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15 August 2021



Posted by: Walt | 15 August 2021 at 12:38 PM

Biden can always give Gavin a new job. Ambassador to Afghanistan.

Bold outside the box thinking......👍

Don Bessee

I refer to my post analyzing the bumble brain moves before the evacuation -




George Rebane

Administrivia - Should you desire to bring readers' attention to a previous comment you made under another commentary, you can get its link from the previous comments time-stamp and just copy it under your current comment. Example - here's my comment in the recent Sandbox inviting Afghan comments to be posted here.

Bill Tozer



A few days ago I read a good article about all the civilian employees (both American and Afghanistan citizens) in the Kabul zone. There is a lot of Afghanistans (not to mention American civilians and companies) doing the work of pushing our interests. Forget the number, but it is thousands. Maybe 10,000 Afghanistans from maids to truck drivers to food vendors to spies.

With the lighting speed of the collapse appearing imminent, the article predicted that it will be each Afghan on his/her own their own to get out of dodge on foot or car in an environment where the enemy is not only at the gates, but has the area surrounded. (Interruptors and their families get priority, but is only the tip of the iceberg)

Wonder how the Tailban tally wackers will feel about Afghans supporting the USA...even if they were only delivery men?

Here is a hint: When the Taliban first took over, they banned things like sports, Western influenced music (all music that was not Islamic mosque stuff) and you quickly get the idea you are back in times of the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, cut of the hand of a thief times. Cut out a tongue for blasphemy times.

So, in one particular town, the Taliban announced there would be a soccer match at the stadium, all are welcome to attend. They townsfolk packed the place, excited to finally see a sporting event. At the event, the Taliban paraded out the townsfolk the Taliban previously arrested and tortured and proceeded to cut of their heads on the soccer field. Then the soldiers started playing their soccer match using the severed heads as soccer balls. Children were invited to kick the heads around on the sidelines....heads of their parents and neighbors. Wonder how they will treat the traitors who collaborated with The Great Satan?

All American flags have been taken down at the Embassy. Where are the civilians to flee to? Out in the area controlled by the Taliban? It’s not like they can make it to the border.

When fighting broke out recently in the northern region, 1,000 highly trained Afghan military forces abandoned the fight and fled to Tajikistan. They were the lucky ones.

It is the Islamic conquering way to rape all the women, wives, and daughters of the foe to humiliate the men and establish total dominance....in more ways than one.

Don Bessee

14 August 2021 at 08:54 PM

Don Bessee

He just walked away and left them to their fates and the world knows it -

The escalating situation has sparked criticism of both the UK and the United States for the handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which some say allowed the Taliban to regain control shockingly quickly.

The chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tugendhat, said it was "the biggest single foreign policy disaster since Suez".

Tugendhat, who chairs the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, criticised the US for withdrawing air support from Afghan forces, saying: "We’ve just pulled the rug from under these guys. We’ve taken away their air support, we’ve taken away their logistics, and we’ve said to them: 'Go on then, let’s see how you do.'"

On Friday Defence Secretary Ben Wallace warned that the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan would leave "a very big problem on the ground" while former Armed Forces Minister Johnny Mercer, said the Afghan armed forces had been let down by both the US and UK governments, telling Sky News: “It’s heartbreaking to watch. We will reap the repercussions from this for many years to come."




That didn't take long.
And Biden is on vacation in his home bunker.
The mark of a TRUE LIB leader from behind.

And like I said,, Saigon 2.0. Helecopter evacs from the rooftop.
"Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that while video shows military helicopters facilitating the rapid evacuation of U.S. personnel from the U.S. embassy in Kabul, it was “manifestly not Saigon.”"
YUP,,, whatever you say.

So bring in Bagdad Bob 2.0
"Blinken Goes Full Baghdad Bob: This Isn’t Joe’s Saigon (It Is)"

Emery will blame Trump in 3,,,2,,,1,,,,


And look who's patting Biden on the back!!!
"Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that President Joe Biden is “to be commended” for “the actions he has taken” as the Taliban advances into Kabul, Afghanistan.
Pelosi released a statement praising the “wisdom of [Biden’s] actions.”"

Don Bessee

Taliban in the afgan white house -



Don Bessee

Liar -

“There’s going to be no circumstance where you are going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.”



Don Bessee

Getting your priorities woke gets people killed, they will just shoot them instead of throwing them off rooftops -

Biden Prioritized LGBT Agenda in Afghanistan as Terrorists Took Over



Bill Tozer

Good job Walt (@ 3:54 pm) You beat me to it.

Once more around the park, James. Its a lovely day for a carriage ride.
Pelosi Focuses On Gender In Afghanistan As Nation Collapses, Praises Biden For ‘Wisdom Of His Actions’


Remember this well, all ye rape and pillagers. We are watching you. Our affiliates in the International Community are watching you."--Nevada County Left Winger Watcher"

Don Bessee

Really, thats all you have to say!?! -

U.S. Embassy Tells Americans in Kabul to ‘Shelter in Place,’ Airport Reportedly Taking Gunfire




Thanks to Biden and the LIBS,, the Taliban has gotten the band back together and are back on the road.
That donkey cart didn't even have wheels when Trump was around.

Bill Tozer

Touching video from Bongino. Puts it in perspective. Afgan related, skip first 2 minutes if so inclined.


