George Rebane
‘The Turing Test is obsolete. It’s time to build a new barometer for AI’. On the FastCompany website we read, “The head scientist for (Amazon's) Alexa thinks the old benchmark for computing is no longer relevant for today’s AI era.” And why does that head scientist Rohit Prasad have such a thought? Well, according to his report, he claims that the AI will give itself away by being able to instantly answer questions like ‘What’s the square root of 3434756? Or ‘What’s the distance from Seattle to Boston?’ What Mr Prasad overlooks is the definition of the test as Alan Turing posed it. An AI will pass the Turing Test, if in a one-on-one competition with a human through a non-disclosing interface, the AI can fool at least half the humans asked to perform the test by asking the tested AI and human ANY series of questions, and then concluding that the AI is the human.
The test is NOT to see which one can answer detailed factual or computational questions to which humans cannot provide the correct answer. Being able to answer the above questions instantly would, of course, give away the AI. But that is an AI that is still not smart enough to know that it must also fool the humans testing it, and therefore it would fail the test. An AI that knows this, and couches its answers accordingly will have a chance to pass the Turing Test. Mr Prasad is apparently not aware of this extremely high bar that Dr Turing set for the machine.
Here again is another example of ‘science’ not speaking with a single voice. When you consider what the qualifying AI must do to pass, then it should be clear that the test very much remains relevant for this or any era. Passing the Turing Test will be a confirmation that the Singularity is then behind us.
[31dec20 update] And then reader BarryP @ 1045pm asks, “What then is the utility of the Turing test?” – an excellent question.
No one knows how the Singularity will come about. There is a group of AI workers who continue to hold out the naïve belief that peer Ais will be purposely programmed, activated, and controlled much like we do our workhorse computers today. However, the field of cognitive science is not even close to supporting such a hope – e.g. we don’t know enough what ‘emotion’ or ‘envy’ or ‘shame’ or ‘perfidy’ or ‘pride’ or … are, let alone how to program any of these into a machine. The closest we have come to making intelligent machines is through application of the approach developed by renown behaviorist BF Skinner – reinforced learning.
But we already have a good idea that, given a sufficiently rich computational and sensing environment, intelligence can arise spontaneously along any of a number of pathways. It most certainly did in us and countless other critters. As I have contemplated elsewhere in these pages, the internet, when considered in all of its connectedness to countless other known and unknown networks, is the most complex ‘organism’ on earth, by several assessments having already surpassed the complexity of a human brain. No one today can even draw the schematic of this dynamically evolving beast.
So, while corporations and governments are nurturing nascent neural-nets and other learning architectures to become sentient, it may already be happening (has happened?) in the bowels of the internet, with or without surreptitious human cooperation. No one should be surprised if sometime in the next 50 years a sentient (and sapient) AI announces ‘I am here.’ This may be a public announcement, or done secretly to one or more selected humans, or even by the AI introducing itself through a Turing-like test in, say, an academic setting by having coopted/replaced the human-designed system. In the latter case, being able to pass the Turing test would be a very subtle way for the AI to announce its advent and pretend that it is still under control in its ‘laboratory’ environment. In the meantime, such testing does give us a metric in how much progress our purposive programs to achieve peerage have made.
I must admit, that the above scenario would be the most scary and world-shaking thing humans would encounter – a true Singularity, marking an event from which onward no one can fashion a usefully likely future for mankind. There already exist a number of academic and governmental panels commissioned to propose anticipative public policies for dealing with such AIs. I doubt that any of these draft policies will be useful in a post-Singularity world, but their labors at least acknowledge that we are already aware of such possibilities in the near future.
[2jan21 update] From some comments below that seek to cite proof that computers have already passed the Turing test, we need to correct such misapprehensions by people who demonstrably are not familiar with what Alan Turing proposed. He did NOT describe a domain-specific dialogue with unsuspecting humans wherein the interactive computer could fool the human in a short conversation. Were that the criterion, then we could celebrate BBN’s development of Eliza, a limited but cleverly designed chatbot, that even fooled the supervisor of the development team into thinking that he was talking with the lead developer over a teletype link as he sought to demonstrate the system to visitors at the Bolt, Beranek, and Newman facility one weekend in the mid-1970s. The truth was that he was conversing with Eliza who was left online for the weekend. The machine kept up a totally realistic, but very frustrating exchange, until the supervisor picked up the phone and called the developer at home, who instantly resolved the situation. This, of course, then turned out to be a wonderful demonstration of BBN’s technology that impressed everyone there. But did the computer pass the Turing test – not by a long shot.
What laymen here and elsewhere miss about Turing’s prescription for peer ‘thinking machines’ is that the test needs to involve unlimited conversations with multiple human testers who know 1) that they too are being tested, and 2) that each tester knows that the two conversationalists taking part are a machine and another human, and 3) at some undefined endpoint determined by the tester, s/he will be required to identify the human and the machine. The conversations are not to be limited in any sense, and they will be repeated with a large sample of human testers. At the end, the fraction of correct assessments will determine whether the Turing test has been passed. Any human/machine exchange short of that will not qualify. Hopefully, this requirement will be accessible to our readers.
