George Rebane
Facebook is going to up the ante on their campaign against ‘hate speech’ as if they really know what they’re talking about. Their current semi-manual process of censoring content is already causing some serious pushback with customers and even customer nations (e.g. India). There, as here, they run into problems of politicizing their users’ contents, and doing it very inconsistently. Now we learn that Facebook is going to start applying advanced AI speech recognition software to make sure that we don’t violate the undefined and undulating hate speech principles of that leftwing corporatist giant. “Advances could help unlock realtime identification of hate speech on Facebook.” I tell you Martha, pretty soon we ain’t gonna be able to post much beyond pictures of our grandkids without getting it yanked or having someone knocking on our door. (more here)
Who cares to offer their thoughts on or definition of ‘hate speech’ in a manner that would allow third parties to reliably identify it in posted copy? Nobody? That's what I thought.
Mail-in election chaos anticipated by tech giants (here). This in spite of the crap that has been thrown at President Trump for his warnings that the coming election is going to be chaotic at best and rife with fraud at worst. Now we learn that corporatist giants such as Facebook, Alphabet, Twitter are all girding their loins for the chaos, but not for problems with ballots. Instead, they will apply themselves to “how the social-media platforms can prevent the spread of misinformation in the days before and after the election, after the U.S. intelligence community warned of foreign interference and President Trump called the vote’s integrity into question.” So again the question is how to identify ‘misinformation’. Recall that the lamestream and corporatists have the ability to erase entire topic areas from the national dialogue. An example is the removal of HCQ as a demonstrated C19 therapeutic. It continues to be used beneficially in hospitals here and around the world, but because Trump first mentioned it, HCQ can no longer be discussed in the public forum because it will spread egg all over the face of the Faucis to the NYT and WaPo. HCQ has been eliminated from Newspeak.
Anybody know what’s on the policy platform of the Biden/Harris team? Go to his website here, and all you get is two tons of bupkus, or more precisely a big fat policy nothing burger. Besides asking you for money, the only things you get to read are an endless stream of TDS content, and lame pieces like ‘Statement from Joe Biden on the 55th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.’ A lot of media outlets are beginning to notice that there’s nothing there, and no one is willing to put up anything that would let the voters compare what the hard-denying, hard-left duo will subject the country to if/when they’re elected. The reason is clear – they don’t dare, because then the socialist programs of Bernie, AOC, BLM, Antifa, and the rest of the progressive anti-American crowd will be obvious to even the dimmest of their already deficit-burdened constituency. Best keep everyone focused on the fresh-baked-daily fake news. The lamestream stands ready to broadcast, and the corporatists are there with their wallets. Talk about buying a pig in a poke.
[16aug20 update] Mail-in ballots don’t work corroborated NJ Gov Murphy on FN’s Chris Wallace show. When asked about the fact that somewhere between 10% and 20% of mail-in ballots are sent to non-existent voters still on the voter rolls, he studiously and immediately ducked the question and gave out a line of bullshit that had nothing to do with that problem. Things go worse when the subject of the Paterson NJ mail-in fraud came up. Beyond all belief, the logic-deprived governor claimed that having caught that fraud demonstrates that mail-in voting works. Somehow Gov Double-dummy was not able to understand that such a discovery demonstrates that mail-in fraud exists, and 2) that there’s a high likelihood that more incidences of fraud were NOT discovered, as opposed to that only one existed and they nailed it.
Kamala Harris was a racist pick, and is now the ‘Sec 8’ candidate on the Dem ticket. This is admitted by ALL liberal talking heads who celebrate the race-based strength that she contributes to Biden’s chance. None of them want to discuss her record, either as California’s AG or a US Senator, a record that should contribute some consideration of merit as the reason for her selection. She’s black and doesn’t have too many black marks on her record are all the qualifications that Democrat constituents desire and need to know. But if you actually point this out, you’re a racist. Period end of story.