Don Bessee

That's going to leave a mark -



Don Bessee

Sounded like a good time for a vacay -

Jen Psaki 'out of the office' as Biden remains silent on Taliban takeover of Afghanistan
The timing of Psaki's time off comes as Biden has faced criticism for remaining on vacation




This should inspire confidence in Emery's fearless leader.

"President Joe Biden plans to remain hidden at his presidential retreat at Camp David until Monday, according to the White House, as the Taliban swiftly seized control of Afghanistan."

"But a senior administration official indicated to reporters Sunday evening that Biden might address the country “in the next few days,” according to reports.

It remains unclear whether Biden will speak from Camp David or return to the White House to deliver his speech, the reports noted. He was previously scheduled to remain at Camp David until Wednesday.

Biden has not spoken publicly on Afghanistan since Tuesday after expressing optimism that the leaders of the Afghan government would rally to defend their country.

“I think they’re beginning to realize they’ve got to come together politically at the top,” he said, referring to the leaders of Afghanistan."

Will Biden get our people out? or leave them to DIE like Hillary did with Ambassador Stevens?
We could see American heads on sticks before Biden gets told what to do and say.

Don Bessee

Dont trust your lyin eyes -



Don Bessee

Creepy grampa joe is even losing team 0 -

Obama’s Former Ambassador to Afghanistan: I Question Biden’s ‘Ability to Lead Our Nation’




“ In the US, if you're 78yrs old with no job skills and severe dementia you can either greet people at Walmart, or be President.”


See? Jut like the Liberals did here.
"As the Taliban took control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on Sunday, the terrorist group also seized Bagram Air Base, freeing thousands of U.S. prisoners, including some of the Taliban's most hardened fighters and senior al Qaeda operatives."

Just like the Liberals opened the prison doors across the country. The excuse was just different.. You know,, they didn't want them catching a cold.

Don Bessee





Don Bessee

Hey, didn't team 0 transfer some OG jihadis to that oh so secure supermax at bagram?

Tying to kiss mutha mullah ass by failing to provide air support as was promised before tipped the first domino. Fail to support with heavy air power when they broke the deal told the jihadis to go fast. -

Video shows thousands of prisoners, reportedly including Islamic State and al Qaeda fighters, freed from Kabul jail by the Taliban



Bill Tozer

Buck Sexton

Given her record on the border crisis, Biden really should have thought ahead and made Kamala the “Afghanistan czar” too


Scott O

Just a thought - didn't Biden dismiss the idea of Americans' need for "assault weapons" as the US military had F-15s and nukes?
I didn't see the Taliban with tanks or howitzers - all I saw was pickup trucks and "assault weapons".
And why does the Taliban have an ample supply of bullets?
Been to a sporting goods store or gun store lately? You might get to buy a box or two if you're lucky.

Scott O

Don 9:11 - Oh, he'll show up eventually. He's trying to figure out how to blame this on Trump with out looking like a complete jackass.
Although come to think of it - that's never stopped him in the past.


Posted by: Scott O | 15 August 2021 at 10:35 PM

Seen floating around the Twitterverse.....

“NinjaEagleAustin Petersen 🇺🇲Martial arts uniform

From the looks of Afghanistan I guess you don't really need the F15s or nukes to take on the US govt after all”

Jose Peyote

Today's Ponytail of Ignorance talking points. So much material, so little time.


The Estonian Fox

"A Taliban spokesman and negotiator told The Associated Press that the terrorist group aims to form an "open, inclusive Islamic government," an apparent attempt to appeal to the Left in the West."

That statement caused a surge in LGBT and women's rights groups booking flights to Kabul to revel in the new open and inclusive government.

And who would have thought that a compelling analysis of the results on the ground in Afghanistan would come from our favorite freedom-loving newspaper: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/8/16/the-us-the-taliban-and-the-stunning-defeat-in

As 'Al J' says-"But then again, the humiliation may be the one silver lining after the two decades of tragedy, teaching Washington to avoid war at all cost in the future, especially those horrific wars of choice in the greater Middle East."

So it looks like we'll have to wait until the Taliban (or their kind) land in Al-Exandria VA before we begin the final battle in earnest.


This has to be some sort of Biden record......


"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!"

~Barack Hussein some ]thing something


Totalitarians Everywhere Throughout History Enact Control Over Weapons: The Taliban Come For The Guns


3 hours, 19 minutes ago

Report from Kabul.

Taliban fighters on Monday reportedly began collecting weapons from civilians in Kabul as the insurgent group cements its swift takeover of Afghanistan.

“We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” a Taliban official told Reuters.

ISIS did it too.

“ISIS was telling everyone, ‘We’re all brothers,’ ” Abu Malik said. “They let people smoke and drink. At the checkpoints, they distributed presents to the kids. They ate with people, drank tea with people. They were very nice—they didn’t bother anyone. Then, a week or so after they arrived, they started confiscating weapons. They told us it didn’t matter if we’d been with the Awakening or the Army or the police—if we gave up our weapons, we’d be forgiven. Ten days later, they started taking people. Everything changed. They took my cousin. My brothers dug holes in the fields and hid. I was at my house when they came for me. It was afternoon. I saw two Hyundai Santa Fes pull up outside, and I ran out the back and jumped over the wall. That was the last time I saw my family.”

Guns were confiscated prior to the Armenian genocide in Turkey, prior to the Nazi reign in Germany, prior to Idi Amin’s reign of terror in Uganda, and on the list could go.

And to repeat, gun control is never about confiscation of all guns, the usual rejoinder to these instances by the left. In fact, claiming so undermines the main point.