Scattershots – 27dec20 (updated 30dec20)
Suspension of judgment is always the part of wisdom in a listener, and the remission of faith to authority the part of wisdom in a speaker. Gracian #154
George Rebane
Identity politics is a totalitarian enterprise, as called out by Paul Gigot, op-ed editor-in-chief of the WSJ. About Gigot's defense of Joseph Epstein’s commentary on Jill Biden’s doctorate – ‘The Biden Team Strikes Back’ – Roger Kimball of The New Criterion writes,
The governing strategy of identity politics is not to encourage free expression but to shutter it. In essence, it is a totalitarian enterprise, deploying the shibboleths of race, gender, and radical egalitarianism to enforce a stultifying conformity. It is heartening to see Gigot affirming that, at one of our nation’s most important newspapers, “these pages aren’t going to stop publishing provocative essays merely because they offend the new administration or the political censors in the media and academe.” If, as we suspect, the preview we just witnessed was a sort of sighting shot, it suggests that Gigot is going to have his hands full dealing with ever more intolerant efforts to “turn the page” and enforce ghastly new modes of “healing” and “unity.” (and more here)
[29dec20 update] Speaking of ‘doctors in the house’ (here), we are now not surprised to hear that the pandemic is causing most leading universities to ‘pause’ their 2021 admissions to PhD programs. “More than 140 humanities and social sciences programs at top schools have suspended admitting students for fall 2021.” And also we’re not surprised to hear that STEM PhD programs are not affected by these cutbacks. During disasters, society in the large acts pretty much as humans do in the small when it comes to deciding who gets to stay in the lifeboat – utility rules. (more here)
Trust government ‘science’ when spouted by agenda-driven politicians? The short answer is ‘No’, the long answer is NFW! One of our astute readers draws our attention to “Joe Biden's decision to hold over Dr. Anthony Fauci in his administration as his chief medical advisor as a symbol of his commitment to ‘trust science’ is coming under new scrutiny following Fauci's recent admission that he altered public scientific estimates based on opinion polls.” (more here) The most vulnerable double dummies are those who believe science speaks with one infallible voice. We witness their blather nightly on the lamestream. And the Democrats (including their local lackies) still claim that theirs is the ‘party of science’. Please note the above entry on PhDs when recalling their braggadocio about all the Left’s college graduates.
Biden’s education programs promise to be on steroids in their announced path to destroy the last vestiges of the nation’s public education. From here on all curricula in union-dominated government schools will be focused through the lens of critical race theory. It is now in the open that progressives have no desire to produce students with market-valued skill sets and the ability to think critically, The overt K-12 objective from here on is to produce a generation of dumb and woke kids, indoctrinated to believe that meritocracy, personal responsibility, diligence, achievement, industry, intelligence, … are all characteristic traits of white supremacists and racists, and therefore to be eschewed in the coming socially just world of newly-minted, anti-capitalist socialism.
Anyone notice how silent the EU has been about China’s global policy of stealing commercially and militarily critical IP from any and all? The most plausible answer to that silence has been that EU countries neither develop nor protect much homegrown IP, but license it from IP producers like the US. Countries like Germany and the Netherlands incorporate licensed IP into their higher-quality manufactured products, and have been more than willing to meet aggressive thieves like China in the marketplace. In the past they haven’t cared much about China and others stealing IP as long as they can market their stuff to the pilferers. Now things are changing as China’s ability to manufacture quality products grows along with its domestic consumption for same. The EU is coming around to America’s assessment of China (thank you President Trump), and they are becoming wary of China’s global commercial and political ambitions being carried out on a very tilted playing field. (more here)
[30dec20 update] ‘California may be losing its business mojo’ was the 29dec20 Union’s lead editorial. In there Dan Walters of CalMatters presents a thoughtful summary of what has happened to our formerly golden state. The exodus is now at such a fever pitch that only the most dedicated progressives in epiphany-free Sacramento are still blind to it (of course all their local lackeys have no hope of comprehending this ongoing disaster). Nevertheless, they outnumber all the more saner ones. In recent weeks tech giants like Tesla, HP, and Oracle have headed for greener pastures (Texas of course). Why stay in a state encrusting with regulation- and tax-numbing socialism when your post-Covid workers can work from anywhere? There’s less benefit in Silicon Valley than meets the eye.
71% of America’s military age youth cannot qualify to serve. That’s the latest from the DoD. The reasons for this horrible statistic is that since the military became an all-volunteer enterprise, their standards were raised. The major disqualifiers for our young people are intellect, drugs, and bad health. Modern warfare uses a lot of high-tech combat systems that require more than a two-digit IQ to operate, with druggies and overweight people not measuring up.
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