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24 August 2020


Don Bessee

Ah the joys of socialist shit holes -

NYC sees 3 times more shootings over weekend than same time last year; Chicago records more than double, police say



Rasmussen's daily poll
51% approve
47% disapprove

punchy has promised us that approval polls aren't interesting anymore, but I suspect that's mostly because they aren't cooperating.


Apropos of nothing, social media really is the tool of the devil.



You have to admit that it was a good prediction.


Bill Tozer

Scenes @ 2:19 pm. Funny, in coury they never refuted Project Veritas' claims. Not once under oath, even from the big wigs. I guess James O'Keefe should be chsrged with impersonating a baby parts vendor and embarrasing the State and,of course, its Holy Grail and Scared Golden Calf.

'Four Years Later, Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Still Trapped In Kamala Harris’s Persecution'


Bill Tozer


‘Restaurant Servers in Maine Ordered to Wear Dog 'Cones of Shame' While Serving Food’

Most of the updates are just a few additions or clarifications to previously released checklists.

“For example, front-of-house staff in restaurants who choose to wear face shields must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead, so that their breath is directed up, not down.

To be clear, servers can wear suffocating masks in a hot kitchen or they can wear cones of shame.”


Too bad Halloween has passed. I just got a new idea for a costume. The Cone of Shame to go with Maxwell Smart’s Cone of Silence.

paul emery

Re Gregory 1:04, Trump is under water by 10.6 in RCP Averages Job approval. Rasmussen is the only poll that has him in the lead. what's so good about that?

paul emery


Here's a link to my numbers:



punchy 421pm

So, your point is, what? That Rasmussen must be wrong?

Don Bessee

The pony tail of ignorance needs to post every number not just 'his' numbers. Thanks in advance! LOL


Bill Tozer

Here’s a link to my sentiment numbers.

“The CBS/YouGov battleground tracker revealed on Sunday that Biden was 10 points ahead of Donald Trump. This is seemingly good news for Democrats, until you realize the number remains unchanged following the Harris VP announcement and the entire Democratic National Convention.

Getting no boost after a convention has happened only a few times in modern Democrat Party history. By John Kerry in 2004 and George McGovern in 1972.

Kerry ended up losing to George W. Bush and McGovern got thrashed by Nixon in an historic landslide beaten only in scale by Presidents FDR and Ronald Reagan.

In Republican terms, Mitt Romney saw no bump after his 2012 convention. He went on to lose to incumbent President Barack Obama.”


Don Bessee

Well of course the littlest congressional communist caucus member would cheer rioting -




re: The polls and other prognostications.

This is such a crazy year that I've been essentially ignoring all of it. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and all that.

Got my video channel picked for the night whilst reading, at least so far.


paul emery

What is your point Don that all the other 9 polls must be wrong?

I did post every number Don. It is Gregory who only posted one. This link has all the recognized polls RCP used in the averaged number I posted. Here it is for your convenience.


Don Bessee

Looks like the pony tail of ignorance is avoiding scattershots, hmmmm, wonder why?


paul emery

Boring Don. If you don't like the educational policies of a college what do you propose to do about it?

Scott O

scenes 5:37 - "Got my video channel picked for the night whilst reading, at least so far."
It turns out Gil was wrong - at least in a way:

Scott O

Paul 7:18 - "Boring Don. If you don't like the educational policies of a college what do you propose to do about it?"
Paul considers that education?
Says all we need to know about Paul's so-called 'thinking'.

paul emery

What do you propose we should do about it Scott. Any ideas?


Posted by: paul emery | 24 August 2020 at 07:34 PM

What do you propose we should do about it Scott. Any ideas?

What are you trying to say Punch?

Scott O

Paul 7:34 - Paul asks another question to divert from his lack of an intelligent answer to the previous question.
What are YOU going to do about it, Paul?

Don Bessee

OH MY, nailed that one! LOL

Trump Jr. calls Biden "the Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp."

