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20 April 2021


Robert Cross

"Our local Republican Party does literally nothing to support those few of us locals who daily engage in the national debate with collectivists"

Maybe they disagree with your far right ideology and, like most people, are really more center of the road than the far right extremism you espouse. Ever think of that?

George Rebane

RobertC 937am - OK Robert, can you list one or two tenets of my "far right ideology" with which Republicans disagree? Moreover, then why is my criticism an ongoing national concern/debate among Republicans as they compare their involvement and support to that evinced daily by Democrats?

Don Bessee

The propaganda ministry is inciting riots with false narratives even when the video is clear in what happened -



Don Bessee

Do they want to start a war? -


WHAT? So trying to kill someone else with a knife does not count and its systematic racism? -

White House press secretary Jen Psaki called the Ohio police shooting of a teenage girl who appeared to be wielding a knife "tragic" and said it will fuel the White House to continue addressing "systemic racism."

"Let me just say, since you gave me the opportunity, the killing of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant by the Columbus police is tragic. She was a child," Psaki said. "We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino people and communities and that Black women and girls like Black men and boys experience higher rates of police violence."



Don Bessee

Do tell -



Don Bessee

Out and out lies -

The bodycam video shows that as soon as police pulled up, a young female tackles another female to the ground, holding what appeared to be a knife in her hand. The girl is then seen charging at another female while raising the apparent knife in the air, at which point the officer fired multiple shots.


George Floyd's family's attorney, Ben Crump, referred to Bryant as "unarmed" in a tweet.

"As we breathed a collective sigh of relief today, a community in Columbus felt the sting of another police shooting as @ColumbusPolice killed an unarmed 15 [year old] Black girl named Makiyah Bryant. Another child lost! Another hashtag," Crump wrote on Twitter.



The Estonian Fox

So it seems that even a video is not enough to get the liberals to believe their eyes.

And where is the video(s) that the bystanders took of the brawl before the police arrived? You know there has to be at least one.

Don Bessee

That's the socialist dems goal -

"Democrats in Congress are pressuring the FCC to block the sale of a radio station based on the political viewpoints it would broadcast to South Florida’s Hispanic community," Carr tweeted. "This crosses a clear line drawn by the First Amendment and would turn the FCC into an arm of the DNC."




GeorgeR, the problem is that you're a witch.


Don Bessee

They are going to beat this dead horse until the low information types have it set as the go to narrative no matter how false -



The Estonian Fox

Where is the interview with the other girls who were having a "peaceful discussion" with Ma'Khia? And who was the person(s) who called 911 about a stabbing - obviously, this person was grossly mistaken. "It actually didn't look like a knife to me - I thought it was just her American Express card. She never leaves home without it."

Evidently she had many relatives. Then why was she in foster care? Mom & dad are not mentioned or interviewed.

How about saying the names of the other girls who were NOT killed by Ma'Khia?


Scott O

Don 8:50 - "They are going to beat this dead horse..."
It's a remarkably spirited steed for being dead. It still animates the useful idiots.
Listen to the Dems rhetoric on this issue and watch how the various Tass agencies in this country cover it.
It buries the inconvenient issues such as Gov Cuomo and Hunter Biden.
And it gets packaged as part and parcel with the current push by the Dems to become the permanent party in fed power.
If you are against the laughably named 'infrastructure' actions, against the ballot stuffing bills or if you are against packing the court then you are racist and want to gun down all the blacks.
As long as that horse has traction and moves, it matters not how foul-smelling and hideous a beast it is - it looks like it might just get the Dems to their desired destination.
God help us.

Scott O

re my 7:10 - AOC wants to help make my point. Thanks, babe!

Don Bessee

Another fly in the ointment of the false socialist dem narrative -




facts being blocked a theunion.com:

Awaiting moderation page 17


'Signs associated with fentanyl toxicity include severe respiratory depression, seizures, hypotension, coma anddeath. In fatalities from fentanyl, blood concentrations are variable and have been reported as low as 3 ng/mL.' edited

Don Bessee

Well that explains a lot -

The entire survey of 11,537 U.S. adults was conducted March 19-24, 2020, using the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel. Wave 64 of the study dealt with mental health issues.

Goldberg first observed the Pew data showed “white (and especially ‘very’) liberals are far more likely than all other ideological-racial subgroups to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition.”

Overall, and with one exception (white moderates), those in 18-29 age group are more likely to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition. The differences among white liberals, though, are striking: almost half of white liberals in this cohort report a diagnosis.

When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as “liberal,” said they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates



Don Bessee

Dont trust your lyin eyes -




20 years ago I sought out mental health counseling. Had some issues that I knew I didn't know how to cope with.

Sorry to disappoint but I was told I was normal... imagine that.

Don Carrera


Now here is a video from an EXPERT on knife fights.

