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13 February 2021


paul emery


You misinterpreted what happened when you claim "no witnesses needed." What happened was the defense agreed to let Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wash. written statement be allowed as part of the record something they declined to do before. That caused the Dems request to allow witnesses as an alternative. It was then the Repubs caved on this and allowed it to be part of the record. So indeed George after the Repubs conceded there indeed was no need for her as a witness. The Repubs caved.

paul emery

By the way, just wait for the civil suits against Trump and the government that will flood the courts from those families of those killed or injured in Trump inspired riot in our capital.


Look who crawls off the mat! And WRONG as usual "glass jaw".
And No... Civil lawsuits will be an act of futility.
If anything Queen Nan will be held accountable for REFUSING to allow wanted extra security, that she refused.


Where is you evidence Glass ? LINKS Emery,,, LINKS!!

paul emery

Don't you read the news Walt?


It's obvious YOU DON'T.
Is it your contention that using fabricated evidence is "fine and dandy"?

George Rebane

PaulE 1146am - The civil suits may go against the federal government when the evidence is released as to why an unarmed protestor was wantonly shot, and how did that capitol policeman really die (hint: he was NOT bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher). I wonder why the Democrat controlled Congress is not letting out the results of the autopsy. That's a lie; I don't wonder at all about that.

BTW, the ones who died of heart attacks and strokes don't have a leg to stand on. They weren't part of the Capitol riot, and arrived on the Mall under their own recognizance. If they can sue, then everyone who has suffered in a ballpark, due to the excitement of the event, will have grounds to sue the owners and everyone down to the guys selling hot dogs in the stands.

paul emery


It's astounding that that many people would have died from heart attacks and strokes from a gathering of that size. Are you saying it was co-incidental?

Can you provide me with your source of evidence about how you believe the policeman really died? He was alive and performing his duties as a law enforcement officer and he was dead when it was over. I'm sure we can agree that much is fact.

George Rebane

PaulE 1235pm - I'm just reporting what was put out on FN and Newsmax about the cop's cause of death was not a blow to the head with a fire extinguisher, and the autopsy results still being kept confidential by the Dems. I guess your news sources don't report that stuff; it blows the narrative.

And that three people died of cardiovascular events in a gathering of that many thousands, especially people with previous conditions and/or being in a physically stressful environment, that doesn't seem that unusual when normal death rates are considered for that age group (middle age and above). How are your people characterizing those deaths on the Mall hundreds of yards from the Capitol building? You may be too easily astounded.


So Emery refuses to answer my question. So I will take his silence as "YES,, I DO see fabricated evidence as "fine and dandy" "
Any normal person would actually answer "no".



Trump pisses all over LIBS!! It's OK Emery,, it's just AGW "rain".

paul emery

Yes Walt it is over and was predictable. The Republicans have confirmed that Trump is indeed the leader of the Republican Party. They have chosen the biggest loser in the history of the modern presidency to be their leader. What a gift to the Democrats.


Best President since Reagan, if not better,, Emery.
Your hate won't let you see all the great things Trump did.
Best economy.. Deal with it. Least unemployment across the board. Energy independence. The list goes on and on.

And your happy Chanslor Biden is scrapping all that.

Ahhh. No denial of what I said above..
Sucks to be you.

paul emery

I hope all the RR's listened to McConnell's closing statement. Totally blasted Trump and said he's still liable for criminal prosecution from the justice department. His vote was totally based on procedural grounds that the Senate cannot impeach someone no longer in office.

Interesting that Trump won the acquittal on procedural grounds. Our host claims that the election results did not get a fair Court hearings because of procedural reasons. You can't have it both ways George.

paul emery

McConnoll quote:

"Trump didn't get away with anything yet."


Quit your sniveling Emery, Impeachment is for the removal from office. That is stated in the Constitution.
Try reading it sometime.
If you believe otherwise, then we can "impeach" "O" for and comfort to our enemies while in office. How far back would you care to go?
LIBS just set the president for that.

George Rebane

PaulE 140pm - And what again are the "both ways" you claim that I have?


Turncoats feel the wrath of who put them there.
"The Calhoun County Executive Committee of the Republican Party issued the censure, WBCK reported.

“Our decision to censure was not made lightly,” Calhoun County chairwoman Jeannie Burchfield said in a news release.

“Both our executive committee and other local Republicans who inundated us with calls to take action agreed that we needed to make Congressman Meijer aware, through formal means, of the numerous objections we had to his vote to support the impeachment of President Trump,” she said.

Burchfield said “a fair assessment of the facts” led to the “unprecedented response.”"