"For the past half-century, he’s been lurking around in there. He sticks his head up every now and then to run for President, then he disappears and doesn’t do much in between," he says.

He previously dubbed him "Beijing Biden" for being the favored candidate of China.



"the Loch Ness Monster of the Swamp."

I like that.

My favorite description of the DNC was this:



(same link)

The Biden Army appears to have some pretty good fires going.



another view of tonite's burnings.


Bill Tozer

Trump caused the riots, lol.

"But the Democratic Party has moved leftward on these questions. It was less than six years ago that Barack Obama made a point of stating that he had “no sympathy at all” for rioters in Ferguson, Missouri, sending 1,500 National Guard troops into the state to enforce a curfew in response to the violence that erupted after the death of Michael Brown at the hands of a local police officer. Then, as now, Obama’s sentiment reflects the views of a bipartisan majority. Yet today, the Democrats are too beholden to their activist base to give voice to such commonsense opinions.

If our national press were interested in upholding its nominally nonpartisan commitments, reporters would be pressing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to state their position on the disaster in Portland. Don’t hold your breath."



quote o' the day.

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Daniels)

Bill Tozer

'While Claiming To Champion Justice, Democrats Are Letting American Cities Burn'

Regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins in November, we will all be stuck with the Democrats’ choice to let our cities burn


Bill Tozer

The Quote guy is back from his family vacation.

Re: The Left: “Sen Harris doesn’t even help the ticket geographically in a way that Amy Klobuchar might have. Harris is from California. For Heaven’s sake, Benito Mussolini could carry California so long as he had a (D) after his name.” —Burt Prelutsky

Friendly fire: “Oh man, [the DNC]: How do you describe it? It’s like — did you ever tune into the Jerry Lewis telethon at like 2:00 in the morning? It was a lot like that.” —HBO’s Bill Maher

Penetrating analysis: “It’s so sad to see Republicans marching to this drummer. They’re going to have, as I’ve said over and over, major doggy doo on their shoes for a long time to come.” —House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Braying jenny: "The president welcomes [Russian meddling]. So, again, it isn’t a question of accepting the [Election Day] result. The question is, is making sure the public knows that they must vote, they must have a plan to vote, they must vote early because their playbook is one that has all kinds of obstacles to participation in our country.“ —Nancy Pelosi

Belly laugh of the week: "I didn’t feel pressure to select a black woman.” —Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden

A finger in the wind: “I believe in Joe Biden, I believe in his perspective, and frankly I think that [putting a spotlight on my debate attacks] is a distraction from what we need to accomplish right now and what we need to do.” —Democrat veep nominee Kamala Harris

Dezinformatsiya: “The television networks are gonna have interesting choices to make … about whether to cut away [from the RNC] if there’s this stream of disinformation happening live.” —CNN’s Brian Stelter

Famous last words: “I have had no contact with [U.S. Attorney John Durham] and haven’t talked to him. I can’t imagine that I’m a target.” —disgraced former FBI Director James Comey

Non compos mentis: “Been reading Isabel Wilkerson’s new book, ‘Caste,’ and if you were of the opinion that the United States wasn’t nearly as bad as Nazi Germany, how wrong you are. Can’t encourage you enough to read this masterpiece.” —The Atlantic’s Jemele Hill (“But Kevin Williamson was too much for The Atlantic.” —Ben Shapiro)

And last… “It’s very telling that at the DNC convention, impeachment was brought up exactly ZERO times.” —Steven Crowder


Pic o' the day. Biden campaign, Kenosha Front. One of Paul's political enemies.


Scott O

BT 9:31 - That essay from the Federalist pretty well sums it up.
It's true and it's sad.
There absolutely has to be at least a few in the Dem party at or near the top that know all this and yet...

George Rebane

ScottO 806am - The alternative explanation is that those "at or near the top" got there by being the most dedicated and rapacious socialists in mufti. They are the least conflicted when following the teachings of Lenin and Alinsky.


Harris/Biden marshmallow roast in full swing last night.