[17aug20 update] Green Power Blackouts are now the new norm during hot weather since California has converted almost 40% of its power generation to extremely expensive, unreliable solar and wind – 60% mandated by 2030. Having rejected natural gas and nuclear, these power outages are totally manmade by ideologically-blinded, ignorant Democrats. Their stated objective remains countering preventable manmade global warming (PMGW), and unstated objective is still Agenda21 – concentrate humanity in ‘stack & pack’ cities. Since the state’s electorate is now made up of more than half double dummies, there is no hope for change. (more here)
(Reminder to readers that I don't like to use 'climate change' as the ambiguous and political catch-all label for the more precise PMGW, which is what everyone is actually talking about, and the policies against which are causing all the havoc in our economy and the reduction of freedoms in our daily lives. Climate has always been changing, and continues to do so now. Real science is divided on its direction, causes, preventability, and impacts. Leftwing consensus science is not.)
The recent rise NYC crime rates under idiot mayor DeBlasio is “suspected” by, some but not all, “elected officials and criminologists” to be caused by NYPD’s new enforced policy of fewer arrests for criminal acts. “NYPD officials, politicians and criminologists debate whether a link exists between fewer detentions and more homicides and shootings.” Ya think??! (more here)
Today the nationwide TDS epidemic goes on steroids. The Democratic National Convention launches its online version tonight 6-8pm PDT with a stunning array of speakers ranging from former RINO Kasich, through Michelle and Cuomo, to comrade Bernie himself. (more here) The number of Big Lies told to the American public for two hours every night will be uncountable. Readers recall RR’s definition of ‘Big Lie’ as one that actually impacts how Americans behave and plan their lives, as opposed to the bravura and bombast that Trump regularly spews (and Democrats count).
Another Big Lie du jour by the Left is that mail-in balloting will present no problems since the USPS regularly delivers millions of SS checks by mail. But even that is wrong since the overwhelming share of SS payments are direct deposits to recipients’ bank accounts. And even these residual mailings are presenting a big problem to today’s USPS as announced very publicly by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who warns states of their totally insane schedule of distribution and reception of mail-in ballot. It seems that most states (led by guess which party) do not understand the means and methods of USPS mail handling and delivery. Everything from multi-year cost cutting, including eliminating/reducing overtime, to pandemic increased mailings of parcels and packages has placed the USPS in an already over-stressed condition as it anticipates the mail-in ballots surge. The TDS Dems, of course, will expand their Big Lie by blaming the whole thing on President Trump. (more here)
[20aug20 update] Even Bumblebrain Biden's colors don't run true. Take a look at his red, white, and 'blue' backgrounds and logos. There is no such barfy turquoise-tinged blue in the American tri-color. His new socialist tri-color makes an intended statement that they will no longer be like the rest of us. These are the colors of a new age that seeks to difference itself from what has been a longstanding American tradition in all its dimensions and shades.
Definition of hare speech ... most of that which comes out of Donald Trump's mouth.
Posted by: robert Cross | 14 August 2020 at 05:23 PM
Posted by: Wine Aunt | 14 August 2020 at 05:23 PM
Definition of hare speech ... most of that which comes out of Donald Trump's mouth.
Uh.....okay Bertie?
Posted by: fish | 14 August 2020 at 05:28 PM
That's a good destination for the money -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 14 August 2020 at 05:43 PM
Watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat....
Posted by: robert Cross | 14 August 2020 at 05:46 PM
OH BOY now the fecal matter will hit the oscillating bladed wind machine -
(Reuters) - Oregon State Police on Thursday said they were withdrawing protection from Portland's federal courthouse over frustration at a prosecutor's decision not to indict many people arrested in protests there.
