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24 August 2020



You are basically describing a 'buddy system' here.

I was thinking about the set piece battles that are going on and it seems to me that the police lack the mass to act in a way that rhymes with infantry previous to the use of projectile weapons (rule of engagement being what they are and all).

Given their mobility, communications, and central command, I wonder if it wouldn't be best to map police tactics onto the idea of cavalry (which has the same problem of individual members being isolated) attempting to break a siege.

You have to admire the tactics evolved by AntifaBLM in Portland. Shield wall, secondary wall, projectile throwers. Front row often has women and sometimes wheelchairs or dogs for maximum TV effect while the back heaves IEDs and rocks with occasional raiders.

The cops are being thrown to the wolves by their bosses, so it might turn out that the proper tactic is simply to quit. The no-win situation will occur to everyone. Kenosha is a more interesting case because of a more hybrid situation (not AntifaBLM city management, but not particularly pro law and order) and the busing in of Biden's troops from outside.

The Estonian Fox

One item missing from the discussion of 2-man vs cavalry - cavalry had horses, who oftentimes operate as their own living entity. So even a single cavalryman is inherently part of a team. Why are these police forces not there on horseback? Aren't horses legal in Oregon? Wouldn't anyone revel in having a partner who has your back and who weighs in at 1000 pounds?

Where are the K9 teams? Dogs also operate as their own entity. And are unpredictable at times. If your city is going to be sued anyway, what is there to lose? And the K9 training would be free.


" cavalry had horses"

I mean cavalry in the tactical sense. It's more a matter of use and movement than it is the equipment used. It isn't like modern cavalry units use horses.

In terms of more effective police tactics, remember that this is a war being fought on TV. It's a MSM that will unhesitatingly cherry pick video clips to suit a narrative so no mistakes are allowed. Having Bitey the Police Dog nip a 'peaceful protester' looks bad in the morning papers.


While wingman tactics seem an obvious improvement, the best move at the moment might be a police strike demanding political back up from the politicos, or no workee.

Demands would include revision of rules of engagement to permit use of horses, dogs, batons, tazers, vomiting gas (CS?), rubber bullets and backed up with ball ammo and street sweepers. A few people are going to get killed, maybe some 'innocent' bystander who shouldn't be there giving cover to the crimminals, but only a few will get the point across.

And it's for damn sure that more than a few of these sub-humans surely need killing.

Todd Juvinall

I hate to say this about anything happening in America but I guess it must be discussed. When Hitler and the nazi's made their plans to make the planet an Ayryan nirvana devoid of all others we rose up and defeated that and sent their ideology into the trash bin. Millions died to save the planet from that tyranny and genocide.

But now we see people running around our free country screaming that "white privilege" should be done to white people like the nazi did to Jewish people and the others they murdered. Do these people have some sort of exclusion from the civilized discussion? Why would the media, made up mostly of Caucasians not get the hints? When tyrants get the power they always take those they fear and remove them as a threat. Stalin had the gulags, Hitler had the holocaust, Pol Pot sent millions to die in the country of Cambodia. Castro jailed thousands and left them to die. Americans of all stripes need to realize that when the people spewing verbally and rioting and looting tell us they want our demise, we should believe them! Or not!

Bill Tozer

One thing apparent is the average police force is not trained for nor equipped for massive riots and looting. That is why Obama sent 1,500 hundred National Guard troops into Ferguson. The buddy system is good, but not in a crowd of criminals attacking your local cop on the beat.

In the early 70’s, besides the streaking fad sweeping the nation, the LAPD had a shootout with the Symbionese Liberation Army in a residential house in LA. [The United Federated Forces of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) was an American left-wing organization active between 1973 and 1975 that considered itself a vanguard army. The group committed bank robberies, two murders, and other acts of violence.] Not surprising, the SLA was headquartered in San Fransisco (where they drew food stamps) and LA.

Point of the story was the media and civil rights groups and everybody was up in arms over the violence and sheer force used. The place had caught fire (tear gas and smoke grenades?) and while burning to the ground the shootout continued with thousands of rounds fired into the surrounded house. Think it was the first time a quasi-battering ram vehicle was used, but I digress.

The media firestorm peppered the Chief of Police and his response was priceless. He said the SLA declared war, we treat it as war.

Future mayor Tom Brady was a Lt. to the Chief. Forget all their names now.

