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06 July 2022



The idiot governor has no idea that muskets were the assault guns of the 18th century.

He knows exactly that the musket was the "assault" rifle of that era. He also knows though, that by and large, his constituents are morons and will agree with that idea unreservedly. Indeed, it is an argument I see routinely from the "well educated" living in your fair burgh as well.

Scott O

What about that other parade mass-death incident?
Did anyone call for banning motor vehicles?
Did anyone blame an inanimate mechanical device?

Now witness the reaction of this parade incident.
Like a bunch of howler monkeys, they dance around throwing rocks at the firearm.
The actual cause of the deaths and injuries?
He gets rewarded with free food, clothing and climate-controlled shelter along with health care many Americans will never have. All at tax payer expense. For the rest of his life.

Never let a crises go to waste. Expect this to ramp up - they desperately want to disarm the law-abiding. Ask yourself why.

Paul Emery

Here's my question again:

George, do you support the bi-partisan gun safety law that Biden signed?


Here's my question a'gin... what will it do given Illinois already has all the go to gun laws that are being pushed?

It isn't a good first step... it's the only 10,000th step everyone could agree on.

Paul Emery

What ideas do you have Gregory to cut tne number of gun related deaths and mass killings due to semi automatic rifles?

Scott O

Paul - "...to cut tne number of gun related deaths and mass killings due to semi automatic rifles?"

Actually - 'mass killings' tends to be a rather nebulous term. Why not look to decrease the number of ALL murders?
The problem is the fact that there are a lot of people that don't really care about their life or yours. And society (as a whole) doesn't care to deal with it.
Looking at the type of weapon is a worthless errand for the useful idiots.

Paul Emery

Well Scott you seem to imply it the Texas school shooter had been denied legal access to a semi automatic rifle the killings would have still happened. Can you elaborate on why you believe that to be true?

George Rebane

PaulE 455p - The killings are due to culture not available murder weapons. There is very little to no recourse for a deranged person to contemplate before going on a killing rampage. We have educated out the religion in which murder is a sin, the school system which inculcates a culture that demeans murder as an absolute evil (of which there are none any longer), a LE system that does not or cannot pursue most murderers, and a corrupt judicial system that does not prosecute or adequately punish murderers. Guns per se have little to do with mass murders, since the incidence rate is vanishing given the number of weapons in the land. But guns have everything to do with resisting an autocratic state.

So Paul, tell us why you want to have more ineffective laws passed when thousands of them already exist across the land that are not being enforced as we hear again about the recent mass shootings? Wouldn't it be wiser to try enforcing existing gun control laws to see if any of them really work, before passing another layer of them to buy the votes of the dumb and dumber? Only the law-abiders who never kill anyone are the only ones being denied their 2A rights in the process. Now that wouldn't be the real reason for all the socialists wanting to end up confiscating all guns, would it?

Bill Tozer

Illinois Has All The Gun Laws Republican Senators Caved To Push States Into, And That Didn’t Stop The Highland Park Killer


Bill Tozer

Well, it looks like all of us will be punished for some bureaucratic error. Punish the innocent, the law abiders, the good guys and make them pay for some Lefty’s screw up.

‘Highland Park gunman’s history, weapon purchase raise questions whether Democrat gun laws work’
Suspect bought rifle banned by city and was allowed purchase despite prior run-ins with police, defying Illinois red flag law.


The Sandy Hook shooter got his gun from his mother, a gram er school teacher. She even took the boy to the range to practice with it. No law can stop that, even if it is on the books six ways to Sunday. To show his gratitude, the shooter shot his momma in the face….his first confirmed kill.

Paul Emery

So fish if the Texas shooter was armed with a musket could he have killed 19 children and 2 adults? I contend the Constitution didn't anticipate what the future would hold. Also George Does the Constitution include as a result of the time and place it was written the right to personally own and carry around a cannon? I assume you would know the answer to this question being a studied Constitution expert.

Bill Tozer

‘After a SCOTUS Rebuke, New York Imposes Oppressive New Restrictions on the Right To Bear Arms’

"I don't need to have numbers," Gov. Kathy Hochul said when asked about the evidence supporting the law.


Don Bessee

Not to the putin party parrots talking points for lefties. At the time there were rifles as well as muskets, so your point is moot oh great ponytail of ignorance.