Gun control is always about leaving them in the hands of state-sanctioned actors and outlawing gun ownership by those not approved by the state.

No wonder "Corniglio" is so in favor of the policy....


Trump banned from Twitter. But not the Taliban.
And just which side are the masters of the universe really on?


How Biden fucked things up on an epic scale.

"First off, Joe violated our agreement with the Taliban. My colleague Frances Martel perfectly laid out what the media will never tell you:

Under predecessor Donald Trump, Washington brokered a deal with the Taliban that would have seen the American military presence in the country, which turned 20 years old this year, end on May 1, 2021. In exchange, the Taliban promised not to attack American troops and to cut ties with international jihadist organizations like al-Qaeda, whose attacks on America on September 11, 2001, prompted the Afghan War. Instead, Biden broke the deal, extending the military presence initially into September before cutting it back to August.

Taliban officials took Biden’s disavowal of the agreement as a license to begin a campaign of conquest nationwide that has resulted in, according to Taliban officials, the group now controlling about 85 percent of the country. Taliban officials also falsely claimed they never agreed to cut ties with al-Qaeda. [emphasis added]

So by breaking the deal Trump brokered, Biden gave the Taliban terrorists the green light to violate their end of the agreement. And so, here we are, fleeing with our tail between our legs and dealing with a national embarrassment unseen since Saigon 1975."

So Emery, will your beloved Proggy Press tell you the real story?

ghost of Punchy!!!

Posted by: Walt | 16 August 2021 at 10:50 AM

“But Walt.....Walt....look at this poll!!! Walt....are you looking at this poll?? The one I insist you look at! Walt.....look ....WALT YOU’RE NOT LOOKING.....WALT .....WALT!!

Bill Tozer

Roflmao. Now I heard it all. Donald Jr. is being called out by the Lefty American Marxists for cheering against America. He’s gloating! He wants America to lose again!!!

Donald Trump Jr.

Not surprising.

Biden’s woke “intelligence” gurus are the same ones who were WRONG on Russian collusion & Russian bounties, WRONG about China & Iran being “competitors,” WRONG on Covid origins, WRONG on Hunter’s laptop, & WRONG on basically everything else.

Bruno Maçães
US intelligence agencies who said just 4 days ago that Kabul could fall in 90 days have revised the figure to 72 hours
Seems about right. At least the Lefty feminists are consistent. That I give them. First, the ban their pink pussy hats (c-caps) because some ‘women’ don’t have vaginas. Then they boot out all Jewish women in leadership positions in the Women’s March organization. Now, they clam up about the women in Afghanistan. And in-between I have forgotten a bunch more. Oh yeah, Times Up.

‘Prominent Feminist Groups Mysteriously Silent While Taliban Targets Women In Afghanistan’

“Local reports say Taliban fighters are already going door-to-door and forcibly marrying girls as young as 12 as Jihadist commanders order imams to create ‘marriage lists’ and offer girls for sexual servitude,” the Daily Mail reported. “Taliban soldiers are to marry the women aged from 12 to 45 … because they view them as ‘qhanimat’ or ‘spoils of war’ — to be divided up among the victors.”

There are some feminists who have called out the Taliban. Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head as a young teenager by the Taliban in Pakistan after she spoke up for the right of girls to attend school, tweeted about the ongoing situation in Afghanistan.

“We watch in complete shock as Taliban takes control of Afghanistan. I am deeply worried about women, minorities and human rights advocates. Global, regional and local powers must call for an immediate ceasefire, provide urgent humanitarian aid and protect refugees and civilians,” wrote Yousafzai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner.“

And more....


George Rebane

fish 953am - good comment. This illustrates one of the most fundamental tenets of Rebane Doctrine about 2A and the widespread possession of guns by law abiding civilians - gun control was never about 'gun violence', but for only paving the road to tyranny.


🤣😂 Spector of Pine St.

Now where was I?,,, Ohh.. yes..
The RED Chinese have just witnessed the cowardice of the castrated donkey on Capital Hill. You can bet the rest of the farm that Taiwan is just counting the hours before it's their turn to get abandoned by Biden the nutless.
Chinese troops may be boarding ships and planes as I speak.
XI now knows Taiwan is free for the taking, and may strike while his fellow Commies in DC are still writing excuses and blaming Trump for their own failed policies..


Posted by: Walt | 16 August 2021 at 11:26 AM

You can bet the rest of the farm that Taiwan is just counting the hours before it's their turn to get abandoned by Biden the nutless.

Now Walt....how can you say that??? America is Back™ and Crusin......according to Americas Most Important Former Newsman!

But for a real chuckle read Mark Steyn's latest.....it's a corker!


Don Bessee

You know its bad when he loses the lamestream -

Mainstream media crushes Biden for ‘flat-footed,’ ‘humiliating’ betrayal of Afghans as Taliban takes control
Even liberal networks CNN and MSNBC are scolding Biden



Don Bessee

OH well that might help explain how it went so disastrously wrong -



Don Bessee

Calling good ol' Pollhead -



George Rebane

I call your kind attention and responding comments to today's update.

Don Bessee

It will be interesting to see what tizzy lizzy tells creepy grampa joe to say in his address, lets guess its all Trumps fault. LOL



It must have taken this long to get enough dementia meds to take effect to make him look coherent enough to read the teleprompter..

Gotta love the excuses.