They declared war, we respond as if it was war. :)

Barry Pruett

When folks cannot rely on these liberal government policies which fail to protect them and their property, citizens are going to resort to self-protection and self-preservation. These liberal policies caused the incident in Kenosha last night. Period. Biden had a chance to call out these violent riots and he said nothing at the DNC. Trump has been yelling for weeks at these liberal mayors and governors who are allowing the chaos in these progressive strongholds to do something or at a minimum let the federal government help. The blood is on the hands of Democrats who refuse to call out rioters.

Ken Jones

" A few people are going to get killed, maybe some 'innocent' bystander who shouldn't be there giving cover to the crimminals, but only a few will get the point across.

And it's for damn sure that more than a few of these sub-humans surely need killing."

Posted by:L | 25 August 2020 at 10:13 AM

Judge, jury and executioner. So much for due process as called out in the Constitution L.

the Fifth Amendment reads:

No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

the Fourteenth Amendment says:

...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
But in Rebane Ruminations world kill em all, keep our guns. SMH.

George Rebane

KenJ 216pm - What is your evidence that "kill em all" is indigenous to Rebane's Ruminations?

Ken Jones

George what is your evidence it is NOT indigenous to Rebane's Ruminations? Furthermore I read this blog on occasion. Not in some time but I do see entertainment value. My evidence comes from the words and the quotes provided by the small cadre that live on your blog. As if L's comments don't reflect the attitude on this blog.

Don Bessee

What did they expect supporting rioters, that they could just flip a switch to stop the momentum? -

What I saw in those videos was highly inappropriate, it was likely against the law if they were on private property but more importantly, I don’t think it had anything to do with demands for social justice.

Bowser’s comments inspired C.C. Pecknold, a professor at the Catholic University of America, to tweet slyly, “The internal polling must be really bad.” Pecknold was referring, of course, to the growing realization, reinforced by survey data, that the Democrats’ soft-on-rioters stance is starting to erode their chances in the November balloting. In fact, already on August 13, the Pew Center found that 59 percent of Americans said that crime was a “very important” issue in 2020.

Since then, of course, the crime situation has worsened, as Kenosha has gone up in flames, while Democrat politicians have done little, or even, seemingly, encouraged the rioters—here’s looking at you, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers. Moreover, it’s becoming clear that this lenience toward crime could hurt the entire Democrat ticket.

Indeed, even Democrats’ best friends in the Main Stream Media are starting to get, and share, that message of concern. As CNN anchor Don Lemon told Chris Cuomo on August 25, “Kenosha is a Rorschach test for the entire country. I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are hoping this will go away, and it’s not going to go away.”

The CNN man’s words of warning might lead one to conclude that Lemon, as well as Bowser, has seen warning-flag survey numbers. In fact, that’s exactly what Lemon said: “I know it’s showing up in the polling, it’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

Interestingly, Lemon didn’t always worry about rioting. Just three months ago, Breitbart News reported that he described the riots as a “mechanism” for the needed “restructuring” of the country. As he said on May 30, “Perhaps this is some sort of mechanism for a restructure in our country or some sort of change in our country for us to deal with whatever we need to deal with in this country as we look at pictures on the right of burning and pictures on the left of looting.”

Yet now, it seems that too many pictures of burning and looting have taken their toll on the Democrats’ standing. An August 26 poll from Milwaukee’s Marquette University found support for Black Lives Matter in the Badger State to be tumbling. These findings led liberal journalist Jonathan Chait to observe, “Democrats need to be extremely concerned about what’s happening in Wisconsin, where support for BLM has gone from +25 to +0 in 2 months.”

In the meantime, Meghan McCain, definitely not a Trump fan, tweeted Lemon’s September 25 comments and added her own assessment:

Everything @donlemon said here is accurate. This is the one issue that could really turn the election against Biden and is showing up in the polling – all leaders have to come out forcefully and unequivocally against violence and looting.




"They killed Kenney!"-Stan
"You bastards!"-Kyle Broflovsky

Columbia Southern University... Kenney... what was the admissions process? From their online presence (they only have an online presence), it appears they have no actual standards for admission.

No, "Kill em all" and let the Great Green Arkleseizure sort them out is not native to RR. Sorry, Ken.

Ken Jones

Hey Gregory, your true self emerges where the Union can't censor you. You had to troll/stalk LinkedIn to learn about my job, still got it wrong dumbass. You still make moronic assumptions. 34 years in my profession making very good money and you are still green from envy. Hired by a Fortune 500 company based on education and experience. Man it must SUCK to be you. Get a life loser.


Your profession is literally being the asshole of industry, Ken, and you dodged the question... what IS the admissions process of the 'institution' that granted you a bs BS?

