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24 April 2020


The Estonian Fox

George, good article.

It should be obvious that our "in-the-know" medical and political professionals didn't know shi*t about how to handle this problem. All of the planning meetings held since 2003 (after SARS-1) were just for show. They never made any monetary vs health trade-offs, had no idea of the consequences and unknowns about a ‘new’ disease. They don't know how to find out the true infection and mortality rates. Don’t even know when the first infection arrived in the U.S. No one bothered to check the actions by those uninformed, computer-illiterate individuals and governments after the Spanish flu in 1918. Those 100-years-ago people were just stupid.

Will we throw out those responsible for being incompetent? Very funny. If we do, who would be given credit for creating $3+T dollars out of thin air? Everybody gets free money – universities, big & small businesses, us (young & old), hospitals, maybe states. Where do we all go from here? Even Dr. Pangloss has turned pessimistic. Pickleball anyone?


What the hell is pickleball?

Don Bessee

Boy am i glad we did our sams big shopping 2 days before the lock down and picked up a 4 back of Clorox wipes. My wife puts one in each bathroom and the kitchen normally and we had only run out in 1 bath room so we will do fine until then.--

Household cleaning products like Lysol and Clorox wipes won't be fully back in stock until July or August, supply-chain experts say



George Rebane

L 602pm - https://www.usapa.org/what-is-pickleball/


Thanks George, so wiffleball with score kept- looks like real fun, outdoor table tennis. Only in America! TM


"Household cleaning products like Lysol and Clorox wipes won't be fully back in stock until July or August, supply-chain experts say"

Since a large part of the efficacy is leaving the surface wet, my guess is that they do less good for most people than you might think.

It's funny how some things ran dry so quickly in our JIT world. Mea culpa if the following are obvious.

Pro tip for cleaning products: Buy a bottle of those glass rinsing disinfectants that they use in bars. One tablet to a gallon of water, usually 150 pills per bottle, stick in a spray dispenser.

Pro tip for paper products: Assuming they're still hard to find, keep an eye out for commercial paper towels and toilet paper. They're often in weird form factors that people don't think of (center pull, tiny spindles, stacking squares).

Pro tip for flour: Wheatberries ground up. Most people don't have a grain mill, use a blender.

Pro tip for yeast: Use the kind that is made for wine or champagne. Works fine. Make a sourdough from scratch, it's magic.

Bill Tozer



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