Don Bessee

0 hides -

Obama shuts off Instagram comments amid Afghanistan collapse



Don Bessee

Creepy grampa joes America is back turns out to be America is back in the dog house -

In a meeting with her party's top brass earlier on Monday, Merkel had said that once the US decided to withdraw it was clear that other allies had to follow suit.

The decision was "ultimately made by the Americans", and "domestic political reasons" were partly to blame, said the chancellor, according to people in the meeting.

"The troop withdrawal sparked a domino effect" that culminated in the Taliban's return, said Merkel, whose country provided the second-biggest contingent of troops after the US.

The leader of her party had harsher words, calling the entire Afghanistan operation NATO's worst disaster.



Don Bessee

Time to kick the wokesters out of the pentagon -

The Pennsylvania Republican also appeared Thursday on Fox News and charged that military generals were at fault for prioritizing social issues over on-the-ground military strategy.

“For the last seven months, I’ve watched generals engage in Twitter fights with people, debate the merits of Critical Race Theory on Capitol Hill,” he said. “It seemed like our generals were more concerned with fighting Tucker Carlson than they were the Taliban, and we are seeing the tragic and disastrous consequences of that play on the battlefield right now.”



Don Bessee

Creepy gampa joe does the two step and pretends all is well -

‘Gaslighting’: Joe Biden Defends Decision to Leave Afghanistan, Avoids Explaining Botched Withdrawal




Lets see if this is enough for the proggy press to turn on the one they have been boot licking.


Paul Emery

Here's a direct quote from Ron Paul on the current situation in Afganistan that I agre with:

"The US war on Afghanistan was not lost yesterday in Kabul. It was lost the moment it shifted from a limited mission to apprehend those who planned the attack on 9/11 to an exercise in regime change and nation-building."


Bill Tozer

re Update:

It was Trumps bombing of the Tailban that got them to the negotiating table. We let them know in no uncertain terms that if they (or members of their group) starting killing Americans, we would unleash fire and fury like they have never seen to date on their heads. And, if one looked over time, the US casualties went from 8 in one year to zero in 18 months, followed by one. Then Biden thought whatever he thought. I agree with both Biden’s and Trump’s goal of getting out of Afghanistan, but the way Biden did it...if it was Trump who owned the clustergluck, everyone including Republicans would be screaming for him to resign. Especially Mitt and Cheney.

Update continue. This is how we glucked up bigly: Link for reference only. Heads should roll over this. Tactics and strategy matters. I like Good Order Direction, be it at the border or the Afghan withdrawal

‘US left Afghan airfield at night, didn’t tell new commander’

Do you know where the Kabul Airport is. Not on the outskirts on town like a normal airport. No, it is friggin right in the center of the city. Downtown. Just a hop and skip to the Presidential Palace and surrounded by the hostile and motivated Taliban controlling the streets.

Do you know where the s Bagram Airfield is??? Glad you asked. It is outside of town, out in the desert, open area. It is a 20-25 minute Helo ride from Kubal Airport to Bagram airfield. That’s it. Sure, they get an occasional rocket launched at the airfield, but generally it is considered safe and defensivable. And no crowds or streets around it. The polar opposite of the airport and control tower in Kubal.

If the brass did not put politics ahead of planning, we could have spent weeks helicoptering people who needed out on the 20-25 helo ride to Bagram. Could have landed tents and food and housed thousands who wanted out of the country for fear of life keep them outside of the Capital. Surely, we would have not seen the pictures I refuse to look at of Afghanis clinging to that massive plane. C-5? I saw pics of hundreds of civilians on the tarmac as the huge plane (which is bigger than most Lefties can even imagine) going down the runway through people to take off. Bad, disorderly, clustergluck. No good orderly direction (god).

WTF? This whole chaotic and scene of carnage and mayhem could have been so easily avoided. 25 minute helo ride to good orderly direction. We could have told them, like Trump would have done, that we are getting our people and equipment out, will spend some time doing such, and it one hair of our people or Afghanis are harmed, we will Bomb the shit out over every facility you have and we know each and every one of your hiding places. There will no where to hide; you will be eviscerated. Like Trump did. Bombed them to the negotiating table. Biden comes along and gives them the carrot and takes the stick off the table. Like Iran.

So, we abandon Bagram Airfield first, then withdraw from the tribal shithole at an airport in the middle of downtown Kabul!!! Biden or his advisers own this disaster. It did not have to be this way. I can’t watch the clips coming out on-line.

Everything the Lefty Bastards touch turns to shit. Strategy and tactics matter. Planning matters. Lives matter. I am deeply troubled. Who made to call to abandon Bagram???

Piss off, Lefty soy boys. This is not political. This is a gross embarrassment.

Scott O

re Paul 3:50 - Gee Paul, did the Taliban start advancing when Trump was POTUS?
The answer is no.
Did Kabul fall when Trump was POTUS?
The answer is no.
Does Paul care to quote his choice as the commander in chief about the future of Afghanistan from the last few months?
The answer is no.
The day the Taliban found out Biden had been chosen by idiots like Paul to slurp ice cream cones and stagger around the Oval Office and put woke affirmative action types in charge of our military, their game was on.
They had only to prepare and wait.

Don Bessee

Hypocrite @350


Bill Tozer

Obviously, the Tailban (and her supporters from Terrorist sponsoring states’ had this well planned out in advance. They stuck when the iron was hot. Gotta give them kudos for a well executed plan. It appears true that the Tally Wackers faced a US well armed and trained Afghan army...an army of untrainable men.

