George Rebane
‘Birthing people’ is yet the latest addition to the Democrats’ newspeak, in their ongoing and evil intent to reduce the information carrying capacity of English. Birthing people replaces the use of ‘mother’ and ‘woman’ in describing a human capable of giving birth to a baby. It ambiguates the meaning of the referent, and requires the use of 15 ASCII characters vs the 6 or 7 characters needed for the shorter and more precise terms. (See also 'Democrats' Newspeak - 13jan22')
The ending of the Russo-Ukraine War is a growing issue in today’s diplomatic and political deliberations regarding aid to Ukraine and Russia’s reaction to such aid. Talking heads and experts are predicting that the war will go on for at least a month and no longer than three months. Reasonably assuming that the war is a minimally known process, what is the probability that the war will actually end in the oft-cited two-month period. Well, R-G theory (here) has an answer for such questions. Using today’s duration of the war (which began 24feb22) as 38 days, the desired probability computes to about 0.26 or one out of four. Additionally, 0.45 is the probability that the war ends in the next 31 days, and 0.29 is the probability that it continues past 92 days. Place your bets.
[4apr22 update] Putin’s future looks less than dim, no matter the course he now takes. If he continues his totally useless and failed aggression in Ukraine, he will probably get a bullet in the head from the nomenklatura. If he withdraws from Ukraine under some bullshit bravado, he’ll get a bullet or be sent to the Hague for war crimes. Most likely a bullet since his definitive removal will be a condition for the lifting of sanctions and normalization of Russia’s relations – the sanctions are devastating the country both economically and socially. If he pops a nuke, he’ll definitely get a bullet and/or be hog-tied and shipped to the Hague in a packing crate. There are too many powerful and rich people in Russia who cannot countenance Putin’s disaster taking away their stash and trashing Mother Russia. And I think Putin knows all this.
[5apr22 update] The 5apr22 Union reports of a useful idiots gathering (here) to remind us that America is still woefully short on civil rights, and that voting is difficult in many/most states. Here we’re told of our guilt as being the “whitest county in California”, and “it’s also one of the more conservative counties in California,” so “it’s important for folks in this county to know that our privilege and easy access to voting is not universal across the United States.” This hot flash comes from a cohort of the most under-informed leftwing activists in the country.
Reminds me of the movie, The Life Of Brian mixed with Idiocracy.
Posted by: mikel | 04 April 2022 at 06:05 AM
A not-bad rundown of the last couple of years. Maybe somebody should print it out on long-lasting material so a scavenger might run into it while sifting through the ash and rubble.
" You have been boldly lied-to by them with absolute consistency for years now…."
Posted by: scenes | 04 April 2022 at 07:15 AM
Well, the US Government will now be issuing US passports with an X on it. That makes perfect sense. All passports should have a XX or XY on them to identify chromosomes and, of course, the X for those who are confused whether they are a XX or XY. X marks the spot for the Admiral Levine types. I hate to be shallow, but Admiral Levine is one ugly woman. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. A very subjective thang that gets an X in my book
mikel @ 6:05 am
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 04 April 2022 at 07:20 AM
re: ending of the Russo-Ukraine war.
side note: 'The Duration of Interstate Wars,1816-1985' is available on Sci-Hub.
re: XX and XY and Grand Admiral Levine
I was talking with some XX people and their conclusion about the whole deal was that there are men who want to participate in all the fun parts of being female (pretty dresses, makeup, accessories) with none of the difficulties. Who am I to argue? Maybe we just need to invent a dignified word for men-who-like-to-dress-up.
You have to admit that Grand Admiral Levine makes a piss-poor woman, but maybe he enjoys the challenge.
Posted by: scenes | 04 April 2022 at 11:01 AM
I’ve got the dignified word you are looking for scenes. Actually it’s three words... J Edger Hoover
Posted by: Robert | 04 April 2022 at 02:01 PM
Question for me. What did I copy on this device and what is it? Since I copied some link a couple days ago, lets see what it is. whatever it is, I am sure its worth watching for 90 seconds.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 04 April 2022 at 02:05 PM
Vaginas of the World Unite! Go ladies, go!
‘Transgender Cyclist Booted From Women’s Championship After Female Competitors Threaten Boycott’
Sport's governing body rules cyclist is not currently compliant with its regulations
Its about friggin time. You can fool some of the people some of the time and you can fool the Woke all of the time. Stay in you lane, you dickless man.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 04 April 2022 at 06:09 PM
Find that transgender asshole and cut of his balls off and shove them down his sorry throat. Hey freakazoids, leave our women alone. You will never ever ever be a woman.
‘Twitter Deletes Trans Activist Video With J.K. Rowling ‘Death Threat’ After Initially Saying It Didn’t Violate ‘Safety Policies’
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 04 April 2022 at 06:15 PM
funny pics gotten via BillT's 6:09
Evidently, there are a number of pictures that NBC altered to make Our Favorite Swimmer more presentable.
Posted by: scenes | 04 April 2022 at 06:27 PM
re: Birthing people’ is yet the latest addition to the Democrats’ newspeak, i
Well, now it’s called chest feeding, NOT breast feeding. No talk of breasts! I figure it comes from the dilemma Pete’s Buttigieg’s wife, Chasten Buttigieg, staying home and suckling their new baby. Chasten likes to have the baby suckle on his chest and do the ‘just like Mom’ thang. I don’t know if men can lactate or be wet-nurses, but I guess a mammary gland is a mammary gland is all just a sweat gland in the anatomical sense.
Anyway, for those Moms who don’t have sweet maiden orbs, it is now called chest feeding.
