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12 April 2020


Scott O

He is risen indeed!
Thanks for the Easter message, George.

Bill Tozer

I received the Easter Message yesterday in text pictures. Kinda choked me up. My lifelong friend that moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming sent them. He is active in his church, always have been his adult life. His wife is recovering from cancer (staying inside) and his church cancelled their service due to the current pandemic and following guidelines.

Anyway, yesterday there was a group of people spread out in front of his houses and up his driveway holding up signs. The signs read, “Since you cannot come to church on Easter, the church is bringing Easter to you.” Big smiles faces, teenagers to adults. Surprise!

The sign that caught me read, “The Churches are empty and so is the Tomb. He has Risen”

Don Bessee

He has risen and with his blessing America will rise from its hunker down.


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