George Rebane
2022 will be another pivotal year in a growing string of such recent years. Most predictions, save the premature happy dancing by Republicans, range between dour and cataclysmic. A reader gives us a taste of that by pointing to James Howard Kunstler’s entry in Clusterfuck Nation with his ‘Forecast 2022 – Dumpster Fire Blazing on the Frontier of a Dark Age’. So here are some of my prognostications with an invite for readers to add their own. Please try to submit your entries before the first week of 2022 becomes history.
Since we know predicting is hard, especially about the future, and very little is certain, I will attach some quantitative probabilities to my efforts, and invite others to do the same. We can then even determine who wins the 2022 Nostradamus Award, as I demonstrate in the coda.
- Bumblebrain will not be president on 1 January 2023 (0.5); will not be president on 21 January 2025 (0.4); will serve out his full term (0.1).
- Kamala will resign before 2022 election (0.6).
- Covid will revert from pandemic to declared endemic (like the flu) status before 4 July 2022 (0.7).
- Republicans will win the House in 2022 (0.8).
- Republicans will win the Senate in 2022 (0.7).
- Russia will invade Ukraine in 2022 (0.55).
- China will invade Taiwan in 2022 (0.25).
- Fed declared inflation will exceed 10% in 2022 (0.25).
- Republicans will win at least 14 House seats from California (0.8).
- The 25th Amendment will be used to designate a new Vice President before the 2024 election (0.75).
More later, maybe.
Such a list of probability tagged predictions may be scored simply by taking the average of the ‘correct’ probabilities – i.e. probabilities that associate with the cases that come to pass. For instance, in my list, if everything comes to pass with with Biden serving out a full term, Kamala does not resign, and China does not invade Taiwan, then my Nostradamus score – which ranges between 0 and 1 - would be (0.1+0.4+0.7+0.8+0.7+0.55+0.75+0.25+0.8+0.75)/10 = 0.58.
Jo Ann and I wish all of our readers and correspondents a productive and healthy new year.
[1jan22 update] I just want to emphasize the reason for my #6 and #7 predictions. Everyone in the world save America’s Democrat-prone electorate knows that the Team Biden is the weakest, most feckless, incompetent, and ignorant leadership the US has installed in the last 50 years (yes, even beating out the peanut farmer). For either of Putin or Xi to invade would be a win for them ou two counts. First, whatever our response, Americans tend to support their president during times of crisis. That will assure a continuance in power of the weak and feckless Democrats. Second, they get to achieve the next notch in their geo-strategic goals with the new territory they will then control. What’s not to like in creating another crisis that Bumblebrain can’t handle?
The Success of Socialist Schooling
George Rebane
In the last Dark Days Diary (here) I highlighted a short dissertation on the spread of communism by a former KGB agent. As we have frequently pointed out, and he confirms, the spread of that evil ideology is made possible by its acolytes initially gaining control of a target nation’s public educational system. This is from the Marxist-Leninist playbook – ‘let me educate one generation of your youth to assure communism’s triumph.’ In the United States we are now educating the third generation with a curriculum that ranges between pure trash and insidious collectivist propaganda – e.g. Critical Race Theory. And this is done in our public K-12 schools and also academe, which has for the most part eliminated all dissenting voices and thought on their campuses.
Historian and classicist Victor Davis Hanson makes the extensive case (here and here) that this onerous task is being carried out by teachers’ unions and faculty associations which have wholeheartedly embraced the goal of a socialist world order. Their success can be measured by the fraction of our graduates who are profoundly ignorant of their American heritage and equally lacking skill sets which enable their entry into a productive workforce. A disturbing share of them find work with government as the employer of last resort. There they immediately fit in with the correctly thinking and compliant deep state extension of the Democratic Party, doing its work no matter who currently happens to control Congress or reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
For the Left, this fortuitous outcome is to a large extent the fault of our ‘go along to get along’ Republicans. Over the years they, as the conservators of our Constitution, have shown little interest to understand and a backbone to resist the nation’s ratcheting of anti-American public policies. The Republicans appear to measure their political progress by how good they feel when grumbling and griping about the Left to their likeminded constituents in cloistered gatherings. These pity-party nodding sessions motivate only a trickling of attendees, if that, to take an active stance to counter the encroach of socialism in their communities. The rank-and-file Republican then returns to his homestead to continue living a productive and non-contentious life minding his own business.
The only plausible road back (from beyond the tipping point to the Great Divide) is to regain local control of educating our children. Rebane Doctrine has long taught that to do this is to change education policy so that in the public funding of education the money follows the student, and parents determine where the students are schooled. This calls for a restructuring of our education industry into a more open-market, capitalistic format, and away from the rank socialist structure of today. In the main, K-12 education should be available to parents in the same manner as is the choice of a college education. This means that schools would become transparent for-profit institutions that make their performance (quality of their product) accessible to their clients. Overall, given today’s cost of education, such a change would significantly reduce costs, and increase the relevance and quality of the delivered education.
Our leftwing knows that Sapir-Whorf’s theory of language enabling thought (q.v.) is correct as was made public by Orwell and put in practice on a national scale by Mao et al. Today’s public educated true believers can neither believe in the existence of alternative ways to organize a beneficial society, nor understand where our nation’s present path is taking us (e.g. evidence of that abounds in these pages).
No one knows the truth of all this more than does our Democratic Party which has viewed their support of socialized education as required maintenance of their private manufactory of an ever-increasing horde of compliant constituents and unquestioning voters. The last thing our Left will tolerate is making school choice possible and letting parents decide where their children will be schooled.
Posted at 11:06 AM in Agenda 21, Culture Comments, Great Divide, Our Country, We the iSheeple | Permalink | Comments (7)
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