Hey Paul. If we give KVMR a big donation, will you spare the NC City Hall?

Asking for a friend.

paul emery

So Trump believes there is no possibility the American people will select Biden for President when he said on Sunday 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged'

This paves the way for whatever means he decides to deploy to overturn the election and stay in power despite the vote.



"This paves the way for whatever means he decides to deploy to overturn the election and stay in power despite the vote."

Paul, I'll bet you $1000 that a Trump who loses the vote will simply walk from the White House.

What do you say?

(expect the squeaky little...'well, i don't gamble' up next).


Scenes from the Apocalypse, #1207:

"This is what fascism looks like... modern day brown shirts demanding you salute them with a fist in the air."


Of course, the real Nazis are obvious! It's the US!



Here Paul, a nice little video for you.

"Looters assault an older business owner trying to defend his business in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 24, 2020."

George Rebane

PaulE 928am - And I want another $1,000 piece of scenes 934am proposed bet. Here's a chance for you to make a little bundle this fall when Trump loses (as you daily predict). Take our money, we deserve to lose, don't we?

paul emery

I don't support violent protest scenes. What do you see as a solution to the situation?


Hey Punch.....you been raisin the fist..... Fo teh peepul?

"This is what fascism looks like... modern day brown shirts demanding you salute them with a fist in the air."

Actually Scenes I think that this is really more a Frisch thing....what with "politics being downstream from culture.

Poor Steve....just dying to get back on the field, back into the proletariat scrum but for that dodgy hip, and hundred extra pounds.

Sigh....time to "coach" I imagine!


Paul Emery: "I don't support violent protest scenes."


George, check this one out. Censorship in real time.


paul emery

Can't afford to gamble scenes because Trump has wrecked the economy but I am convinced Trump will do everything he can to overturn the voters choice if it doesn't go his way. He's already sabotaged the Post office and mounted a phony crusade against mail in votes. Being a narcissist he simply cannot accept rejection and he will respond accordingly.


Paul Emery: "Can't afford to gamble scenes "

lol. No doubt. How about a $1000 guitar? 100 hours of old man labor?

Lotsa good video this morning.

"BLM scumbags demand that diners at restaurant raise their fists for black power. Brave young couple retains dignity, refuses. Be that couple. Don’t be the embarrassing mustachioed coward to the right who has forfeited his dignity for all time."

Bill Tozer

From Scenes 10:11 am

“I have no idea what the Democratic Party stands for because they won’t tell you.” Herschel Walker says.

Yep, pretty much sums it up. They only thing I can gather is the Dems are licking their chops to go to war with some country, any country will do. And of course, like Steve and the Pony Tail of Massive Ignorance, they are against violence, roflmao.


Posted by: paul emery | 25 August 2020 at 10:06 AM

Can't afford to gamble scenes because Trump has wrecked the economy

Really? How did he do that?

paul emery


Show me a quote where I supported violent protests. I'll be waiting.

paul emery

Gosh and golly scenes gambling is illegal. You are encouraging me to sell my guitar, which is a source of income to me. to engage in an illegal act that you are participating in.


Can't afford to gamble scenes because Trump has wrecked the economy

Really? How did he do that?

George Rebane

Common attributes of those in these pages who don't support violent protests are 1) continually recognize their existence, 2) identify the instigators and dun them, and 3) propose better response policies. Those who do support the ongoing violent protests can be expected to remain silent on the aforementioned. ALL of our liberal readers qualify as presumed supporters of violence (and blame it on Trump). Thoughts?

paul emery


It happened during his watch fish and he had an ineffective response.


Posted by: paul emery | 25 August 2020 at 10:50 AM

It happened during his watch fish and he had an ineffective response.

What would you have recommended?

George Rebane

"... Trump has wrecked the economy." What an utterly simplistic (actually butt stupid) worldview. But hey, there is an ample constituency in the land with a sufficient deficit for which such a message is spot on - no more thought required.