Barry Pruett

Impeachment is not a “legal” proceeding Paul and the senate is certainly not an impartial and unbiased jury. You need to be more of a critical thinker. Your droppings here are revealing your lack of depth.


The Left tried and failed to take out Trump Good news for us on the Right.. Now MORE good news for us,, and bad news for the Left.
The needed signatures to kick Herr Gavin to the curb has been met, and plenty more will be gathered to drive the nail home in his political coffin.

OK Lefties,, just what stooge are you putting up against Cox?
Name the yet to be known destroyer of states.


On the local front,The union was real quick to put up the headline "TRUMP IMPEACHED" But "Trump acquitted"? Has yet to surface.

paul emery


You claimed that the questions of legality of the elections that were heard in over 50 court cases were incomplete because the courts claimed lack of jurisdiction to look into the question therefore the integrity of the elections was never established.

Now the same thing happened with the impeachment trial with enough Republicans declaring acquittal for Trump because they claim the impeachment was unconstitutional. If judgement would have been on the facts of the case he would have been declared guilty. Sen.McConnell gave a detailed explanation that he felt Trump was guilty but he voted no because of that. Did you hear his closing comments?

Here are a few quotes:

("CNN)Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered remarks from the Senate floor on Saturday after a historic vote to acquit former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial.

"American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like.

"Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the Vice President.
"They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth — because he was angry he'd lost an election.
"Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty.
"The House accused the former President of, quote, 'incitement.' That is a specific term from the criminal law.
"Let me put that to the side for one moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.
"The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President.
"And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.

Here is a link to his speech today:


Don Bessee

Creepy grampa joe broke his first day promise by not firing this pos -




Emery.. care to explain why the Chief Justice didn't preside?
And since when do LIBs give a shit about rules? They feel they can make them up as they go... This was a prime example.
And they still lost.
"WE MUST convict! He will get elected again!"
Name the LIB that made that statement.. Your a washed up news dude, that should be easy.

Scott O

Paul 6:03 - "If judgement would have been on the facts of the case he would have been declared guilty. Sen.McConnell gave a detailed explanation that he felt Trump was guilty but he voted no because of that."

'...he would have been declared guilty.'
How do you know that, Paul?
McConnell speaks for himself, not the other Rs that voted to acquit.
You claim the criminal and civil courts will find him guilty.
What if they don't?
If they don't, why should the Senate 'trial' find him guilty?


Emery still hasn't answered if he would like to be defendant
in a "court" like that. "We will give you a fair trial".(as they are building the gallows even before the trial starts.)
Don't worry Emery, we give you a real good fair trial, then hang ya'. We have all the manufactured evidence we need.
We have paid off the witnesses and they will say what we want them to say. The Jury has already stated how they feel about your guilt. HELL!! We even have a few of your own ready to pull the lever themselves.
Like I said... Don't worry about a thing...
That's fair,,,, aint it?

Scott O

Also -
The dim-witted responses to Jo Ann's column speak volumes to the low caliber of Nevada County's lefty haters. None of the negative responses even tried to answer her query. Especially fun was the clown that claimed that George "...makes a plethora of allegations without a shred of evidence."
Hey Ken - care to actually show up here and participate?
Nah, we didn't think so.
Run away, little boy.
Well - dope is one of Nevada County's leading crops.
What did we expect?

Scott O

Let this sink in - McConnell says "The people who stormed this building believed..."
So, I can blow up the local post office and claim that I 'believed' that McConnell wanted me to do that.
And McConnell will be guilty of 'incitement'.
Actually, there were lots of folks there that openly stated they weren't there for Trump and couldn't care less what he said. There was antifa there. There were folks there that had planned trouble before Trump said anything.
Some boys 'believe' they are girls.
I'd love to know why some folks' 'beliefs' are sacrosanct and others are rubbish.
Equality under the law is taking one hell of a beating, here.

paul emery

McConnells words not mine Scott. That's only a small bit of what he said. Did you hear him speak right after the verdict?

Antifa there??? show me one link that proves that Scott. One arrest. That's Trump propaganda for idiots to believe.

Once again here's a link to McConnells speechin you haven't listened to it.


Scott O

Paul you are hysterical. "McConnells words not mine Scott."
From Paul 6:03 - "If judgement would have been on the facts of the case he would have been declared guilty."
Those were not McConnells words Paul - those were yours.
"Antifa there???"
- and then Paul admits antifa WAS there and then claims it's only propaganda for idiots.
I'm sorry your Dems came up empty once again, Paul.
It does distract from the dumpster fire of the Biden rein of lunacy.
You know - the clown you voted for.

