George Rebane
Calling and pursuing the 6jan21 Capitol riot as an ‘insurrection’ is the new litmus test for identifying those of the Left in America.
Countless leftwing naïfs across the country – e.g. Tom Durkin (here) in the 6jan22 Union – are decrying the “death of democracy”, which supposedly started with what they call a rightwing insurrection last January. What happened then was anything but an insurrection planned and executed to destroy American democracy and replace its government. Look up the definition of ‘insurrection’ and read some history on real insurrections. In the meantime we may take these 'insurrections' as coming from the semantically challenged and politically agendized.
For other perspectives on the 6jan21 riot attended by rightwingers and Trump supporters, I call your attention to two WSJ pieces – ‘Democracy Isn’t Dying’ and ‘Stop Calling Jan.6 an Insurrection’. From such perspectives we can reasonably conclude that 1/6 now conveniently serves the Left's agenda to define our division, and also to divide us further.
Victor Davis Hanson ties a nice bow on what the Democrats are actually pursuing in Washington and nation wide in his ‘Who are the Real Insurrectionists?’ It is clear to all who pay attention that the Dems have only one tune to play for their 2022 chances with an obviously debilitated and failing administration.
Recently, Democrats have been despondent over President Joe Biden’s sinking poll numbers. His policies on the economy, energy, foreign policy, the border and COVID-19 all have lost majority support. As a result, the Left now variously alleges that either in 2022, when they expect to lose the Congress, or in 2024, when they fear losing the presidency, Republicans will “destroy democracy” or stage a coup. A cynic might suggest that they praise democracy when they get elected, only to claim it is broken when they lose. Or they hope to avoid their defeat by trying to terrify the electorate. Or they mask their own revolutionary propensities by projecting them onto their opponents. (emphasis added)
Do you believe and support Trump when he says "the election was stolen"?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 06 January 2022 at 11:07 AM
Believe and support? That’s two questions.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 06 January 2022 at 11:16 AM
PaulE 1107am - I believe - at the 0.667 level - that enough evidence has been uncovered and documented to give credence to the notion that sufficient 'irregularities' occurred to have had a feasible impact on the election's outcome. But, at this stage, I don't support Trump's continued efforts to keep his own election assessments in the news. The Repubs should just take what they have learned about the irregularities, and go forward with promotion of policies that will minimize the repeat of 2020.
Posted by: George Rebane | 06 January 2022 at 11:37 AM
Paul's little itchy Trump fixation aside, there's a version of this question that I like.
What does 'stolen' mean? Was the election stolen under that definition?
Generally, I'd say that any party that can successfully seize power has proven that it should have power, the rest is niceties.
Whether Paul's nemesis, one Donald J Trump bitches about that matter is immaterial. It goes with the territory on any close one. If I were a Democrat, I'd just be thrilled by the fact that I elected a corpse and got away with it. A sweet victory.
Posted by: scenes | 06 January 2022 at 11:56 AM
I can see where it felt like an insurrection though.
After comfortably watching a year's worth of federal courthouse firebombing, statue toppling, business burning, attacks on bystanders, the emergence of men-in-dresses as a dominant power, and protest protest protest, you've got Congresscritters cowering under their desks because of Buffalo Horn Guy and stealing-the-lectern guy.
I mean, anything is going to feel like an ultra-dangerous uprising if you're a Democrat. There's nothing wrong with low risk tolerance.
Dunno why President Potato is ranting on this morning. Everyone has chosen a side already, better to have a nice cuppa tea and sign some more unread directives.
Posted by: scenes | 06 January 2022 at 12:03 PM
Yes, two questions Bill. By the way do you believe and support Trump when he says "the election was stolen"?
How many of the irregularities you refer to have been verified by valid investigations?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 06 January 2022 at 12:03 PM
What do you think Trump means when he uses the word "stolen." That's what I'm referring to.
Do you think the election was stolen by that definition?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 06 January 2022 at 12:07 PM
It's one question. If you believe, and if you support, it's yes. Otherwise, the answer is no.
Hillary C, knowing fully her campaign money was behind the Russia!Russia! ruse, when asked answered she had Questions about the election she lost.
I have questions about November 2020.