Don Bessee

Too late to get the evil jin back in the bottle -

On the very day that the Democratic National Convention began, Americans awoke to video footage showing a mob of anarchists in Portland viciously assaulting a truck driver just moments after he wrecked his vehicle, beating the man unconscious. As poignant as that footage is, it’s only an isolated example of the lawless brutality of the radical left.

The mob violence in that heavily-Democratic city has completely overwhelmed local law enforcement, with authorities unable to respond to dozens of 911 calls earlier this month.

Portland isn’t the only city suffering at the hands of violent leftists, either. A whopping 36 of the 50 largest U.S. municipalities have experienced double-digit homicide spikes so far this year – a distressing outcome that is directly traceable to the Democratic Party’s support for criminals and open efforts to undercut law enforcement.

Biden’s recent remarks about the riots in Kenosha, Wis., were intended to counter the perception that Democrats are in league with the violent radicals, but the policy platform adopted at the DNC remains exactly the same as it was before. Biden’s words did nothing but sow confusion around the issue.




A Glassdoor review of the inside of Columbia Southern U:
"When i stopped looking at this place as education and started looking at it as a business, it made more sense. This is a call center disguised as a school. The degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on, and when students call to discuss it, they have prepared talking points to deal with it. You are required to constantly be on the phone making calls. The students are treated like children and not adults. The leadership is incompetent and things change weekly. The answer to every question is 'It Depends'. You are to sit in your cubicle and work from 9am to 6pm and hope to be lucky enough to leave at 5pm with seniority. I would recommend not working at this place. The turnover rate is incredibly high. Once you're out of training, you see how things really are. It gets old very fast."

Todd Juvinall

Ken Jones | 27 August 2020 at 02:53 PM

I see you are here to try and pollute this fine blog. Stay in Oxnard and get some smarts and maybe a personality others can stomach. What a loser dumbass you are Kennie. And quite the fabricator of a resume'. Gregory is a lot smarter than you could ever be.

Ken Jones

EHS is the asshole of industry? Shows you are more stupid than I thought and that is a pretty low bar loser. Answer me if you voted by mail. I expect no answer, you are a jerk. Your envy is so evident. Lashing out at others, and I KNEW you would be back to insult as you do Paul or anyone that disagrees with the all mighty Goodknight. You might consider getting off that high horse but the fall will probably kill ya.

Todd Juvinall

Ken Jones | 27 August 2020 at 04:50 PM

Stop polluting this fine blog with your lies and hate.


I should have been clearer... I meant your profession was literally the rectum of industry. Does that feel better?

George Rebane

KenJ - The ONLY ideas indigenous to RR are mine - my credo, semantics, ideology, and 13 years of archived commentary and comments. All other reader contributions are indigenous to RR ONLY to the extent that they are coherent with mine. Since RR does not censor ideas and interpretations, others are free to express their own views.

So Ken, if you are able, why don't you take a bite of a real issue and bring your progressive perspective to bear on the subject. So far your major contribution has been similar to that of your brethren in these pages - baseless snark.

Ken Jones

Greg and Todd, two abject losers hanging out in the cesspool. Still jealous Goodknight. Throw a pity party for yourself no one else gives a shit. What the hell would you know about industry being your inability to maintain employment. The fact you call my profession "the rectum of industry" just explains how little you know.
I expect more insults but I am done with fools.

Barry Pruett

I was just telling my wife today that is that’s the best that Antifa has (the guy with a pistol in close quarters with a 17 year old holding an armalite rifle), then Antifa are screwed if and when the shooting starts. If a grown ass Antifa man with a pistol can’t shoot a 17 year old boy with a rifle in that close of quarters, Antifa should just stay home. A not so civil war won’t last long.


Gregory: "I meant your profession was literally the rectum of industry."

Good heavens. The man is an HR manager?

GeorgeR: "So Ken, if you are able, why don't you take a bite of a real issue"

I've yet to see someone who isn't a drive-by poster. They should post a positive opinion (Biden is a good choice for President. Medicare for All would solve our healthcare issues. Systemic racism is a huge problem, here are some examples. The Earth is flat and held up by a really tall column of turtles.) and defend it. Always with the negative TDS waves, Moriarty. Boring.


re: BarryP@6:29PM

I think I've seen all the footage (no doubt there's more) and the Kenosha Kid shows amazing composure. So far as I can tell, 3 shots/3 hits (I think there were 7 or so shots total, more guns than you might think). Only shoots at the last second at the immediate threat from difficult postures. No more hurry than is warranted. Gives himself up well.

From a legal standpoint, the arguable situation is the first shot, but even it looks like a defense slam dunk.