Posted by: George Rebane | 25 August 2020 at 11:00 AM

"... Trump has wrecked the economy." What an utterly simplistic (actually butt stupid) worldview.

Paul knows to stick to the progressive narrative. Perfectly adequate for someone at his level of activism.


" Perfectly adequate for someone at his level of activism."

He's simply the 'friendly' public face of something far more malign.

Oddly enough, the IMF claims that Canada will have a larger drop in GDP than the US.

Other countries with bigger economic drops...Germany, France, Italy, UK

That Trump must be a busy guy.

Truth is, the KVMR news team is allies of a group which will say whatever it takes, do whatever it takes, think whatever it takes to achieve a greater degree of power. A single party state in California is insufficient. The tech surveillance monopolies, MSM, schools, bureaucracy aren't enough. Traditional America needs more crushing than that.

The Dalrymple quote again:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

So, by golly, keep your mouth shut and hold that black power fist high. Go along and get along in Paul's Nevada County.

Don Bessee

Very bad news for the TDS set -



Don Bessee

The masters of the universe still have a thumb on the scale -

Amazon Prime Video live streamed all four nights of the DNC last week but did not offer a live stream of the RNC on Monday night, according to Breitbart News.

The article read:

Searching for RNC coverage on Amazon also proved to be more difficult than searching for DNC footage. A search for the term “DNC” brought up Amazon’s livestreams from all four days of the Democratic National Convention last week, while an “RNC” search failed to return anything related to Monday’s convention.

Amazon users had to search the term “Republican National Convention” to find any RNC-related content, the report stated.



paul emery

Predictable response from George on the economy and Trumps Presidency. According to George and the other RR's Bush had nothing to do with the Great Recession and Hoover and Harding had nothing to do with the Great Depression. The similarity of all three is that they happened while there was a Republican President.

Bill Tozer

re: 25aug20 update] “America will suffer its greatest assault on religious institutions after a Biden victory according to the policy platform laid out by the Democrats.”

Man, ain’t that the truth. One can present volumes of supporting evidence on that very issue, or one needs to look no farther than the C-19 contact tracers in NY and the Blue East Coast. A contact tracer is NOT allowed to ask the exposed to the virus person if they had been to a riot, demonstration, or protest or large outdoor gathering. They are instructed to ask if the person had been to a church or synagogue. Rioting and mass demonstrations taboo to ask, religious services must ask about.

Scott O

Paul 10:06 - "He's already sabotaged the Post office ..."
Gee, that's strange - our mail delivery seems just fine.
What are you talking about, Paul?
Speaking of voting - my darling wife and I voted this morning. We drove over to the local voting place and I didn't see a single dead body anywhere near the place. I could have sworn the Dems said voting in person would kill millions of people.
Of course it was for white people only - you had to produce a photo ID to vote and the Dems tell us non-whites can't do that for some reason.


Posted by: paul emery | 25 August 2020 at 11:49 AM

What would you have recommended Punch?

Scott O

Paul 10:50 - "...he had an ineffective response."
And his 'response' should have been?

Bill Tozer

Squawk, squawk. Paulie want a cracker.

‘Pelosi's Postal Lie’
She shamelessly feigns defending the Constitution while spinning conspiracies.


Well, if it is safe enough to go line up at Safeway or SPD, then it is plenty safe to go to a polling place...with more way social distancing than the Bonanza Market.

Barry Pruett


Apparently democracy is overrated and the Democrat party

Don Bessee

Its going to get uglier fast -

Shortly after midnight, a group of demonstrators got in their cars and traveled to a residential neighborhood where they parked in a grassy area across from a row of houses. As they began exiting their vehicles, a homeowner emerged from his house and began firing warning shots at the rioters.

The would-be rioters began to flee as the man fired several more shots. In another incident, a group of rioters attacked and burned several local businesses in an area near a residential neighborhood. As the rioters moved through the area, several shots rang out from a man who appeared to be a business owner.



George Rebane

PaulE 1149am - From where did you now fabricate those claims?? No one here made them, save only for your having made them up. The Great Depression and Recession had causes much more complicated than the socialists' sophomoric claim that they were simply caused by the presidents du jour.