Today, there are no rainbow flags flying anywhere in Afghanistan.

Scott O

re today's update: we have the troops and the tech.
But the military is run by people frightened of their own shadow.
And it's not just the military.
As Steyn (and others) have pointed out, our "intelligence" community is worse than worthless.
We'd be better off without them. The boots on the ground in the last few months could have given you a more accurate description of what was about to happen once Biden and his fruit-loop warrior gang came to power.
Time and time again, the left has proven its complete inability to understand basic human nature.

Scott O

BT 4:15 - "Today, there are no rainbow flags flying anywhere in Afghanistan."
But, but, but... we CARED!!!
And as the left loves to tell us: "we're on the right side of history!"
Tell that to the young girls of Afghanistan.
They're on the wrong side of the current 'activity' on the mattress.
And the rainbow flag wavers of Afghanistan are now (or soon to be) on the wrong side of the surface of the earth.
For the umteenth time: reality doesn't give a shit about your 'feelings'.

Don Bessee

Its true that they keep him like a mushroom but also feed him ice cream -

MSNBC slams photo of Biden alone at Camp David during Afghanistan briefing: 'Conveys an isolation'
Gen. Barry McCaffrey: 'The photo of Mr. Biden sitting there alone was really bizarre'

"Underscoring the sense that the U.S. was caught by surprise, the White House then released a photo of Biden on his retreat at Camp David, staring pensively at officials on a monitor, surrounded by empty seats," Politico reported.

"On Sunday, Mr. Biden was publicly silent," the New York Times wrote. "The White House released a photograph of him in a video briefing at Camp David. He appeared alone in the photo, his aides beaming in. And it was left to them to explain why he thought, in July, that the Afghan forces would put up a tough fight."

"It conveys an isolation of this president, going to Camp David this weekend, and not being surrounded by his team and perhaps hearing more interaction and more pushback, as well as their insistence that they needed the element of surprise to get U.S. troops out safely," Mitchell said to Gen. Barry McCaffrey.

"Yeah, well, the photo of Mr. Biden sitting there alone was really bizarre," McAffrey said. "He should have gone back to the White House. He should have been engaged with his entire staff. That is very odd, bad political optics. None of that is important. The only thing that’s going on right now of any interest to the American policy apparatus is how do we get the remaining Americans through a Taliban perimeter into Kabul and out, and then withdraw the U.S. forces after them.

"In the short run, we’re in a perilous position militarily, and if the Taliban elect to obstruct the evacuation and claim the airspace, the only option we’ll have is to escalate militarily in a massive way. That’s what we do rather than leave people on the ground in Afghanistan. It’s a tricky situation and we should have seen this coming. This is crazy and the interpreters and the women and children, those decisions are done. They’re not coming out."



Scott O

And this.
I notice the CCP has been quick to let the Taliban know they will recognise and support them.
I posted this long ago but it bears repeating:
"Hey Joe, this is your buddy, Mr Xi"
"There's some stuff in Afghanistan we'd like to have as soon as possible, so please get out now and don't mess with the Taliban."
"Man that shit on your son's laptop is pretty interesting, but don't worry - you play ball and we will keep our mouths shut."

Don Bessee

We knew that was coming -

Chinese Media Threaten Taiwan after Kabul Debacle: ‘The Island’s Defense Will Collapse in Hours’



Don Bessee

Back in the basement for creepy grampa joe -




No Emery? Has anyone checked to see if he still able to fog a mirror?
Gotta be a tough day not being able to blame Trump for Biden's doings. Biden is blaming everyone else and taking none.
" I stand by my actions.. It's not my fault. It's your job to make my excuses " Then shuffles off.. Screw the press that's had his back.

You know full well Emery will not say a word against Biden.
The leader of the Socialist Democrat party of the Nevada City chapter would be there in short order to yank his "good Party Member in good standing" card.

Don Bessee

Look what happens when you put the woksters in charge, they say something this stupid on a day like today with all those people trapped by the taliban, what no call for them to fly the rainbow flad?-

State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government




Here Emery,, I'll throw you a bone(r)
"Hollywood celebrities have sprung into damage control mode following President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, attempting to blame former President Donald Trump for Biden’s mismanaged and chaotic retreat that has left the country in Taliban control, including the U.S. embassy in Kabul.

Stars including Bette Midler, Sophia Bush, George Takei, and Rosanna Arquette have used their social media influencer status to assign blame for the fiasco to Trump, citing the former president’s 2020 agreement with the Taliban.

As Breitbart News reported, the Trump administration agreed to fully withdraw troops from Afghanistan by May 1, 2021, in exchange for the Taliban agreeing not to attack U.S. troops and to cut ties with al-Qaeda and other international terrorist groups.

But the Biden administration reneged on the Trump deal by extending the Afghan war by four months, before again changing the date for troop withdrawal to August 31. Biden’s prevarications prompted the Taliban to drop its end of the bargain, setting in motion the Islamic extremist group’s takeover of the country."

Paul Emery


Your comments at 4:03 are completly irrellevant and I will not comment. All I did was post a direct quote from Ron Paul that I agree with. Do you agree with his statement?

Re-posted for your convenience:

"The US war on Afghanistan was not lost yesterday in Kabul. It was lost the moment it shifted from a limited mission to apprehend those who planned the attack on 9/11 to an exercise in regime change and nation-building."


Sure it was Emery, And your brother Biden did the LOSING.
HE broke an established agreement.