Perhaps it's just than an older adult has far more built-in self preservation.


Looking left, looking right. Is it gone?

Now, having your profession being the rectum of industry isn't all bad; after all, if a company can't take a crap to get rid of its, ummm, byproducts, it would soon be as mean as a two headed alligator.

scenes, I'd say HR is the gall bladder or appendix of industry. The rectum actually possesses a function that is needed, even if it seems only crap comes out.

Now, Kenney, I've not fallen on hard times. Got savings, an 850 credit score, my kid has a real chemistry degree from UC Berkeley and a real Master's in Physics and PhD in Chemical Physics from Haaa'vahd (phonetic spelling), neither my kid or his very sweet wife graduated with any student debt, and I bought my airplane with cash.

You were saying?

Don Bessee

Defund the police, go tell it to the under age sex trafficking victims not to mention the domestic violence victims! -



Todd Juvinall

Ken Jones | 27 August 2020 at 06:13 PM

Oh my. If I compare my wonderful life and accomplishments to yours the world would laugh you off the stage. But I am a humble man so I refuse to lower myself into your cesspool. So stay in Oxnard and keep working at the sewer plant. They need you.

paul emery

So Scenes it seems you have no problem with 17 year olds with an AR 15 style loaded rifle on the streets?

Barry Pruett

Paul. I have a problem with all of it. The looting and rioting must cease. It isn’t helping the cause. At least 30 people have died. I know that you agree that the looting and riots must cease and you would join me in calling out all of the bad behavior.

Don Bessee

YO YO YO ya ol' pony tail of ignorance, what are the open carry rules in that city/county??

Do you offer personally known facts or just do the ignorant why, why, why parrot game??

The world wants to know why you want to let them burn it down.


paul emery

Yes Barry. I believe in peaceful protest and nonviolent resistance like sit ins and tactics used in the civil rights movement. There are crazies on both sides that thrive in escalating the situation violently.

Bill Tozer

Oxnard? Once went on a deep sea fishing boat out of Pt. Y-knee-me. Oxnard? Flush twice, it’s a long way to the kitchen. Venture County does want to join New California, but I think that would just mess up the bounty lines to keep LA out. I dunno. The good citizens of Ventura County want in bad. Gotta think about it.
HR? You mean those nutcases in the Personnel Department?
And now the topic at hand: riot wingman, aka, digger (down under). Got each other’s back,.

I think the best way to control these riots with big flames and towering billowing smoke fill the sky is to declare curfew with detain on sight anyone in a restricted area. Anyone. Shoot on sight would end the whole thing coast to coast after 4 hours, but that would be politically unpalatable in this current climate. (Gross understatement.)

If the Dems that run the cities have no political will (or desire) to shut down the looting and busting up of stuff, then that’s the way it’s gonna be. Bet that plays great in the swings states, mid-west and western PA. Oh, BTW, the only part of PA that is solid blue is Philly. Go figure. Michigan shaping up nicely, keep up the good work Gov. Mistress of the Dark. Hillary was farther ahead than Biden is in the electoral count than Biden is against Trump. Remember when Punchy said Hillary only needed 15 and Trump needed all 120? It’s over.

Topic again. Great idea to have all LE working the riots in pairs. Even with 100 police officers forming the line, each is with his mate and that pair is on the line with 50 other pairs. Same for patrolling. Cut down on the Biden voters successful ambushes on the lone squad car with one cop in the dark at 4:00 am.


Ken Jones @ 2:16 etc, I don't know you though others seem to, but this should be simple enough for even a progressive to understand.

Floyd's demise was deplored by everyone, virtually without exception, so there were no minds to change by protests. Said "protests" quickly morphed into well-organized and -financed urban riots characterized by arson, looting and mayhem. At this point, due process isn't even seen in the rear view mirror.

Your team has declared war on our civilization and made the public space into a battlefield. We will accept the declaration of war and respond likewise.

If you'd like not to become collateral damage, you'll avoid being on the battlefield.

What else do you need explained?



Paul Emery: "So Scenes it seems you have no problem with 17 year olds with an AR 15 style loaded rifle on the streets?"

Is the main question here concerning his age?


also Paul Emery: "There are crazies on both sides that thrive in escalating the situation violently."

What is your guess as to the proportion of 'crazies on both sides'?


Billt: "I think the best way to control these riots with big flames and towering billowing smoke fill the sky is to declare curfew with detain on sight anyone in a restricted area. Anyone. Shoot on sight would end the whole thing coast to coast after 4 hours, but that would be politically unpalatable in this current climate. (Gross understatement.)"