Posted by: Gregory | 06 January 2022 at 12:10 PM
This morning started at The Union with "Corniglio Digli" posting twice after a long absence, then Stephen Frisch of the wretchedly misnamed Sierra Business Council, who posted the following defamatory screed, since removed either by The Union or Frisch, who might have come to the conclusion he stepped over the line):
“Gregory, by supporting the false narrative that the insurrection did not occur, by denying that it led to the deaths of 5 people and later suicide of 4 more, by denying that it was an attempt to interfere with and thus reverse the results of a legally conducted election that was upheld after more than 60 failed court challenges and numerous recounts, you are an agent of the future insurrection. You are a propagandist for the future overthrow of the democratic institutions of this country. ”
Someone needs another cup of coffee.
Of course, my claim was that no one was killed by the rioters, which was absolutely true.
Posted by: Gregory | 06 January 2022 at 12:33 PM
PaulE 1203pm - Paul, maybe 327 or 328, I dunno. But enough of them to make people like me respond like I did to your 1107am.
Posted by: George Rebane | 06 January 2022 at 12:44 PM
scenes 11:56 - "Generally, I'd say that any party that can successfully seize power has proven that it should have power, the rest is niceties."
"...has proven that it should have power..."
In the Machiavellian sense of the word 'should'?
No wonder conservatives are stocking up on firepower.
And the feds are doing their best to rid the military of conservatives.
The CCP just smiles.
Posted by: Scott O | 06 January 2022 at 01:01 PM
Can you provide a link for me to learn more about the 327 you claim have been verified? I will checkthat out.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 06 January 2022 at 01:01 PM
Hillary had questions Gregory but she accepted the results of the election ands conceded. Trump has not done that. Do you accept the results of the election Gregory?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 06 January 2022 at 01:04 PM
"Of course, my claim was that no one was killed by the rioters, which was absolutely true."
Ah well. The rioters killed a buncha people, until the MSM couldn't support the lie anymore and the story, as usual, collapsed.
It must have been the Russians.
'Scoops' Emery: "Trump has not done that."
"President Donald Trump conceded publicly for the first time Thursday that he will not serve a second term, stopping short of congratulating President-elect Joe Biden but acknowledging a transfer of power is now underway."
Just keep on paddling old son.
Posted by: scenes | 06 January 2022 at 01:10 PM
Scotto: "In the Machiavellian sense of the word 'should'?"
In power politics, what other kind is there?
Given how crazy Team Blue is right now, definitely in a culture killing mood, just thank God that the leadership is flat-out incompetent.
Just imagine if President Potato was replaced with Lyndon Johnson.
Posted by: scenes | 06 January 2022 at 01:13 PM
January 6th….a tepid, flaccid example of an “insurrection” no wonder Punchy is so aroused.
You want an insurrection……turn on the Kazakhstan network….they have a real insurrection going on!
Posted by: Howniglio | 06 January 2022 at 01:17 PM
re: Niglio X @ 1:17PM
Those articles are always vaguely unsatisfying in terms of explanation.
Why are the people in Kazakh all riled up? Are there different groups? What's really up, man?
It wouldn't surprise me if it isn't simply the internet. Poor people see how much people in a different country have, decide to burn down everything to improve their lot.
Luttwak makes the point that real-deal insurrections require an out-of-power elite backing them. I wonder if that isn't true in K'istan.
Buffalo Horn Guy, Lectern Guy, and Putting-his-feet-on-Pelosis-desk Guy obviously are not serious players in that world.
Posted by: scenes | 06 January 2022 at 01:49 PM
PaulE 101pm - Now that you press me on it, it may have been only 216. Hard to tell without really knowing your definitions of 'verified' and 'valid investigation'.
Posted by: George Rebane | 06 January 2022 at 02:30 PM
scenes @1:49PM
"Those articles are always vaguely unsatisfying in terms of explanation. Why are the people in Kazakh all riled up? Are there different groups? What's really up, man?"
I think the most important part of the Kazakh story is that there were over a dozen police killed. And an unknown number of 'bystanders' as well. It's easy to count bodies - they can't move around a lot. Contrast that with our home-grown 'insurrection' on 1/6/21 in which zero police were killed, and one (unarmed) bystander was gunned down by the police.
So our insurrection remains the only one in recorded history (back to 3500 BC) in which no weapons were used by the rioters. However, the shields the rioters used were encrusted with some week-old mean tweets from the Tangerine Tornado. Wasn't he unelected and out of everyone's minds? Evidently not.
Posted by: hough as their only protection. | 06 January 2022 at 02:41 PM
Posted by: scenes | 06 January 2022 at 01:49 PM
Buffalo Horn Guy, Lectern Guy, and Putting-his-feet-on-Pelosis-desk Guy obviously are not serious players in that world.