Quote from OJ: "I’m a little upset with most of the media because they showed us edited versions of what took place with the girl with the knife," he said"

Then OJ seemed to get confused. "When I said the girl with the knife, I'm pretty sure that wasn't Nicole."

Robert Cross

George 9:57 --

I don't know any tenants about which Republicans disagree with you. I was just expressing a possible explanation to your statement that the "local Republican Party does literally nothing to support" the noisy few of you. You probably need to ask a Republican about that. Probably one outside your circle of posters unless you only care to hear from the choir. As to your second sentence, I think what you are asking is why local Democrats seem to have a greater degree of involvement than the Pubs. One explanation could be simply because people are sick and tired of all the lies and bullcrap that comes our of the right wing noise machine and the mindless repeaters who echoed those lies. Maybe they just aren't going to sit by and take it anymore after four years of having to listen to the greatest liar ever to occupy public office

Don Bessee

Dumb them down in the name of 'equity' aka critical race theory -

The changes were just the latest of many to prompt concern from parents in the state, which has seen in-fighting over controversial ideas surrounding equity and race.

A Loudoun parent who spoke on the condition of anonymity worried that the changes would "lower standards for all students in the name of equity."

These changes will have a profound impact on students who excel in STEM related curriculum, weakening our country's ability to compete in a global marketplace for years to come," the parent told Fox News on Thursday.

Ian Prior, a Loudoun parent and former Trump administration official, similarly panned the move as a way to "stifle advancement for gifted students and set them back as they prepare for advanced mathematics in college. This is critical race theory in action and parents should be outraged."

When asked, Pyle didn't provide an immediate answer to concerns that the new model would hold kids back. It's unclear how exactly the differentiation would occur. When asked for more details, Pyle said, "Differentiated instruction is designed to provide the appropriate levels of challenge and academic rigor for each student."

The changes come as the state also considered eliminating advanced high school diplomas in an attempt to improve equity.




Posted by: Roberta Cross | 22 April 2021 at 02:29 PM

Maybe they just aren't going to sit by and take it anymore after four years of having to listen to the greatest liar ever to occupy public office

Damn right......democrats have just installed a man who is a credible contender for that title! So if you thought they (democrats) were going to just sit by......well you have another thing coming!

Bill Tozer

The Woke Zoomies are truly the Undead. Best to keep a good steel gardening implement and a pitchfork handy. A good machete works fine, but a nice pick ax or maul (if handy) and least chases back them back the dark places from whence they come.
Yo Bobbie! I hear ya my sista from another mista. I hear you loud and clear. You certainly know how to lay it out there. Put it all out there in few words. I can sympathize with the frustration and anguish you felt after 5 years of Trump and those hard headed dinosaurs here. Spot on.

Skunk smells his own first. Bobbie, just imagine what we inbred Dregs of Society have had to put up these few years and longer! It’s been beyond painful.

“I think what you are asking is why local Democrats seem to have a greater degree of involvement than the Pubs. One explanation could be simply because people are sick and tired of all the lies and bullcrap that comes our of the left wing noise machine and the mindless reporters who echoed those lies. Maybe they just aren't going to sit by and take it anymore after four years of having to listen to the Robert X Cross!”

I feel your pain my brother from anotha motha, but double. You have no idea whatz it’s been like for us.

Someone need a hug?


bobbi cross 229pm

the word isn't tenant... it's tenet

it's ok, lots 'o the barely educated get that one wrong.


Finding common ground wasn't that hard.. The employer I have now?,, Liberals need not apply. Trump stickers and anti ECO lingo is well spoken.

Oh.. Happy Earth day.. Our equipment is powered by recycled dinosaurs.

George Rebane

RobertC 227pm - Given your criticisms, I was specifically asking you for your viewpoint. I don’t need to ask Republicans, nor am I ignorant of why the Democrats respond as they do


Time to take Bobby to task.If Liberalism is so f*ck'n great, then why are they leaving Frisco? A shithole of their own making. Why are they leaving N.Y. City? A rotten apple to the core.(of their own doing)
Need something bigger? How bout the Calexit? Those who can are also leaving to infest other conservative strongholds, to turn them into future shitholes.. All brought on by pushing Proggy values...
So Bobby,, how's being WOKE working out? Even math is racist,, and you LIBS are helping push it.. Anti cop.. Yup,, you own that too.
Oh Yes... Lets not forget... Your a Democrat... Home of the KKK. Is that why your side went Progressive Socialist? It wasn't the Progressive Socialist that was hanging people from trees in the little ol' South...(Just in Eastern Europe... But we won't bring that up.... yet.)

Run and hide Lil' Babs,, You never have the man parts to deal with the spoken truth.


Here Babs,, a little proof.
Being smart in school is now racist. You can thank a Proggy.