Don Bessee

Now we know why kvmr chucked the po ol fakenewsman to the curb cause he do like his pony tail of ignorance crown -





George Rebane

PaulE 603pm - "You claimed that the questions of legality of the elections that were heard in over 50 court cases were incomplete because the courts claimed lack of jurisdiction to look into the question therefore the integrity of the elections was never established." I did NOT make such a claim, not even close. The closest I came was citing the courts that refused to hear the cases based on plaintiffs' "lack of standing".

McConnell spoke only for himself, and he also has ignored all the presented evidence that was never examined and rejected for substance. That question remains unresolved, and there are at least 100M Americans who no longer have faith in the integrity of their country's elections.

Don Bessee

Talk about fruit of the poisonous tree welcomed by creepy grampa joe, i wonder if they both like hair sniffing?? -

Biden Aide Who Threatened to ‘Destroy’ Female Reporter is Protege of Notorious Sex Pests Halperin, Lauer
T.J. Ducklo will keep his job after Biden vowed to fire staff who treat others with 'disrespect'




My question too damned tough Emery?
So you WOULD agree to be judged in a kangaroo court..
Got it..... Thanks.

Don Bessee

Have your voice people! -




This should give LIBS some restless nights.
""I don't know how Kamala Harris doesn't get impeached if the Republicans take over the House, because she actually bailed out rioters, and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody's head open," Graham said. "So we've opened Pandora's box here, and I'm sad for the country."

In June, Harris and other Democrats urged people to contribute to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which was posting bail for people arrested during George Floyd protests."

Revenge is a dish best served COLD...


Morn'n Emery,, Reminds me of you....More than once have you claimed victory after LOSING.

Don Bessee

Here is a little giggle for your valentines day -



Don Bessee

Well we all knew it was going to work out that way -



paul emery


How do you justify supporting Trump, the biggest loser in American history since before Teddy Roosevelt?


Tough titty Emery, except your loss. Not playing "wayback machine" with ya'.
Still deny Trump's great economy? Oh...Wait.. "O" did all that.
"O" reduced all those regulations.. Opened up pipelines.
Built the border wall. Cut taxes. The same guy that said we could keep our health plans and Doctors!

Thanks to Trump, there are vaccines for the Kung Flu,, never done so fast in history. Better not get any of those shots Emery,, Trump was responsible for that.


BTW Emery,, Chancellor Biden's kid sill is doing business in CHINA.. Biden LIED!!


One more thing Emery,, your "belief" that Trump would have been "convicted" if the Senate trial was a real criminal "trial" is SOOOOOoo wrong... The people going to jail would be the prosecutors. Falsifying evidence is a real crime. And there was PLENTY. And that's all they had. Manufactured evidence.
Care to speculate why your queen of the DAMNED didn't "testify"? Your proggys wanted witnesses, and the Right was happy to vote for it.
The LIBS knew it would hurt them more than help. And Nan purgering herself was sure to happen. (damn....)

Don Bessee

You cant go out to eat but its ok to let in 10's of thousands of illegals without testing, just send them into TX and CA. You can really tell where their priorities are. I am sure the folks i the poor neighborhoods being flooded just love it. -



Bill Tozer

So I take it the Lefties now respect the honorable Moscow Mitch of Cocaine Mitch fame, the Pubber formerly known as The Grim Reaper. Wonder how long that will last?




George Rebane

PaulE 410pm - How do you justify asking the same ridiculous question over and over again when no one here believes in your premise?

Bill Tozer

Walt, I bring you tidings of great joy. It’s been a rough week for some, more so for others.

‘It’s Been One Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week For The Democratic Party’
We witnessed five catastrophes worsen for Democrats, all in the course of one week


Looks like Lindsay hasn’t lost his backbone. The backbone that the Dems handled him on a platter during the Senate Kavanaugh Hearings with the screaming banshees pounding on the door of the Senate Chambers with people inside trying to bust down the doors and flooding the halls of the Hallowed Chamber with.....er......peaceful activists. Thank you Democrats. We need some backbone in this Dark and Gloomy approaching hour in our nation’s history.

Well, once you open the door to a parliamentarian system where the Parliament controls everything and ousts the Prime Minister anytime they want for any or no reason at all except they no like him/her (no confidence vote).....well once you open that door, all sorts of things come on it and out.



Don Bessee

Dementia @ 811!



We know full well, as long as queen Nan is running the show, no impeachment of Harris OR biden will ever happen.

Bill Tozer

Walt: will Quuen Nan be the Speaker of the House in 2022? Will any Lefty nut job?