Yeah but to Sargeant Punchy and the rest of Nevada City's Fightin 420th those guys are the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I imagine the Fightin 420th's credo is very similar to this.....
Posted by: whereniglio | 06 January 2022 at 02:52 PM
scenes 1:13 - "In power politics..."
Ah, well yes, of course.
Posted by: Scott O | 06 January 2022 at 03:33 PM
First anniversary of the dumbest "insurrection" ever attempted. Who would try to overthrow the world's superpower with no guns? Lol. Nobody, hence it was never an insurrection. It was freedom getting out of hand. In 2020, we saw that some phenomenon repeatedly all over the country with BLM. Freedom getting out of hand happens. Making it all political is just another way to divide our nation in order for the powerful to remain powerful. When folks who (rightfully or erroneously) genuinely feel to be the subject of racism and burn buildings and create anxiety, the legacy media and politicians with an agenda call it "free speech." When people who (rightfully or erroneously) genuinely feel that their voice was not heard and an election taken from them protest at and in the Capitol and create anxiety, the legacy media and politicians with an agenda call it "insurrection." Whether the feelings are based in fact is irrelevant when discussing group psychology and not addressing the real issue which is understanding why people are feeling the way that they do.
In defense of the morons that were in the Capitol a year ago, I have been there and understand the mentality. In 1993, when Rutskoi and some other guys tried to overthrow Yeltsin, I was there in the crowd when the tanks rolled up and started shelling the Russian White House (their Capitol building kind of). Folks were cheering and laughing. It was kind of nuts, and speaking with Russians also in the crowd, they commented how peaceful it is in the USA. In any event, when the shooting seemed to stop and it was over, we went into the Russian White House which had been the object of the tank shells. We walked around, people were looting their national legislative building stealing televisions and cheese and carrots of all things. While we were in the building, the shooting started again, and we booked. We ran out of the building during the gunfire, and I went straight to my flat where my boss had told us to stay. Similar to a lot of folks in our Capitol on January 6, I was not in the Russian White House to help insurrectionists. I was just walking around and the opportunity to check things out firsthand presented itself, so I took it. When I tell my children the story, they say the following: Dumb. Moronic. Idiot. And then inevitably they accuse me of being an American spy who was in Russia to gather intelligence. All true except the spy part.
My point is, while there were certainly people with ill-intent in the Capitol on January 6 (the guys with zip tie handcuffs should be locked up for sure), most of these people did no damage, did not take anything, and were just walking around watching. DOJ (and Paul) should be making that distinction, and because they don't appear to be, they are politicizing the events of that day. I trust my fellow man enough to know that the rational ones see January 6 (and the BLM riots) for what it was. Freedom getting out of hand. Both BLM and January 6 rioters should be punished accordingly. No question. Because the two groups aren't being punished equally, folks see the politics behind the narratives. And that is what people are sick of - the politicians.
Posted by: Barry Pruett | 06 January 2022 at 03:37 PM
George 2:30 - "Hard to tell without really knowing your definitions of 'verified' and 'valid investigation'."
You're asking Paul?
You forgot to qualify verified and valid with the modifier of whether or not Paul agrees with the facts or not.
If he does not, then your facts are never verified or valid.
Posted by: Scott O | 06 January 2022 at 03:39 PM
Barry 3:37 - Very well put. But of course nuance and a complicated and unfocused story line don't fit well in the allotted time of the one hour news slot.
It also doesn't fit well with the fairy tales the left wing likes to tell about the folks that actually believe in our system of governance.
As I pointed out at the time it happened I would have warned them that they were not menacing the town's merchants. They were getting too crazy too close to "people that are important". And you will very well be shot dead.
And the last - "No question. Because the two groups aren't being punished equally, folks see the politics behind the narratives."
But we saw the politics waaaaay before Jan 6th and the slow learners actually thought if political protesters could loot and burn with impunity then surely they could get uppity in DC.
Sorry boss - it don't work that way.
Posted by: Scott O | 06 January 2022 at 03:59 PM
Looks like the propaganda ministries lap dogs failed in trying to sell the party line -
Among those who said Jan. 6 was "a protest that went too far," a whopping 80% were Republicans and 69% were Democrats. Those who described themselves as Trump voters felt that way even more so with 84% while 70% of Biden voters felt the same.