You hero Biden trashed another Trump accomplishemnt.
Now what did you say about that when Biden did it with most of the others? Oh.. Yes. You were more than happy that Biden trashed Trump's work. So this should be no different.

Paul Emery

Do you agree with Ron Paul Walt as I do?


You can agree with whoever you want.
Ever think he can be just as wrong?
You boy "O" messed it up a long time ago.
Remember? This was HIS war. He tied the hands of our troops with real stupid rules of engagement.
You LIBS had no plan on winning the war.

Bill Tozer

After 9/11, the Iraq war was called the bad war (WMD) and the Afghanistan war was called the “good war” (by the Left) who opposed going into Iraq. No problem with that. Now, 4 Presidents later (2 Republican, 2 Dems) it is over. I agree that is was a “good war” in response to being attacked multiple times on 9/11 with thousands dead, albeit the phrasing “good war” are not my words.

My current beef is the tactical decisions and strategy embarked upon DURING the withdrawal. This man says it better than I tried @ 3:54 pm. This transcends politics. It is all about gross incompetence, IMHO. Too sickened to play the blame game right now. I am an American first.


“Biden pretended that he is being criticized for withdrawing from Afghanistan. This is a bad joke. I, for one, wrote years ago that we should wind up our involvement in that country. I did not suggest, however, that we should pull out precipitously, without evacuating civilians first, and suddenly deprive Afghan forces of air cover so that it would be difficult or impossible for them to fight effectively. Nor did I write that we should abandon our bases without even bothering to secure or at least destroy materiel that has now fallen into the hands of the Taliban. I did not advocate that we pull out our military personnel first and only worry about civilians later, nor did I suggest that we wait until the Taliban have encircled the Kabul airport before trying to get either Americans or friendly Afghans onto airplanes.“



Posted by: Paul Emery | 16 August 2021 at 06:03 PM

Do you agree with Ron Paul Walt as I do?

I agree with the statement. But I know the reason you posted it.


Ya Fish, Emery can't form an opinion of his own.

" YA! what he said!"

Bill Tozer

Ah, hell. I will post the whole article, then do some deep breathing or go throw the ax at the stump and back off on my point, which merely echos Dr. Rebanes update.

*Dr Rebane, we could have had 10,000 refugees and American civilians with air cover with F-18s (?) doing vertical take offs all over the place and C-17s arriving twice a day along with C-5s and whatever else we have IF we had delayed the abandonment of Bagram airfield. Sorry, readers, I haven’t kept up on my military aviation for quite a spell. I still call them Phantoms. And I still think of them coming in low and slow and then nose up and hit the afterburners. Those afterburners did some mega damage. But I digress in this time of disgust with what our Pentagon did to the greatest fighting force in the world. They neutered our boys, our finest, our bravest, our best.

The scale of failure in Afghanistan is hard to overstate. Our “intelligence” services (who deserve to be referred to in scare quotes until they display some actual intelligence some day) were incapable of picking up any signs that the Taliban were arming and organizing on a large scale for their swift takeover of the entire country, or if they did gather any on-the-ground signals, their interpretive process (a polite term for “groupthink”) prevented them from drawing accurate and meaningful conclusions. This is the opposite of intelligence: it is the product of an establishment that simply lacks the capacity to think at all.

Never mind the “finding” that the Taliban would take 90 days to reach Kabul. How about the reassurances that we had trained an Afghan army of 300,000 (and provided them with lots of materiel that is now in the hands of the Taliban)? Doesn’t inspire much confidence that our military knows how to train a foreign army at all. Perhaps our military should be excused to some extent, as the entire “training” program was politically driven by our genius foreign policy establishment, people like the Agency for International Development and similar goo-goo entities. Remember the huge federal budget last year that included $10 million in the State Department budget for “gender programs” in Pakistan? This is the kind of establishment that thinks what we need is a now-abandoned $700 million embassy in Kabul (and an even more expensive embassy in Baghdad), with a staff of 5,000.

Taxpayers should be furious not just about the profligate waste and extravagance of such an establishment, but at the bottomless idiocy of a class of credentialled people who think that the answer to every foreign problem is to spend absurd amounts of money, hire endless case officers and private contractors/consultants, outreach coordinators to tweet out rainbow flag celebrations, issue endless white papers analyzing the situation that bear little or no relation to reality, and an apparatus that has proven unable to process visas for the Afghans who worked for us, let alone have a plan for evacuating Americans. Despite Biden’s pathetic defense of the outcome, he ought to be furious with the whole upper echelon of our military-diplomatic complex. There ought to be mass firings. Of course, we all know that no one will be fired, and no senior person in this apparatus of disaster will have the honor to resign.

Finally there is the incompetence of the withdrawal itself. It is one thing to decide to end our presence in Afghanistan, and take your chances that the Taliban can be deterred or contained some other way (does anyone think our military-diplomatic complex has a serious plan to do this?). It is another thing to make the announcement that set the Taliban’s timeline in motion. So vagueness and misdirection were called for, but no one seemed to have the guile for it.

When the British decided to end the Gallipoli misadventure in early 1916, it made no public announcement that it was planning to end the offensive and withdraw, because they knew doing so would encourage the Turks to attack the retreating British and ANZAC forces and turn the retreat into a slaughter. So the withdrawal was done in a stealthy way that effectively disguised that the Allied forces were leaving the scene. The ingenious British went as far as to improvise rifles that fired from the abandoned trenches automatically, with makeshift firing mechanisms that pulled rifle triggers when water ran out a hole in a bucket, for example. We should have been using that kind of legerdemain in Afghanistan. At the very least, we should be mined and booby-trapped equipment we were abandoning.