Speaking of California and nutjobs, this video is worh watching a few minutes of.


Best place to hide something is in plain sight.


Bill. That will make Emery upgrade to Johnnie Walker Black.


Toes 1011pm

Splitting hairs.. 2022 election may well spell doom for Nan's Speakership, but she'd be Speaking until Jan '23.

Changing subject;
FYI ... the NY Times has retracted the story of Officer Sicknik's cause of death.

Bill Tozer

Thanks Gregory. Hair splitting is ok. It does have its place.

Changing subject;....we have been reporting here that Sicknik’s cause of death is still under investigation for a bit of time....and it always seems that the Lamestream Enemy of the People is the last to know. Er, perhaps the Union’s super hate spreader commentators are not only the last to know, they more often than not will never know even if they do know. Contempt prior to investigation is a bar against all knowledge and is guaranteed to keep a man in everlasting ignorance.
Full disclosure: I have not followed Impeachment 2.0 Groundhog Day for even 30 seconds. However, I spent about 48 seconds this morning. This is what struck me:

The Democrat Lawyers doctored evidence. Although the impeachment trials and charges are not in a court of law, if any prosecutor was found to have presented doctored evidence to the court, the case would immediately be thrown out of court, the prosecutors sanctioned or disbarred by the Bar and/or criminal charges brought against the prosecutor for obstruction of justice or related criminal charges.

The doctored evidence my 48 seconds found? A tweet Trump put out. They changed the date from a year ago to 2021 to dovetail the time frame to make it look like Trump was inciting an insurrection. The Democrat Lying Lawyers and Lying Senators (same thing) along with the lying media and political hacks (again, same thing) are really downplaying it. Minimize your behavior, exaggerate your opponents thoughts, intents and deeds.

The Leftinistas say it was just a minor correction, an innocent error. No big deal. Well, well, well. If it was so non-important, why did they purposely change the year old tweet (not just the calendar year, a whole year old)?? Because it was that important to them, the masters of lie, steal, cheat, stomp on people’s feet. It was important for the Dems to lie....every single one of them. They always revert to their lower selves.

Ever since the Groundhog Day the Sequel, Impeachment 2.0, three things have leaped to the front of my mind.

1) The time in the Trayvon Martin case when the local CBS affiant took it upon themselves to INTENTIONALLY doctor George Zimmerman’s 911 call. Thinking about that right now for some odd unexplained reason. Maybe because it sounds all too fimiliar. Deja vu all over again.

2). It is just me that found the pre-determined impeachment 2.0 very not worth following or that interesting? Walt and others keep me posted, but I haven’t read the links. Well, well come to find out that while the mega political obsessed town of DC was ablaze with 24/7 and talking head chattering teeth during the first Trump impeachment and Mueller time, DC and folks in general are simply not THAT much into it. Just can’t get worked up into a frenzy. Seen Groundhog Day and sequels usually fail to impress.....shadows of the original Groundhog, pun intended.

3) Since May, 2020, my Righty sites have been reporting on Grandma Killer Cuomo. Now, the fakenews has discovered that Cuomo and his Health Director lied (no surprise, lying is what they do so naturally and effortlessly) to avoid criminal prosecution. Obstruction of justice!!! Even Fauci has chimed in on the need for Grandma Killer Lying Frightened Cuomo.
I could go on with example after example of what was reported months, weeks, or a year ago and have to wait for the Enemy of the People catch up and spin it to minimize it. Dilution is the solution.

Yes, Hunter Biden is under DOJ criminal investigation, as well as Crime Boss Joey Fingers’ brother. No worries. The guy Biden appointed to be in charge of the criminal investigations (two criminal cases just on Hunter)....the man heading the Hunter criminal probes is Hunter Biden’s business partner’s lawyer, ROFLMAO. It’s been all over the news for a couple of weeks.

Bill Tozer

re: "After they sobered up..."

'Post-impeachment threats begin'


Bill Tozer

re: SARS and masks. This video (seen recently) has changed my mind about mask wearing. I wish it was in a more condensed format, but here is Dr. Monica Gandhi on video presenting a THEORY about masks, any masks will do, and why. 40 footnote referencing on main page.


Interesting for those that have the time.

Bill Tozer

PS: one can start around 23 minutes if so inclined.

Bill Tozer

RE: Jo Ann's Union Column.