Scott O

Paul's really in great form today - "According to George and the other RR's Bush had nothing to do with the Great Recession and Hoover and Harding had nothing to do with the Great Depression."
Harding died in 1923, so I'd be fascinated to hear Paul explain how he had anything to do with the stock crash of '29 and the ensuing depression that was mostly during the presidency of FDR.
As far as George or anyone here claiming that Bush "had nothing to do with the Great Recession..."

Bill Tozer

Remember when Punchy described Trump’s Inaugural Address as dark, a dark speech. That was 6 hours after every Fakenews outlet had called it dark. Shuttered factories like tombstones across the landscape. Well, darkness is back. Boy is it. Glad the glum lot’s convention is over.

And to dovetail with the Left’s darkness, here are daily quotes from Year Zero:

Political futures: “Ronald Reagan used to say America’s best days were ahead. Republicans should say if the Biden/Harris/Sanders/Ocasio-Cortez gang assumes power, they will transform America into the darkness they now falsely claim envelops us. If they win, their pessimistic rhetoric will become all too real.” —Cal Thomas

Upright: “We value and respect every black life. The black cops who have been shot in the line of duty, they matter. The black small business owners who have watched their life’s work go up in flames, they matter. The black kids who’ve been gunned down on the playground, their lives matter too. And their lives are being ruined and stolen by the violence on our streets.” —Nikki Haley

For the record I: “Democrats refuse to denounce the mob. And their response to the chaos? Defund the police, defund Border Patrol, and defund our military. And while they’re doing all this, they’re also trying to take away your guns. Look at the positions they’ve taken the past few months: Democrats won’t let you go to church, but they’ll let you protest. Democrats won’t let you go to work, but they’ll let you riot. Democrats won’t let you go to school, but they’ll let you go loot.” —Rep. Jim Jordan

For the record II: “It hurt my soul to hear the terrible names that people called Donald. The worst one is ‘racist.’ I take it as a personal insult that people would think I’ve had a 37-year friendship with a racist. People that think that don’t know what they’re talking about. Growing up in the Deep South, I’ve seen racism up close. I know what it is. And it isn’t Donald Trump.” —Herschel Walker

For the record III: “If you want to take a look at Joe Biden’s America, take a look at Portland … where they had a riot. Take a look at the woman who punches the other woman in church… Take a look at the 51 shootings in New York and the four murders — that’s all happening under Democrat mayors who actually now do nothing about it.” —Rudy Giuliani

Birds of a feather: “If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different from a 40,000-foot level.” —Barack Obama

Braying jackass: “The Russians were there and they are there now 24/7 trying to interfere in our election, but they’re not the only ones. We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring of the Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.” —Nancy Pelosi

And last… “Comparing the [Donald Trump] economic agenda with the [Joe Biden] plan is like comparing the moon landing with the Hindenburg.” —Stephen Moore

Paul Emery


We had an extensive discussion on the topic of the Great depression a few weeks ago and in no way did you attribute any responsibility to Hoover or Harding instead you deflected to Roosevelt who became President after the Stock Market Crash and the Depression that followed. . Gregory went so far back blaming it on Wilson. Also the 'recession was the fault of the Dems according to the RR's not the Repubs. That has been expressed over and over. Fact is that Trump showed poor leadership in the Covid situation that contributed to the crisis. It was all going away like "poof" he said over and over. He said it was a war and as commander and Chief he failed in his leadership.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 25 August 2020 at 01:06 PM

It was all going away like "poof" he said over and over. He said it was a war and as commander and Chief he failed in his leadership.

It is going away Punch. For someone who is so obsessed with large numbers (presidential polls) I assumed you would be watching. Cases and fatalities are falling. Remember....this was originally supposed to be a "two week flatten the curve period".

What happened to make the interval last oh so much longer!

And hey...thanks for agreeing with me!