Bill Tozer

Carrying around a cannon would be rather difficult. Biden was babbling something about a cannon awhile back. Fact checkers said he was wrong, whatever ignorance he was spouting. Can’t remember if it is Constitutional to possess a cannon or not. The is one weapon with a nasty recoil. I would not stand behind one, not to mention trying to carry one around. I ain’t that buff.

Bill Tozer

Two Illegal Aliens Arrested In Alleged Mass Shooting Plot On July 4th Celebration, Had Guns


It’s against federal law for an illegal alien to possess, carry, hold, or touch a firearm. That is a law AOC deems racist. I had no idea illegals are a race.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 06 July 2022 at 05:43 PM

So fish if the Texas shooter was armed with a musket could he have killed 19 children and 2 adults? I contend the Constitution didn't anticipate what the future would hold.

I think that you will find that your opinions, other than as objects of derision, are of very little interest to me

Bill Tozer

More human error. Punish the law abiding citizens because humans screwed the pooch. Same as at Stoneman.

Uvalde officer aimed rifle at gunman outside school but didn't fire, new report finds


Paul Emery

fish 6:26

That's because you don't have an answer to my response.

Scott O

Paul - "I contend the Constitution didn't anticipate what the future would hold."

We agree, Paul. Because the Constitution can not anticipate anything. But the authors could and certainly did anticipate all sorts of things.
It is probably beyond Paul's ability to understand that the authors were educated in a way that most are not these days. They were certainly well versed on the history of warfare and weapons development through the ages. At the time of the American Revolution, newer and more accurate types of firearms were being deployed on both sides. The idea that the founding fathers thought that firearm innovations would cease in the late 1700s is beyond idiotic. And the point is actually moot, since the founders wanted the average citizen to be armed with the same weaponry as the soldier of any army, no matter what the pace of firearms technology. Our 2nd A rights have steadily regressed as more advanced firepower is increasingly only in the hands of the govt.
The brilliance of the founding fathers is becoming increasingly clear as the decades roll on. The original documents far from being outmoded and old fashioned, speak clearly to us about the folly of entrusting our rights to the govt.
But as Ben was supposed to have said - "A republic, if you can keep it".
Now we see frightened and ignorant sheep as citizens begging the govt to take away our rights in some pathetic and futile hope that safety will be assured.

Scott O

Paul 4:55 - "Can you elaborate on why you believe that to be true?"

It's obvious he wanted to kill a lot of defenseless children - he did deliberately drive to the school.
HOW he killed them is a fairly ridiculous thing to dwell on besides the fact that such an occurrence was supposed to have been anticipated and prevention measures were supposed to have been put in place. Odd that such shootings never happen in schools where the important people have their children enrolled.

Scott O

Timothy McVeigh killed 19 children as well as just a tad more others.
He didn't have a musket and he didn't have an assault rifle.
To this day, there is nothing to stop anyone from reproducing the same sort of bomb.
We can try to have a society that doesn't produce such a bumper crop of homicidal folk or we can just constantly squabble over petty details of such and such kind of firearm. Paul is of the latter type.

Paul Emery


You write that " the founders wanted the average citizen to be armed with the same weaponry as the soldier of any army," Can you show me the exact wording in the Constitution that says that?

Paul Emery

This is the 2nd Amendment. Nothing about what you infer Scott. Feel free to correct me as to where that came from.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Don Bessee

Willfully idiocy @ 741,745 ROFLOL


Bill Tozer

Try the Federalist Papers, Punchy. There you will be informed to what the framers of the Constitution were thinking, debating, the pros and cons, and the whys. Very informative and very much worth the time. It’s laid out bare. The insight.

Bill Tozer

Try the Federalist Papers, Punchy. There you will be informed to what the framers of the Constitution were thinking, debating, the pros and cons, and the whys. Very informative and very much worth the time. It’s laid out bare. The insight.

Scott O

"Can you show me the exact wording in the Constitution that says that?"

Never said it was in the Constitution, Paul.
See the above by BT.
I'm always forgetting how pathetically uneducated you are.


Posted by: psul Emery | 06 July 2022 at 06:46 PM

That's because you don't have an answer to my response

No I suppose I don’t.

But rest assured, your opinions and political beliefs absolutely are as I mentioned earlier……zero interest to me other than a bottomless well of mordant humor.