The only people more feckless than our military-diplomatic elite are the media, led, naturally, by CNN. One of CNN’s reporters actually said, “They’re chanting ‘Death to America’ but seem friendly at the same time. It’s just bizarre.” I suspect a university education is behind this level of cluelessness.

In his great book Modern Times, the historian Paul Johnson called the period of the late 1960s through to the end of the 1970s as “America’s Suicide Attempt.” We seem to be repeating every folly of that era just now.

To paraphrase slightly something M. Stanton Evans once said, when I think of the calibre of our DC elites, one looks with a certain degree of new respect at the Roman Emperor Caligula: at least he appointed his whole horse to the Roman Senate.

Scott O

Paul 5:29 - "Scott
Your comments at 4:03 are completly irrellevant and I will not comment."
Translation: Biden and company are complete F'ups and I don't want to admit it.
We understand, Paul. You picked a total loser and you don't want to talk about the horror and tragedy now visited upon the Afghanis that are now trapped in the chaos of the American govt cowardly bug-out.

I agree with R Paul as far as his concern with our idiot and pathetic try at attempting to drag stone age people into the modern age.
That war was lost before it started.
Biden is totally responsible for the complete and tragic hash of what was once an orderly withdrawal of troops backed up by an administration that the Taliban feared.

Paul Emery

Scott and Fish

Bush started the War in Sept 2001. He had 7 years to finish his mission and bring our troops home and he failed to do so. He was attempting to nation build and failed miserably leaving the exit chore to three other Presidents.


no wonder Emery got out of the weekend worrier gig.
No clue. Now where were you when all the limp dick peaceniks
where whining terrorist's were getting killed?
Lawyers had to approve just about every bullet fired?
You LIBS had no balls to fight a real war.


How come the press didn't report on Trump's victories there Emery? No way were they going to give Trump good press on kicking enemy ass. Trump let the war dogs off the leash.
Let them use everything short of nukes to get the job done.
Nope, you didn't hear that.
Yet now you whine.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 16 August 2021 at 06:59 PM

This has been another Punchy history minute.....

I know why you posted the quote.

Don Bessee

But, but, but BUSH! @ 659, Zero had 8 years and Trump would not have been fucked with as they knew he had no compunction to drop the hammer if they didnt go with the deal and we would still have an embassy. BUT NOOOOOOO the socialists couldn't be seen following a Trump plan and all its icky bombing says tizzy lizzy. Better to advocate for women in the taliban cabinet ( how stupid is that to even bring up ). #tonedeaf


Scott O

Listen to Paul. Now it's back to Bush. It's his fault our military intelligence is a complete failure and our current military leaders can not respond in a timely and decisive way to stave off a chaotic and tragic scene in Afghanistan.
It wasn't like this when Trump was POTUS.
But Paul claims that's "irrelevant".
Not to the people of Afghanistan, Paul.
Sure know how to pick a winner, Paul. He installs a bunch of wokeist boot-lickers as military leaders and now we are the laughing stock of our enemies.

Paul Emery

Seems like 7 years is enough time to finish what you start. Here it is 20 years and 2.5 Trillion dollars later and the war was still going on. My opinion. No need to comment on your end. Just trying to get to the root of the problem.

Bill Tozer


At the time, it was you who supported “the good war.” We all did. CIA agents riding donkeys in Arab garb and the Taliban marching on Kabul from the south with the overwhelming force of 500 fighters that the Afghans could not possibly assemble to fight back against. 500. Only took some brief carpet bombing to wipe out that threat. ‘Gone In 60 Seconds ‘ to steal from a B car thief movie. Easy peasy, not. As the Russians found out, you can control the Capital of Afghanistan and control only 10% of the country. Turned warfare on its head. Why? Because Afghanistan is not a country. It is an area of various tribes completely unaffected by a federal government. Same with Libya, which has something like 13 different distinct languages and dialects. Maybe it’s 19. Tribal regions. Heck, they marched to within 20 miles of the capital of Pakistan.

The whole purpose was to get Al Quida out of Afghanistan, whom were welcomed, protected, and sheltered by the Taliban. The objective was to make sure Osama bin Lyin’ could not use Afghanistan to train men and launch attacks on the USA or our allies.

We will be back in there to get some reconstituted Terrorist Organization with a new name who has launched a series of attacks on our civilians. Damned if you stay, damned if you go. The only fortunate thing is the tribes are always warring with each other, then switching sides and forming battle alliances and ending up shooting each other. Places like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq can only be control by someone who rules with an iron fist. Like Saddam, Quaddafi, Taliban.

At least the US Embassy in Kabul ordered all American flags taken down inside and outside to deprive the Tally Wackers a good propaganda photo op when they go inside.

Still, the way the withdrawal was handled is indefensible. Indefensible. How we got there will and has drifted from people’s minds, save the yearly 9/11 day. Did you read about the last year’s Pearl Harbor day events? Read any headlines or below the fold good articles about the Day of Infamy? Neither did I. Some major papers had zero coverage about another passing Pearl Harbor Anniversary.

Historians and scholars will analyzed for many decades to come how we got into Afghanistan and why. How we departed from Afghanistan is seared into minds of Americans. One of those things. Indefensible.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 16 August 2021 at 07:44 PM

On the leftie side, of course, the court eunuchs have risen as one to protect the Dementia Kid, and are working as hurriedly as the Kabul document-shredders in an effort to figure out a way to blame it all on Trump.