Kettling would get pretty ugly given the high proportion of outright terrorists in the late-night crowd, but I'd say that the main problem is it also being political palatable.

AntifaBLM is obviously being used as a political tool by Democrats at the national level of government and industry and has it's strong proponents/members in positions of power at the local level of government. With the police under local jurisdiction, they are slowly being stripped of whatever non-lethal capabilities that they had and will slowly disappear due to injury and Blue Flu.

Of course, it's mostly just a TV event since scarcely anyone really gives a shit what happens to downtown Portland, Chicago, Seattle. Kenosha starts hitting a little closer to home.

In any case, the arc seems to be more towards a generalized Revolutionary War with your town's fate determined by the nature of it's government and demography. As it's mostly fought with words and images, the likelihood of Napoleon clearing the streets isn't there yet.

You have to admire the spunk these Democrats have even if the sloganeering is laughable. In the meantime, the 'Basket of Deplorables' puts one foot in front of the other.


Posted by: scenes | 28 August 2020 at 06:19 AM

Paul Emery: "So Scenes it seems you have no problem with 17 year olds with an AR 15 style loaded rifle on the streets?"

Is the main question here concerning his age?

It seems impossible for Punch to pose a question without tucking in a scold!

paul emery

Si fish
"So fish it seems you have no problem with 17 year olds with an AR 15 style loaded rifle on the streets.

Barry Pruett

So no problem with the armalite rifle just that he was 17? My opinion is that all these fools should have stayed home. Play stupid games - win stupid prizes.


Life in Paul's America


""So fish it seems you have no problem with 17 year olds with an AR 15 style loaded rifle on the streets."

Break it down into single questions. Is the age the problem? The type of rifle? The fact that is loaded? That he's in public? That shouldn't be too hard.


"So no problem with the armalite rifle just that he was 17?"

It's just a typical part of Paul's 'newscraft'. You frame a question that is neither atomic (should a 17 year old have a rifle?) or complete (you have no problem with 17 year olds protecting themselves from a pack of armed wild animals with an AR-15 while guarding their place of work?).

No wonder news can be so shitty.


""So fish it seems you have no problem with 17 year olds with an AR 15 style loaded rifle on the streets."

Also, notice that the 'question' is framed as a yes/no version while putting words in the mouth of the interviewee.

I mean, seriously, it makes you wonder about the quality of any KVMR interview. Don't they even have a bit of shame?


Seriously Paul, here is my gift to you.


Please read through this, get some real understanding of the situation, and come back for any opinions you might like. Your questions imply an ignorance that I'd like to correct somehow.

Bill Tozer

To quote Nancy Pelosi in July, “People do what they do.”

(House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., pounced on Pelosi's comments as another example of Democrats defending the "radical left-wing mob."
"Her job is to write laws. Instead, she encourages mobs to break them. She is complicit with criminal activity, plain and simple," McCarthy said.)
Kinda of interesting that ‘it seems’ the teenager ( a child actually if you use Michele Obama’s standard for 18 year old gang bangers)...er...it seems that everyone he shot has a firearm on them. The guy with the fake medic pack pulled out a gun, the folks chasing him had guns, and it appears equalizers abounded.

BTW, did you see that pic of the armed guy with the medic pack‘s arm? Boy, he won’t be showing up to work for awhile. And once the meds wear off, he will start really feeling it big time. And the oozing and constant changing of bandages to avoid infection and fever and just the friggin pain and surgeries and. grafts and tying tendons back together and nerves and muscle tissue.

The silver lining is it appears his elbow was not hit. That would really puts the hurts on the armed pursuer. You don’t want to convalesce from a shattered elbow. Ouch. Gotta move back home for that. Of course, a bullet to the melon kinda makes recovery a mute point.

I believe the child should be charged with bringing in a firearm across state lines. At 17, it is against the law in Illinois to have a firearm. Probably the same in WI, open carry state or not.

People are doing to do what people do, it ‘seems’.


Just for a break from the firearms action, here's a bit of 'peaceful' activity.

A large BLM mob has gathered outside the home of Seattle police union president

Barry Pruett

Felon with a handgun attempting to execute a (not defenseless) 17-year old boy. The definition of self defense. https://twitter.com/firstcitizensam/status/1299087825854316549?s=20


"Boy, he won’t be showing up to work for awhile."

The real question is whether the one-armed man will be charged with attempted murder (that's aside from the felon-with-a-firearm problem that he has).

