George Rebane
The prominent article on front page of the 26jul21 WSJ declares ‘Covid Treatment Options Remain Elusive, Despite Months of Effort and Rising Delta Cases’. And the most elusive treatment options remain Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin (IVM) which are nowhere even mentioned in an otherwise comprehensive piece on the various medicines having been tested and used in treating C19.
The effectiveness of HCQ, and especially IVM, as both a preventative and therapeutic for the virus has been well known for over a year. Physicians all over the world, including the US, have used it and prescribe it regularly. Numerous studies have been conducted on their efficacies at various stages of the disease. Curiously, the overseas studies show remarkably positive results, and the US studies show them to be little more effective, if that, than a placebo (none have shown it to do harm to the patient).
A very comprehensive study – ‘Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 60 studies’ - was already released last fall. (H/T to reader) It concludes –
Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 60 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 193 billion (p = 0.0000000000052). As expected for an effective treatment, early treatment is more successful, with an estimated reduction of 74% in the effect measured using random effects meta-analysis (RR 0.26 [0.16-0.43]). 64% and 96% lower mortality is observed for early treatment and prophylaxis (RR 0.36 [0.15-0.85] and 0.04 [0.00-0.59]). Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, hospitalization, cases, and viral clearance. The consistency of positive results across a wide variety of heterogeneous studies is remarkable, with 92% of the 60 studies reporting positive effects (26 statistically significant in isolation).
Even the simplest back-of-envelope calculations will show that the widespread use of IVM would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the past year and a half. Given the reported results, its suppression by our governmental public health institutions has been nothing short of rank criminality. Neither the commonly available and generic HCQ nor IVM will benefit the big pharmas selling medicines on which their patents still hold sway.
Omitting any mention of, say, IVM and the cited study reeks to high heaven, and goes a long way to maintain the loss of credibility that our society’s major institutions have suffered. I repeat the WSJ citation above – not a hint of even the existence of HCQ or IVM. Even repeating the CDC’s official stance on these medicines would have served to allay some suspicions, but total silence screams collusion and conspiracy at the highest levels.
Your physician will more than likely already have his/her own supply and be happy to prescribe IVM if you request it. Given the readily available research, the Rebanes have stocked their medicine cabinet appropriately.
[29jul21 update] So ‘Why is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?’ Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but why is the FDA still denigrating it? People continue to suffer and die at numbers that could be greatly reduced were this safe, inexpensive, and effective drug promoted and made available to all of us who should have it in our medicine cabinets. More specifically, “Ivermectin fights 21 viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. A single dose reduced the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in cells by 99.8% in 24 hours and 99.98% in 48 hours, according to a June 2020 study published in the journal Antiviral Research. Some 70 clinical trials are evaluating the use of ivermectin for treating Covid-19. The statistically significant evidence suggests that it is safe and works for both treating and preventing the disease.”
CDC’s newest mask mandate continues to be based on no science, just imperiously incompetent control. Governors and mayors are beginning to give the agency pushback, asking for the substantiating science or at least some supporting data. The best that CDC could do to date is to mumble something about an unpublished report (the one that failed peer review?). When asked, they could not advise when the report would be made public. The bottom line of all this is that we are 18 months into this pandemic, and the government is becoming more dysfunctional by the day in the response policies it struggles to put out. This is the outfit that the neo-Marxists are trying to enlarge and control more of our everyday lives??!
But the biggest ongoing tragedy is the response of the American sheeple. The overwhelming majority of our citizens respond with a muffled compliance, very similar to that of cattle being prodded down the chute on their final walk to slaughter. Consider Covid as a training aid used by government elites to prepare us to accept more serious measures to come from on high.
[31jul21 update] The evidence for Ivermectin continues to pour in. Given the number of people that Covid has killed, IVM is truly a demonstrated wonder drug. Its timely application would have save hundreds of thousands of lives, and it still can be the medicine that will allow us to live with C19 as its variants make it endemic for the indefinite future. ‘How to Kill a Cure: The War on Ivermectin’ is a must read to appreciate the level of criminality that IVM's suppression has entailed, and continues today as a perfidious blight in our society. (H/T to reader)
Critical Race Theory – a personal assessment
“Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong!” Stephen Decatur
"... the ultimate purpose of public education is to subsume the individual's will into the general will." American Marxist (2021)
George Rebane
CRT is now blowing across the land, starting with our K-12 public schools and continuing on through our public and private institutions to its unbelievable terminus – our military. Everything in between from corporations to governments at all levels have been infected by a new belief system that sees and describes America at every turn as a deeply flawed nation – to many of us as the world’s most reprehensible country.
CRT is being implanted and implemented in many of its variants. Not one of them need to check every box in the list of its attributes. And to the lightly-read with no critical thinking skills, this variability in its applications allows them to deny that CRT is rampant in the land. These light thinkers are all children of the Left whose leaders and media outlets represent CRT as a culmination of correct insight into the nation’s history.
These insights all center around America as the world’s focused vortex of white supremacy that has kept people of color enslaved in various forms unto this day since it all began for them in 1619. Our evil and/or ignorant half does not recognize America as the generations-long most desired destination for people of all colors. They simply ignore the multi-generational mass ingress of immigrants and illegal aliens, and continue, louder than ever, their narrative and pedagogy of a reprobate America.
In these pages we posted many commentaries and comment streams that examine the impact and realities of CRT as it seeps through the most intimate inroads of our society’s public and private lives. (e.g. here, here, here, here, and here) The Left has now successfully submerged even the most balanced criticisms of CRT. To be caught criticizing, automatically pins the racist label on all who so dare. This is now so strongly enforced in every level of media and politics that private individuals no longer dare speak their thoughts in normal conversations when they are out and about. The result is, of course, an ever-widening of the already irredeemable chasm that separates us.
I focus on the damage that is done to our children when they are indoctrinated in public schools with the variants of CRT. The most visible damage is to the students’ political values with which they matriculate, and then go on to interpret and accept the worldview fed to them daily by our lamestream media. Absent in their acquired skillsets is critical thinking – the state of the country and world is summarized for them by a set of 17 (don’t hold me to this number) collectivist cum Marxist shibboleths, endlessly repeated and accredited by their political, entertainment, and sports celebrities.
The point here is that this growing cohort of citizenry sees very little about America that should be conserved, for them it is all bad and requires a fundamental transformation to make it right. That is what CRT-based history has done and continues to do to our citizenry. It removes the love of country and makes toxic its symbols, traditions, established curricula, and even our everyday language. All of these are to be replaced by new norms of social justice, equity, and anti-western values. Never mind that these notions remain undefined. Without critical thought to light the way, the missing definitions never enter the mind - high-sounding labels suffice to inspire action.
So, call these CRT variants what you will, the bottom line is that people emerge from their indoctrination sessions with a jaundiced eye toward everything traditionally American. They see little to preserve, and believe that in the transformed brave new world they will be better off in every dimension of human existence. Most even believe that all this can be achieved with ever less intrusive governments as even neo-Marxist teach the ultimate perfection of Man and the final evaporation of governance. None are aware of how many eggs had to be cracked in the attempts to make such omelets in the past.
According to my lights, an accurate history of America can and should be taught to our kids. But it needs to be taught in such a way that on balance, even when recognizing our barnacles, they emerge seeing our country as being an historically exceptional social order. One that has achieved for its citizens, and the world at large, an enormously increased quality of life, as it continues to be the destination of choice for not only the downtrodden, but also its industrious builders.
Posted at 01:34 PM in Agenda 21, Critical Thinking & Numeracy, Culture Comments, Our Country, The Liberal Mind | Permalink | Comments (9)
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