The state police were deployed to Portland two weeks ago under an agreement between Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Vice President Mike Pence to withdraw federal agents after weeks of clashes with protesters. President Donald Trump threatened to send National Guard troops to Portland, if requested by Oregon authorities, if local law enforcement was unable to protect the federal courthouse.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 14 August 2020 at 06:20 PM
Busy little antifa bitch -
The man accused of assaulting a conservative activist at the University of California Berkeley last year in a case that garnered national headlines has been charged with stabbing a man riding a bicycle on a sidewalk over the weekend, Fox News has learned.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 14 August 2020 at 06:33 PM
1st one to confess gets the best deal!! -
WSJ's Bill McGurn suggests FBI lawyer's plea deal in Durham probe will prompt others to come forward
'All the other parties in this have to be wondering, "What did Clinesmith tell them about me?"'
Posted by: Don Bessee | 14 August 2020 at 06:50 PM
DB 6:50 - "Clinesmith's attorney said his client regretted the change and didn't intend to mislead the court or his colleagues."
This is an excellent example of an occasion when a 2x4 laid out out across a persons forehead works wonders.
Note that no one asked this fine gentleman who now continues to practice law 'why then did Clinesmith knowingly change the email?'
Perhaps Paul or Booby X will chime in. Quite the experts on lying, they are.
Or so they claim.
Posted by: Scott O | 14 August 2020 at 07:58 PM
Can we say 1968, no we can not, this is the most deliberate focus to destroy small and large minority businesses in support of the various socialist front groups. Thanks chi coms.
Trump Accepts Raucous Endorsement from New York City Police Union
’Biden’s national police strategy will be modeled on the Bill de Blasio catastrophe’
Posted by: Don Bessee | 14 August 2020 at 08:46 PM
How dare that private company create their own standards.
Posted by: Steven Frisch | 14 August 2020 at 09:01 PM
Scott O @ 7:58 pm
Clinesmith: Not only did the FBI lawyer omit critical information that Carter Page worked with the CIA to catch bad guys (like Russians), he pulled a Democrat and added a line in the report to the FISA Court that was not previously there saying Page was an Russian agent!
The icing on the cake was his lawyer advocate said his sorry ass lying lawbreaker client did not mean to deceive anyone. Well, that just puts the foam on the beer. Omit very very exculpatory evidence and add things that were not there out of thin air. If he worked for the Wa Compost or NYT, he would have received a Pulitzer. Not trying to deceive the court, just playing along to get along. :)
As far as the big fish go, they will all walk, Durham or no Durham, Barr or no Barr. Do you think for one second that a jury of 12 Washington DC residents would ever convict a Rice or Clapper of Super Liar Sally Yates or Commie Bastard Brennan and send them up the river for 20 years? Never happen. Not with that jury. DC juries have been practicing Left Wing jury nullification for years. They all live at the teat of Big Washington in the feeding trough of pigs and plan to keep it that way.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 14 August 2020 at 09:34 PM
re RobertC 523pm - The man makes my point in spades about leftwingers. That really is the best they can do about almost anything that requires a bit more than a slogan or hate.
Posted by: George Rebane | 14 August 2020 at 10:15 PM
Frisch - "How dare that private company create their own standards."
Nice try, Frisch. That isn't the problem.
It seems their 'standards' aren't standard one bit.
They're malleable chimeras - kinda go one way for this party and kinda another for the 'other' party.
I would suggest you look up 'standards' in a dictionary.
It comes down to terms of service. Facebook has been busted repeatedly for violating its own terms of service.
And Facebook just says -'oopsie'
Nice to see you leftys supporting one of the most powerful private companies on earth in their constant on-going suppression of what the left doesn't want to hear.
Maybe Chevron or Boeing can just say 'oopsie'?
Posted by: Scott O | 14 August 2020 at 10:34 PM
So Booby X is on record defining illegal speech as that which his political nemesis speaks.
Of course Booby can't come up with a single example.
Not one.
Posted by: Scott O | 14 August 2020 at 10:41 PM
I think Clinesmith is counting on a Dem win in Nov and a full pardon. Copping a plea now saves a lot of money and he's banking on never having to serve time or pay a fine or anything.
We'll see.