Notably, 80% of independents also described Jan. 6 as a "protest that went too far.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 06 January 2022 at 04:45 PM
"Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem"
Jefferson writing to Madison
Posted by: Gregory | 06 January 2022 at 09:22 PM
And the delightful Mollie H ...
Posted by: Gregory | 06 January 2022 at 09:39 PM
“I have questions about November 2020.”
Posted by: Gregory | 06 January 2022 at 12:10 PM
Me too. Nice link @ 9:39 pm.
I have questions as to what to the Lefties they mean by their contact jungle drumbeat with their kill the beast chant, of “Threat to our democracy, Thret our democracy, Threat to OUR democracy!”
@ Buck Sexton
“Assault on democracy” like “Russia collusion” is a phrase that is intentionally vague but full of emotional impact
It’s meant to alarm some and smear others without being tied to facts or reason
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 06 January 2022 at 11:36 PM
“I have questions about November 2020.”
Posted by: Gregory | 06 January 2022 at 12:10 PM
Me too. Nice link @ 9:39 pm.
I have questions as to what do the Lefties they mean by their constant jungle drumbeat filling the air with their kill the beast chant, of “Threat to our democracy, Threat our democracy, Threat to OUR democracy!”
“Assault on democracy” like “Russia collusion” is a phrase that is intentionally vague but full of emotional impact
It’s meant to alarm some and smear others without being tied to facts or reason
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 06 January 2022 at 11:45 PM
There are hundreds of Jan 6 articles out there, starting the built up to crescendo last Sunday. Most are opinion pieces. Hundreds, maybe more. So, I will post just one. Not the best by any means, not the worse.
Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan. 6
By Patrick J. Buchanan
While this has been touched on recently by RR commentators, it worth a second glance.
CBS Buries Poll Results Showing Most Americans Of Both Parties Think Jan 6 Was ‘A Protest That Went Too Far’
Mostly peaceful protestors, mostly peaceful protestors, mostly peaceful protestors.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 07 January 2022 at 07:48 AM
Now we have creepy grampa joe falling to his lowest point yet, taking the ponytail of ignorances word as fact!! ROFLOL -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 07 January 2022 at 11:41 AM
As long as you are citing articles in the Thursday edition of The Wall Street Journal, you should have mentioned Karl Rove's piece, "Republicans' Jan. 6 responsibilities," and this excerpt from the lead editorial of the paper:
"Worse, (Trump) failed to act to stop the riot even as he watched on TV from the White House...This was a monumental failure of character and duty."
You wouldn't want your loyal readers to become as ignorant as the morons who thought they could overturn the outcome of the election by storming the Capitol.
Posted by: George Boardman | 07 January 2022 at 01:26 PM
Don, did you see the new rolling average poll yesterday? No, not RCP, but an up and comer.
Bottom line: Biden is now -20 on favorables virus unfavorables.
‘When Biden hits -20, then talk to me. Until then, Trump is the absolute worse President and biggest loser in the modern era.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 07 January 2022 at 01:34 PM
GeorgeB 126pm - mea culpa; thank you.
Posted by: George Rebane | 07 January 2022 at 01:58 PM
Posted by: George Boardman | 07 January 2022 at 01:26 PM
You wouldn't want your loyal readers to become as ignorant as the morons who thought they could overturn the outcome of the election by storming the Capitol.
That's a good point George.....I won't speak for George but as long as Georges "Loyal Readers" remain less ignorant than the regulars in the Union's (or the Fishwrap of the Foothills as I like to think of it) comment section it's all good!
Posted by: Corniglio | 07 January 2022 at 02:03 PM
"You wouldn't want your loyal readers..."
Seems like that includes Boardman.
Posted by: Scott O | 07 January 2022 at 05:13 PM
"You wouldn't want your loyal readers to become as ignorant as the morons who thought they could overturn the outcome of the election by storming the Capitol."
Oh well, I'm happy to be ignorant. It's a life simplifier.
I just figure that it all was an expression of outrage like any other protesty mob situation, at least the ones that don't involve looting athletic shoe stores and hair supply shops. No one is as stupid as all of us together.
To be fair, this country doesn't hold a candle to the French. Those guys know how to have a political uproar fandango. Just wait until they all notice that 1/2 of the country is Muslim. Hoo-whee, let the good times roll.