If he's not, the rule of law is truly broken. The local District Attorney's office will be shown to be merely a tool of Occupy Main Street.

Be careful in choosing the town and county you live in, it matters more than you think in Blue Mob America.

paul emery


As I understand it it is not legal for a minor to possess a loaded rifle in public in Wisconsin. Are you aware of that? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Posted by: paul emery | 28 August 2020 at 09:42 AM


As I understand it it is not legal for a minor to possess a loaded rifle in public in Wisconsin. Are you aware of that? Correct me if I'm wrong.

"Possession of a gun by anyone under 18 is a misdemeanor, unless that gun is being used for target practice, hunting or the child is a member of the armed forces."

Google…. Punchy….. Google! Not a coincidence that for things like this you're thought of as the laziest geriatric hippy in the Nevada City/Grass Valley Metroplex. Have some self respect…..!


Bill Tozer

Scenes @ 9:00 am

Thanks for the post. No wonder the angry short white guy was trying to smash the child’s head in with a skateboard. It’s against the law for that kind of convicted felon to carry a firearm, ‘I assume.’ He was obeying the law....mostly peaceful protestor he be. Fits right in with the Blue Mob.

“Joseph D. Rosenbaum, 36. Rosembaum is (was) subject to a life-long sex offender registration order in Wisconsin for his Arizona conviction on two counts of Sexual Conduct with a Minor in 2002. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, he appears to have been incarcerated in Arizona from 2002 until paroled in 2012. He apparently violated his parole by tampering with a monitoring device in 2014 and may have been incarcerated thereafter. During his incarceration he racked up dozens of corrections institute disciplinary violations for offences including Assault with a Weapon, Assault on Staff, Arson, and Possession of Narcotics.
It is difficult to be certain, but it appears from the video that the two individuals, Short Bald Subject and Huber, are acquainted, if not acting in concert.
Both appear to aggressively challenge the group "protecting" the Ultimate establishment, but Short Bald Subject is much more confrontational.”

BOTTOMLINE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_1X-_fbPUc

Bill Tozer

How the media is covering it.


No 1st Degree murder convictions for the child? Possible, likely until the details of the first one shot emerges.

paul emery

Thanks for agreeing with me fish. what we has was a child with a loaded automatic rifle shooting people on public streets

Barry Pruett

I believe that a minor with a firearm is a class a misdemeanor. That said, target number three was a convicted felon in possession of a firearm which is another felony AND he was trying to point it at the boys head. All these folks are stupid. Rittenhouse (for going there in the first place good intentions or not), the two dead guys (trying to disarm a boy carrying an armalite rifle by chasing him and assaulting him), and the ex-felon (carrying a firearm with which he tried to kill the boy). I have said this repeatedly on this blog – if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. None of these people should have been there doing what they were doing. In any event, Rittenhouse has the best lawyers and will get off on self defense but will be guilty of a class a misdemeanor. The video is pretty cut and dry. Further, there is no way on this planet you get 12 people to convict that boy.


"Thanks for agreeing with me fish. what we has was a child with a loaded automatic rifle shooting people on public streets"

"What we has" is a geriatric reporter with weak English language skills, and the AR in question was not an automatic rifle. Also, fish wasn't agreeing with you but then, you knew that.

It does appear the kiddie did shoot people on public streets, but it seems the people shot needed shooting. The kid's life has changed and not for the better. Kids, stay away from riots. Everyone else, stay away from riots, too.

Barry Pruett

In fact target number three who almost got his arm blown off should be charged with assault and an ex felon in possession of a firearm. If they are going to overcharge Rittenhouse with first-degree murder, they could probably charge target number three with attempted murder as well. Another lawyer in my office whose very liberal (Bernie Bro’s) believes that maybe they’re charging rittenhouse with first-degree murder knowing that they can’t get a conviction.

I would like to add I love having these discussions with my liberal lawyer friend in my office. Just the same I love having these conversations with Paul as well.


Posted by: paul emery | 28 August 2020 at 10:29 AM

You never disappoint Punch! Nice grammar and analytical skills.....! Automatic rifle.....hah!

Posted by: Barry Pruett | 28 August 2020 at 10:41 AM

Sorting this out is going to be a shit show! That’s for sure Barry! Still, kudos to the kid! With one exchange of fire he ventilated a pedophile, a wife beater, and a communist.


I'm not much for TV news politician interviews, but here's Rand Paul talking about his dealings with Democratic voters. I just put this up because I'm already seeing outright lying about why he was walking to his hotel.