Posted by: Scott O | 14 August 2020 at 10:45 PM
Clinesmith is one of the 26 unknowns that will get tossed under the bus....the real cabal is the ones who will get a note in their file and and a $600,000 to a million yearly pension for life. The big ones can say they might have misinterpreted the raw intelligence (not vetted), or something along those lines while serving our country with distinction. They are all going start off by pointIng the finger at Rouge G-Man Comey, then lightly walk it back. Too funny.
Talk about rewriting history. “I didn’t steal this tv, it was the other dude.”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 14 August 2020 at 11:12 PM
Posted by: Scott O | 14 August 2020 at 10:34 PM
I think you missed my point Scott.
George, and others here, regularly worship at the altar of the von Mises/Hayak/Friedman schools extolling 'free markets' and keeping the government hands off private industry. Yet here they are pissed when Facebook as a private company labels speech (in many cases speech they agree with) as hate speech.
Facebook is a private company and has the right to set their own terms of service. If that is true of every other business, as George has often stated, it is true of Facebook, and it is hypocritical of him to contend otherwise.
Suck it up snowflakes.
(Now, to be clear, I do not actually think FB and Twitter and IG and others should solely be looked at as private companies; I think that these are platform monopolies that dabble in media, that social media should have some controls, but my position regarding these companies is consistent with my overall position on the role of regulation in the marketplace.)
Posted by: Steven Frisch | 15 August 2020 at 07:24 AM
The problem with Facebook and Twitter is if they’re going to monitor and censor speech, then it is a platform not for other’s free speech, but Facebook and Twitter are actually speaking through what they are allowing to be on their sites. As such any immunity that they would have in connection with defamation could and should be taken away
Posted by: Barry Pruett | 15 August 2020 at 08:21 AM
re: BarryP@8:21AM Aug 15, Year Zero.
"As such any immunity that they would have in connection with defamation could and should be taken away"
Well, of course. That's what the Section 230 fuss is all about.
We really are in a sort of perfect storm when the federal bureaucracy largely shares political philosophy with the dominant social media firms (plus Google), the intelligence agencies share similar needs with those selling surveillance capitalism. You combine that with the networking effect and the tendency towards monopoly implied in internet businesses and you end up with one giant organism looking after it's own interests.
SteveF's drive-by is boring in that it's yet another one of those high school debating gotchas, not dissimilar to 'HOW COME YOU CHRISTIANS ARE FOR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT?'. Online forums allow for pinheaded arguments, so everyone is free to read or ignore.
When you're in a revolution on slow boil, you take any help you can get. The Left burns buildings, topples statues, politicizes plagues, censors you online, reports you to your boss. At least they aren't killing your dog (yet). The elite Right feeds from the same bowl as the elite Left, the hoi polloi Right just sits and takes it with the occasional temper loss. Of course Steve F. enjoys Facebook censorship, it incrementally moves us towards utopia by programming the masses.
It would be easy to simply use the reasonable parts of the banking, USENET (which George's blog could easily have been expressed in, even youtube if it were scaled), email/mailing lists, maybe even Amazon. Even without censorship, I'd say that the rest of it is a net negative combining the worst aspects of outrage addiction and centralized manipulation and control. I can't say that Mencken would have been surprised.
Posted by: scenes | 15 August 2020 at 09:19 AM
Frisch 7:24 "Facebook is a private company and has the right to set their own terms of service."
You are just repeating yourself and it looks like you didn't read my post.
Never said they couldn't have their own terms of service.
But they have to adhere to their terms of service and they don't.
They are a pack of liars. Proven. By their own employees.
But you leftys sure like large monopolistic companies when it suits your purposes.
Oh - and for the umteenth time - "...and keeping the government hands off private industry."
We believe in proper govt regulation and have stated so on many occasions.
Maybe a board with a nail in it will put that into your thick skull.
The large internet socials need to admit they have a different set of rules when it comes to political views they don't like.