Scott O

Paul - Can you read? Harding died in 1923. FDR was not president after the Great Depression, he was president for most of the great depression. According to FDR's own Sec of the Treasury 1939:
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just none interest, and if I am wrong . . . somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job, I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. . . . I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started . . . . And an enormous debt to boot!"

Please tell us what Trump should have done, that was within his legal authority to do based on what YOU knew about CV19 back in January. If you can't then I would suggest you cease to comment on the subject.

paul emery


The Depression happened under Hoover and FDR inherited it much like Obama inherited but did not create the Great Recession.

It was Trumps job as Commander in Chief of the "war", as he put it, and he failed in his leadership. It is his job not mine to come up with solutions. Over 175,000 and climbing deaths, more than WW1, is his legacy. Instead he claims victory and the RR's agree with him.

Bill Tozer

1) Well, if Punch’s $1,000 guitar is his source of income, then no need for the taxpayers to spring for 18% of his salary at the local underground FM station. Glad we got that straightened out. Thanks, Paul Emery. A volunteer could easily fill your position, no less a chimpanzee.

2). See Crabbman ain’t blaming the economy of Trump in today’s toon. Something about Gavin and the single party state. Come to think of it, Gavin has shut down a lot of California jobs.

3). Biden’s China Virus plan is to come up with a vaccine. Genius. Why didn’t anybody else thing of dat? I am in awe.
4) ROFLMAO. They are consistent if nothing else.

HYPOCRISY: NBC Scolds Scott, Wants ‘Rhetoric Ratcheted Down’ at RNC


Hmmm. The DNC kicks off with some grieving lady from Arizona blaming Donald J. Trump for the death of her father. He died of the Chinese virus. Trump killed my daddy!
Never in my lifetime has a political convention (D or R) has ever stooped to such a low shameless. level as accusing the opponent of murdering someone’s daddy. Opps. Strike that. The Dems had a old guy say that Romney killed his wife with cancer...6 years AFTER Mitt sold the company. Oh my. Now they cry, “Ratchet down the rhetoric!” No wonder Punchy vowed to never vote for a major party canidate for Prez again. If he does, does that make him a l-i-a-r or not?

I wonder if that Arizona woman’s daddy was the poor sap who drank fish tank cleaner.

Bill Tozer

This is sooo delicious. Pick a card, any card.


Don Bessee

No one is buying what they are selling -

A convention is supposed to boost its party in the polls. So far in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, it’s Trump who surged during the Democratic convention. Maybe that’ll change with later polls, but it’s not a good sign. Measures of social media engagement found that the vast bulk of attention went to Michelle and Barack Obama. Biden came in a distant third, and — despite her “historic” selection — Harris barely registered.



paul emery

Already changed Don. Biden gained 4 on Rasmussen since yesterday.


Bill Tozer

Richard Spencer back in the news.

'White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots Endorses Joe Biden'



punchy 210pm

you dumb shit
Biden isn't in that poll. That's just a Trump approval poll. How is he doing the job.


Posted by: Bill Tozer | 25 August 2020 at 02:18 PM

Yeah….that's pretty funny!

Don Bessee

If memory serves the pony tail of ignorance was excoriating rasmussen here recently. LOL



Posted by: Don Bessee | 25 August 2020 at 02:28 PM

If memory serves the pony tail of ignorance was excoriating rasmussen here recently. LOL

Our Punchy….High Priest in the Church of "What's Working Today".

Don Bessee

Still doing better than 0 at the same point so what is your point oh great pony tail of ignorance? -



Don Bessee

Just blatant propaganda and not even trying to hide it -




BillT: "HYPOCRISY: NBC Scolds Scott, Wants ‘Rhetoric Ratcheted Down’ at RNC"

lol. Good to hear.

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, labeled US President Donald Trump and the Republican party “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the state,” escalating the rhetoric about voting by mail in the upcoming election. "


Truth is, I bet she's having a lot of fun right now. It isn't like she'll be toting a rifle in the revolution she wants to start up.