Don Bessee

Now its time to rewrite history say the loony left -




Some inserection from BLM...
"‘You Are Traitors’: BLM Protesters Storm Into State Capitol To Protest Law Protecting Motorists From Rioters"

But it must only be criminal when Right leaning people do it.


Don.. I'm sure Bobby believes Krugman.. All those looted businesses and destruction we have seen, is just a figment of our imagination.
Right Bobby? How bout you Emery? BLM and ANTIFA antics,, just make believe... According to one of your own...

Don Bessee

The hucksters are outed -

CNN plans climate change town hall after staffer reveals plan to sell climate 'fear' in leaked recording

Technical director told Project Veritas climate change will be 'next COVID thing' for CNN



Don Bessee

People have had enough of rampant rioting, arson and looting -

Following the summer’s widespread racial justice protests after the killing of George Floyd, Republican lawmakers in 34 states have introduced sweeping anti-riot bills, many of which would enhance sentences for those convicted of crimes at protests that turn violent, according to the International Center for Not-For Profit Law. Some would also make it much more difficult for cities to attempt to pull funds out of its local law enforcement’s budget, a nod to the “defund the police” movement.



Scott O

Booby X - "One explanation could be simply because people are sick and tired of all the lies and bullcrap that comes our of the right wing noise machine and the mindless repeaters who echoed those lies."

Ah yes - so many lies!
And yet poor Booby can't name a single lie that gets 'echoed' here.
Wassamatter Booby?
Trump still inside your brain?
That shiny new Biden thingie lettin' ya down?
Now - get on your knees in front of your St George Floyd altar and beg forgiveness for your whiteness 3 times and then send some more money to the Buying Large Mansions folks.
There's a good little boy.

Don Bessee

Bad news for the green new deal hucksters that want to destroy the US --



Barry Pruett

“In theory, the Party is able to maintain that ‘War Is Peace,’ because having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united. ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ because, according to the Party, the man who is independent is doomed to fail. By the same token, ‘Slavery Is Freedom,’ because the man subjected to the collective will is free from danger and want. ‘Ignorance Is Strength’ because the inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime.”

You are here...

Don Bessee

As if we didnt know that already -





A cbs interview

Don Bessee

What a virtue signaling POS. Yo lerch what about the G5, yachts and suv's? -




The issue of election fraud is of concern with regard to common ground. "Stop the steal" about says it all. Yes indeed, stop trump from trying to steal the election. but, In fact you all were right.. there really was election fraud, at least in Pennsylvania. GOP Pennsylvania state Representative Seth Grove said that the state did see small-scale election fraud in the 2020 election, but that it was done by Republicans, and that about says it all right there. As is obvious to anyone with 20/20 vision, whatever republicans accuse opponents of doing is always a smoke screen of something they are doing themselves. The noise about election fraud is simply cover for the voter suppression tactics of the GOP. They can't win without it being rigged.


Keep running Bobby,, you sure ran for cover last night,, and still haven't answered my pointed question... Emery giving you lessons on subject changing?

Now how many graves did your side dig up ?
I guess you missed the fact that you won by 24,000 fraud votes.
Nope you won't go there either.


Posted by: Roberta Cross | 23 April 2021 at 05:55 PM

Fortunately your challenge to Governor Newsome will occur in California so you won’t need to worry about that ...eh “Roberta”..

PS: your secret is safe with me “Roberta”

Don Bessee

More giveaways from creepy grampa joe -



Don Bessee

The socialist dems new world order -

Driver drags NYPD officer with car, was out with no bail at time despite attempted murder charge, police say


BLM co-founder's nonprofit moves to operate in other states as it avoids filing financial docs
Patrisse Cullors' nonprofit was warned by California's attorney general's office



Don Bessee

Boy do they feel entitled and empowered keeping our kids at home and if it were not for double standards they would have none -



Don Bessee

Good point -

Author of "Nine Nasty Words" and linguistics professor John McWhorter joined "Fox News Primetime" Friday to discuss how those he refers to as "the elect" are trying to "ruin" America, although they think they’re taking the country in a "new and beautiful direction."

McWhorter explained to host Ben Domenech that "the elect" are not the "woke," noting he considers himself woke and has no issue with them.

"The elect are the 'hyper woke,' or more to the point, the elect are the woke who are mean," McWhorter said. "It’s mean woke people who decided in order to make the world properly woke, it makes sense to defend a straight people, destroy careers and reputations, with the idea of being we are on our way to a Brave New World, although I'm not sure the Brave New World they are imagining is one of most of us would think of as a good place."

Domenech voiced his concern over the Virginia Department of Education moving to eliminate accelerated math as an act of racial equity noting the impact to our education environment could prevent America from competing on the "world stage in the long-term."

McWhorter agreed, saying he was "very concerned" about the takeover of education.