Posted by: Scott O | 15 August 2020 at 09:57 AM
Re SteveF 724am – Being a liberal means you never have to recant anything you say or do, no matter how wrong it subsequently proves to be. Steve does it to himself again, showing he did not understand anything of my commentary about the corporatists’ censoring free speech on their sites. Nowhere did I mention, imply, or “contend otherwise” about these private companies’ ability to legally control the contents on their websites.
My only point - already well made above by other readers who do understand – was to lament that they are going against their own stated and implied principles of acting for the common good as a public forum for the open discussion of complex and contentious issues of the day. For example, Google’s bygone founding shibboleth was “Do No Harm”, which has now gone by the wayside.
Today these big corporatists are in fact using their rights to do harm in the way they have thrown in with the country’s Left, and are using their considerable private powers and rights to mangle the messages they publish under the false flag that they do not prohibit the free speech of their usership. People like SteveF and his ilk have no idea how to discriminate between such operations and usage of private websites. Nevertheless, they revel in the display of their deficits.
Posted by: George Rebane | 15 August 2020 at 10:02 AM
You don't have to go to Berkeley to talk about arrests after counter protests. The NCPD has made it's first in the Sunday altercation in Nevada City. More to come
"Nevada City police officers arrested a suspect Friday as a result of their investigation into Sunday’s violent clashes during a Black Lives Matter demonstration.
Suspect was arrested a little after 3 p.m. at a residence on Buckeye Road. He was booked into the Nevada County Jail on felony charges of robbery and assault likely to cause great bodily injury, Ellis said. He remained held that afternoon on $100,000 in bond, reports state.
According to the District Attorney’s Office, the suspect is alleged to have body slammed one victim and thrown him to the ground. He forcibly took a cell phone from another victim and dropped it down a sewer.
(that is all captured on videotape)
Here's the whole story
Video links
Posted by: paul emery | 15 August 2020 at 11:04 AM
Paul, you're the resident "newsman"... what were the terms of the parade permit issued to BLM by Nevada City?
Posted by: Gregory | 15 August 2020 at 11:18 AM
"Today these big corporatists are in fact using their rights to do harm in the way they have thrown in with the country’s Left". not really.. it is more likely they have thrown in with the truth and, perhaps, feel an obligation to the truth.. something that is absent in the right wing..The truth is obviously something that bothers the always trumpers because trump's total disdain of it.
Posted by: Robert Cross | 15 August 2020 at 11:33 AM
"it is more likely they have thrown in with the truth and, perhaps, feel an obligation to the truth"
Seriously, that is a quote for the ages.
Posted by: scenes | 15 August 2020 at 11:47 AM
I checked into that Gregory 11:18
No permit asked for, no permit required Gregory. There is talk about it-see today's Union, front page
Are you insinuating that's an excuse for physical assault and robbery?
Posted by: paul emery | 15 August 2020 at 12:25 PM
Now why would Google or FB shut down a righty site for replaying a clip of a Dem canidate/public office holder being interviewed on PBS as a violation of community standards?? I reckon repeating a Dem's own words is a form of hate speech and a violation of the Resistance's standards of the hour. Kind of make it up as you go along, a moving boxcar of situational ethics. Guess Google, which handles about 93% of our internet traffic, don't like truth when a conservative site says, "Here's what Sally Yates said today at the Senate committee today. Roll tape."
Truth not so welcomed when it exposes the Industrial Propaganda Complex look like 1984 with its the Wizard behind the curtain and little munchkins revealed as two faced lying sacks of Dems airheads.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 15 August 2020 at 12:25 PM
Booby X - " obligation to the truth.. something that is absent in the right wing..."
Nothing subtle about the ignorant.
Posted by: Scott O | 15 August 2020 at 12:33 PM
Paul Emery - "Are you insinuating that's an excuse for physical assault and robbery?"
Gee - why do you ask that, Emery?
Are you insinuating it would be acceptable to burn down Nevada City??
