George Rebane
Only Trump can defeat Trump.
Our liberal readers really don’t understand what real ‘fake news’ is, and they throw that notion around as they do with terms like ‘racist’, which they also don’t understand. Since they are a class-oriented people, liberals don’t look at the message, only the class membership of the messenger. If it’s of the wrong type, they immediately disregard what the messenger brings, and vice-versa. As demonstrated here for years, the NYT and WaPo are prime purveyors of fake news to the nation’s light readers, as always cited by the falsity of their messages. Here is another example of fake news they manufactured regarding the Russian collusion imbroglio. Read Daily Caller’s ‘Russian Oligarch’s Ties To Manafort, Steele Posed Intel Risks, Senate Report Says’, and note what critical parts of the Senate’s report these newspapers left out, altering the message to support their ongoing progressive narrative – all of it invisible to their blindered true believers.
Bumblebrain bumbles again – “If the scientists say shut it down, I’ll shut it down. I go with science.” The manchild has no clue how science or the government works. His concept of science is what mommy tells an 8-year-old about science. There is only one science and the good scientist tells us what it is. Young children are not exposed to the wide diversity of scientific interpretations of literally every phenomenon – science is simply what mommy says it is. The executive listens to scientists of all hues and then decides – it’s not easy and that’s why they get paid the big bucks. And shutting down the country’s social and commercial activities – the President has no constitutional authority to do that under our federal system; all he can do is jawbone the states. And after 40 years in the Senate, Biden is still such a naïf, and getting more addled by the day, that he knows none of this.
[25aug20 update] America will suffer its greatest assault on religious institutions after a Biden victory according to the policy platform laid out by the Democrats. The Big Lie that’s supposed to make us somnolent on the matter is bead-carrying Biden’s touted devotion to Catholicism. As Bill McGurn points out here, nothing could be further from truth. The Dems have never liked religion and its non-profit agencies and enterprises as a competitor that provide succoring services which always outshine similar government efforts in performance and cost. Their solution, always practiced by socialists, is to constrain and reduce religious liberties. The current approach by Team Biden and Democrats will be up the ante on licensing requirements and tax exemptions for non-profit, religious agencies offering everything from foster child care to parochial education. According to their platform, these strictures will “reject” the “broad religious exemptions” that “allow businesses, medical providers, social service agencies and others to discriminate.” In other words, religious liberty.
‘The US Admits Too Few Refugees’ argues Reid Ribble, former Republican congress critter from Wisconsin. His makes the point that “America should open its doors to those fleeing communism and religious persecution”, and goes on to cite our country’s core values in welcoming the oppressed as the basis for increasing our allotment of such refugees back to the almost 100K/yr level. (more here) I wish that he would have included some other criteria than just political or religious persecution to qualify the literally millions of so-oppressed people worldwide for US entry. My own druthers would be the addition of some aspect of merit, say, academic, artistic, trade skill, STEM qualified, … . But setting up a more comprehensive set of criteria becomes highly political as each side tries to size up who will wind up with more voters.
[26aug20 update] The first-rate, marquee-quality Democrat Big Lies are now coming in way too fast to count. Today’s highlighter was delivered by Kamala Harris who pointed out that the insignificant Ebola and H1N1 deaths during the Obama/Biden administration demonstrated what proper pandemic leadership could deliver. The sleazebag slut didn’t blink an eye in omitting to tell her debilitated devotees that Ebola’s transmission was restricted to exchange of bodily fluids, and that the H1N1 mortality rate was extremely low. Added to that, the medical experts in charge of managing both diseases today freely admit that it was NOTHING that they did that choked the outbreaks, but only a couple of extremely lucky turns of events. Yet that broad continues to spread the Big Lie that it was the Obama/Biden administration’s astute policies that scotched the spread of the diseases, and contrasts it with Trump’s equivalent task that he has mishandled. Covid-19 is a couple leagues above the easy money maladies of Ebola and H1N1, but that no lamestream consumer will ever know. (BTW, H1N1 is still among us with its insignificant death rate.)