"There really is a genuinely alarming takeover of education happening right now, which is based on idea that black kids and also Latino kids should not be expected to actually get the answer, should not be expected to be precise, and to impose the strictures of math upon them is racist. That somehow, being precise, not to mention being on time and cherishing the written word, is a white thing, that we have to decenter whiteness," McWhorter said. "Oddly enough, [progressives] are racists in a new guise, where they think of themselves literally as Jesus."

Domenech pointed out it was odd to see how much the hyper-woke sound a lot like the people society view as historically racist, prompting McWhorter to discuss how language can be used to respond to "hyper-wokeness."

"One thing we have to realize is that a person can use a term and they can mean something more specific than they know, so this idea that the hyper woke, these people I call 'the elect,' are pursuing social justice, they will say, 'aren’t you in favor of social justice?' But what they mean by social justice is a world, for example, where black people don’t have to do math. That is not what most of us think of social justice as being, so the idea is not to get a little nervous and hide in the corner when they say you are against social justice. Say yes, I am in favor of social justice, but what you mean by it is something quite different," McWhorter said.

"Meaning tends to drift from what words tend to formally mean, then, of course, there is the issue of racism, systemic racism, institutional racism. What exactly do we mean? Do we mean that the society is a bigot? And of course, we don't mean that. What we are talking about with institutional racism is there are inequities, and then you have to get into the fact that what "the elect" mean by the inequities is they must always be due to some obstacle that whiteness put in front of brown people, that sometimes the case, but sometimes it just isn't. Their vision of how social history works is extremely simplistic. So we just have to call them on how very particular their uses of words that they tend to purvey as if everything were very obvious are."



Don Bessee

The enemy sees the rot accelerating and they are going to leverage it to our death as the US -

Who cares about lives ruined?There are markets in Asia to conquer, and they have little time for this land save to chastise it for its awfulness.

Did you know the captive people of China buy a lot of cell phones? Tim Cook knows it.

Did you know that the NBA is popular there? Lebron James does.

When we say hard work is toxic masculinity or being on time is a white racist construct., our enemies see it...They smell decay.

Do you think the Chinese are cancelling advanced math, as Virginia schools are discussing, in the name of "equity"? Do you think they look at us and think we're strong? They've made it abundantly clear, they don't.



Don Bessee

They are so afraid of strong conservative black men especially soy boy wokenistas -



Bill Tozer

Don @ 10:02 pm, last night.

Good short one from Buchanan. Very good.

‘Is America Led Today By Anti-Americans?’

Our enemies have picked up on this. In Anchorage, after Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Beijing out for repression in Hong Kong and “genocide” in Xinjiang, China’s foreign minister was right back in his face.

......”You Americans should look to your own sins and clean up your house before lecturing the world on political morality, he [the Chinese minister] said. Today, that Chinese foreign minister could cite Biden and Harris as his chief witnesses that America is a nation sick in its soul.”......

....”What Clinton, Biden and Harris are all saying is that, though the moral sickness of racism pervades our society, we are the vaccinated ones.“



Don Bessee

A little smile on a saturday night -



Don Bessee

They dont really want common ground they just want to pound the propaganda party line -



Don Bessee

The woken are willing to destroy their audience to virtue signal -

The anonymous producer told the New York Times that a minute-by-minute post-show ratings analysis indicated that “vast swaths” of people turned off their televisions whenever celebrities started to opine on politics.

The findings come as ABC is preparing for yet another ratings fiasco for Sunday’s Oscars broadcast. This year’s Golden Globes experienced a disastrous 60 percent drop in ratings, while the Grammys tumbled by close to 50 percent.



Bill Tozer

“When I began my “war on standards” series many years ago, I recognized that the left was trying to tear down core standards of behavior and merit for no other reason than the fact that one racial group was failing, disproportionately, to meet them. I expected the rot to spread far and wide, and it has — to the detriment of society.

However, I never thought it would spread to an attack on the standard against knife fights.

Yet, that now has happened, following the fatal shooting of a black teenage girl who attacked another black teenage girl with a knife. John Kass reports:”


Don Bessee

The propaganda ministry hard at work but then there's.... -


“A CNN publicist reached out to Must Read Alaska to make sure this news organization saw the story CNN posted: Senatorial candidate Tshibaka is a conservative and should be framed as a Trump-supporter and — gasp — a Christian,” Must Read Alaska wrote. “It is passing strange that a major news network would reach out to a tiny political blog published from “Somewhere in Alaska” to see if the blog would bite on that big scoop. We’ve never heard from CNN before, so why now?”

“We’ve seen the CNN playbook — the one it used on Trump,” The publication continued. “We know the operatives disguised as reporters are gunning for Kelly.”



Don Bessee

Shut us down for a year and then let every covid carrying illegal alien flood the country -



Bill Tozer

Cancel everybody. Matt Walsh


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