One lesson from The Insurrection is the amount of personal loyalty that Trump could arouse. It isn't like this was a Republican thing, it was a Trump thing. Compare that to Pelosi's rousing speech to the gang of under-enthusiastic overweight National Guardsmen. Meal Team Six looked rather nonplussed.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a political genius. Those guys don't pop out of the woodwork that often.
Posted by: scenes | 07 January 2022 at 05:27 PM
If Trump is a political genius scenes how come he's the biggest political loser n modern histry having lost the Presisdency, House and Senat in one term. That has not been done since the 1800's. What a hoot you are to say that.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 08 January 2022 at 07:28 PM
That line of BS of yours has gotten pretty stail Embot.
You seem to forget lies from your proggy press, the fake "evidence" for 4 years of bogus investigations based on lies.
Now that the facts have seen the light of day, not to mention the fact that there was LIB monkey business in the election process,( AZ. illegal votes, GA. illegal ballot harvesting ETC.) DEMS trying to federalize the voting process to rig the voting system in their favor.. Even you should see the desperation.
Trump up by 10 in polls. Biden sinks like he has cement shoes.
Life was better when Trump was in office, and the people see, and feel it.
You voted for a brain dead stooge.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 08:01 AM
It's a dark day when non citizens get the ability to vote.
"Up to one million noncitizens living in New York City will have access to the ballot box after Mayor Eric Adams (D) on Sunday approved legislation by the city council to automatically become law."
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 08:29 AM
DEMS trying to call it an insurrection in no way makes it on.
"According to Tribe, if lawsuits arose over Trump’s eligibility in 2024, the outcome of that litigation would likely hinge on whether a neutral fact-finder setup by Congress had previously determined that Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 attack triggered Section 3 of the 14th Amendment."
A neutral fact finder? In D.C.? Snow will be a thing of the past first.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 08:50 AM
Gotta love all the Lefty shisters declaring themselves as self appointed defenders of our democracy
‘NOT how this works, bud.’ —Molly Hemingway
‘Marc Elias melting DOWN over Washington Examiner’s caricature cover of him (claims bigotry?!) BACKFIRES hilariously
Hey, some folks don’t like it when people make fun of their snout. :)
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 09 January 2022 at 09:31 AM
Interesting bit of LE news. Is it just me, or has the media-FBI kinda of lost interest in finding the person who had placed the viable, yet unignited bomb at the DNC building in DC…as our VP was in the building. Haven’t caught the bomber yet I hazard to guess and some folks out there are scratching their heads and saying, “Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed….” With all those security cameras, all those visitors to the Capitol, all those cell phones snapping pic, all those interviewing of hundreds upon hundreds of people, all those recourses…any nothing? Or did they arrest him/her and I just missed it. Maybe distracted by local weather events.
‘Florida man with Antifa gear allegedly targets January 6 rally, police find explosives at home’
His helmet allegedly contained the "iron front" logo, which has been used by Antifa groups
Smith has also recently traveled to Portland, Oregon, according to the official.
Gualtieri said that people such as Smith are among the "most concerning individuals" because of the lack of criminal history.
"Smith has no criminal history, no social media accounts that we can find, and there's no prior intelligence information about Smith. Smith is what we call a sleeper, and these are the most concerning individuals because there's no opportunity to intervene and thwart their criminal activity until they actually act," Gualtieri said.
Smith is being held on a $300,250 bond and was charged with three counts of possession or discharge of a destructive device as well as one count of loitering and prowling.
"We're fortunate in this situation that something caused Smith to flee before he ignited the explosive device and the deputies were able to apprehend him," Gualtieri said.
Fits the profile
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 09 January 2022 at 10:41 AM
This keeps getting better and better.
So states passing vote integrity legislation is in her mind (Queen Nan) more inserection?
"A threat to our democracy".. No,, just big threat to your power grab.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 10:45 AM
We both need to get with the times. No more ‘threat to our democracy.’ It’s now called, “Assault on our democracy.” Rackets it up.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 09 January 2022 at 10:50 AM
What the Proggy Press didn't tell you.
"On January 6, there was a rally in Clearwater, Florida, of about 85 protesters, who came out in support of Jan. 6, 2021, defendant Jeremy Brown.
But police picked up a man when they saw him running suspiciously near the rally. The man was dressed all in black with a black mask. Police arrested the man, identified as Garrett Smith, 22.
