George Rebane
It appears that under the leadership of our pusillanimous president the west has quietly buried MAD (mutually assured destruction). Today we tremble in fear of the Butcher of Moscow every time he even hints that he has nuclear weapons which he might use if we don’t let his genocide in Ukraine continue unhindered. So, what does he think we keep in all our land-based and seagoing silos, bagels?
For decades MAD, augmented by forceful US military interventions, held back the Soviet bear. None of the communist dictators waved their nuclear warheads in our faces, because they knew we would just wave back with ours – both knew not to play a lose-lose game. That didn’t mean that the communists didn’t try to surreptitiously stick nukes under our noses. But when discovered, they always understood the meaning of MAD and pulled back.
Both were satisfied to continue advancing their foreign policies by propaganda and the kind of brushfire wars that George Kennan outlined in his 1946 ‘Long Telegram’. And in these, we didn’t just send in weapons and other military aid, we and our allies often put boots on the ground. When necessary, we demonstrated our ability to kick the bear in the butt and not just poke him. Under US leadership we did this until the USSR collapsed in spite of its decades long attempts to demonstrate the glories of communism and make it work. Today no more.
Under the clearest moral imperative since Hitler’s 1939 blitzkrieg invasion of Poland, we balked and prevaricated in full knowledge of Putin’s intent to invade Ukraine (as now admitted by our CIA), and continue to do so in the face of the ongoing slaughter of the innocents. We have yet to send in the heavy weapons that Ukraine needs to counter the Russian (Red) army’s fielded heavy weapons and their air/missile superiority. Every time we even intimate that we will do so by calling Putin a war criminal, he rattles his nukes and Team Biden dives under their desks.
I would love to hear our leader strap on a pair of balls and respond to Putin’s threat of ‘uncertain consequences’ with a public guarantee of some uncertain consequences of our own should he continue to irritate the Eagle. According to Rebane Doctrine, one such uncertain consequence would arise were we to promise to supply Ukraine with tactical nukes if Putin would ever pop one of his on Ukrainian territory. The bottom line here is that we should exhume MAD, a mutually understood and implemented foreign policy strategy that for decades proved its war-limiting mettle, and as a reminder, bears that behave badly should always be poked.
Without MAD, none on Bumblebrain’s A-team has a clue on how to stop Putin from taking the next hunk of neighboring territory after he’s allowed to negotiate a ‘peace’ that further decimates Ukraine. Why would he not? As with all tyrants whose regime beggars its citizens, Putin must always have a foreign aggressor against which to rail, and explain to his people why they are in dire straits.
do you think we should act unilaterally without NATO and the EU support if they chose not to do so?
Posted by: Paul Emery | 18 April 2022 at 09:28 AM
PaulE 928am - Not sure I know what scenario you are asking about.
Posted by: George Rebane | 18 April 2022 at 10:43 AM
Here's an quote from you as an example of a scenario. do you see us doing that without the support of NATO and the EU
" were we to promise to supply Ukraine with tactical nukes if Putin would ever pop one of his on Ukrainian territory. "
Posted by: Paul Emery | 18 April 2022 at 10:50 AM
No response to my 10:50? Are you proposing us acting unilaterally or as part of a response with NATO and or the EU for example
Posted by: Paul Emery | 19 April 2022 at 12:39 PM
PaulE 1239pm - No, we'd do our best to get our NATO allies to sign on to that tactic. But it boggles the mind for them living next to Putin's unanswered use of tactical nukes, and not know that this will be repeated on their lands when it next suits the Russian thug. We are the only ones who can supply such tactical nukes, and my idea of giving them to the Ukrainians is simply brilliant.
Posted by: George Rebane | 19 April 2022 at 03:12 PM
Paul, first post
“do you think we should act unilaterally without NATO and the EU support if they chose not to do so?”
That is what Biden’s closest friend Senator Chris Coons insinuated/said last week (Fri?) before walking it back on Twitter over the weekend. Had is staff do it. Unilateral, American boots on the ground in Ukraine and fight Russians. Go in there, help Ukraine and get the job done. I hear that we are leaning hard on Ukrainian President Z for no negotiations with Putin. None. Not allowed. We are there telling him what to do in his ear.
That’s what the party of war is going after. A war with Russia, using Ukraine as the gridiron. Of course, we would have to beat back the Russian troops and assets on the Russian side of the border to really show ‘em whose boss.
Official statement for three straight months is the same words: No American boots in Ukraine. However there are some who can almost taste it now. George’s idea is better.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 19 April 2022 at 08:12 PM
The Ukrainians were played hard to give up their massive nuke assets. Should have kept a couple just in case and here we are. Disarmament is over and everyone who can will now. Hell there is a special base in the Saudi sands that holds paki long range large launchers oriented toward the mutha mullahs that has a massive security structure with armor and depth. Quacks like nukes...
Posted by: Don Bessee | 19 April 2022 at 09:01 PM
Clarification, that holds paki MANED long range large launchers.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 19 April 2022 at 09:02 PM
Last I heard Odesa still not fallen. Also heard the Russians came up with a new Battleship that can turn it self into a submarine. :)
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 19 April 2022 at 09:14 PM
Putin and Nukes: Déjà Vu All Over Again?
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 21 April 2022 at 03:41 PM