Yes or no,
Yes or no.
Posted by: Scott O | 15 August 2020 at 12:37 PM
Posted by: Wine Aunt | 15 August 2020 at 11:33 AM
...... it is more likely they have thrown in with the truth and, perhaps, feel an obligation to the truth.
Scenes already responded but I would matter what kinks you're into you should consider loosening the cinch on the plastic bag occasionally.
Looking out for you Bertie!
Posted by: fish | 15 August 2020 at 12:39 PM
Posted by: Scott O | 15 August 2020 at 12:37 PM
Gotta remember Scott that Punch is a "radio guy"....the ultimate gig for a "newsperson" of his caliber. It goes something like this; Bring the guest on, do a brief intro, ask an open ended question that requires 10 minutes to address fully, go for a smoke in the station parking lot. Repeat three times while running commercials, traffic, and the weather. Hour over.
Rake in that sweet, sweet, taxpayer subsidized cash!
Actual labor expended.....3 minutes....tops!
Posted by: fish | 15 August 2020 at 12:46 PM
Fish: Truth? Hell hath no fury as a Babs scorned. Thats da facts, Jax. She seems rather bitchy lately. Must be the heat.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 15 August 2020 at 12:48 PM
I asked because I didn't know they didn't have a permit. They marched right up Commercial Street and they seemed to be on the street, not the sidewalks, on Broad. IF they had a permit for that, we'd be able to see if they were compliant.
Nothing justifies assault, but I think robbery is a bit of a stretch. Was that for the phone that was taken from person who might have been invading the personal space of the accused, or the sign that was also arguably invading his personal space?
I'm not taking sides and will wait for justice to be done. That's justice with a judge, a prosecutor, an attorney for the defense and a jury. The sort of justice that the national BLM group readily ignores if it doesn't suit them.
Posted by: Gregory | 15 August 2020 at 01:01 PM
For the first time ever -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 01:23 PM
re: Gregory@1:01PM
I just went through ten or so videos of the Battle of Broad Street, Facebook, youtube, etc. Darned if I could see anything beyond some shoving, and it was from both sides.
If anything, the larger problem appears to be the difference in implied potential for violence between a small group of middle-aged working class guys and a larger group of what are, essentially, mostly female children (with a few older well-meaning adults). Perhaps there's some difference in the law in the treatment of assault based on simple capability.
What the kids are unfortunately running into is a hair-triggered temper from a lot of other people based on watching months of cities burning, plus a certain amount of Plague Fatigue. It's a shame that saving the world from European males can't wait until the virus is better dealt with, but there's a Presidential race to win.
Marches are funny things. The overt purpose is to market your opinion to others, but the real point is often just a veiled threat. They're really a dominance move. No doubt Nevada City will be treated to another, larger one in order to give those evil white men what fer. George could easily get his bused in AntifaBLM reinforcements in that case.
Posted by: scenes | 15 August 2020 at 02:17 PM
Looks like the socialist dems left a flank exposed during their convention -
The campaign will not only take over the YouTube main banner, ads will also appear across the homepages of top news websites -- including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and -- as voters are expected to be searching for updates on the DNC.
Trump's campaign has also purchased premium “unskippable” ads to run on streaming sites like Hulu in swing states, meaning viewers watching the DNC online on such platforms will have to sit through a complete Trump ad first.
Trump is not only scheduled to deliver a speech just hours before Joe Biden accepts the Democratic nomination right outside the former vice president’s hometown in Pennsylvania, he will also hold counter programming events in three other swing states and will launch a massive multi-million dollar digital ad blitz that includes taking over the banner of YouTube for 96 hours starting on Tuesday.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 03:58 PM
He was right but they mocked him now look where we are -
Seven people were arrested Thursday night after a statue of George Washington in downtown Los Angeles was defaced and torn from its base, the L.A. Police Department said.