The police searched his backpack and allegedly found a pipe explosive device which they determined to be “active,” so they cleared all the ralliers out of the area. The police also found a “Direct Action Checklist.” Direct action is a term frequently used by leftist groups like Antifa. On the list were a bunch of things like pepper spray, smoke rockets, a laser pointer (which Antifa used to aim at police officers’ eyes in Portland), flammable rags, and construction nails — making it clear he wasn’t planning on attending a tea party. He also had a helmet with the “iron front” three arrow logo on it — a logo commonly used by Antifa.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 11:21 AM
'Scoops' Emery: "If Trump is a political genius scenes how come he's the biggest political loser n modern histry having lost the Presisdency, House and Senat in one term. That has not been done since the 1800's. What a hoot you are to say that."
Weirdly, 'hoot' is a tell for the FUE. No surprise you are allies.
Name another time that a man with no political constituency achieved the Presidency, even Lincoln had backers. Basically he took some money (far less than the Democrats used), a bullhorn called 'twitter', and, most importantly, the ability to move a crowd to become King of the Nation.
You know darned well he would still be President except for COVID.
Seriously, it's a once (at best) in a generation type of deal. Sometimes they do a lot of good, sometimes not, but give the man his due.
Paul, if you weren't such an utter ass, we'd have to invent one to keep the juices flowing here.
Posted by: scenes | 09 January 2022 at 11:40 AM
Posted by: scenes | 09 January 2022 at 11:40 AM
Paul, if you weren't such an utter ass, we'd have to invent one to keep the juices flowing here.
Posted by: Flatoutofniglios | 09 January 2022 at 11:58 AM
Niglio X: "WORD….…!"
I admit that when I read his posts, the visual I catch is this:
Posted by: scenes | 09 January 2022 at 12:11 PM
" ASS "... Maskot of the DNC.. Yup, the donkey hide fits.
Another first for President Trump Got plenty accomplished at the job. Did what he said he would do for the most part. Not a debater, but a doer.
Don't even try to bring up the debt Embot. You have no clue how it works. It's obvious you failed economics 101 and also bonehead economics for dummies.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 12:19 PM
Posted by: scenes | 09 January 2022 at 12:11 PM
Having been a regular annoyance here for a little more than a decade I like to think that posted links won’t surprise me….
Well played sir!
Posted by: NiglioNiglio | 09 January 2022 at 01:20 PM
Question: Did the Republiczns lose the Presidency, House ane Senate all during the first term of the Presidency of 2017?
Question Was that President Trump?
Fact: Was that the first time this has happened since some time in the 1800's
Fact: That makes Trump the biggest loser since those days over 120 years ago.
That fact is is independent of excuses such as covid. Other Presidents have had things happen and not lost everything like Trump has.
Posted by: Paul Emery | 09 January 2022 at 01:29 PM
Having been an irregular annoyance here for a little less than a year, I would say that it sure as hell does not look like Trump lost the Senate. If that is called losing the Senate, one can only speculate what winning the Senate looks like. They loved John McCain when he was The Maverick. No so with the New Maverick, Arizona's senior Senator, Kyrsten Lea Sinema.
I will trade you one Jeff Fluke for one cowgirl from the Great State of Arizona.
Take me home, country road. West Virginia, mountain Manchin, take me home country road.
Posted by: Nasalis larvatus | 09 January 2022 at 01:51 PM
The mid terms are going to be a blood bath and its worth remembering oh great ponytail of ignorance -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 09 January 2022 at 02:11 PM
One thing is for sure. Trump scares the living crap out of Emery. Same lame lines over and over.
Humm Maybe another "first" for Trump? Getting re-elected after the illegitimate (kind word for bastard) placeholder is found incompetent for the job.
Impeachment is already being discussed as a big possibility after the midterm house cleaning.
Emery forgets his war mongering stunt, for being such an "anti war" peacenik. How you pissed and moaned when Trump was pulling troops out of the conflict.
Remember Emery? You were in lockstep with the rest of the pissed Left.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 02:52 PM
My mistake. Somehow "Biden" was in the posted by line instead of Emery . Kinda funny but an err...
Posted by: Paul Emery | 27 August 2019 at 05:10 PM
Posted by Paul Biden.
Posted by: Paul Biden | 09 January 2022 at 03:05 PM
Not voter suppression..