Court eunuch.....?

Yeah...I’d say that covers it nicely.

Scott O

Paul wants to blame current reality on the ground in Afghanistan on Bush, but folks that actually know something about what is going on say otherwise.
Namely: the current admin is incompetent.
"Hitting back at criticism, a senior White House official cited laughable comments by national security adviser Jake Sullivan that their team had been "engaged for months of extensive scenario planning and was ready for this challenge."

Yes, we all see how the Biden admin is 'ready' for the challenge.


As usual, I give Paulet the facts and he promptly ignores them.

So Paul, you forget the fact that Trump STARTED the exodus?
Forget what Trump did when the Taliban broke the deal? Trump gave them a good tune-up. They didn't try that shit again.

You won't even give Trump credit for the beginning of the end of hostilities, will you?
Then the one you lick shoes for scraps all Trump brokered.
And that's what leads to today. Biden owns this, wholesale.

So you keep right on licking Biden's blond leg hairs, since you don't have what it takes to publicly admit the ass hole phucked up like no Prez has phucked up before.

Better get your excuse ready for when China gets busy.
I'm sure that will be Trump's fault too.

Paul Emery

Do you think the war should have lasted 20 years Scott?

Don Bessee

WHAT WAIT WHAT AN OPINION FROM THE PONY TAIL OF IGNORANCE oh never mind, false alarm just another talking points for lefties. That line of bovine scatoligy made the rounds this morning before creepy gampa joe made the 25th more relevant with that train wreck of a news conference with a hasty run to the exit before the press made eye contact so he didnt hear the uncomfortable question his former lap dogs are even asking. At least whats her name managed to avoid the crazed cackling!

Boy what a choice for the socialists, stick with creepy grampa joe and fail or give the keys to the most disliked vp ever amid her lockdown after getting in front of cameras a few times. ROFLOL

Aint no coattails with either of them!


Paul Emery

Also why didn't Trump end the war instead of just talking about it. Oh yeah-of course, he never finishes anything. You know-the Wall, balanced budget, healthcare, infrastructure and yes the war in Afghanistan.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 16 August 2021 at 08:04 PM

.......anything.....anything at all so Punchy can talk about his favorite topic.

Sorry Punch, Joey Fingers owns this one completely.

The sad thing....he has no idea what happened ......people were mad today in that house where he and blond lady live and the tapioca pudding was late this afternoon. That’s the extent of his comprehension of recent events.

That’s all Gropey Joe knows about today.

George Rebane

PaulE 804pm - Just finished viewing a few hours of Afghanistan coverage from the various outlets. Now reading your take on the whole affair confirms that you really are CNN's gift to RR.


So Emery, we are still "at war" in Korea.
Can we nuke the fad kid now?

Scott O

Paul - "Do you think the war should have lasted 20 years Scott?"

Gee Paul, do you really think people should do bad things?

The reality is that the situation in Afghanistan was in control when Trump was POTUS and as soon as Biden and his girly boys took over it went to hell.
And that is a reality that Paul refuses to acknowledge with his many dodges.

Paul Emery

Walt, Don, Fish, George

Okay so exactly who's fault was it that this war went on for 20 years and cost 2.5 Trillion in debt. Here are the four Presidents involved and the time they spent in office during the war.

Bush- 7 years 4 months

Obama 8 years

Trump 4 years

Biden 6 months


Well HELL Emery, the terrorists.. They refused to lay down their RPGs. They hid behind women's burkas. Thay had a thing for cutting off people's heads on video. Can you tell the diff between a combatant and a civilian over there Emery??? CAN YOU!!?
Are you that much of a lame idiot?
Biden was there when it started,, he was giving your boy "O" a hand job at the time. How come "O" didn't finish what he started?
Since when are you a military expert? Are you one of McNamara's wizz kids who knew how to win a war with a slide rule? How did that work out?


Posted by: Paul Emery | 16 August 2021 at 08:19 PM

Bush, Obama (and let’s not forget Obama’s Vice President....what his name again?), Trump, and Biden. They’re all culpable. That said, Kid Dementia completely fucked up the last act (“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up!”)

I suppose if you’re bound and determined to defend the The Pride of Scranton’s honor you could argue diminished capacity.

Don Bessee

@804 He didn't get reelected with the relentless kung flu crap where creepy grampa joe poo pooed the vaccines from warp speed as did what's her name. He got Foucied

Y'all reap what ya sow. Its actually 7 months plus the previously stated policy's and transition team so its more like 10 months to develop a strategic plan other than its the opposite of Trump. It always looks rosier in the basement with pudding, is it tapioca today, oh i hope so! (drools)

God help us!



So Emery, when does your book on military strategy
"How to win a war in under 5 years" come out?

Better get that little WOKE problem in the military fix first.


Interesting polling no matter which side you stand on. Looks like Afghanistan is (was) not a front burner issue for the public for awhile. "Just no that much into her/him."

I would have thought so. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden advocated abandoning the Afghans, so it seems likely that most members of their respective parties were fine this, at least in theory.

However, an analysis of polling on the question suggests that perhaps only the party bases really wanted us out. A great many Americans didn’t seem to care one way or another and those who did care seemed fairly evenly divided.



Posted by: Paul Emery | 16 August 2021 at 08:19 PM

......go home Paul. You’re just embarrassing yourself tonight.

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