PS: It is a scientific fact (despite Psul’s horrified protestations) that men feel happy when looking at a female breast. It gets the male’s endorphins secreting and gives the male a pleasure sensation….just at the sight of the twin fawns lying in a bed of lilies. Breathtaking. I stand in awe.
No more breast feeding and no more breasts. It’s called chests or chest. This going Woke will ruin everything….sigh.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 04 April 2022 at 11:18 PM
Just some Ukraine odds and ends with some bad people POV.
As usual, (a) ya can't believe nobody and (b) Eastern European politics and war is insane, best to steer clear.
GeorgeR @ 4Apr22 update: Honestly, that just sounds like a revenge fantasy. A lot of things might happen, but I can't see any reason to assume a Putin overthrow by billionaires. It's remarkable how much his poll numbers have jumped.
Posted by: scenes | 05 April 2022 at 05:32 AM
re: birthing people.
First it was, “Whatever, boomer.” Now it’s, “Whatever, groomer.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 05 April 2022 at 08:11 AM
re: BillT@8:11AM
I think I've heard 'OK, groomer'.
That seems to hit pretty deep. Like most really good insults, it's more than a little true.
It would be interesting to really understand the children book biz and the whole expansion into LGBTQALMNOP+ thought. I've seen some pretty rude ones. I've seen some pretty rude ones that were bought for preschool/K-3. You can imagine the money that is pumped into that business at both the supply and demand end in order to help children git their minds right.
My favorite topical example of Crazytown is all the upset about the Florida bill and the way it's presented.
I can't say that there's much to argue about there, unless it's all top-secret 'dogwhistles'.
Posted by: scenes | 05 April 2022 at 09:50 AM
Just thinking out loud.
If the Russians and US want to go all scorched-earth on this stuff, I'm kind of surprised you haven't seen a big data dump by the Russians on US elite shenanigans. Of course, the reverse could happen, but my uneducated guess is that the Russkies could handle the fallout better.
I'm all for it, Mutually Assured Destruction by Data. Open them kimonos.
Posted by: scenes | 05 April 2022 at 09:55 AM
Scenes @ 9:50 am
I don’t see why the Alphabet Mob in FL is against the anti-grooming bill for children K-3 in FL public schools….unless the tranny fannies are just salivating to do some child grooming like the Muslim gangs in Rothingham, England…a place put on the map and made famous for the Islamic grooming gangs and mega child exploitation. Must a cultural thang, the Woke and the Child Groomers. Both have a big anti-Semitic problem….rather they have a big problem with Semitics.
If the child groomers would just stop and think about it, the Florida Man bill overwhelming and quite inequitably works against the heterosexuals out there. The heterosexuals and cig gender types are not allowed to utter ‘heterosexual’ and teach anything like that straight classical stuff to K-3 children. Keep ALL gender fluidity and sexual preferences out of the classroom until the 4th grade. Geez, the kids that are 5 years old do not even have sexual awareness yet. They are children.
It’s not don’t say gay, it’s don’t say straight…or normal.
“Hey teachers, leave us kids alone. All in all, you are just another brick in the wall.” Pink Floyd or some other boy band.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 05 April 2022 at 11:28 AM
Posted by: Gregory | 05 April 2022 at 12:03 PM
Just thinking out loud 2:
I saw where the US War Party has decided to issue the Urkainians some super-special drones what for to kill Russians and keep the fire burning there.
So, as the autonomy of weapons gets better and better, at what point does this become the same as moving humans into a theater?
....aside from all the web 'news' of US advisors (*cough* Cloutier *cough) and French troops in Mariupol.
This last is a great, but I would imagine untrue, story. It's not unreasonable when you consider all the US bases and special force types scattered around places like Africa. Hey, running the world is a tough gig. ( )
Posted by: scenes | 06 April 2022 at 09:42 AM
“I Want A Bleeder, Just Like the Bleeder That Married Dear Old Sperm Donor”.
“Birthing Persons, Don’t Let Your Offspring Grow Up To Be GenderFluid Keepers of Cows.”
“Up Against the Wall, Redneck BirthingPerson.”
But, wait! There’s more! We have a Harvard-educated Bleeder of Color joining the Supreme Court who never learned either in high school or Harvard about XX and XY and is just plain stumped when asked to tell the Committee “What is a woman.”
And then Judge Jackson went on to say the reason they can’t define “woman” is that they “is not a biologist.” But, but, but we are assured that Biology doesn’t even enter into the picture! If a guy parades around a locker room with all they’s junk bouncing about and SAYS they is a Bleeder, well, then they is, even though they has never bled a day in they’s life and never will.
To all the Leftie Maniacs in the world: are we at maximum crazy yet? If not, I think I will just take a very long nap until you tell me we’re at the peak. I’m not sure I can take much more.”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 08 April 2022 at 11:12 AM
NY, Calif. failed in handling of COVID — but Florida was among best: study
New York, New Jersey and California failed in their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic because of stringent lockdowns and policies, while Florida was among the best-performing states in the country, a new study has found.
The study, published by the Committee To Unleash Prosperity, graded states by comparing COVID-19 outcomes based on the number of deaths, the economy and impact on education.
Overall, the bottom 10 on the study’s “report card” were dominated by states that had the most severe pandemic lockdowns and were among the last to finally reopen schools.
“Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states,” Stephen Moore, one of the study’s authors and co-founder of the Committee To Unleash Prosperity, said Monday.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 11 April 2022 at 09:28 AM
Putin: that was then, this is now. Is that Sharon Stone I see in the background?
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 16 April 2022 at 03:23 PM