Bill Tozer

Jefferson: “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

Madison: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person,”

Monroe: check out the Federalist Papers, not people’s opinions on them.

Bill Tozer

Man o man, do they get more irrelevant by the day or what? Pick a card, any card.


Paul Emery

Hmmm What does the word Constitutional mean then? The Federalist Papers offered many different ideas and interpretations authored by the founding fathers many of which were debated with differing ideas. For example here's Hamiltons idea about what the "milita" should be.

"It is, therefore, with the most evident propriety, that the plan of the convention proposes to empower the Union 'to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United states…"

Nowhere in the constitution were there considerations for the right of teenagers to possess weapons to use at their will to commit mass murders.

Don Bessee

Talk about flying the ignorance flag @853 What was the average life expectancy in the 1700's and the average age of the colonies at the same time?

The enumerated right to bear arms is what it is no matter how much bovine scatology you spew #sadoldman


Scott O

"Nowhere in the constitution were there considerations for the right of teenagers to possess weapons to use at their will to commit mass murders."

Paul - you're off the rails.
There's no sense in trying to communicate with an idiot. No one ever claimed you had the Constitutional right to murder anyone with any sort of weapon whatever.


Nowhere in the constitution were there considerations for the right of teenagers to possess weapons to use at their will to commit mass murders.


Don Bessee


‘Recall George Gascón’ Hands in 26% More Signatures than Required



Don Bessee

Reality check for the socialist greens, the peons are not happy having to bake or freeze -

Energy shortages have become a major issue in recent years, as California reduces its dependence on traditional power sources and leans more heavily on solar, wind and other renewables. The state’s grid is particularly vulnerable in the early-evening hours during major heatwaves — when solar fades but it’s still too hot to click off air conditioners.



Don Bessee

Professional courtesy ho to ho? -

California governor rolls back law criminalizing ‘loitering for the intent to engage in sex work’



Paul Emery

The point I am making is that the world was a different place when the Constitution was written and I doubt they intended the 2nd Amendment to apply to teenagers wanting to commit mass murder.


Posted by: psul Emery | 07 July 2022 at 07:23 AM

You would save everybody a great deal of time if you would stop pretending you're Larry King and just offer your preferred policy prescription (making AR style rifles illegal and having them confiscated).

Good lord but you're tedious!


Joe Biden......a wholly owned subsidiary of the People’s Republic of China.

Millions Of Barrels From US Emergency Oil Reserve Sent Abroad, Including To China

“With a growing number of people realizing that the Biden administration has drained more oil from the US strategic petroleum reserve, which is meant to be used during real emergencies not fake, made up ones such as Democrats facing a catastrophic failure at the midterm elections...

That “Biden Legacy”......gonna be a doozy!



Uh oh.......black guy, AR15, faux Klansmen.....


Shorter Cheryl Cook...... error.....error......error........processing.....error

“A dazzling display of logic captain......we’re in grave danger!

Bill Tozer

“Nowhere in the constitution were there considerations for the right of teenagers to possess weapons to use at their will to commit mass murders.”

The recent shooting in Illinois was committed by a 22 year old adult. The horrible shooting at the gay Pulse nightclub was committed by an employed married man who was saying something about Allahu Akbar on the phone to police for twenty minutes. Horrible mass murder. Horrible. The last thing you want to hear in that bar besides “Is this stool taken?” Is “ Akbar.” All our trained LE, FBI, and DOJ still have not found out what his motive was, lol.

James Hodgkinson was a married man and not a teenager when he tried to commit mass murder of Republican politicians on a baseball field in Alexandria, VA.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it consider the right of a married adult to make a bomb out of cookware to blow up runners and spectators in Boston at a marathon.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it give any person the right to murder….be it an unborn child or random acts of mass murder. However, there are rights laid out in the Constitution that are granted by our Creator that proceed any government.

Paul, Government does not grant any of us inalienable rights. No man had the right to rule over others. The federal government’s primary job is to protect each individual’s inalienable rights, not grant them. It’s self evident.

In the crafting of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights was added to the document. Some of our founding fathers were opposed to inclusion of the Bill of Rights because our natural rights are so self evident via our Constitution’s the limits and prohibitions of government that listing those rights would be a slippery slope because government would/could interrupt rights not listed as fair game to intrude.
Some Founding Fathers, most famously Alexander Hamilton, argued that it was not necessary to include a bill of rights in the Constitution.

