George Rebane
Re Rise Gold’s opening of the Idaho-Maryland mine, Union columnist Terry McLaughlin writes an excellent summary of the cost/benefit factors in the newspapers 21apr22 edition. I’ve been on the fence leaning toward opposition of the project. Terry’s clear, complete, and concise column helped me resolve toward opposing the project. It’s definitely worth a read (here).
2017 corporate tax cuts have now demonstrated that they paid for themselves. Beyond they gave the economy a boost, raised real wages for middle class, and attracted more capital investment to increase the nation’s productive capacity. As a collateral benefit, the rate reduction also greatly reduced the usual tax avoidance stratagems that always accompany high tax rates. In short, the working of the Laffer Curve has again been demonstrated, as has been the error of all predictors – starting with the CBO - of massive government revenue losses. Now, you’ll hear none of this from the lamestream media where all you’ll get is that the anti-American Biden wants to raise corporate rates to some progressive ‘fair share’ level. This is guaranteed to take us back to slow and no growth, especially when combined with the rest of Democrats’ butt stupid economic nostrums. (more here and here)
[22apr22 update] ‘If I were the Devil’ broadcast on 5 April 1965 is one of Paul Harvey’s most memorable commentaries. The legendary radio commentator (syndicated from 1951-2008) looks more than a half century into the future and nails it. He spelled out then what we all have experienced as the signs of our time. Definitely worth a listen today (here) as we contemplate our nation's downward spiral. (H/T to correspondent)
[24apr22 update] The recent Earth Day should be remembered for marking 52 years of utterly failed predictions by the climate hysterics. Doesn’t that just frost your external plumbing? (more here and H/T to reader)
'How America Became La La Land' describes Victor Davis Hanson in some detail. I would really like to see some of our leftwing readers respond to ANY of the points that VDH makes. If the past serves the present, that is not to be; for they are all blind or ensconced in Terminal Denial Land.
Paul Harvey certainly was prescient in his short talk. I had to re-check the original broadcast date several times to make sure it was made in 1965.
"Drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door." Sure, sure Paul H, that'll happen.
At the 2:11 mark, we see our dearly beloved federal government. It's barely acceptable if they only give no more than what they take (from taxpayers). But they have the right to print more money, so they give away more than they merely take.
It certainly appears that anyone named Paul can accurately forecast the future. While others of us have less than 100% accuracy in forecasting the past.
Posted by: The Estonian Fox | 23 April 2022 at 03:53 AM
Ah, yes - the predictions of our sciency betters.
Here's the latest:
Where have we heard that before?
No more snow, Manhattan under water - they keep getting it wrong yet still mange to hold an audience. P T Barnum was right.
Posted by: Scott O | 24 April 2022 at 12:20 PM
I suppose that this link goes here, hiding behind the guise of Paul Harvey, rather than bury it in the ‘churchy’ posts. The Great Divide stuff. The battle for the hearts and minds of our countrymen. In defense of Western Civilization.
The West’s War on the West
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 24 April 2022 at 12:32 PM
re: How America Began a LaLa Land….sort of
“Buttigieg floats 'monthly transportation payment' that 'covers everything' to replace car payments
The secretary of transportation says a "monthly mobility dividend" could be in the nation's longer-term future.”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 24 April 2022 at 05:34 PM
David Horowitz throws a cold dash of reality onto the shibboleths of progressive dogma. Are progressives crazy? No, David says, the truth is worse than that.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 24 April 2022 at 06:04 PM
Not enough water, attacks on food production, homeless tsunami the creepy grampa joe wants to import many millions of God knows who -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 24 April 2022 at 06:25 PM