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31 December 2022



In SEIU We Trust, George. Get with the new program. Save Our Democracy.

Bill Tozer

For those of us behind the WSJ paywall



Bill Tozer

Year in Review: California Got Even Crazier in 2022



And New York State is a close second!


Probably knows something I don't.


Cereal Liar

Old news...

"Fast food may remain affordable for at least another year in California, but possibly at the expense of increased wages for the industry's workers.

AB 257, or the FAST Act, also known as Fast Food Recovery Act, was signed into law by California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 5 to go into effect in January. Two days later, the FAST Act was met with a voter referendum effort to block the law.

A million signatures and 90 days later, the block proved successful. The law can’t be implemented unless it wins a ballot vote in November 2024.

The FAST Act would give an appointed 10-member state council, or “Fast Food Council,” wide-ranging authority over fast food and fast casual restaurants in California with more than 100 locations nationwide. The council could raise the minimum wage to $22 per hour in 2023 and up to 3.5% annually after that. It could also set minimum standards for working conditions, maximum hours worked, security, and more."


Bill Tozer

Fast Food law in CA is to be on ballot in 2024.

The announcement means the law, also known as the Fast Recovery Act, approved last year by the Legislature is suspended until California voters decide on the November 2024 ballot whether to repeal the law.


‘Californians put fast-food law on 2024 ballot’
The law creates a council that would set minimum wages and standards for working conditions at fast-food restaurants


Ah, an unelected council….another commissar.

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