As a Lucky Strike Extra, the Dems have not been able to describe what else they would have done or promise to do in controlling C19, other than plagiarizing what Trump has already done and is doing. Compared to the present administration, their prescriptions contribute a nothing burger. Notice the leftwing crickets’ replies to these.
Another Big Lie we pick up today is the Dems’ screams that the First Lady and SecState Pompeo violated the Hatch Act with their respective speeches yesterday. To begin, the Hatch Act gives wide latitude and exemptions to the Executive Branch, and the WH South Lawn and Rose Garden are specifically omitted from the parts of the executive mansion in which it is inappropriate to conduct partisan events. And, of course, Team Biden provided no evidence to counter Pompeo carefully circumventing using State Department offices for his privately arranged and funded canned speech from Israel. But all that don’t make no never mind to the Dems. All they hope to do from now until November is to continue diverting attention from their ‘Party Without A Platform’.
Biden finally had to say he “won’t stand for violence in the streets” during his leftwing constituents' peaceful demonstrations across the land (actually, he referred only to Kenosha, but I’ll give him the rest of the country’s rioting cities which he has yet to acknowledge). So my question to him is, ‘OK Bumblebrain, what would it look like to the rest of us when you won’t stand for the violence?’
"Our liberal readers really don’t understand what real ‘fake news’ is, and throw that notion around as they do with terms like ‘racist’, which they also don’t understand."
But of course they understand terms like "racist", George. In their dictionary, one is either racist or anti-racist, committed to rooting out the systemic racism that is baked into our life. You can't not be a racist without going through a self flagellation, a purification ritual, that is endless.
Or you can support Democrats for elected office.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 August 2020 at 01:41 PM
Greg 141pm - In light of that wisdom, I'm still looking for my 'You seem to have me confused with someone who gives a shit' button; I know I stashed it around here somewhere.
Posted by: George Rebane | 24 August 2020 at 02:39 PM
You keep looking, George. It might be in the last place you look, or, then again, it might not.
Postmodernists control humanities in our colleges now, with even anti-Marxist traditional liberals needing to hold their toungue lest they get found out. It's pointless to argue definitions... if they say you're a racist, you're a racist. Until their jobs are in jeopardy.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 August 2020 at 03:36 PM
“Until their jobs are in jeopardy.”
“Remember the old saying that liberal ideas are so good they need to be mandatory? Here’s the kicker, from the FAQ page:
-I’ve been auto-enrolled in PITT 0210. Can I drop the course?
For all full-time, first-year students in the fall 2020 semester on the Pittsburgh and Bradford campuses, the course is mandatory. You cannot drop it.”
But, what about Wounded Knee Creek? But, but, what about Martin Luther King Jr being kicked to the curb (just as predicated on these pages)?? Why, why, why?
It’s not the professors who are dead wrong and dangerous on so many. levels. It’s the Administrators who are more off the charts than the faculty, if you can fantom that....until their jobs are in jeopardy.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 24 August 2020 at 04:00 PM
thanks, toes 4pm. Good catch. PITT0210 is truly a wiener, as is any indoctrination that uses "intersectional analysis" . Abysmal.
Posted by: Gregory | 24 August 2020 at 04:27 PM
lol. I like that PITT 0201 class. I realize this isn't fake news but it's all loosely related I guess.
I ran into a treasure trove of Evergreen College material, one small piece from one guy is a 23 (!) part series beginning here:
that I'm poking through to attempt to piece together a model of modern times. A kind of Grok Through Analogy to see what we might all have in store for us. There's a lot of stuff out there, but one rabbit hole led to a paper:
I truly wish that someone from the local Blue Mob would pop by and justify all of this, and give a good college try. I'm afraid that ain't gonna happen but it would be educational. Paul prattling on about polls and whether K. Harris lies 20% more than other senators just isn't cutting it as a source of interest.