Just cheater suppression.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 03:21 PM
The littlest congressional commie critter aka the queen of lockdowns and masks bailed on the rotten apple and may have brought her kooties to FLA -
AOC tests positive for COVID-19 after partying in Miami maskless
The positive test comes shortly after the Congresswoman was seen without a mask in a Miami bar, according to video that circulated on social media
Posted by: Don Bessee | 09 January 2022 at 03:57 PM
I'd love it if Trump ran again-the biggest political loser in over 120 years. What's not to like about that? Go Trump-I'm pulling for you. So are the Dems
Posted by: Paul Emery | 09 January 2022 at 04:03 PM
Paul's desperation has set in. What lies you going to use this time?
P**sy grabbing sure didn't work, no matter how many times you tried it. You never could comprehend the difference between "could" and "did".
Funny, you still can't come up with anyone than can come close the beating Trump.
Your Proggys are already lying through their ass. "everything" is now Jan. 6TH.
Gotta federalize the elections. States are ruining their ability to cheat. Now how will they get around that pesky Constitution that states, states control their own elections.?
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 04:14 PM
Embot states,,
"DEMS want Trump to run again",, Then why are they trying every way possible to stop him?? You don't read what they are really saying are you Embot?
Trying to tag Trump as in insurrectionist? A little thing called solid proof is sorely lacking. And NO ONE has been charged with it.
You say your side wants him to run,,, care to prove that statement?
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 04:19 PM
‘Biden Admin Blasted Online For Graph Claiming Biden Created Most Monthly Jobs’
White House sources say Emery deceived the public on purpose
My mistake. Somehow "Biden" was in the posted by line instead of Emery .
Kinda funny but an err..
Posted by: Joe Emery | 09 January 2022 at 04:44 PM
Proven loser Walt. What's not to like about that?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 09 January 2022 at 04:51 PM
One trick ponytail.
Then why is he beat you Lefties like a cheap drum?
Too bad your Lefty lies won't work this time.
Hummm No proof of Proggys looking forward to Trump's running.... Now why am I not surprised?? Another Paul Emery LIE.
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 04:56 PM
Walt @ 321p. Set up the argument that republicans cheated in the election in 2022. Whatever the socialists do, they gaslight you and say no the other side is doing it.
Posted by: Barry Pruett | 09 January 2022 at 05:07 PM
Oooh....Frantic Punchy is frantic.
Posted by: chowniglio | 09 January 2022 at 05:21 PM
AAHHHH Yes.. If they can do it we can do it better.
I do believe that have already started Barry. All those states that have passed vote integrity laws. " That's cheating".
They know that can't win in a truly fair election.
So Emery,, taking down names off headstones yet?
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 05:25 PM
Then this shows up.
“There is nothing more important for us to do than protect our constitution and our democracy,” Pelosi told host Margaret Brennan. “What the Republicans are doing across the country is really a legislative continuation of what they did on January 6, which is to undermine our democracy, to undermine the integrity of our elections,"
See how the fear of the loss of power affects the queen?
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 05:28 PM
How soon they forget what THEY did.
The "insurrectionists" when Trump got elected.
"As we observed, Democrats have voiced objections to the count against the three last Republican presidents. Of course, when they did it it was ‘protecting Democracy.’ Now that the Republicans are raising objections, suddenly, doing so is ‘sedition’ and ‘treason’ to the Democrats."
Posted by: Walt | 09 January 2022 at 06:06 PM
Lefty Math: 1/6 = 9/11.
By now, it is safe to say that we can all agree that math is not a particularly strong suit of our political opponents on the Dark Side of the Moon.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 09 January 2022 at 07:14 PM
Once more around the park, James.
Heather MacDonald
‘Insurrections and Double Standards’
So that is where Little Fat Bastard Steve came up with the extra body count.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 09 January 2022 at 07:25 PM
Lol. If anyone would break in and destroy a exhibit, display, or museum inside the Smithsonian, it would be the racist Blue Mob.
‘Joy Reid: On January 6, I Worried Rioters Would Destroy Black History Museum’.
(Channeling Punchy)
“The events of January 6th were certainly anti-democratic, but they were also deeply rooted in anti-blackness,” Reid asserted. She said the rioters brandished a “particularly gruesome symbol of anti-black terrorism” by using a noose to threaten white Vice President Mike Pence. “They wanted to lynch him, because he refused to reverse an election that black and brown people and people of color, [Asian-American and Pacific Islander] people, had … won,” she said without evidence.”
“We cannot forget all the racist hate on display on January 6th. I mean, there was a noose displayed on gallows outside of the Capitol.” —Dumb Don Lemon.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 10 January 2022 at 04:16 PM