Luckily for me, I get blocked from posting on the Union every month for a week or so. Its a glitch and a life saver. All that to say I wanted to jump in, but could not. Then I saw Gregory had 65 comments on his post in the Union and again, blocked from commenting. No biggy. I never complained or even bothered to ask why. It comes and goes like clockwork. The Matrix is not perfect. Once I almost became literally ill reading comments (pre-Jo Ann's latest column).

The ignorance is shocking. Scott referenced one regular poster. Has same last name as Dennis the Menance's neighbor George. He posted that Trump was trying to take over the land by military force and used Portland as his example of illegal, unconstitution threats to our democracy.

WTF??? Sending agents to protect the Federal Courthouse in Portlandia is exactly the POTUS's job description. Rather than jump in and explain that the Post America hating mob had barricaded the doors and tried to burn the courthouse to the ground WITH agents inside (with Porlandia PD unwilling/unable to defend federal property),Trump was a threat to our democracy by sending in all available Federal LE, including Border Patrol agents to PROTECT a federal courthouse.
Yo ignorant ones: burning down our federal judicuary (one of the 3 branches of "our democracy") and denying folks access to our court system is a textbook no-brainer example of a true threat to our democracy. But, moi said screw it and I just don't have the energy, time, or desire to even bother with such foolishness as much nowadays.

I tried reading another column and the first sentence of the first comment was 'Trump murdered 5 people'on Jan. 8. Good grief. Why waste the time? Such ignorance is so Punchesque. Yeah, and Trump is resposible for the 170 lives lost when an Iranian on an anti-aircraft battery hot down the Ukranian airliner with mostly Canadians aboard. Murderer!

Go pound sand. Those folks suffer greatly from insanity.

Bottomline. I was blocked from posting on the Union via the monthly glich. Do not take my silence as approval or cowardice.

PS. Did you know that our esteemed Gregory is a Russian Bot? The sadsack's proof is because he does not personally know our Gregory, then he must be a Russian bot. He (the Royal 'we are watching you and compiling evidence') knows everybody local anf if he does not know you, then you must be a Russian bot. If-then categorical imperative.

That is what Jo Ann is up against.


What? Blocked at the local Provda? Welcome to the club.

Bill Tozer

re: Texans are freezing their symbolic balls off.

‘This Basic Math Shows How Wind Energy Failures Contributed To Texas’s Deadly Power Loss’
We can learn from what happened in Texas if we have a serious and necessary conversation about renewable energy. But will we?


Bill Tozer

The best explanation of Texas’s prolonged blackout was published by Mitch Rolling yesterday at AmericanExperiment.org. Texas gets electricity from six sources: coal, nuclear, natural gas, solar, hydro and wind. How did those sources perform, and what contributed to the blackout?


George Rebane

BillT 946am - I'm afraid that conversation will be foregone with our liberal readers. Very few of them understand science, with fewer still being able to do any. But they do have a strong narrative about green energy that has calcified considerably over the last years. Major tenets of that narrative hold that 1) green energy is always the best for the most, and 2) whenever there is not enough green energy installed or supplied, then the Republicans are at fault. The conversation you seek Mr Tozer will be over before it starts.

Bill Tozer

Dr. Rebane.
Yep, I know it all too well. The BIGGEST LIE concerning the Texas cold snap has been already stated one of the dumbest people in Congress: AOC. She said that the New Green Deal would have prevented the blackouts in Texas. Yes, the conversation I see is DOA upon arrival. When you go all green, people will die.

BTW, new study says that the wind turbines expected life of 20 years is actually 11 years. Imagine spending all THAT money for something that needs to replaced every 11 years...or even 20 years. Wind energy is a net contributor to green house gases (CO2) when considering the cost of manufacturing, mining/transportation of the building materials Involved and disposal. Lots of concrete needed. Concrete/cement is so bad for us that CA does not have one cement manufacturing facility left, lol. Imagine that all the best minds cannot even come up with windmills that last 30 years. Call it job security. Build them and rebuilt them and...every 12 years.

Anyway, powerless in Texas.

Bill Tozer


“There is reason to think the country is racing toward an extremely low level of infection. As more people have been infected, most of whom have mild or no symptoms, there are fewer Americans left to be infected. At the current trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life.“

Dr. Makary argues that other data suggest that as many as two-thirds of Americans have already had the coronavirus, and “the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be explained only by natural immunity.


Exit question. Why and when did herd immunity become a politicalized dirty word? Herd immunity is a long established strategy for those fighting infectious diseases and well as established medical fact? Why pooh-pooh the science?

Bill Tozer

Guess I will hide this here.

Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking

“Michael J. Fox, the third president of the United States, was responsible for establishing Presbyterianism as the state religion of the new federation after its peaceful secession from the English empire.


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