"the constitution is itself in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS. The several bills of rights, in Great-Britain, form its constitution, and conversely the constitution of each state is its bill of rights. And the proposed constitution, if adopted, will be the bill of rights of the union.”
-Federalist No. 84

The Bill of Rights was written based on the Virginia Statehouse ‘bill of rights.”

“Many Americans, persuaded by a pamphlet written by George Mason, opposed the new government. Mason was one of three delegates present on the final day of the convention who refused to sign the Constitution because it lacked a bill of rights.

James Madison and other supporters of the Constitution argued that a bill of rights wasn't necessary because - “the government can only exert the powers specified by the Constitution.” But they agreed to consider adding amendments when ratification was in danger in the key state of Massachusetts.”

The Magna Carter, common law, the Jude’s-Christian tradition, natural law, the Ten Commandments all condemned murder. It was up to the States to enact criminal and civil law.

Scott O

"I doubt they intended the 2nd Amendment to apply to teenagers wanting to commit mass murder."

Well - we'll just have them declare their intentions when they fill out the ATF 4473!
We'll have a line that asks if they intend to commit mass murder. Problem solved.
No one would ever put false info on the form - they'd get in big, big trouble.


"I doubt they intended the 2nd Amendment to apply to teenagers wanting to commit mass murder"

They didn't and it doesn't. Punchy be punchin' air.

Bill Tozer

Is it possible??

‘Did reefer drive the Highland Park parade ‘killer’ Robert Crimo to madness?’

“You don’t need to be a psychiatrist to know that the Highland Park shooter is sick in the head.

His evil act is unfathomable, but he does fit a familiar pattern of mass killers: alienated young male stoners who appear to be in the grip of a distinctively American madness.

Those who knew the 21-year-old suspect, Robert Crimo III, say he habitually smoked cannabis, a habit he appeared to share with young mass shooters, including at Uvalde, Dayton, Parkland and Aurora.

Obviously weed didn’t make them commit their evil acts, but it may have scrambled their brains enough for empathy to take a holiday.

As the country rushes headlong into the embrace of Big Weed, we need to heed the warning signs, not least in the scientific literature that increasingly shows that cannabis triggers psychosis, and in the emergency rooms where mentally ill kids are the living proof of its harms.

The higher the potency of THC, the worse it is, especially for the developing adolescent brain.”……..

Crimo’s mother, holistic practitioner Denise Pesina, 48, was filmed by ABC News Tuesday screaming at police outside her home and exposing her breast at them. (Which one?)


Peachfuzz Oxnardo

Dr. Rebane

re update: Victims of Communism Museum.

The link at the bottom takes one back to where they started, FYI.

Don Bessee

Kick out tens of thousands of troops over ineffective vaccines and going woke and they wonder why they have the worst enlistment numbers ever -



Don Bessee

Self-inflicted wound in dem shitholes -

Police pulling back on traffic stops impairs authorities' ability to limit 'gun violence': Experts
About 80% of illegal guns were taken off Philadelphia streets during traffic stops



George Rebane

Peach 1246p - Many thanks; it's fixed.

Paul Emery


Do you support the bi-partican gun safety bill that was just signed into law by President Biden?

George Rebane

PaulE 154a - No. It promises more restrictions without having even shown that the existing gun restrictions either work or are being assiduously enforced. Note the above comment on reducing traffic stops during which a large share of illegal guns are confiscated. The politicians piling on more ineffective gun laws are basically rock apes dressed in suit and tie.

And I've already explained in these comment streams my take on mass gun violence, and it has nothing to do with keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. Apparently you have not read any of these missives. (Why do I bother?)

Paul Emery

OK George

Is there any kind of legislation you might support to decrease the number of mass killings by by guns?


punchy 201p

These rogue guns going out and killing masses of people... they don't have someone loading them up, pointing them and pulling their trigger?

A problem you have is that there is no legislation that fits that bill.

Don Bessee

Guns dont kill people, people kill people @201


Paul Emery


I don't recall you commentating specifically on your opinion of the bi-partisan bill just signed by Biden.


Posted by: psul Emery | 07 July 2022 at 02:01 PM

C'mon Larry.....why don't you quit fucking around and tell us you're going to solve the problem!

