material wealth and boost incomes given what they believe are more important environmental or social equity concerns. . .
Even in the United States, where growth has long been an unquestioned priority, virtually none of the leading Democratic candidates for President even mentions the word. Vice-President Joe Biden, the leading “moderate” in the Democratic party primaries, has explicitly stated that he would wipe out fossil fuel employment in the country to pursue a green agenda.”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 11 January 2020 at 12:32 PM
"10. Each person makes choices with the intention of improving his or her condition. This means that “As Individuals, the Actions we make are Purposeful."
How do you wind in mass activities, like Islamic hijinks, into that model?
(as a bone to throw to our local Blue Mob, early Christians exhibited all those same behaviors, on steroids, in their destruction of the classical world).
Posted by: scenes | 11 January 2020 at 01:42 PM