Gregory: "It does appear the kiddie did shoot people on public streets, but it seems the people shot needed shooting. "

But how can Paul's people get their way unless you can't protect yourself, can't protect your home, can't protect your business? The Blue Mob wants to consume us all.

Once again Mr. Paul, actually read through this, and come back with a good discussion. Merely getting your information from a couple of clickbait headlines does no one any good.


I've got other stashes of videos, but this is the best all-in-one summation I've seen. Being a propagandist can't be all that satisfying a life for you.


"Just the same I love having these conversations with Paul as well."

To me they feel like arguing with a parrot.

paul emery

So Gregory you seem to infer kids killing people on public streets is ok when you say "It does appear the kiddie did shoot people on public streets, but it seems the people shot needed shooting."

So Gregory you are indeed giving an ok to killing people on the public streets if they "needed shooting". My goodness Gregory, who determines that someone needs shooting to use your words?

Bill Tozer

Yelling "Black Lives Matter" while harming another of another race is a hate crime in CO. Good to know. Very good to know. Hate crimes usually carry sentencing enhancements.

"The Sentinel Colorado reported that the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) records described the hate crime charge as “felony ethnic intimidation.”



"My goodness Gregory, who determines that someone needs shooting to use your words?"

In the end, a jury in a courtroom. Patience, grasshopper.

Don Bessee

The riots are shifting the needle toward the Prez -

The New York Times has grudgingly acknowledged the success of right-wing and conservative media on Facebook, worrying that it might indicate a looming Trump victory in November. In Particular, the Times notes that Breitbart News posts have been shared 4 million times in the past 30 days, “roughly three times as many as posts from the official pages of every Democratic member of the U.S. Senate combined.”



Scott O

Paul - "My goodness Gregory, who determines that someone needs shooting to use your words?"

Easy answer - the person trying defend himself from an attacking mob.

Disclaimer: this answer was not known by nor authorized by Gregory.

Bill Tozer

So Gregory you seem to infer kids killing people on public streets is ok when you say "It does appear the kiddie did shoot people on public streets...

"Seem to infer." I infer that self defense is justified for shooting people that need to be shot. If they were not trying to harm the minor, the child, they would not need to be shot as the child was running to the police for help...and his own personal safety after calling 911 to report to the police his actions as required by law. The child's life was in danger by a violent mob participating in criminal activity. A mob of non-human types. Mostly animals.


Punchy has apparently forgotten the adage,"It's better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6".


Some bumper music for Paul's show.


Bill Tozer

WATCH: Democratic State Rep. John DeBerry Shames Rioters, ‘What Kind Of People Have We Become?’

"Tennessee State Representative John DeBerry Jr. delivered a powerful speech against the riots earlier this month in a house session, where the Democratic representative denounced the non-peaceful riots and expressed fear for the future.

"If we don’t start standing for something don’t you know that the people that are looking at what’s happening in Washington, in Detroit, in Portland, in Seattle, they’re getting emboldened because we act like a bunch of punks. Too frightened to stand up and protect our own stuff. You tell me that somebody has the right to tear down property that Tennessee taxpayers paid for? That American taxpayers paid for? And somebody has the right to destroy it, deface it, and tear it down? What kind of people have we become?

Peaceful protests ends peacefully, anarchy ends in chaos. What we see happening right now, any of us with any common sense, any common sense whatsoever, know that what we see is not peaceful. So we can continue to fool ourselves and mix with words and use rhetoric and public relations in order to frost this stuff over and put a nice picture on what we see that is frightening"

(And now the kicker)

The consequences DeBerry mentions [for speaking out] are very real this election year. In May, the Tennessee Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee voted to remove DeBerry from the Democratic primary ballot after 26 years in office. One of the committee members who voted to remove him said that DeBerry wasn’t “exemplifying the basic Democratic principles.“



....and, of course.

"GoFundMe removes campaigns for Kyle Rittenhouse, teen accused in deadly Kenosha shooting"



This appears to be the general Blue Mob riot thread, so heeeere's Kamala Harris.


At least she's honest.

Don Bessee

Your tax dollars at work -

NPR worries that declaring violent Portland protests to be riots could be racist
Taxpayer-funded outlet aired report saying riot declaration laws rooted 'in the state's racist history'



Don Bessee

This makes it clear its the socialists new red guard rioting and it has nothing to do with race -

Pro-Trump Dem Vernon Jones calls for congressional investigations after being hounded by 'mob' in DC
Crowds hounded Jones and hurled ugly racial slurs outside the White House Thursday



Don Bessee

While the socialist media fawned over 'peaceful protesters' we all knew there was a lot of planning, social media cuts both ways! LOL -



Barry Pruett

“So Gregory you are indeed giving an ok to killing people on the public streets if they ‘needed shooting.’ My goodness Gregory, who determines that someone needs shooting to use your words?” Scott got the nail on the head here. The person who is defending himself chooses. Had that kid not done what he did, there is a high probability that he would be dead or seriously injured. While he choose poorly going to Kenosha in the first place, he choose correctly I think in protecting himself. Showed pretty good trigger discipline for a 17 year old as well.