You know you're just dying to!


I remember a few years ago, one VP of the USA at the time was saying that the paperwork one has to sign under penalty of perjury to buy a firearm were doing their job if they resulted in the purchase being blocked by a background check.

The perjury didn't need to be dealt with, that the perp was looking to buy a firearm and willing to lie to get it wasn't an issue.

That VP was Joe Biden.

Scott O

As George points out - why pass new gun laws when the govt obviously has no interest in enforcing the ones we have? Well - sometimes...
Scroll down to see the actual form.
Hunter himself admitted he was a drug addict on the date shown on the form.

Don Bessee

Going down in flames and none too soon -

Citing polling that shows Cheney the least popular member of Congress in 2021, Enten acknowledged only 17 percent of Republicans nationwide approved of Cheney’s alliance with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) January 6 committee. Sixty-one percent disapproved. More specifically, the article also noted Cheney’s opponent, Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman, is leading Cheney “by a significant margin” of 28 to 30 points in Wyoming.



George Rebane

PaulE 237p - No, my comments on misuse of guns and the 2A are far more encompassing and incorporates the contents of the latest piece of futile legislation to "protect the children". The needed change is in our culture which has degraded to the point where traditional values and mores, that kept the peace and insane people at bay, have been trammeled by the nation's Left as per the dictates laid out by Lenin, and summarized beautifully in Paul Harvey's 'If I Were the Devil'. Unfortunately all this is now beyond the ken of progressives and the woke generation.

As Gregory 230p points out, there is no legislation that can fix that.

Bill Tozer

Suburbs: Highland Park, 6-7 dead. Not normal for suburbs.
Downtown Chicago: 11 shot dead since Highland Park. Normal for Chicago.

Bill Tozer

Suburbs: Highland Park, 6-7 dead. Not normal for suburbs.
Downtown Chicago: 11 shot dead since Highland Park. Normal for Chicago.


The Chicago deaths were mostly from Mr. Nine Millimeter and they are spread throughout the year.

The Highland Park deaths were from Mr. AR-15. Much worse karma.


Hey….where’d Larry go? He was going to tell how to fix the AR15 issue!

Don Bessee

Whats wrong with this picture -





Don Bessee

The most restrictive gun laws and yet, you cant fix crazy. The aclu making impossible to institutionalize the threats to society owns a lot of it. He did a lot of good and stood up to the chi coms, putin and fat little rocket man. -



Paul Emery


You don't expect anyone to take Brietbart seriously do you? Try another source.

Bill Tozer

Paul @ 10:16 pm

Evening Punchy. You comment to Don was rather lame. Surely you have better arrows in your quiver than that.

Check this out. It’s free! Maybe you could take the on-line course and teach those who watch Amy Goodman and listen to KVMR a thing or two about our democracy. Why not dazzle them with your brilliance instead of baffling them with your bull pucky for once.


Maybe we can sign up together and take a journey on the Truth Train.

Bill Tozer

‘Biden Claims He Never Said Anything Negative About John McCain. He Lied.’


Opps. Off topic. Sorry…


RIP Abe, felled by a Japanese navy vet armed with a short smoothbore zip gun that appears to be two pipes affixed to wood with tape.

At least it wasn't an AR.

Scott O

Oh look - they decided enforce gun possession laws!
Why, the rascals lied about illegal drug use!
Grrrr - go git 'em FBI - we gots laws in this country and we have equal application of the law!

Scott O

re Gregory 6:39 - Japan needs to enact common sense gun laws. Then this wouldn't have happened.


Posted by: Scott O | 08 July 2022 at 07:32 AM


Bill Tozer

Biden on gun control


Paul Emery

Re Bill 10:25 PM

Nobody will listen to you Bill since you totally discredited yourself with your public admission that you would like to crap on Pelosi's desk. True low life mentality.

Michael Kesti

Paul Emery | 08 July 2022 at 09:31 AM

It is very prog/lib/lefty/dem of you to think that you speak for others.


Posted by: psul Emery | 08 July 2022 at 09:31 AM

Nobody will listen to you psul since you totally discredited yourself with your public admission that you wouldn’t like to crap on Pelosi's desk.

I mean what sane person wouldn’t want to?

Now where’s the solution to the AR15 problem that you were hinting at?