You do have to admire the kind of utter bullshit college faculty will put up with to keep their jobs. That big piece of property in Wyoming is starting to look pretty good.
Posted by: scenes | 24 August 2020 at 04:53 PM
What a good little party parrot, never mind there is nothing going on here move along -
CBS anchor avoids ex-FBI lawyer's guilty plea in Durham probe during Comey interview
The former FBI director says he 'can't imagine' he's a target of the Durham investigation
Posted by: Don Bessee | 24 August 2020 at 05:12 PM
Now where are the Emerys and the Crosses and the Frisches to defend a regime that imposes such propaganda on students as PITT 0210 by the University of Pittsburgh?? For them such realities don't even exist; only what they create out of whole cloth is real to them.
Posted by: George Rebane | 24 August 2020 at 05:20 PM
re: GeorgeR@5:20PM
It would make for a great radio show. You could interview Paul. Not so much to win an argument, but just to see what these people really think.
Posted by: scenes | 24 August 2020 at 05:46 PM
I realize it's already been covered at RR, but anyone who hasn't watched this 3 part video absolutely needs to. Remember that the good folks that documented a lot of what went down were the leftist radicals. They were proud of what happened. The crowning moment was the debasement and humiliation of the college pres. He was actually scolded for raising his arms and told to keep them at his side. He dutifully obeyed. Also keep in mind Brett is a left winger himself. A never-in-a-milion-years anti-Trumper. And Brett's message is: "coming to a school near you". This happened 2 years ago.
Posted by: Scott O | 24 August 2020 at 05:54 PM
scenes 4:56 - "...but just to see what these people really think."
Stop it, scenes - I was drinking some expensive amber liquid.
It's one thing to to spit out coffee...
Posted by: Scott O | 24 August 2020 at 05:56 PM
scenes 546pm - Agreed. Do you think Paul would sit still for it?
Posted by: George Rebane | 24 August 2020 at 06:01 PM
Not on your life Dr R! LOL
Posted by: Don Bessee | 24 August 2020 at 06:08 PM
Are you suggesting George that the Federal Govt get involved in the educational policies of Pennsylvania?
Posted by: paul emery | 24 August 2020 at 07:21 PM
Paul 7:21 - Paul are you suggesting that we force 2nd graders to watch porn?
Just shocking!
Posted by: Scott O | 24 August 2020 at 07:45 PM
re: Paul Emery@7:21PM "Are you suggesting George that the Federal Govt get involved in the educational policies of Pennsylvania?"
It looks to me like he's suggesting that it's ridiculous... period. Where does the federal gubmint enter into it? Check your sources.
Paul, would you let George interview you on KVMR? If not, why not?
Heck, I'd even listen to it.
Posted by: scenes | 24 August 2020 at 08:21 PM
scenes 8:21 - "Check your sources."
scenes - c'mon man - you know perfectly good and well that Paul is an elderly man.
'Checking his sources' could result in a hospitalization.
There are young gymnasts that limber, but Paul? Not a chance.
Posted by: Scott O | 24 August 2020 at 08:39 PM
Here is some true news. Maximo Alvarez. Best. Speech. Of. The. Night.
Posted by: Barry Pruett | 24 August 2020 at 08:51 PM
BP@ 8:51 PM:
Good speech. And if Biden wins, Mr. Alvarez will have no place remaining to go to. Nor will we.
Posted by: The Estonian Fox | 25 August 2020 at 07:40 AM
re: 'Fake News'
A genuine pure play in finding that is simply to google for 'riots' or any variant of that.
The internet MSM outlets are absolutely filled with descriptions that simply aren't so. At the very least, the sin of omission is rampant.
After watching hours and hours of raw riot footage, it's hard not to get angry when you read a newspaper/magazine/TV network story on the matter. They are such f'ing liars it's like we live in a kind of topsy-turvy world.