Don Bessee

Now who was it that called it here?



Scott O

The kid's lawyer claims he didn't cross state lines with the AR.
Looks like he's signalling that the DA can't prove it and they know it.
He doesn't have to say how he obtained the firearm in WI. Maybe he found it while he was fishing? But it looks like all they can get him on is possession.
The various upcoming trials of the officers and the kid will be off the charts in public interest. I'm thinking there's a lot of DAs that found it easy to indict are now going to have to face the reality of a very public trial.
Meanwhile the murder rate in large Dem cities (mostly all black victims) continues to climb.
Black lives that don't fit the narrative don't really matter, do they?

Scott O

I'm pondering the fact that the kid will be charged (maybe) as an adult and at the same time as a minor.
I'm certainly aware of minors being charged as adults in murder cases but can the DA have it both ways and charge the kid as an adult AND as a minor at the same time? I realize there are two separate types of charges here. Possibly some one (Barry) can chime in?

Bill Tozer

Scott. In WI, 17 is the age where people are tried as an adult. Like CA’s 18.
Seems like a nice young man, coming over to help guard innocent people’s property and businesses. Helping complete strangers out and even attending to anyone who needed aide (medic) to all people, looters and rioters and arsonists and dopers and shiftless opportunists and white Supremacist Liberals and, yes, even all members of the Blame America First Crowd. Truly a humanitarian.

Under Wingman Riot Response Tactic, our Wingman in Minnesota has not given up or given up on Minnesota. The Freedom Club strikes again!


Don Bessee

I heard someone say that black Trump voters are just unicorns.

I can tell you from my personal experience over the years traveling to places the TDS deletant set would be afraid to go that the families, victims who suffer from the drug dealing bangers every day are not down with defund the police.

They are also laser focused on illegals taking their kids jobs. That's why we are seeing historically high numbers of minority communities support for the prez , especially now.



Scott O

BT - 8:37 - Yeah, I get that but can they also charge him as a minor at the same time? How can he be 'of age' and 'underage' at the same time?


BillT; "I believe the child should be charged with bringing in a firearm across state lines. At 17, it is against the law in Illinois to have a firearm. Probably the same in WI, open carry state or not."

from Lin Wood's twitter feed (responding to someone with a similar theory):

"When you start manufacturing facts to support false accusations, you get into trouble under the law of defamation. Kyle did not carry a gun across state lines. The gun belonged to his friend, a Wisconsin resident. The gun never left the State of Wisconsin.

Truth always prevails."

Scott O

scenes - 9:56 Who is this friend? I wouldn't go there. That involves another person in a possible crime.
The state has to prove he brought the firearm across state lines.
If they can't, he doesn't have to say squat.
"Yes, I was in possession of a firearm. I did not bring said firearm across the state line."
"I have nothing further to say."


I rather like this. H/T Tim Pool

"Let's dub this "Cuban's Wager"

In a civil war

If youre on the left and the left wins, you live
If youre on the right and the left wins you die
If youre on the left or right and the right wins you live
The smartest play is pretend to support the far left"


...I left out the tweet that Tim Pool was responding to.

Mark Cuban: "In 25 yrs when 2020 is reviewed in history classes, no one will discuss the cable-news shows, the President's or anyone's tweets. Students will learn who among us stood up for what is Just, Right and Fair. I'm proud the
and our players will be central to that conversation"


If youre on the left and the left wins, you live

Mr Cubans grasp of revolutionary history is incorrect! The left, knowing that there were many “go along to get along” types hiring in the proletariat were happy to slaughter them as well. Knowing that they, not being part of the “leadership” could never be fully trusted.

Part of the reason that you are seeing; “liberals get the bullet too” graffiti popping up.

Sorry Steve...!

George Rebane

re fish 1014am - That is correct. The aftermath of a successful communist revolution always includes taking the pre-revolutionary underground leaders and warriors to the basement and shooting them. Why? When these invariably become disillusioned with the aftermath of the revolution, they are the local experts who know the territory/people/resources and can launch a successful counter-revolution. It was ever thus.

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