George Rebane
How soon they forget - “The accusation that Trump got rid of a pandemic office is among the left’s politicized attacks on the White House since the coronavirus outbreak began. The administration assembled a coronavirus task force run by Vice President Mike Pence to address security and medical issues.” This was echoed in chorus by all of our local leftwing lackies who took their cue from the lamestream. (H/T to reader and more here)
Fauci the Fickle – 3jun20 edition. “Fauci changes tune, now says second COVID-19 wave may never happen — and mask-wearing is symbolic.” (more here and here) How’s that tune go? ‘First you say you do, and then you don’t, …’ Never mind Dr Fauci, Dr Rebane says that unless we miraculously get everyone vaccinated in time, the second wave is inevitable with the high likelihood that it will be a small fraction of the first wave.
Bejing pissing on the Hong Kong parade. (here) Now there’s a puzzle, or maybe not. HK is the acknowledged “cash cow” for the mainland, handling much of the foreign investments into the Chinese economy, and Chinese IPOs placed on foreign exchanges. Screwing with the contracted freedoms of this principality will cripple the cow or even kill it. Is the CCP now so brittle that it is scared of HK’s freedom virus spreading to the mainland when that possibility is added to the lack of progress Beijing has made with reintegrating Taiwan? From my perch, the answer is Yes.
[update] “Donald Trump knows nothing about the strength of Minneapolis,” said the liberal Mayor Jacob Frey in an early news conference this morning. Don’t know what all we need to know about the city after watching understandably justified peaceful protests turn into mobs looting and burning. Am reminded of a Rodney King joke that quoted tongue-in-cheek a white resident of Simi Valley (home of one officer on trial who was involved in the King beating), ‘If they find those police officers guilty, you bet we’re gonna burn down our town!’
Speaking of President Trump and Minneapolis – I think he stuck his foot in it again. Have no idea which of his constituencies he was trying to impress with the tweets that were definitely untimely and off-the-mark. Don’t get me wrong, naming the looting and burning thugs in Minneapolis as “thugs” was not wrong, but it was a sophomoric political error compounded by his threat to send in Minnesota’s National Guard, which under our system of federalism, the state’s governor already has done. All this grandstanding does is give the TDS crowd more fuel to ignite nationwide fires.
All published pandemic data and information is now both wrong and the remainder highly suspect. Here and across the world we continue to receive a torrent of reports about the virus’s death counts, case numbers, recoveries, etc, a couple of days later which turn out to be the stuff that you shovel out of a stall, all disguised as the sober and considered prescriptions and proscriptions from our elected ‘honorables’ and degreed ‘experts’ citing science and medicine. And since most of it comes to us through the media filter of double-dummy and/or agenda-driven reporters (aka ‘journalists’), we have very little idea of what’s really happening, and how we should respond. Your governments in peace and war. [more update] Just received this little tidbit from a reader to underline the above. It now appears that all the bad juju about HCQ that was recently blasted out by the TDS crowd was a bit premature. No less than the NYT had to publish a 'Hold on there' report citing unsettled science.
[31may20 update] Here’s one for the ‘Say whaaat??!’ department. James ‘Forked Tongue’ Clapper has just been appointed to the Executive Board of the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL) at the University of Pennsylvania. This announcement bounced off my eyeballs as I opened the most recent copy of Aviation Week & Space Technology. Don’t ask how they came to pick up that major faux pas on the part of CERL (see for yourself here).
Riot Reflections - 30may20 (updated)
George Rebane
The videod murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police gave rise to justified public protests that quickly turned into destructive and violent riots which have little to do with the death of Mr Floyd, and instead have again revealed that we Americans are no longer ‘one people’ who can be called to ‘come together’.
Law enforcement agencies of all stripes provide daily demonstrations that they are an institution unto themselves, there to overwhelmingly look after their own interests and provide little or no security for those who pay them to preserve society and civilization. As clearly admitted by the Minneapolis police chief who publicly stated the reason his officers are standing back, standing down, and hightailing it from rioters is that he does not want to put them in harm’s way in situations that could turn dangerous. Think about that. What if firemen would only fight unrisky fires? What if the FBI adopted a similar policy, no field operations in which their agents were put at risk? What if the Secret Service would protect the President only to the extent that it would not be dangerous to them? What if our military didn’t want to commit troops into situations in which casualties would result?
So the police et al, those who do attend the riots now taking place in cities across the land, simply gather in solid self-defensive phalanxes to watch the rioting mob loot and burn. Over the lamestream media we are informed in an ongoing stream of commentary that these are not riots (a word absent in lamestream reports) led by criminal thugs, but simply justified “protests” attended by “protesters”. The rest of us are told by our politicians that any criminality that is evident is justified, and that we must simply let it play out. Actually, its more than that as FN’s Tucker Carlson explained in a landmark monologue last night – ‘Our leaders have sided with the agents of chaos – we're told crimes of the mob are our fault’.
Local business owners who witness their life’s work and savings go up in flames are seen pleading with the mob to no avail. Some are again taking up arms to defend their lives and livelihoods, and most cynically, the police are arresting those who dare shoot (at) rioters inside their premises in acts of arson and looting.
No doubt one can draw a connection between the lengthy pandemic lockdowns and the number of urban dwellers eager to get out of their houses and small apartments to protest undeniable injustices at the hands of law enforcement and our entire ‘justice system’. But in doing so, they do underline that we are not one people as former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile asserts in her ‘We are one people’. The rioters are not people who built this country, as they claim, and are therefore entitled to ‘burn it down’. These are people who have their very own and distinct social contract with the institutions of our government – contrary to their protestations, they have rights and privileges, demonstrated daily, that people like me and mine wouldn’t dream of having in a civilized society.
Here’s an interesting question – what would the police do if law abiding folks of all colors showed up armed in downtowns to protect and defend the properties and property owners against the rioting mobs?
And here’s an even more interesting question – what would local governments and law enforcement agencies do if the streets were filled with peaceful protesters of all colors who looked like you and me?
And finally – what if all those law-abiding peaceful protesters against LE injustice showed up also demonstrating why Americans are unique with their constitutional 2A rights?
[update] A reader sent me a link to a Powerline article on the Twin Cities riots. It appears that both Democrat Mayors Jacob Frey and Melvin Carter are doing their best to dodge any and all responsibility for what's going down in their mismanaged metropolises, even to the anticipated desperate accusation that the riots are being instigated by out-of-state "white supremacists". How do self-respecting Democrats elect such misfits to office? (more here and here)
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