Bill Tozer

Abe: gun related.


-A Game of Labels: Media Chide Abe While Praising Dictators/Terrorists

-ABC, NBC Chalk Up Abe Assassination to ‘Gun Violence’ in Country With ‘Stringent’ Gun Laws

-CBS Smears Abe as ‘Polarizing,’ ‘Right-Wing Nationalist’ With ‘Controversial’ Views


Bill Tozer

Oh Paul, I am wounded. Speaking of Pelosi, she is an udder disgrace.


Scott O

One example of those modern high tech 3-D printed "ghost guns".

We need to do background checks at the plumbing supply store.

Scott O

BT 10:35 - C'mon, man!
At least she's not twerking on the beach in Italia ala Rhode Island's favorite new gal Tiara Mack!
Look - the mid-terms are coming. The Dems are getting really, really desperate for votes.


toes 1033a ... don't have a cow, man!

Don Bessee

Bought and paid for creepy grampa joe is now letting them raid the food closet in time of war and selling them our oil reserves to the crackheads chi com business partner is reprehensible!



Bill Tozer

(8jul22 update] The Democrats are desperately trying to divert the country’s attention from the ongoing foreign policy mess, the open border crisis, exploding crime rates, soaring inflation, shelves empty of critical goods, historically high gasoline prices, ongoing Covid muddle, fetid cities filled with vagrant encampments, dysfunctional public schools, pending recession, and announced policies guaranteed make each of these social catastrophes worse. The only diversions they have left now is to blanket the country with lies about J6, SCOTUS, and “the best economy in our history”.

Well, not all Democrats.

‘Joe’s a lost cause: No plan, no hope from Biden, say blunt lefties’

“There was a point when Biden could have adjusted. He could have admitted the border is a crisis, he could have stopped his pricey war on fossil fuels, he could have pushed back on the excesses of lefty wokeness instead of calling half the country bigots for wanting to protect women’s sports. But he didn’t, and that time has passed. It is as if he has been standing in cement for two years and it has finally dried. Joe Biden’s presidency now sleeps with the fishes.“


Biden polls in the here and now are worse than Trump’s lowest poll.

Bill Tozer

re: the best economy in history


Bill Tozer

re: July 8 updates


"An out of control Supreme Court”? “Extremist elements”? The Democrats will violate any norm, tear down any institution, in their rabid pursuit of political power."


George Rebane

BillT 1000p - “… not all Democrats.” Only the ones who count.

Bill Tozer

@ 7:00 am

Good point.

Don Bessee

Inside the gate shit inside the WH -



Paul Emery

Not true Bill. Trumps lowest poll numbers according to RCP consensus polling was 21.3 in Dec '17

Bidens current consensus is 19.1 which is dreadful but still not the worst in history as you contend. Also Bush was -32 when he left office. So AS of now Biden is 3rd worst in modern history.


Don Bessee

Well i guess he would know -




Posted by: psul Emery | 09 July 2022 at 02:57 PM

Oh thanks god you’re here! Now you can tell us about your solution to the AR15 problem that you were hinting at last week!


Bill Tozer

Too toxic to get associated with.

Ohio Democrats skip Biden event as his polls sink toward historic low for first-term president



db 310p

oh, my... the big guy ain't gonna like that, if he's allowed to see it.

Bill Tozer

@ 5:14pm

Well, Hunter is the smartest man our President has ever met…so Hunter must know.
re: July 8 update.

‘Look How Even Democrat Opinion Shifts On Abortion Laws When Polls Stop Using Leftist Framing’

'Too much red flag for bank': The tale of Hunter Biden's payments to alleged Russian prostitutes
Senators' pressure on DOJ to probe wire transfers part of larger concerns about Biden family being compromised by overseas business dealings.


Bill Tozer

Might be on topic concerning the poem update. Does explain why Dems are always in a foul mood, win or lose. The glum lot.

Byron York.
‘Why Joe Biden can't make Democrats happy’


Paul Emery


You've got to be kidding. Do you actually think a poll from the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists has any credibility? How about a poll that would ask whether day after pills should be legal or whether life begins at conception. What do you think the numbers would be on that.


Posted by: Paul Emery | 09 July 2022 at 08:43 PM

So we don’t get to hear your AR15 plan?

Paul Emery

Been really busy fish. Someday soon

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