According to initial reports, a group of protesters gathered in Grand Park at about 7 p.m. and defaced the statue, located on Hill Street between Temple and 1st streets, before forcibly removing it from its base.
The statue has stood in the city since 1933, KCAL noted.
In 2017, when asked why he opposed removing Confederate monuments, President Donald Trump said that the left would not stop there, but would soon seek to tear down monuments to American heroes, including George Washington.
“So this week, it’s Robert E. Lee, I noticed that Stonewall Jackson’s coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week?” Trump asked. “And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after. You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?”
The media mocked Trump at the time for his prediction.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 04:35 PM
Well thats all you need to know that its a great thing when those mutha mullahs squeal like pigs -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 05:32 PM
Gentlemen - pay attention, the NC protest march has a new home. Please comment there.
Posted by: George Rebane | 15 August 2020 at 05:33 PM
Keep sending your antifa and blm to terrorize and loot and burn and see what you get in nov -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 06:03 PM
Stripping a cell phone from someone hands and throwing it down a drain is not a legal response for invading personal space if indeed something like that happened.
Posted by: paul emery | 15 August 2020 at 06:15 PM
Looks like the pony tail of ignorance still has significant comprehension issue re @533. LOL
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 06:21 PM
God bless our brave troops, worth a watch -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 15 August 2020 at 09:20 PM
JHK on mail-in voting.
"I’m struggling to understand exactly how the Dems put over the idea that voter ID amounts to voter suppression. I suppose it’s just another instance of the old Joe Goebbels principle that says if you repeat a big lie enough times, people will take it for the truth. The nation used to be immune to these assaults on reason and decency so easily employed by despotic regimes in foreign lands because we were able to watch their insane antics at a comfortable remove. But now that the Dems have gone full Orwell here, you see how easy it really is to bamboozle the home-folks. War is Peace… Freedom is Slavery… Diversity is Uniformity…Vote early and often…and all that."
Posted by: scenes | 17 August 2020 at 09:12 AM
Briefly: Mail in ballots, the DNC Convention, and vote forBiden or we will burn your city down. Hmmm, even if we all vote for Biden, they will still burn it down, lol.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 20 August 2020 at 08:37 AM
Nothing to see here move along, move along -
Paterson, NJ, to hold new election in City Council race marred by voter fraud charges
Both the race's apparent winner and a sitting councilman were charged with voter fraud
Posted by: Don Bessee | 20 August 2020 at 12:42 PM
Its going to be an issue everywhere not just in Michigan -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 20 August 2020 at 01:10 PM
re: update, August 20, 0000.
That phrase is President Trump’s, and it sums up today’s Democratic Party very well. This highly effective ad focuses on the Democrats’ tyrannical efforts to control every aspect of our lives:
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 20 August 2020 at 09:32 PM
re: August 20 update, another big lie.
‘Will Liberals Protect Your Vote When They Won't Protect You?’
‘Wayne Co. Board of Canvassers asking SOS to investigate miscounted absentee ballots in Aug. primary’
“In a majority of Detroit absentee-voting precincts, recorded ballot counts did not match the number of ballots actually cast, indicating something clearly went wrong with how the ballots are tracked.”....
"I would be pissed. If I'm just Joe Voter, I would be pissed. I mean, to me, this is just incompetence," said William Hartmann. He's a member of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers. "We do a canvas and the canvas has got, it's like an audit of your checkbook," he explained.
The problem with the August primary is that the board did certify the election but had to note discrepancies in more than 70% of absentee-voting precincts in Detroit. The discrepancies were between the number of absentee ballots cast versus the number recorded by election workers.
“"When we started to balance the AV (absent voter) counting boards in Detroit, they were so messed up that there was really no way that we could balance them the way they were," Hartmann said. "One of the biggest things that we could ask for the general election is that people come and sign up and register to be precinct workers, or as they call, election inspectors."”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 22 August 2020 at 12:55 PM
The big conspiracy unveiled! Supercuts.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 22 August 2020 at 01:13 PM