Posted by: scenes | 25 August 2020 at 07:43 AM
"Are you suggesting George that the Federal Govt get involved in the educational policies of Pennsylvania?"
-punchy 721pm
Well, let's see... are there Federal dollars poured into U. Pitt?
Can punchy see a difference between an "educational policy" and an indoctrination into postmodern ethics? Who is paying for it?
Posted by: Gregory | 25 August 2020 at 08:05 AM
Speaking of schools, I just ran into this little nugget.
"Illinois community leaders want to abolish history lessons in schools"
Posted by: scenes | 25 August 2020 at 08:44 AM
re: Bumblebrain bumbles again
“And after 40 years in the Senate, Biden is still such a naïf, and getting more addled by the day, that he knows none of this.”
After 40 years in Washington as a Senator, member of select committees, and 8 years of VP, Biden is finally going to fix all the problems in Washington he was part of, roflmao.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 25 August 2020 at 12:10 PM
re: “Our liberal readers really don’t understand what real ‘fake news’ is, and they throw that notion around as they do with terms like ‘racist’, which they also don’t understand. Since they are a class-oriented people, liberals don’t look at the message, only the class membership of the messenger.”
-Liberal Media Attack Sen. Tim Scott, Herschel Walker as 'Sambos,' 'Coon Squad'
-Panic! Nets Use Melania’s Speech to Trash RNC; Holt Upset She Condemned Looting
-Furious Joy Reid Denounces New Citizens as ‘Props’ of GOP Convention
-Worst Nightmare: ABC, CBS Lose Their Noodles After Trump Holds Naturalization Ceremony
-After Encouraging Riots, Cuomo and Lemon Fear It’s Helping Trump Win
-F**k This B***h’: Celeb Hyenas Assail FLOTUS During RNC Speech
-CNN Analyst Joe Lockhart Gets Slammed on Twitter After Nasty Tweet Attacking Nick Sandmann
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 26 August 2020 at 09:13 AM
“With lawlessness and organized looting threatening to take down Joe Biden (which is why I’ve been calling the riots “spontaneous pro-Trump rallies”—have they filed their in-kind contribution reports with the FEC by the way?), we’ve seen leading Democrats like AOC say looting is just desperate people trying to get necessities. Like flat screen TVs and Nike shoes, though I haven’t been able to find the FDA’s nutritional guidance on any of these necessities.”
[Q:]What would you say to people who are concerned about essential places like grocery stores or pharmacies being attacked in those communities?
“When it comes to small business, family owned business or locally owned business, they are no more likely to provide worker protections. They are no more likely to have to provide good stuff for the community than big businesses. It’s actually a Republican myth that has, over the last 20 years, really crawled into even leftist discourse: that the small business owner must be respected, that the small business owner creates jobs and is part of the community. But that’s actually a right-wing myth.
A business being attacked in the community is ultimately about attacking like modes of oppression that exist in the community.”
The whole thing is a window into the mental perversion of today’s left. A lot of people are attacking NPR for featuring such an obvious nut job, but I think we should thank NPR for giving such extended exposure to a view that is widespread in the Democratic Party right now.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 29 August 2020 at 08:31 AM
BillT 831am - Another nail on the head Mr Tozer.
Posted by: George Rebane | 29 August 2020 at 09:30 AM
re: BillT@8:31 August 29, Year Zero.
Once again you can see the strong ties between crazy political activism and the mentally ill. Behold the author:
If sociology (as a discipline) wasn't so strongly in the pockets of crazy people, it would be really interesting to look for increases in aberrant behavior during unsettled times. Weimar Germany would probably be the most well documented comparison.
Posted by: scenes | 29 August 2020 at 09:44 AM
Note to the pony tail of ignorance -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 29 August 2020 at 10:50 AM
Oh lookie -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 29 August 2020 at 11:01 AM
And then there is this -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 29 August 2020 at 11:28 AM
More trouble for the TDS set -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 29 August 2020 at 12:13 PM