A not-bad discussion (talking head alert!). Mind you, these guys are not at all right wing.



Posted by: Don Bessee | 25 August 2020 at 02:49 PM

That was a good catch…..not one in a thousand would have noticed.

Scott O

Paul 1:38 - Sorry I can't keep up with Paul's ever-changing choice of words. When challenged on his historical F'ups he simply ignores it or tries to cover up his mistake with a new claim.
As far as Trump "...he failed in his leadership."
How would you know Paul? You admit you have no clue.
All the world has been hammered with the Wuhan Flu, Trump didn't start it and it certainly isn't his fault. If you can't point out a better course of action than the one Trump took, then you have absolutely no way to know if he actually did as well as anyone could have.
He certainly has done better than Biden would have and better than what the Dems wanted. We know that for a fact.

George Rebane

Regarding America's fortune's and public policies and who caused what, it is futile to talk to any liberal (including Paul) about leadership and political responsibility. Their simplistic answer is always that the whole thing was caused by the president in office, except when things got worse or didn't improve or ... under a Democrat. Then it was the Republican who came before or followed who gets the blame. The disastrously ineffective roles of FDR during the Depression or Obama's during the Recession are neither in their history nor lexicon - it was all Hoover and Bush2, and that's that.


"Their simplistic answer is always that the whole thing was caused by the president in office,..."

or simply the President's political party, without a bit of knowledge about the times or the people involved.

The basic problem isn't that it's a poor argument, and a common staple of precocious kid arguments, but that a child-man is driving the conversation. It would be interesting to think about the causes of the Great Depression, I've fairly sparse knowledge on that. I'd probably need to start with actually understanding the facts on the ground a bit rather than worrying too much about economist-generated word salad.

A rather artistic video:


I have a feeling that without these independent guys on twitter/facebook/etc. few people would know what is going on. It may well be that independent journalism will be kicked off of those platforms, it's Year Zero after all.


....as a side note, I did read Shlaes' book on the Depression (before someone suggests it), but remember it being a little light on an overview. It was never intended to do that of course.

paul emery

It was under Hoover and Bush 2 that the Depression and the Great Recession happened George. How the Dems picked up the pieces and carried on is another story completely. Just like when Biden has to pick up the pieces after Trump is out office.

paul emery


Trump himself said this is a War and the President is Commander in Chief. Are you satisfied how our Commander in Chief fought this "was", as Trump describes it?

paul emery

Nothing new here Gregory. Biden still up by 97 in RCP's delegate numbers. No bump after his financial plan a couple weeks ago. Trump has to win 75% of the toss-ups to pull this off.


Todd Juvinall

Looks like Paul Emery is tring to rewrite history again. Ain't gonna work.

Don Bessee

What a maroon @ 442 -

Sac Bee says this -

More conservative than you might think’: Nearly a third of California Latinos support Trump
AUGUST 25, 2020 4:25 PM

paul emery

Just reporting the RCP numbers Don. Sorry it's so hard on you. Nothing personal, just the facts.

paul emery

Not much of a problem with California delegate votes Don. Biden up 62-29.


Don Bessee

Your comprehension of statistics is the same as your reading comprehension @514. LOL


Don Bessee

Hey look a unicorn from a fakenewsman -

CNN’s Jake Tapper offered a rare on-air correction Tuesday of an erroneous statement he made the night before, claiming that Donald J. Trump Jr. had defended Confederate statues in his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

As Breitbart News noted in a fact check, Don Jr. “specifically defended the ‘Founders’ and defended ‘monuments’ in general, not Confederate ones”




The Democrats keep Democratin'






also yesterday.

"Biden supporters have now set fire to an apartment building in Kenosha with families inside.

Businesses also set on fire."



Comrade Sanders has the answer.

"No more tear gas, no more pepper spray, no more rubber bullets on protestors. Ban them all."


Makes sense. Basically you have two choices in Sandersworld. Cops do nothing, cops use lethal force.

I hope everyone's fire insurance is up to date.

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